The Words of Wisdom Bakery (The WOW Bakery) is a 10-part Christian educational series that is grounded in The Visionary Method For Christian Practice (The VMFCP), but without the use of media, which is unique to the educational series. Rather, The WOW Bakery uses a combination of the foundational elements of curated Christian educational information and teaching and pastoral resources (activities or frameworks), that are used to help people engage in the learning processes of self-reflection, critical thinking, problem solving skills, knowledge building and understanding that relates to the real-world. Each series or season of the WOW Bakery has its own theme: the original ‘The WOW Bakery’ series focuses on the self (identity), and the second series is based on building faith. Series 2 of ‘The WOW Bakery’ is taken from ‘The Elekwachi Method For Christian Practice’s  ‘Contention Module’, which is featured in the unpublished ‘The VMFCP: For Him/Her’ as the ‘Full Armor of God Bible Study’, and is what some people would call a devotional.


  • Series 1: ‘The WOW Bakery’ - Nurturing identity’ is a short, engaging  and simple Christian education series that was designed to broaden the mind and define the self, which is grounded in developing self-reflective, critical-thinking, and problem solving skills in a manner that helps  strengthen the individual identity. Hence, the focus of ‘The WOW Bakery’ is developing genuine lifelong wisdom, which is based on (1) learning how to make better choices, and (2) knowing who you are, and being okay with it – as one of the most important lessons in life is that not everyone has to be the same, and therefore, it follows that the people who accept you despite a difference of opinion; level of intellect; taste in music; fashion sense; wealth; funniness, or not being funny at all (which can make it funny); different hobbies or interests; past mistakes or regrets (that have been owned up to, and overcome); minor character flaws; having an accent;  or belonging to a different ethnicity and culture – are the people who genuinely love you the most.



  • Series 2: ‘The WOW Bakery - The Full Armor of God’ is the ‘Full Armor of God Bible Study’ repurposed as a short, engaging  and simple Christian education series that was designed to build genuine faith in the Lord, the Most High God by explaining faith and the different elements that are connected to it; how they relate the Truth; believing in The Lord, the Most High God and His almighty power; and using this knowledge and belief to help navigate through life with a mindset that is strengthened by faith. ‘The WOW Bakery-The Full Armor of God’ educational series utilises Apostle Paul’s depiction of ancient Roman armour as a metaphor for the optimal mindset of Christian people (Ephesians 6:10-18). Hence, it is designed to help people develop resilience that is grounded in faith, logic and perseverance, which can bring success (in its multiple forms). In brief, ‘The WOW Bakery- The Full Armor of God’ discusses the pieces of ancient Roman armour and weaponry listed in Ephesians 6:10-18 in relation to their practical and philosophically-linked purpose or function, so that people can better understand why they need the Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, the hope of salvation and prayer, and how they help in daily life. The understanding of the aforementioned is broadened through the use of self-reflective and Bible study questions that help engage Christians in meaningful Biblical study that familiarises them with it’s content; while, the ‘Armour Inspection’ activity or framework is used to help people translate faith, and the other related  elements into real life choices,  whether they are simple or major life decisions.  Hence, ‘the full armour of God’ is the ultimate warrior’s outfit... but for the mind, and was created to help people walk in faith without fear, or rather help them to overcome fear, worry or anxiety through faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ.




‘The WOW Bakery’ is currently only available in person, and is only available for the purpose of:

  • Licensed Use in Churches, or Christian Education Institutions for general public use i.e. teaching students or learners (members of the Body of Christ).
    • ‘The WOW Bakery’ can only be used by an anointed and trained Instructor who has successfully completed: (1) 'The Basic Educational Psychology & Building The Self Workshop’, (2) The IPT, and (3) The Discipline of Christian Education.


The VMFCP websites are currently offline

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