(1)The single man stuck amongst the heathen of the “left side” (‘dead’ people and sinners with TMOTB) being insulted and beaten represents me even though I am not a man – I am a woman (The Apocalypse of Abraham, Box, G.H. & Landsman, J.L., 1919, Chapter XXIX, page 78). To be clear, “having the form of a man” is a reference to my many male spiritual titles, the most important being the one related to the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence, being beaten is obviously a metaphor for Christian persecution, as a dragon chasing a woman through the wilderness and pouring water out of its mouth (Revelation 12:15) – this was stated in The Discipline of Health Management Elaboration i.e. my explanations and points of teaching are explained or reiterated across multiple articles or eBooks, which represents one collective eBook i.e. a digital tablet of my Christian information/teachings that are “here a little, and there a little” (it’s just how things worked out, not my intention and it’s no issue for the repentant, but clearly it is a massive statement of rejection by the Lord, the Most High God, against those who continually persecute me and try to prevent me from taking my rightful position of authority in Christianity, which is of course self-detrimental and futile – Isaiah 30:8-10, Isaiah 28:13).
Extract from The Discipline of Health Management: An Elaboration Based on Biblical Evidence & Real-Life Experience: More so, it's worth mentioning that Isaiah 50:6 is obviously a metaphor for Christian persecution (women don’t have beards, and my foes can’t spit on me because of the spiritual restraint of TMOTB, which is why they used COVID-19 i.e. they are free to be unhygienic and cough everywhere to try and infect people, which of course = feral). After all, did I not face persecution every time I was in the presence of wicked Australian people or other people, whether it was for university study, leisure, running errands, a Health Management experiment, or an attempted persecution sabbatical (travel to America and Townsville, Queensland)?
This explanation makes it clear that even though a man is referenced, the Biblical text can still reference a woman, especially when words are meant to be interpreted metaphorically and and not literally. The strictly literal interpretation has probably ruined many people, and they only read it that way because they want to control interpretation by using or supporting poor word choices, and therefore untruthful, stupid and wicked meanings: : as also in all of his letters, speaking in them of these things. In those, there are some things that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unsettled twist, as they also do to the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.~ 2 Peter 3:16
To make things clearer, my obvious attempts to distance myself from Christian people and collaborate with “Kings” infers that I do not desire to be in the middle of people’s troubles, especially when I have no direct or real duty of care over them, whether it is a personal or professional relationship (only a spiritual bond exists when people receive the Holy Spirit, so I am Christian people’s spiritual mother, not their real one, and so, I am not deluded in my thinking, i.e. I do not need to treat anyone like my own biological child, sister or brother. More so, the ‘zombies’ need to understand that reading my work, and failing to be Christian by actually keeping the commandments means that they failed, and are therefore not considered among Christian people, especially if I know them personally, or my family has told me things that have happened to them in daily life, which enables me to deduce that those surrounding them are ‘zombies’ i.e. my mother’s colleagues…). Hence, it should be understand that a respective duty of care is the responsibility of “Kings” that actually hold power over people like national governments. Therefore, the main conclusion is that Christians are only joined by faith… nothing more, which means that Christian people still maintain their heritage and cultural identity (if they actually have one…). Thus, it should be understood that this concept is reflected by Isaiah 60, where the “least one” (Isaiah 60:22), is me who has been brought low by my unfavourable circumstances (Isaiah 29:4), in which I was forced to complete everything on my own, and therefore, the eventual clan the becomes a mighty nation is the future collective of Christian nations, which as one whole refers to Christian people or the Body of Christ, which is conceptually the entire Christian nation – a nation comprised of autonomous countries all bound by the creed of peace, love, righteousness and faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Extract from Reprove 3 - To further elaborate on the Scripture Ephesians 5:21-33, it should be made clear that Ephesians 5:25-27 refers to the Body of Christ (a lot of people), which is metaphorically described as the wife of Christ i.e. He is not Christian people’s real husband. It has also already been mentioned that the Lord, the Most High God also metaphorically referred to the Ancient House of Israel as His wife, furthermore, the future Holy City is also described as His Bride, and so, people must understand that certain Biblical terms have more than one context, which signifies the literal or metaphorical nature of a relationship. For example, it was previously stated the Bride is also one of my Spiritual titles and that is because I am the future wife of the Lord, Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:6-9 and 22:17). This should also make it clear that the “one who conquers” from Revelation 21:6-7 is whoever drank ‘living waters’ first – and I know I received mine straight from the Holy Bible years ago, which then led to me receiving the Holy Spirit (April 2018), spiritual gifts and spiritual titles that enabled me to create legitimate Christian teachings that would help save other people i.e. ‘living waters’ (Revelation 22:17). Therefore, it should be understood once again that there is no “competition” because I have already been granted the rewards because whoever becomes a “Son” or rather female Son, which is a Daughter (Psalm 45:10) can only do so through spiritual title, which is only possible by marriage. Yet the other important factors also determine the Bride of the Lord, the Most High God like faithfulness (faithful Christian remnant); bloodline (The House of King David, and most likely Levitical heritage - He would want His own biological children to inherit the best Covenants, which are granted to people of His own heritage, Message 6); a suitable age (Jesus Christ was around 30 years old when He ascended into Heaven, and is therefore frozen at that same age (Luke 3:23) – just as I would have stopped ageing when I received the Holy Spirit i.e. just before the age of 25); the identity of my soul (a righteous soul from the Kingdom of Heaven, who had known Jesus Christ or Solomon in an earlier lifetime i.e. compatibility); chastity; and experiencing an ascension trial, which is the obvious necessary criteria to become a “lamb” through marriage to the Lord, Jesus Christ i.e. only I fit that criteria because of the Lord’s will…
Extract from Reprove 3 - The Scripture 1 Corinthians 11:3, and various extracts also indicates that even as a woman, I have sole temporary authority over the entire Body of Christ until His Second-coming due to my ‘Special One in Christ’ (Spiritual title); seniority as a matured and tested Christian Elder (firstborn Christian who has received the Holy Spirit); and also because I am the trained Scribe for the “end of the age” because my spiritual gifts, expertise and righteousness is and will remain unmatched (Matthew 13:52)
1 Corinthians 11:3 -3 But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
Extract From Lost in Translation – Volume 2: Women Should Not Speak in Church (pg.13) - To conclude, the Holy Spirit is the great equalizer between men and women in the Body of Christ, and this is because the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, is greater than that of men’s (1 Corinthians 11:3, Galatians 3:28). Therefore, it follows that receiving the Holy Spirit is how a “female makes themselves male”, as the Holy Spirit is greater than a man’s spirit, yet it comes from God who is technically a man. Regardless, the concept of a “woman becoming a man” or vice versa, is not to be taken literally because it is simply a spiritual metaphor that refers to women receiving the Holy Spirit (pg.8). Hence, it follows that under the New Covenant a woman can do what the unwise would consider a "man’s job", but people forget or do not understand that God looks at the heart (moral conscience) and character; not appearances (1 Samuel 16:7). [This explanation is based on Gospel of Thomas 114, which says: “Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for females do not deserve life." Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven." (Miller, 1992) – and means that by receiving the Holy Spirit, women are made equal with men, and therefore it is how a woman becomes a man, but only in a spiritual sense that has no other bearing on sexuality i.e. receiving the Holy Spirit does not make a woman a lesbian, which is an abomination to the Christian faith (sexual immorality). To be clear, Simon Peter was not saying that Mary should die, but that he didn’t think women should have the Holy Spirit, and clearly The Lord, the Most High God, Jesus Christ, disagreed. More so, a ‘living spirit’ is a soul living on earth in human form i.e. a biological container or vessel that contains the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 52:11 i.e. only the Faith Church, the Church in Philadelphia (me and my family) fits this criteria, as no one else known to me has the Holy Spirit, and if they do have it, they are not invited because they chose to stay far away from me throughout our troubles (abandoned) – and so, it must be understood that being Christian does not mean that you are forced to be anyone’s personal friend…].
Extract from Message 7: Therefore, people need to stop denying, lying and start acknowledging the Truth: what the Bible says is the Truth, there is no way around it – and I am the only one who can “read” and explain it properly (Matthew 24:35, Gospel of Thomas 22).
“Make two into one” – Uniting the faithful remnant and Christian converts with TMOTB, which can and will be achieved through Church reform.
“Make the inner like the outer, and the outer like the inner” – stopping falsehood (trying to murder people, while pretending you are repenting or repentant), lying, and starting to make choices based on love and good moral conscience (heart) i.e. righteousness.
“upper like the lower” – “kings”, “princes”, "queens" and "princesses" being Christian, and the masses being Christian, rather than just the masses. It should be mentioned that the "masses" persecuting me were trying to force " communist revolution ideals" upon me, so they were trying to make me into an enemy of the church [and “Kings”] a long time ago... so perhaps Australian and English Babylonians always knew some "kings” would turn (I doubt Babylon shared the whole truth about how much they have foreseen and know through Satanic divination...)
“make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female” – not ignoring the Truth because it comes from a woman, and trying to stop a woman doing her duty because of the male ego (The Holy Spirit is the great equalizer, there is Biblical evidence and precedent, Lost in Translation - Volume 2, pg.13).
“make eyes in place of an eye” – stopping the biased TMOTB victim mentality, you caused your own problem, you blamed me and my family for your own wickedness and moral failure. You fail to consider anyone else’s personal circumstances (selfishness), yet I consistently thought of other people.
“a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the (Father's) domain]." – being honest and , if something is a spade then call it a spade i.e. if someone is a racist then call them a racist; if someone is wicked then say they are wicked; if you are a criminal then acknowledge your criminality, and take the steps to make changes; if a Scribe obviously knows more then you and can help you, then accept their help; if certain choices are sinful then call it sin, for example, same-sex relationships are unnatural. It is that simple.
(2) My choices have been 100% correct, and I am in no way expected to chain myself to billions of people, who I don't really have time for - there are bigger matters that my knowledge and expertise should be dedicated to, which is why I appealed to "Kings". So to the "little fish", it’s not wholly personal, its more to do with practicality, sensibility and my own wellbeing, as well as my family’s.
Extract From Message 7: The above is said because Babylonians, and other people who go along with their wickedness, literally try and fulfill Scriptures as if Jesus Christ would actually let them have control of how Scriptures are interpreted or how prophecies are fulfilled, which is why I say there is a strong sense of delusion among them. Therefore, it must be understood that these people actually think they can play God, do you know how many times I have been disgusted and embarrassed at their stupid ways of trying to “fulfill a Scripture”. I am “the reader” (Mark 13:16), a Scribe, and I hold the spiritual title of Wisdom (my only permanent Spiritual title – Gospel of Thomas 30 i.e. God, the Father; God, the Son (Jesus Christ); Wisdom (a spirit and power of God, the Father). This means that I hold greater influence on how Scriptures are fulfilled when it relates to my own personal circumstances, yet the Lord is my God, so I honour the Truth of His Word. For example, I already know that Isaiah 29:22-24 will not be fulfilled by me teaching lay Christian Biafran people anytime soon, because I don’t want to be in the midst of ungrateful Biafran children anytime soon (the House of Jacob i.e. The chosen people descended from The Ancient House of Israel), where ‘Jacob’ has already been mentioned as one of my spiritual titles i.e. “Jacob shall no more be ashamed” – other people shouldn’t worry because Isaiah 29:18-19 covers everyone else). It will go like this: when I eventually return home to Biafra, I will be surprised at how many Christians there are, and that’s it… and this is because I will no longer be ashamed of my people for their lack of unity (supporting their own people), slowness to repent, and being shocked at their rebellion (face growing pale, Isaiah 29:22). This also means that no one outside of Independent Christian Counsel clientele will be taught by me, so forget it – I am not interested, but I am interested in helping Churches and governments for the sake of many people (Isaiah 29:18, Isaiah 49:6, where it has already been decided that I will delegate the raising up of the tribes Jacob to someone else since that's what my people wanted i.e. indirectly fulfilled sometime in the future).
[My wise interest and choice to help “Kings” is also reflected in The Apocalypse of Abraham on pg. 36 which says “ The time of the righteous meeteth [then] first through the holiness (flowing) from kings and righteous dealing rulers whom I at first created in order from such to rule among them.” This means that it is leaders who are pre-ordained to help save their people, and that is because their people, the masses (“little fish”), are too weak, lack courage, and are not righteous enough to devote time to personally teach, especially when there are too many of them that need more attention. Obviously, I still tried to teach them via The VMFCP despite my condition, but they chose to reject me, therefore combined with already explained factors trying to teach “little fish” was a waste of my time, yet it was rectified by “Kings” reading my publications (eating and drinking), which means that my efforts can still prove fruitful, when they choose to act based on hope and faith (Isaiah 49:4). Hence, although a “King” may have been lost (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12), it is simply by the grace of the Lord, the Most High God that they can be fixed, healed or restored by ‘The Blessing of Righteousness’, which is just a way of Him showing or proving to them His Holy power. goodwill and mercy (Revelation 3:18). More so, it means that there is a special in-born trait in the soul of “Kings” that makes them “Kings”, which means that “little fish” do not have what it takes to bring forth the path to mass Christian salvation during the “end of the age” – and so, a “King” is a “King” for a reason, and therefore for a special purpose.
In these times it is clear that the salvation of Christians must come or flow from “Kings”, as it is clear that most people are comfortable being told what to do because they must lack initiative and self-direction, and therefore, just like in normal society, the typical “top-down” model of Christian governance is required because it will focus on problem solving. Problem solving is important because it is evident that there are plenty of social, economic and legal problems to solve – and therefore, the right people are needed to come together to solve these problems. As a wise “King”, I have taken many steps to resolve problems, but I am a “King” with no resources, support or sphere of influence (little power, Revelation 3:8) – yet, I chose to do something, rather than nothing, and so, it is my effort that upholds the entire Christian cause and the succeeding good works that Christian “Kings” and “sheep” will do because of it (Revelation 19:8). Afterall, if I did not try to help people with TMOTB, or persist in trying to get “Kings” to switch sides, then there would be no hope: the truth is that the “little fish” need shields (protection) to give them enough courage, and personalised Christian services or they will not make it. Therefore, “Kings” must understand that it is by joining the Christian faith for a good purpose is what will bring about real and lasting change, and peace of mind for the “Kings” who have been ‘lost’, but are meant to live i.e. become Christian.
Hence, it should be understood that motive and intentions varies among the ‘dead’, which results in different presentations of behaviour – this is what helps determine who should live or remain ‘dead’ among the ‘lost’. For example, my sister’s spouse is just a wicked thieving occultic peon who wants money and power, and so, in his state that’s all he is focused on: trying to intimidate and control me, because that is what benefits him based on what he was paid to do and what he was promised for succeeding, which he will never do. The above makes it clear why understanding anti-social behaviour became an important concept during these times. Therefore, it still stands that “Kings” in the same state would do what benefits them based on their motives and intentions, which I can obviously sway by my words – and my counsel is this: no matter what you have done to me or my family, it is best to help us because it has always been said: it’s better late than never. Plus, if I were in “Kings” shoes, I would want to live because I wouldn’t want to die a terrible death, or burn for eternity in hell, especially when the solution to avoiding such a fate is so simple and guarantees receiving the Holy Spirit. Obviously, it may feel shameful and awkward to seek and ask for salvation and help from the person you wronged, but you forget that I also offered “Kings” help multiple times throughout my articles – and this very website is a testament to the help I was always willing to offer. More so, did I not humble myself, by asking for help from “Kings” who I knew were against me, and wronged me? The answer is yes, and the reason I asked is because I believed that a decent standard of peace and comradery could have been established given the opportunity to collaborate and hear more of each other’s stories and circumstances. The abovementioned is also reflected by a Scripture from ‘The Apocalypse of Abraham’ that reiterates that “Kings” choose to switch to the Christian faith: “I will set up this man from thy generation, whom thou sawest (issue) from my people; this one all will follow, and such are called by me (will) join, (even) those who change their counsels.” (pg.79). This Scripture parallels with Revelation 17:14, which says: 14 These will war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and those who are with him are called chosen and faithful.”. As previously stated the descriptors of ‘chosen and faithful’ is imparted by ‘The Blessing of Righteousness’ i.e. my hand-picked Christian governmental body that is based on Republican-Democratic style House of Assembly or Senate, that I asked “Kings” to organise amongst themselves in a show of openness in communication and discourse, a willingness to trust and a clear stance on non-authoritarianism, regardless of how much authority I actually hold, or will hold. Hence, the main idea of the Christian government was to take the highest “Kings” with TMOTB into the Christian faith, which would ensure that the greatest and most influential powers of this world become “good”, which basically wins the war because the war-effort by the ‘zombies’ following the establishment of The ICRC will be pittance due to the following: (1) the most influential, respected, and arguably feared people will be supporting the Christian cause, (2) ‘zombies’ can be removed from Christian society based on legal grounds, and (3) Christians will hold a majority alliance (74.99%), and so, no one needs to fear being an outcast, as they should be rightfully removed from non-Christian people and nations for the sake of their own wellbeing – so people must put into perspective that they would literally have forever to rebuild their lives, especially in a time where having “nice life” would be easier due to limited resources no longer being an actual issue. More so, people should understand that a change of environment and lifestyle may be exactly what they need to help their mind, heart, soul and spirit heal, as it is known that the places where unpleasant memories lurk can weigh-down the heart and mind i.e. a fresh start may be just what the doctor ordered (Mark 2:17)The Lord’s goodwill towards “Kings” is also supported by additional Biblical evidence, that makes it clear that whoever holds the Spiritual title of Wisdom, also holds the Spiritual title of The Lord Jesus Christ, until His return]:
2 Esdras 2:40-47 - 40Take again your full number, O Zion, and make up the reckoning of those of yours who are clothed in white, which have fulfilled the law of the Lord. 41 The number of your children, whom you long for, is fulfilled. Ask the power of the Lord, that your people, which have been called from the beginning, may be made holy.” 42 I, Esdras, saw upon Mount Zion a great multitude, whom I could not number, and they all praised the Lord with songs. 43 In the midst of them, there was a young man of a high stature, taller than all the rest, and upon every one of their heads he set crowns, and he was more exalted than they were. I marveled greatly at this. 44 So I asked the angel, and said, “What are these, my Lord?” 45 He answered and said to me, “These are those who have put off the mortal clothing, and put on the immortal, and have confessed the name of God. Now are they crowned, and receive palms.” 46 Then said I to the angel, “Who is the young man who sets crowns on them, and gives them palms in their hands?” 47 So he answered and said to me, “He is the Son of God, whom they have confessed in the world.” Then I began to praise those who stood so valiantly for the name of the Lord.
NOTE: The “Son of God” crowning Christians is actually me, as it is done through spiritual title, where tallness is a metaphor for authority, and not physical stature. This is made clear via the parallel with ‘Wisdom’(my permanent spiritual title) crowning Christian people in Proverbs 4:8-9 (crown, turban and garland are used interchangeably in Biblical translations), and Revelation 7. Overall, when a proper Biblical analysis is conducted with 2 Esdras 2:40-47 and other relevant Scripture like Isaiah and Psalms, the following is made elucidated:
Isaiah 52:15 indicates that many nations will become Christian (Isaiah 11:10).
Psalm 45:16 indicates that the woman from the Psalm is young, as fathers means people who are older than me i.e. older people, and even my ancestors will become my spiritual children. Hence, older people should not hate or disregard me because of my age. In all truth, I don’t hate older people, and I think the main reason is that (1) it is in my culture to respect my elders or older people in general, and (2) I worked and interacted with many older people during my time as a scientific researcher, which is probably why I considered the salvation of their souls, while everyone else who harasses me basically suggested killing them off first without considering factors like the Holy Spirit, Blessed Holy oil and water, and their physically and mentally rejuvenating effects. Therefore, it must be understood that older people may literally be older, but their biological age will reduce, and is optimized by (a) healthy eating, and (b) exercise. To be clear, self-preservation born out of hatred for older people is equal to showing partiality, which is the opposite of love. Therefore, if you don’t have basic complete love, then you cannot become Christian because you are considered unworthy of receiving the Holy Spirit. So clearly many people need to learn how to show genuine love to other Christian people regardless of age, gender, race, colour or social class.
Obviously, the clergy are full of older men, and it is assumed that many if not most “Kings” are older men, and so, I can understand the hesitation of your hopes on a young woman, but it would be based on obviously biased and judgmental factors: I can’t help that I am technically stuck at the age of 24, and so, I have struggled to make my work look less girly and more neutral in the past, but it’s improved in my "Gold", and obviously the way I name things is more creative and youthful, and not old-school and traditional. However, the fact remains that my “Gold” content is serious, mature, mind, heart, soul and spirit nurturing, and addresses real-world contemporary issues that people face each and every day, yet it is delivered in a light-hearted way that is comparable to the first 3 DMWs on my website (The VMFCP), which enables new Christian people to repent in a cheerful manner i.e. I have no intention of chastising people with a tongue lashing in my ‘Gold standard’ teachings, as more than enough has been expressed in my war-time publications. Overall, older people must learn to be young again, which is to be willing to grow in new ways, whether it’s in relation to technology, philosophy or new lifestyle choices and perspectives, and that is because they also need to adapt to a changing world. Think of it this way: adaptation is the ability to respond to the environment to ensure survival, which is comparable to the concept of resilience, which is the ability to persist and overcome challenges, and so, for “Kings”, older people, or any people, survival in these times requires a flexible and open mindset – the truth is that society is far from the best, as many problems exist with its old-school societal structures that no one has had the opportunity to correct for centuries. Therefore, the circumstances of the “end of the age” presents the unique or once in a lifetime change to actually begin the optimization of human civilization for a common reason and good purpose. In my mind, this aim is important because most people on earth have endless years ahead of them, and therefore, it should be a priority to make our home, planet earth, the best it can be – even when the time comes that access to other planets may not initially rely on rockets, for example, the Lord, the Most High God, would be able to appear anywhere instantaneously (miraculous travel through time and space – John 20:21), which means that He can appear on Mars, and terra form it to make it habitable, and so, naturally He would claim the planet Himself.. More obviously, He would also have the knowledge of the advanced technology needed for fast and convenient space travel, and even the ability to restore endangered species or create new ones. Hence, life will never be the same again, and these times are a real-life lesson of meeting change with courage and open-mindedness.
(3) I am able to express myself freely because my enemies have nothing to use against me, which means that my hands are 100% clean – and so it should be clear that I am not saving “Kings” to save myself from blackmail, which is obvious based on what I have written in regards to them. I simply made a strategic choice on who to appeal to after my call to the masses failed. However, the truth remains that appealing to “Kings” is actually based on Biblical instruction and prophecy i.e. obedience or faithfulness, and is the Christian standard for an Apostle in troublesome circumstances:
(4) To be clear, I am a “King” because of my bloodline (House of King David); Spiritual titles, one of which includes the Lord Himself, who is “Lord of lords, God of gods, and King of Kings”, which means that being the head of The ICRC and the Body of Christ naturally matches my criteria; and to be clear a female “King” is still a woman, so in my case “King” means “Queen”. Hence, the gender bender delusionality needs to stop among my Australian persecutors, who want to insist that I have to become a man, or that receiving the Holy Spirit permits lesbianism – a woman with the Holy Spirit is still a woman. Therefore, it must be understood that only ‘zombies’ are confused and sick in the head, and clearly suffer from gender dysphoria and excessive lust to the point of twisted ideas that actually make you think that Christians want to engage in acts of sexual perversion: never once have I claimed to be a man, or promoted LGBT(PB) – that is clearly what Jezebel does otherwise her ‘zombie’ children wouldn’t say things like that towards me (Revelation 2:21). As repeatedly explained, the male and female stuff is simply a spiritual metaphor linked to the Holy Spirit or Spiritual title – it’s that simple, and end of story.
(5) Remember, ‘The Truth of The Trap’ let’s Christians retaliate or fight their enemies because that truth is that: Christians are at war, but we are not expected to let our enemies walk all over us, rather we are to subdue them to take control of these times, as Christians are free to take retaliate upon the “whore of Babylon” (the seat of Satanic power, Revelation 2:13), which is to burn her with fire i.e. which is one metaphor for causing Babylon trouble via strategies like exclusion from the Christian union, trade blockades, a terrible post-Brexit deal, and travel bans to weaken their efforts against Christian people, which weakens their "authoritarian hold" on other nations due to mass international pressure and non-cooperation (Revelation 17:1-6). Obviously, I do not have dominion over all “Kings”, as it is clearly opposite to my circumstance, and so, as repeatedly explained that woman cannot be me, as the criteria is already fulfilled by Babylon, who is literally described as a geographical area (Revelation 18, Revelation 17:15), whereas I aim described as a city because Jesus compares me to his favourite place: His home, and therefore His Holy City. More so, the woman riding the Beast represents Babylon holding dominion, but I (and by natural extension Christian people) only acquire dominion when “Kings” decide to switch sides (Daniel 7:26-27), therefore “Kings” must remember that their influence is both necessary and greatly helpful to the Christian cause (Jeremiah 51:30, The Book of Enoch).
Jeremiah 51:30 - The mighty men of Babylon have stopped fighting, they remain in their strongholds. Their might has failed. They have become as women. Her dwelling places are set on fire. Her bars are broken.
The Book of Enoch page 211: 19And I saw till a great sword was given to the sheep, and the sheep proceeded against all the beasts of the field to slay them, and all the beasts and the birds of the heaven fled before their face
All Scripture quotations are true and faithful copies taken from the ‘Holy Bible: World English Bible Version’, published by Bible Domain Publishing in 2016 (Public Domain Work)–ISBN-13:978-1530857654, and ISBN-10 1530857651.
The VMFCP Press Phrase & Logo is a registered trademark of Chinasom Uzodimma Elekwachi, therefore this published content is protected under Australian Intellectual Property laws.
© 2021. All rights reserved. Chinasom Uzodimma Elekwachi.