


LEarn More 4


Reprove 11 – A theoretical revelation of how an aspect of the “abomination of desolation” affects people.

This is presented in case any omissions of the truth have been made.



Security is an issue that effects all Christians & a revelation - 17th April 2023


My long-term situation, and repeated events like attacks on Japanese officials, have made me begin to finalise my solutions in regards to Christian security needs, which are a crucial aspect to basic wellbeing. The truth is this, no one should be made to feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or fearful in their own home, at work, at school or anywhere, nor should anyone be persecuted for being or wanting to become Christian. Furthermore, those who freely chose a non-Christian lifestyle should not be provided repeated opportunities to cause further harm and stress  in the lives of other people, especially when they are peaceiuiful or innocent.


The above is stated based on yesterday’s (16th April 2023) events that were unsavory and painful. Regardless, to try and avoid trouble, I did the following:

  • Protected the property to the best of my ability.

  • Stayed away from the visitors, which included my cousin, her family; some random Igbo people); and my ex-sister and her husband (distance lessens their power, which minimises opportunity to causes  spiritual harm). 

    • Just in case they lie about what happens: I stayed away from them as much as possible, and instead chose to film my elocution lesson/video diary in my room while they were here (basically the whole time - I have evidence of when they got here, the time that my video diary was filmed etc., so there is no room for lies). It is possible that they report  lies  to people, which may be why things have gone so terribly.

    • As a result, Isaiah 14 will be blocked (without registration it cannot be fulfilled). So, for the clueless, I have not spoken to God, therefore how can I know that He divinely intervened with Isaiah 14? It was obviously “soft lie” (I have not spoken to Him, or heard His voice, so if I haven’t, what makes others think that they have? “zombies” are hallucinating and are probably hearing demons speak (hearing voices and false visions i.e. not exactly like biological mental illness)). Hence, I promised nothing, and it’s “war” – so, it was nothing more then propaganda designed to see if someone from the Igbo demographic would tell the truth, but the answer seems ilike a no (if anyone does, then some can be saved via Isaiah 26 and Psalm 87, and depending who, ‘The Blessing of Righteousness’ would be granted).  

    • It has also been long suspected that Isaiah 10 has an alternate meaning in regards to “Lebanon”, which excludes Europe,  “the world”, and instead targets certain individuals. The answer of who is clear from certain prophecies, meaning that The Lord, the Most God was always planning to condemn certain people for their choices (cleaning up the House of David, Levi or Manasseh). My mum’s side may be Levi, Manasseh (Joseph) or derived from both (Under the new Convent, gender is not an issue due to gender equality, so it seems like all blood-line covenants can be inherited by a woman chosen by The Lord, the Most High God. So, as stated ‘son’ can refer to a male or female, so women should not be offended at the male dominated language in the Bible, and men should not exclude or think less of women for the same reason. To be clear, Galatians 3:27-28, provides New Testament evidence of gender equality, which is explained on page xxi of ‘Calling: Special Edition). Furthermore, a precedent for female heirs exists under the Old Covenant (Numbers 36).

      • Regarding, my Judah (House of David), Levi and Joseph (Manasseh and/or Ephraim) heritage links, ‘The Testament of the 12 Patriarchs’ seems to be real, but I need additional Scriptures to confirm it. One mainstream Biblical prophecy supports it based what has happened, specifically, the Joseph Blessing in Genesis 49. However, I want more evidence, and to confirm, I would need access to hidden texts, which I assume are stored in the Vatican Archives.  If it is of interest, I suspect that Joseph may actually be another one of Jesus Christ’s non-divine lifetimes, so I believe there to be a true lost gospel that includes prophecy that confirms His wife to be the Eternal Bride, and therefore the destiny of a certain soul… Overall, this means that my biological family is a rare and perfect trifecta of the most blessed Tribes of Israel.


    • Cleaned up afterwards (some people are just gross, sick (mentally and/or physically) or got scared…)

      • To be clear, I didn’t give or offer any of them Blessed Holy  oil on purpose. My mother cooked for them, but the oil she uses is not blessed. Hence, these people are not protected by anything, with the exception of my ex-family (I have not re isvoked their blessings for certain reasons, but it could change in time).



To return to the main point, the new security measures or Christian Council members include:

1) Having me on location first to secure the area (this first area should be top secret)

  • Where I am is always safe (protected spiritually, and therefore physically)

  • What is my property cannot be destroyed  i.e. bombed (protected spiritually and therefore physically. I think my blessings flowed onto my property (Luke 8:46)

  • Where my property is cannot be destroyed. (So technically, If I am gifted certain items on a property, then the location is safe. Doing this across certain intervals would secure a location or area by granting restraint against bombing or shooting with murderous intent. This is the one valuable reason why The Lord, the Most High God let everyone who is not Christian take the TMOTB vow – it permits a controlled situation in terms of safety, in which only people who won’t harm anyone can be saved i.e. free of the restraint)

2) Christian Council members must consume blessed Holy oil that has a harm restraint blessing.

  • They may also be given extra blessed Holy oil for the protection of their residence (quick self-application).

  • I also have other solutions, but I would need a bit of money to attain the resources to get the material. The items would that secure property and land with the “restraint or protection from harm” blessing. The sufficient money for resources is to ensure that the items are easily hidden, not ugly and of high quality. Also, if they are hand-made, then it can be legitimate part-time work for university students, or people desperately needing legitimate employment.

    • I can make simple prototypes based on items bought from a stationery and home hardware store, along with blessed oil, salt, water and other natural items.

  • The validity and success of this endeavour can be tested at certain locations, as minor explosive and shooting tests would be needed, and only governments and military can help with this.

    • There are plenty of people with “TMOTB” who can be used in tests i.e. seeing whether they can cause damaging or cause harm to an area or not, of which the answer seems to already be no, but it’s just that I need large scale tests to put other people at ease (and confirm). I may eventually have to be a guinea pig during testing, as I am the safest and most secure living test dummy (can’t be harmed). My ex-family can also be helpful in this way, it’s one reason to save the rest of them, more so, it’s proof of Holy power. Of course, it’s only if they agree, otherwise there is nothing else I would use them for (they ruled themselves unfit for a more prominent role).

Overall, doing this will grant Christian people confidence about their safety, whether they are a “zombie”, “living dead” or “alive” - and the outcome of this testing will add Christian Security Solutions as a new Christian Service.



After much thought, I don’t think I am literally an angel, since there were no women at the beginning of creation, and the main point of human creation was for men to have wife. For example, the angels fell/were punished for prematurely lusting after women, which introduced female gods, and different races (presumably marked through Neanderthal DNA, perhaps other DNA markers, and the rhesus factor*). Therefore, I think I am the first woman to be lawfully immortalized and become like an angel, and so, in Revelation 22:16, the word “angel” may just be used as a technicality or a term of endearment. Therefore, if the divine feminine is real then it’s just whoever inherits Wisdom (the feminine-God aspect that came from Himself), who is Zion/Jerusalem, and is naturally the “divine feminine” because she is God’s spiritual wife/companion. So, the divine feminine seems to be real from what I can tell, which means that  women should stop trying to be the divine feminine because they cannot be. Overall, God gave Wisdom/Zion to whomever among creation he loved the most (wants to marry), so that is one mystery solved. Therefore, to the delusional, I was not “sold” into slavery literally (Isaiah 50:1, no one owns me, and I don't take permission from anyone to do anything. Therefore, if someone said so, then they are lying and "not right in the head" ~2 Thessalonians 2:10-12. What slave owns intellectual property, has their own bank accounts, files their own taxes, has their own business, and other domain names related to them?). Isaiah 50:1 means that God left me to my own devices, but He never really abandoned me due to: 1) divine intervention, and 2) I have His Word, which nourishes me spiritually and professionally - if  I could not "read", then I would have no hope (Revelation 12:6). So, it is clear, why Australians tried to damage my brain, they probably thought “reading” was literal… Despite all that, the truth his this: I already lived a Christian lifestyle, and learned a lot through my personal Bible study, so it was too late when they attacked me. So, I knew 1 year in that God let it happen to trap me, because I wouldn’t marry Him any other way (I don’t care about past lives). So, it really is like I said, a divorce trap for my foes, and a marriage trap for myself, which is why He always planned to “take me back”, even though I don’t want to at this point in time, but I have no other choice but to accept (Isaiah 54, Psalm 45).

  • *NOTE: If people are spirits or fallen angels (now refered to as angelics), then they would just be a normal angel when they become Christian (I assume such people are used to sorcery, so spiritual gifts would be suitably granted, so they don’t feel inferior or weird or stripped of their identity). So, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, nor should people be scared of them: they are essentially a normal part of the human race, and have always been. So, perhaps God thought the outcome of different races was interesting, so he let the fall of the angels happen i.e. a planned mistake, which He thought was a good idea since 1) variety in looks is interesting, as is culture and language, and 2) Christian souls of all races would be saved in the end anyway.
    • If  angelics talk to or invoke their spirit self (father or mother spirit), then it wouldn’t be a sin because you can’t deny yourself. As for how it would work in the future is something that I need the Lord, the Most High God to give me specific instructions about, but I know that my rank allows me to freely consort with demons if they present themselves (Mark 5 is a clear example of this concept, but I don't and have never summoned demons). This is stated because someone may actually be Furfur, Marchosias, Melusine, or Pazuzu in real life i.e. a human incarnate of a deity, and therefore an angel, but still human (angelics are class or category of human beings within a race, and not a new concept that requires science experiments, or for them to be treated as carnival attractions). Also, demons should not be scared of me or Jesus Christ, because my mission is one of salvation, not condemnation.



Elaboration on incarnation based on Biblical Evidence (19th April 2023)

The previous article provided information that spirits are in fact real human beings, known as sons and daughters of their deity. My knowledge of this area is limited, and all that I know is from the Holy Bible. The above information is supported by Biblical evidence, specifically Ezekiel 28, which depicts the Lord the Most High God sending the prophet Ezekiel to the King of Tyre on His behalf (Ezekiel 28:1-19). It is clear from Ezekiel 28 that the King of Tyre was a fallen angel,  demon, or what is now known as an angelic, which is more positive and reflects their original state, identity and the origin of their soul (technically no longer an angel because their immortality was lost, and they would be 50% ordinary human, and 50% special human i.e. angel like). Hence, it must be understood that the Kingdom of Heaven once encompassed all peoples, but was divided when Satan incited rebellion, so that he could reign on Earth. Thus, the world has been under his dominion for ages, but now his reign is coming to an end, and the Kingdom of Heaven is to be re-established under goodness, righteousness, peace and prosperity – and this begins with the return and redemption of the fallen angels (regaining their immortality and righteousness). I assumed that highest “kings” of the earth are angelics, but I could be wrong, however, given that the King of Tyre was clearly a high-ranking angel, I believe my guess to be correct.

  • NOTE: Overall, as for what would be done in regard to security for angelics, it is clear that I would bless Holy oil to exorcise spirits other than the self. This means the accurate name of one’s true spiritual identity must be disclosed. More so, I need to know about any other factors to be able to address them, so people must be honest, otherwise my ability to provide protection would be limited.  

    • It is assumed that other "kings" are Nephilim (angel and human hybrids) souls, or closely related ones*, with ordinary people simply being the descendents of Nephilim who have more ordinary human blood. Therefore, it must be understood that the deluge was not litteraly absolute, hence, the inconsistency it presents is based on poor translation (based on Biblical evidence, some Nephalim survived).

      • *This is  one reason why some people are materially blessed, they are litterally favoured by certain spirits for a reason.




To be clear – An elaboration on Biblical Covenants & More (23rd April 2023)


1) With the recent revelation of female inheritance of Biblical covenants being possible, it still remains that Israel and Ethiopia have very weak blood ties to Ancient Israel (the most important factor), and therefore, they cannot inherit the covenants and promises of God’s true people. Even with Israel’s matrilineal descent linked to Ancient Israel, the blood ties are  basically non-existent, so it’s irrelevant, and so, the possible revelation changes nothing. Therefore, Israel and Ethiopian Jews are still rejected spiritually, biologically and in all ways because they  knowingly chose to reject my people out of hatred, while continually  perpetuating and benefiting from faux religious elitism throughout the world (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9). When the truth of this minor detail is able to be fully uncovered and confirmed, then it would be added to the final version of the ‘Inheritance: blood, culture and land heritage’ article.

If Israel is so desperate to be God’s people then they can beg Jesus Christ, whom they do not believe in, when He returns… the same for Ethiopian Jews, who should be ashamed of accepting the racist name Beta-Israel, do have no dignity? Are you second best? In all truth, Israel should be called  ‘Z-Israel’ based on the above facts alone…


2) People started and perpetuated a war based on race because they are inherently racist – no one can deny that my troubles are not linked to race (it is a fact). This occurrence means that I will never allow foreigners in actual Biafra to live as citizens; nor will I change Biafra’s beautiful and largely monoracial nature, and that is because:

  • I do not want to expose my people to different forms of hatred.

    • Biracial people, white and other people like Asians have issues (I am not introducing these issues  to my real people, it is detrimental to them).


  • I do not want to introduce demonic blood into my people’s race (we do not need “struggle souls” from the Kingdom of Hell to cause problems in the future).

    • I was a scientist, so I am a blunt by nature, and it is in the true Igbo culture to be honest, while white people tend to lie, or talk around things. Hence, the fact remains that Gentile blood offers no spiritual, biological or any other advantages to my people – so I will naturally preserve what is good and fine.

    • It is clear that, if not for white and other people’s oppression  of African people, then Africa would have excelled a long time ago. So, your racist efforts prove why you are racist: the fear of being perceived as inferior, but let me tell you this: ask a sane Black person born into white society what they really think of white and other people: you would cry when you hear the answer - yet in all your evil, we do not aiict like you.

  • I do not want my people to end up like Israel or lost branches

    • Becoming another people (Caribbean nations and African Americans would never be chosen by God as His heritage because they have white and other blood mixed in, which is not ideal – it may be hard to hear, but it’s the reason why. With the aforementioned stated, this is briefly explained for the confused, unwise, and the struggle-wise: equality just means that people should be treated fairly despite social status, race, gender or age – it does not mean this: “because there is equality, it means I can inherit Biblical covenants when I am not part of God’s heritage”.  The above is false, and stating it is not division, it remains fact, and denying this fact is delusion, desperation and fantasy…

    • Losing heritage (unable to benefit from Biblical covenants)


  • I do not like false “kumbaya” 

    • I do not want to be like South Africa, or Mauritius, and the reason is because white and Asian people like Chinese and Indians have problems, and create more problems wherever they go (this is known in African countries). So, to avoid this trouble, no other people are invited to actual Biafra.

    • I prayed to leave Australia before this began, because I never liked it here (racist, and it never felt right),  and I wanted to live in an African (Black nation). This was my constant prayer after I visited Nigeria in 2013.

      • My prayer is powerful, and so, it will be because I want real peace (if the people with hatred issues are far away in their own countries, then it is almost like they do not exist. To put it plainly, a reformed racist, is a reformed racist, and the wise are wise…

    • My aim is clearly to help people for everyone's benefit, so people should not mistake a Christians peaceful nature for more than what it is: only degenerate would drag out this war, and choose not to help Christian people. Therefore, if you don't want to be Christian then these matter have nothing to do with you, and you can reap what you have sown for rejecting the Truth, and God's commandments (anyone who suggests changing them is  non-Christian, a devient and an ally of Satan, for it is written in Daniel 7:23-27:

      • Daniel 7:23-27 -  23“Thus he said: ‘As for the fourth beast, there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, and it shall devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it to pieces. 24 As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise, and another shall arise after them; he shall be different from the former ones, and shall put down three kings. 25 He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand  for a time, times, and half a time.26 But the court shall sit in judgment, and his dominion shall be taken away, to be consumed and destroyed to the end. 27 And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; his kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.


3) Overall, this means that Isaiah 56 will never happen, and that is because people will be separated to maintain peace (I don’t believe that there is any other realistic way to maintain my people’s peace, but multicultural nations just have to put in the effort – it’s your burden, not mine).  Hence, other people and nations should focus on saving themselves, and focus on their own problems, which are many – while African leaders and people should be smart, you have my genuine support, care and compassion, and so, we know that our future is secure, and only for the better (I will be allocated to African regional issues, and perhaps we can discuss an African super nation (the expansion of Biafra, I believe Africans to be dispersions of remnants from the Ancient House of Israel, and the other children of Abraham, whom he had with his second wife Keturah, Genesis 25:1-6 (East is relative depending on location)). These other people warred out of hatred, but for Africans, it is clearly out of jealousy – I know you will overcome it, and that is why you remain beloved in my eyes (I am African to the core, and I love my continent, and it’s people). So, to African people, do not forget what they did to me because I am Black: the world showed you who they are, but we will show them who we are, and it’s more than they can imagine (it is only a matter of time until they can no longer hold us down). Conclusively, if “kings” and nations are unable to proceed with this level of basic humanity, then they will also get their wish, but in hell: Black people are a minority there, so it is the one thing that racist people can be happy about!


4) I am expecting Psalm 110 to hit soon to ensure a change in leadership, as it is clear that some people must go (the biggest mistake was keeping me here when there was another option (no one can say that I didn’t’ warn them).  Whether or not Psalm 110 is used in conjunction with Psalm 118/Isaiah 47, it remains that those who are worthy of death will die, so it does not matter. Hence, racists and hateful people must understand not to mistake my offered help for weakness, it is me merely following instructions (do you think I would adopt Babylon if I didn’t have to? The obvious answer is no).


5) To conclude, there may need to be education for minimising extremism among new Christians because such behaviour is off-putting and annoying - the main point is becoming a better person and believing in Jesus Christ, and that’s about it. For those who are still currently sinning and struggling with the worst kinds of sins, dealing one sin at a time is best and necessary because it works like this: when a person no longer sins then they are granted the Holy Spirit, so when you are good enough and won’t screw up, then you can enter God’s Kingdom. I chose to frame repentance as “one step at a time”, because it means that you can’t spiritually die when you are struggling with other sins. This means that as long as you are actually addressing other sins, then you are safe (the only exclusion is major sorcery to harm or influence other people because it is unnecessary and can easily be stopped, just like things people shouldn't be doing anyway such as IP theft or falsifying documents i.e. they probably cause instant spiritual death because they are just plain bad choices, or rather a series of planned bad choices). The fact remains that only an evil person is happy about sins, which is why they can’t receive the Holy Spirit. For such people, it remains clear that God doesn’t want them, but they don’t get it because they are stupidly evil, and evilly stupid (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).

  • NOTE: This means pretending to feel bad about sins in your thoughts doesn't work, because God knows who is genuine, and who is not.



Revised Details and Instructions For Christian Governance (26th April 2023)

1) Isaiah 49 and 45 are cancelled (I don’t think there are any Cyrus’ due to a lack of righteousness among “kings”, meaning that there is no one to fulfill the criteria at this time. This means that:

  • Isaiah 49 is cancelled for the international cohort, but it will be used for another group (wrong group, so it really was a waste of effort, but at least I can put my efforts to good use in the future).

  • Isaiah 45 is cancelled because I am not dedicating time to provide Christian services to the  international “king”, “queen”, “prince” and “princess” cohort, whether Babylonian, Ethiopian or Israeli Jewish people – no thanks.

  • Isaiah 11 is canceleld and  happen in a different context, and so, an inquiry is not consistent with fulfilling the criteria. The clue is that true rest comes when you are at home and at peace – and so, that can only happen when I return to Biafra/Africa.

2) I need to be able to train the right people to tend to the Pastoral Care and Christian Education needs of “kings”, especially Babylonian ones.

  • Because those who I will educate and provide pastoral care for will be limited, there needs to be other Christian professionals to provide Christian education and Pastoral Care to “kings”, “queens”, “princes”, and “princesses”. “Kings” should work out who they want for themselves, perhaps senior members of a major Church denomination? I believe this to be the best option, and in such a case, “kings” should get them to Inquire or send in a Christian Service Request. Once baseline staff have been prepared, then they can tend to the Christian government when it convenes.  

    • Healthcare needs have to be dealt with first, and can only occur in person – since, I have the most Holy power, I understand that I at least have to help prepare the council members for participation in Christian governance (everyone should be in good health). Healthcare would extend to the ‘blessing of righteousness’ (reduce the fear of failure, and promoting peacefulness towards one another), and providing food and drink to ensur and improve  general wellbeing.

    • To be clear, the 10 “kings” are not worthy of being my disciples, so it’s not happening – you are counted as any other “king”. However, you are fine for governance,  as there seems to be no other option, but spiritual gifts can only be granted once you no longer appear to be complete psychopaths, and  decent people, which would be greatly helped by the ‘blessing of righteousness’. Hence, no spiritual gifts will be granted until human decency, discipline and love towards other people (non-white) can be established, otherwise everyone will be scared that you will burn down helpless people for fun, or in an extreme sense of justice – some things are best left to God (Luke 9:51-56*).

      • *NOTE: The Lord, Jesus Christ (the righteous angelic of the Lord, the Most High God i.e. both God and human), rebuked His disciples because the time for judgement had not yet come, and also because such judgement is reserved for the “end of the age”, hence the book of revelations. This means that divine judgement cannot be escaped, but the damage can be mitigated where rightfully deserved, and is the reason why the trap was set in a certain manner. So, to fools: the only way of not being worthy of death is obviously telling the truth, as it’s literally the only hope that a degenerate and evil person has of surviving… but it even seems a little late now (Isaiah 47).

    • I know no one else that I would allocate to the education and pastoral care of “kings”, “queens”, “princes” and “princesses”, but I think it best to be more senior members of the clergy or well respected psychology professionals because I have witnessed that people of a lower class have an agenda that is worrisome (I don’t want them to manipulate you, as they already show the inability to responsibly use power, and clearly have no problem using psychological  and spiritual abuse against those who don’t “comply” with their desires, which are non-Christian, worldly and materialistic).


3) The above makes it clear that training the right people to care for “kings” is vital, therefore, it is reiterated to “kings” that relocating me from Australia is essential. The fact remains that I can’t care for everyone even if I wanted to, but I don’t want to (only a crazy person would overburden themselves), and after how things have gone, it is best that a neutral and more similar person oversees your “journey of repentance” (Isaiah 35). With the above explained, I repeat my conditions of helping “kings”, otherwise I am prophecising things that you would find undesirable (with the exception of Africa). So, if the non-African “kings”, “queens”,“princes”, and “princesses” want to survive Psalm 110, then I require the following:

    • Official travel documents or the funds to pay for a new passport (I don’t want an Australian passport, but if it is the only way, then I have no choice)

    • Comfortable transport  to and from the airport and flight(s) (no “zombies”)

    • Private accommodation (I am fine and happy to live by myself, plus I need privacy to complete my work anyway. The accommodation must be strictly confidential and secure, so that no crazy people try to follow me. In all truth, if any lunatics try to visit me, when they know: a) I don’t like them, b) know that I don’t know them, and c) know that I do not want to associate with them, then they deserve to be shot.   The above is stated because such people seem to be false workers that are trying to harass me as a way out of their destiny, but in this way, let their destiny be fulfilled i.e. Job 20 (I am not joking).

    • Separating me from my family.

    • Permanent relocation from Australia (but only a temporary visa, I don’t need to be a citizen of your nation - it is just for work/humanitarian purposes until I can go home)

      • I am not to be relocated to Israel, China, or India.

    • Relocation and travel funds.

      • The creation of a global Christian regulatory authority, and offering me the position as its tenured president.

4) I need to be removed from Australia so that God appears according to Isaiah 29, as He won’t show up among “zombies” because their thirst cannot be quenched (it is written). Also, it is written in the Book of Enoch that I visit heaven and receive instructions, which would probably pertain to: 1) attaining full Holy power (better miracle capabilities); 2) more information about these times like how everything will happen; 3) and how to help angelics, otherwise they have no choice but to go to hell because it seems they would be stuck in a state of spiritual exile similar to “zombie” Australians. To be clear, visiting heaven is apparently quite normal for special Christians (2 Corinthians 12:2-4)

  • 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 - I know a man in Christ who was caught up into the third heaven fourteen years ago—whether in the body, I don’t know, or whether out of the body, I don’t know; God knows. I know such a man (whether in the body, or outside of the body, I don’t know; God knows), how he was caught up into Paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.


5)  My Christian Education and Pastoral Care Services will be prioritized for African “kings”, “queens”, “princes” and “princesses”, and will occur sometime in the future because they have certain emotional, cultural understanding and psychological needs that I am best suited to deal with (also they would feel more comfortable with an African person, after knowing the lies of white Christianity, and the true extent of their hatred). This would portend to  a United African Church, which would also help unite and stabilise Africa – I do not know if North Africa wants to be included, but they also have indigenous Africans in those regions, so I don’t want to exclude them. Hence, all North African regions are welcome, and are not excluded on the basis of their race. The alternative is obviously dividing their nations, with the aim of helping the Indigenous African people start their own affluent nations, where they are free from discrimination.

6) The above is clearly the best way because the “kings” and nations are too unrighteous for me, and investing in Africa is the better choice because they are the lesser evil (in the grand scheme of things). So, I am sure your prayers to have me replaced by another person have finally been answered, but just not in the way you expected!



(15th May 2023)


Please ignore the formatting, this has been typed on my phone (I cannot even see the full screen).


It is clear that Australians are trying to repeat their curse (Wisdom of Solomon 17). Based on observation, it appear that this property and surrounding area is a portal to hell (opened by sorcey - I know the items needed to do so because there were multiple ones indentified). Therefore by binding me to the property, they are able to enact their sorcery that makes use of spiritual transmutation, which made me a medium between hell (spiritual) and earth (luckily some demons gave me a few clues because they will end up being Christian).


The huge issue is that spiritual transmutation by other people to try and become me, means that their entire entity is exposed to all of hell, meaning they would be subject to all the afflictions of demons, whether madness, sickness or psychopathy aligned behaviours (murderous intent and actions without remorse). This happens because these people chose to embrace such evils, while myself, the victim of the curse, rejected demons and evils and embraced righteousness instead (the will rules over all). Another huge issue is that using this sorcery, which appears to be part of the "deep things of Satan", is that it would naturally bind the soul to hell, which is a determiner of destiny because it seems clear to me that demons are damning humans, so they take their spot in hell (equivalent exchange i.e. It is likely the only way out because some demons are just too evil for a normal pardon). Ironically, a major demon involved in these matters is Perspehone/Inanna (seem to be the same demon), who has finally been granted the opportunity to leave hell, and live a happy life in the future. Her story alone, along with popular Greek mythology movies and TV shows tells you that it is near impossible to escape hell once you enter (entering spiritually is a very unhelpful  loophole, and a death sentence). Since, I did not curse myself or use the powers of demons, I can escape its negative effects by working out how to disconnect, which is a process made easier by Holy power. This means whoever used the "deep things of Satan" cannot escape by any means except Christianity, and that is because for such a heavy curse, the toll is expensive... However, the types of people who would choose to use it are likely to reject Christianity anyway, with Australians being a prime example i.e. those who use it are highly unlikely to be Christian, which is why God is basically just like,  "let them perish, or they will klll and sacrifice everyone else for fun, and out of evil selfishness". No one, and no other nation should pay for what they have done: not even the other Babylonian nations they betrayed, but if Babylonian "kings" still think what Australians have done is good, then such people should share in their destiny...


Hence, this is a warning to failed "kings", overly ambitious "kings" (you aren't righteous or spiritually powerful enough to reign), desperate women, gay and transgender men to not engage in such sorcey. For desperate women who fit the criteria for a Holy Bride (Indigenous Biafran, Wisdom can't be inherited by anyone outside His chosen people), this is my advice: simply keep yourself (virginity); don't date; and pray. This is best for those who believe that they can truly love Christ, and that He can love you, especially if you can tolerate such a lifestyle i.e. being with someone who has so much power over you (I cannot, especially after trying to be controlled by people), and accepting being  worshipped (fame is not for me, plus I value privacy and simplicity in life over all things).


So, the world already wasted the most powerful sorcery of all time on someone who is likely to be not who they thought in the future... whether my marriage to God is annulled, and I simply live and move on (miraculous grace) OR based on the loophole, I must accept death to undo His poor choice, but that is okay because I will be reincarnated and live again (my life has already been ruined in multiple ways so it may be best (I am already Christian, so I am bound to the law regarding remarriage, but there are accomadations for new Christians based on personal circumstance, so this doesn't apply to everyone else). I will likely take leave once the Lord returns, as my continued presence is and skill is necessary to ensure long-term success and peace amongst Christian people and nations (things aren't as they appear, especially with the loophole). To clarify, consider me working on Christ's and Wisdom's behalf, as an ambassador who embodies them, but is unlikely to be associated with them in the future (I just want to be myself, and not who someone else wants me to be, after all, I deserve happiness as well, and that does not involve being married to someone who let me be tortured for years on end instead of intervening more significantly). This means that instructions from God are needed because I am not invested in the future to such detailed degrees, as in who the Holy nation will encompass besides Babylon (minus Australia), Nigeria, and other African nations (I don't feel right deciding certain things since they won't relate to me, but I know some things must happen). For example, it remains that God will not appear here (Australia) because they aren't natural Christians, their thirst cannot be quenched, His appearance can't be wasted on people who have no potential, and this place is unholy (heavily defiled by evil spirits and sorcey), so the " 10 kings" should do something like getting me out of here - if proof of God's existence and Holy power is what you need to gain more faith, then getting that faith literally begins with an email... He has to appear for His Namesake i.e. even in my circumstance I still believe that He exists, (otherwise I would not be alive or healing).


​​To conclude, it is clear that my immediate removal from this hell hole is necessary, or Australians will continue to try and sacrifice other people and nations to live a few extra years. However, the truth is this: they are already in the process of death, so there is no point in what they do, and there hasn't been for years. Hence, the lesson is that demons are largely self-serving, and only pretend that people have power over them: if you have to be granted power, then you are not the master of that power becaue the demon is still in charge, and will benefit anyway it wants to for granting that power, and so, people should just stop using sorcery, as you never know the true cost.


​​​​Clarification & New Menu Items (31st May 2023)

Typed on my phone


​​​​​​To clarify, an inaccurate internet source said the 31st May was Walpurgisnacht, but apparently it is in April. So my mistake, but still today is the anniversary of the spiritual attack. As suspected they opened other portals or gateways nearby, but they are too far away so I can disconnect from them with my current level of Holy power.


So as stated, the "abomination of desolation" can't be done again, (Holy power, the knowledge of undoing and blocking it, and the time it takes to put it in place. More so, it appears that their repeat is an addon or extension of the curse, and not like the main curse. Overall, those who participated in this attack should know that the price for such evil is steep.. no one can say they weren't warned, and are reminded that I destroy every soul and body that tries to invade me (you do not belong in me, and you are not entitled to be in me, only a psycho would try to justify such gross evil). Therefore, to the plain stupid: putting other people in one person's body makes them sick, and the invaders cannot take over my body and life  (even if I died then I would be a corpse, and therefore putting yourselves in me would not reanimate my body, so whoever's logic is being followed seems to not have graduated from primary school...pure fantasy). Plus, the people wilfully treating their soul like a peice of garbage by attaching it to anything and sending it everywhere are literally killing themselves because part of the soul has left the body, so such a poor choice is also a determiner of a terribly destiny... Anyway, it truly seems like natural selection is in play, and Australian's of all varieties, especially Italians, Indians and Asians are choosing to delete themselves...


To conclude, people who are willing to destroy other people without care by opening portals and gateways to hell to destroy my life, without thinking of how it affects everyone else nearby, like children at school or innocent customers, is clearly a gross individual that is not fit to participate in society, and should be left to rot in the living hell they created. Therefore, anyone with sense and the hope of surviving Australia would wisely expose those who continue such evil: they are making this place uninhabitable and destroyed your future here, so hold them accountable, and hold on to the hope that you can have a future somewhere else.



Also, I am running out of banners to add my new menu items to, but the statements made before stand, such as:  1) my website and my work is not associated with wierd occult stuff, and things remain plain in meaning (a mini-bun and Puff-puff are food, and. nothing more), and 2) pursuing legal matters in the future in regards to IP Australia matters. 


If "kings" are decent then I won't cancel 49 for the international cohort, and in this case, being decent is getting me out of here immediately (for the reasons I have stated multiple times). Perhaps the new food items will help convince "kings", but they are reminded to think of their families security... It is something that should not be mishandled by taking things too slowly (complacency caused by overconfidence in their security, my wellbeing is your wellbeing, and theirs: do not forget that). 



Since, I am running out of banners to add the new menu items to, I will add them below instead:


BanaNut Cookies

Banana Cream Pie Cookies (Chocolate and Vanilla)

Dipztel Sticks (Biafran style pretzel sticks - extra fibre, a boost of protein and nutrients, and are served with chocolate, cheese or or avocado dip) 

Pretzel Crunch Chocolate (original & popcorn combo)

Biafran breakfast bagel (a large oval bagel-muffin with a rustic baguette style crunch and appearance, and a yummy taste. Traditionally served with a meat patty, egg (omelette or fried), caramelized onions, veggies and sauce) OR can be eaten with any spread options. It is a large oval shape because breakfast muffins are very small, and more than one are needed for satiety. 

New pancake/waffle variety, The Union Special, which is a homage to Babylon joining Biafra (but not Australia according to instructions, which I have no problem with), and is blueberry pancakes or waffles served with whipped vanilla coconut cream, topped with strawberry or cherry jam. Includes sides like eggs, and I may permit turkey bacon if I can find a natural one  that, has no preservatives (I bought some in an organic store in America, so I know it exists, but it seems to be overly processed, but even I eat it when I can because it's yummy, or I can flavour some prosciutto to make it taste more like bacon). 


For nations where it is possible, I would be happy to make special waffles and pancake combinations for your nation (flag colours), as a formal welcome to Christianity. I have an idea for Nigeria/Biafra pancakes and waffles already (not splitting and there may be a new flag for Biafra): chocolate chip pancakes with whipped mint (naturally coloured) and vanilla coconut cream, or special apple chutney and vanilla whipped coconut cream, and decorated with crisp green apple flakes.


Get me out of here and away from evil people (me means me alone - I have no tolerance for anyone else, and Jeremiah 31 is cancelled, no grace for evil wicked Igbo people. I weep for no one, I litterally do not care about them)


5th June 2023


To put things plainly, I will state some general reasons why I do not want or need to be a Lamb or Queen, so yes I reject God's unwanted offer, and will state general reasons, but detailed reasons will be disclosed to the Christian government. 


1) I would never accept you, your countries or anyone as my people because you are evil in my eyes, and nothing can erase what has been done - It is beyond pardon (don't take people in Psalm 110 litterally in referencece to me). More so, what well adjusted person wants to be the monarch of the whole world? The world is ghetto and gross, so clearly not me (I never asked for it). I thought Queenship was the only path for me to get through this time, but since it's not, I will not take it. To be clear, I can use prophecy chapters individually, and fill in the detials myself, or use them to fill in details of certain parts (Scriptural inception). So, I am simply cutting out ones that result in me being Queen, for example, using Isaiah 26 alone means that Babylon is saved and still becomes part of Biafra (as instructed), but it ensures that I don't have to become it's monarch/High priestess. 


2) You don't know what God has done to me, but I will shame Him for it, because He deserves it. The truth is that He is not suited to me (people change over lifetimes), and He is trying to force me to change into someone I do not want to be in disgusting and damaging ways ("will to crush Him" in Isaiah 53)- that is not a soulmate, that is a crazy controlling nutcase, who may as well be the Devil. The truth is that God needs someone who is super docile and has basically no identity, so He can puppeteer them into a suitable partner that can tolerate Him  (a near slave and yes-woman): that is not me, and I wouldn't change myself for Him because I have self respect, self love and dignity. 


- So put aside your lack of understanding about how to I am going to exit His mess without penalty, because I know how, and that is because it pertains to me. Clearly, me putting God on blast is part of my annulment plan, but I need to do it to secure the future that I want for myself, and to ensure that I get what is mine. So for God and His future wife, it is okay because I will donate a small tithe, so you are not homeless when He returns. I only acknowledge Him as God, but I utterly despise Him in all truth. 


- So I repeat this to kill delsuon, it is stated in the bible that wisdom can only be inherited by a indigenous Biafran person from Africa (no addon peoples will be accpeted - it is written into law, and the reason is because your people are cursed, and biologically impacted due to your ancestors choices like incest i.e. too much recessive genes, which leads to certain features that are not desirable in someone wanting optimal offspring - it is fact. Also, it is clear that by only allowing Wisdom to be inherited by a black woman, it means that He finds their features the most beautiful, and other races features not so much - it is just preference). Nothing can change fact. So your mother is always going to be Black, so get over it, and as a likely doormat perhaps she will answer all your prayers.


-My eternal covenant of peace is basically the ultimate contract to my benefit where I get all that I want, like being exempt from worship  - I can't stand religion (**the truth is that many western churches are boring, teach very little (ineffective), and are lacking in righteousness, which is unappealing to many people, especially the youth who hate hypocritical old people who call themselves Holy. Hence the need for a reform, especially the music, which puts people to sleep...), nor will I waste my life praising that despicable man... No thank you. So yes, I am letting Him take me back just to dump Him to secure my future  = wise. It is written poorly in the Gospel of Thomas that Jesus' master is another, but I am suspecting it to be Wisdom, since ruling over the "all" would include God Himself. So, with my power, I will make an example of the one who wronged me by fixing His mistake. I will not stay with someone who has the  jurisdiction to torture me if I don't agree with Him. So it is clear that He will probably force the next wife into a covenant so He can fully control Wisdom, and that is because the eternal covenant of peace can't be inherited again because it is relevant to these times (He gave it to His true love... Me).  So, desperate women, know what you are in for, which probably includes loving to fast regularly and an obsession with fitness... The description of Shulamite is not literal, so it's not about being a fat woman, but certain bodyshape features  (I want the body I want, not what someone  else wants for me, for example, this gross God had me working in the garden in a certain way to bulk up my thighs, and I am pissed, because now they are too round for my liking even though I am a size 0-2 (around an Australian size 6 or xxs). 


With that said, Psalm 87 is enough security for Christian nations, as multiple can hold the same spiritual title.  As for personal security, "kings" are not my friends and I don't want to be stuck pretending to be your friend in the future, the same goes for your adult kids. However, I am peaceful enough that I can be cordial and friendly regardless of personal feelings . So, my actions of trying  to bring people together for greater peace is being peaceful - so let this be clear people who can't even save themselves from going to hell, or manage to not be racist do not get to define peace. So if you don't want your whole lineage wiped out, then get me out of here, and into a peaceful place where I can complete my work. This is a genuine threat,  and that is because with less demonic and spiritual influence, my too kindness issue is gone. I will get my vegence and my peace because it is in my power to repay those who have wronged me, so I want my email, funds, accomodation and private  flight ( I am sure people from the church in Laodicea all have private jets and quick ways to approve visas or permit international travel on short notice). I want to get away from all these nutcases in Australia, and never hear about them again, especially my literal neighbours who live sourounding my parents residence, and most up and down the street (banned and condemned to death , so accepting their lies or testimony is useless - I don't know them, and wouldn't be able to tell you their names or even identify them in a lineup). I smell something extra fishy with them, so yes I am ensuring they are cut loose by whoever controls them: they deserve it.


To conclude, get me out of here, which  means me only, not my father, mother, brothers or sister, or anyone else who was never invited, and was repeatedly stated to be disliked and non-Christian (I need peace). To be clear, Isaiah 49 is still an option, but I am just letting "kings" know what's going on, and preparing your minds for what is to come, it is not uncertainty, it is just change. It remains clear, that wherever I am going, the people are better elsewhere, so I just want to be around people who do not ooze a feral "aura", speak normally (trying to have a conversation with someone who is clearly ignoring you, and clearly does not want to talk to you is irritating and psychologically unhealthy (it is easily how I identity crazies - if you are stuck like that it means you chose to do certain terrible things...); don't use feral sorcey on me all the time, and are not delusional about controlling me to rule the world... So please help me, for everyone's sake by ensuring unsuitable persons are nowhere near me, or a seat of power, especially in Biafra/Nigeria (there is a lot to disclose, and I do so for your safety and wellbeing - but to be clear, the rest of the Church in Philadelphia should not be any wealthy persons instructors or pastors. I don't know how many times I have to say sonething before it sinks in...). Getting me out of here is an order, but I will bless the one who does - I will hold the full power of Wisdom, so don't forget that (I will use Wisdom to my advantage until I am free of Her).


-NOTE (8th June 2023): Just because I asked to be separated from my family does not mean that I am abandoning them, it just means that separation is in my best interests. As repeatedly ordered, they can be relocated from Australia at a later time, as they would need time to move anyway. More so, I would be able to cleanse and ensure the safety of their accommodation before they arrive. "Whales" or "big kings" should remember that their choices put my family in terrible conditions, so pointing fingers at them solely is not right despite all things, and so, it remains that I have other plans for them (my biological father, mother, 2 brothers and sister, no one else i.e spouses or in-laws). Hence, if you want your family saved, then you must save mine: not even I cannot forget the bond we shared even though I am disappointed and angry at them (which is why I appear indecisive. Despite this, reconciliation is unlikely, but because of who they were to me, I will spare them). No matter what, love is love and where it truly existed, it is hard to destroy. Can you look your family in the face and say, "I am so terrible that I will choose to send you all to hell?..." If the answer is yes, then may they curse you ten thousand times over, and may The Lord, the Most High God answer. 


So, in regards to the new menu items here is a clue on how to make the right choice. Due to complicity in the misuse of my work by obviously endorsing my persecution and the suppression of the Truth, I can charge you according to Job 20. This means you have no hope, and that the only other option is helping me and following orders, so is it cookies or being capped? Juice or being jumped? Breakfast smoothie bowls or boom? Do you understand? If not, here is another clue: regulation or retribution? Help me immediately, or go to hell - it is that simple. 


(See the additional note above, it is made clear by the ** before it, and is in regards to me hating religion, and when it changes, I still don't care and will not like it because I am over Christianity, but I am still Christian (my name can't be removed from the book of life - one of my rewards, so I am safe. Other than that my moral standard is set and will not change because I don't like sin - it's that simple). It is just how I feel, and is a realistic represention of how life affects peoples attitudes towards God, who treats His male servants like special gentle babies compared to me (including Himself, whom He ended His suffering quickly, but dragged out mine for an evil reason... if He is such a man, why didn't He do this Himself? Perhaps He is not strong enough? So, no thanks and now He can never be a man in my eyes, as if He wants to hide under my skirt when He returns - who is going to forget the ridiculous mess that is His will (as if He expects me to defend Him... I am an honest person, I don't like lying and pretending - I have had to pretend that things are okay for years on end, and it's terrible for my wellbeing. So no, I won't defend Him, His will is a flop in my eyes, and so I am fixing it where I am concerned. For example , I am ensuring that  I have nothing to do with restored spirits in the future - I don't want to cross paths ever again. I helped them to help me, but I don't like them, because they are terrible, and make people seem like angels). Plus Jesus is a weirdo, and the Bible proves it: why heal people eyes with His spit? Does He think His spit to be so lovely and special? He could have used water...so whoever does that is yucky and wierd. more so, He screams metrosexual, and I don't like feminine men (I love fashion , but I don't want my husband trying to dress me, giving me hair tips, nor do I want to read Vogue with him, the latter is what female friends are for. There is nothing wrong with feminity in men (metrosexual), but not everyone desires such traits in their spouse). Hence, it's not like I would have ever said yes, and that is because He grossed me out when I read the Bible.... But I just ignored it, and just focused on righteousness. So, for people speculating, you don't know half the story: He is a nutcase, and really is not for me. Some people like nutcases, so their must be someone for Him, but there is clearly a price for Wisdom, but I am not willing to pay the cost. So since it is clear that there is a way out for me, I will take it. Hence, just because you want to be in my shoes, it does not mean I want to be. To conclude, if Wisdom is a reflection of The Most High God/Jesus, then having lived my life, and gone through these terrible things (when it wasn't necessary), then I do not want to be Her because I would hate myself). 

  • Note: It seems that Wisdom is just a spirit and not a living soul, so to live she needs a host, and someone who doesn't want Her is a terrible choice. As for why She is so powerful, it seems to be  because she appears to be the source or manifestation of God's power, and is therefore the reason why He must be married Her, to stay connected to it. Is it not written to that She is or was shut away in a vault in Heaven (Wisdom of Solomon), so there is an obvious measure of control that He wants to maintain or obtain (so if you want to marry Him, you will not be His master, it is all too clear from my perspective). It seems Wisdom was like out of control AI, but not evil, so this process seems like a method of ensuring His control over Her. However, if I kept Her and married Him, then I would be His Master, but I don't want anything to do with Him, nor do I care to be a Goddess i.e. it seems the price He was willing to pay to make up for His error. However, I have learnt that I don't really enjoy spiritual things, so I know it's not for me: I want the most ordinary life after all this mess, including having no spiritual gifts...Skill, talent, ability and passion are not always bundled, which is annoying and inconvenient, but it is a facet of life).
  • Overall, the lesson of these words is that it is fine to have  an opinion and feelings: it's just about trying to be respectful, but not respectful to the point that the meaning is diminished. As for my articles, the truth remains this: you all started a war and have done 10,000x worse than providing honest words (that are helpful anyway, so keep drinking this ice cold water, perhaps it will shock your eyes open). So having a cry or temper tantrum over it, "how dare she? I am a "king" and grand-wizard-mage of the Freemasons". Villianising me, a young woman trying her best to be settled in life, just makes you looks stupid and entitled because the Truth remains this: I am the victim of your evils, and chose to try an help you anyway. So here is a clue, to begin being a decent person, help me immediately according to the instructions provided, otherwise everyone will think that angelics are special in the bad way, and simply evil... You are doing a deserve to your own kind, so prove to the masses that you are not complete trash (it is delusional to believe you are well liked). People are shallow so they present respect because of money, and what you can do in a worldly sense, and probably also out of fear. So the power you have is not because people admire you, and perhaps God is trying to help you change that by granting you the opportunity to be honourable, and therefore admirable by redeeming yourselves (I don't know how you would shine like stars any other way... Daniel 12)





New menu items that are referenced above.

- Reddie Juice (Berry Burst)  - if anyone drinks blood, then it can be a substitute, as I am sure that it tastes better. There is an issue with drinking blood i.e. based on Biblical theory it would induce psyche-spiritual instability (best explained in person because I need a job). 


- Waffle Cookies (High fibre and features fat burning properties and other nutrients. Can be described as a thin crisp waffle cookies with cream filling, that includes high protein and nutrient options like peanut butter cream, chocolate, Chocamoul, Caramoul, or typical healthy cream filling options like salted caramel, vanilla and jams (thickened). Half-half filling options would also be available. 


-Breaksfast smoothie bowls (Granola with berry or mango fruit options), and the option of additional fresh fruit, or topped with wholefruit jams for extra nutrients and flavour for people who hate fresh fruit in food. 




New Food Items (12th June 2023)


-Pomme-pommes (yummy round crumbed mashed potato bites that are lightly seasoned and served with optional sauces, a choice of protein and salad). 


-Loco Coco Cookies (Chocolate or vanilla cookies with a pocket of thickened wholefruit jam filling, topped with healthy icing options, and sprinkled generously with lightly toasted coconut).


​​​​​NOTE:  I will repeat the above message in another way: choosing pomme-pommes is a simple form of penance. 


New menu items & emergency information (20th June 2023)


-Orangie Juice (high antioxidant, fibre, vitamins, minerals and fat burning properties). Orangie juice comes in original and Ginger Burst flavours, and it tastes like extra yummy orange juice even though it has vegetables in there. 


-Chokikos (Chokoleti and iko are respectively chocolate and cup in the Igbo language). Chokikos are thin chocolate cups with nut butter cream filling that is topped with a nutritous and crunchy layer. 


-Chicken Panakas (Chicken strips with a crunchy coating in spicy or original, and served with sauces. Panaka is derived from the word rod in Igbo, mkpanaka).


- Chickiris (Small roundish pieces of chicken in a seasoned sourthen style coating, and served with sauces The Kiri part of the name is from the Igbo word okirikiri meaning circle or round.)



-New Sauces (vegan mayonnaise with fat burning properties that is very yummy. The variations are original, spicy, garlic, ranch, and tangy (tatar style, but more yummy). These sauces are served with the relevant menu items like Biafran nuggets or fries and on burgers/sandwiches, in which no item is deeped fried, but cooked in a way that reproduces deep fried foods with less fat, and great taste.



NOTE: Once again, do not mistake more food as begging, I am simply planning for whoever remains as "kings", so I continue knowing that you are all replaceable. So, this time it's chicken or get chopped in more way than one (Isaiah 10) i.e. I will chop or remove Europes "kings" if they don't help me. Therefore, I repeat that my or circumstances are dire, and I want to leave this place immediately and never return. "Kings" are obviously going to be to late t​​​​o meet my birthday deadline, so I will record this evil in the Bible to remind you about being mean forever. To be clear, there were still items of sorcery, so it's the only reason I gave you another chance,  but they are gone now, so what is the excuse?. So, for those who missed the loophole, I cannot be employed yet, but there is not restriction linked to treating me as a guest or friend: you are not poor, and can afford to house me somewhere until the Christian government convenes or something (making sure all my bills are paid for, and fights from Australia on a private plane - I am a regular at the nearby shopping centre and their are stalkers, so I do not want to be stuck on a flight with such people, or anyone who lives nearby who wants to pretend that I am their friend or business associate. In all truth, anywhere would be heaven compared to here (I don't even in a bad  area, but they litter items of sorcery nearby , so it is looking trash these days).


​​​​​In my temporary home (for me alone, my immediate and biological family will and must stay somehwre else), I would just be cooking and completing my work (plus I could provide healthcare for "kings" whose age puts them at risk of death. For example, for someone like Pope Francis, it must be understood that escaping death and being able to reamain active would be based on practical divine intervention... old age is old age, but it is a matter where I can significantly help i.e. such people do not have the luxury of time...).


I​​​​n the meantime, God would show up, as proof of His existence and the honouring and fulfilling of His word (I have witnessed multiple life saving miracles, so it is one reason I believe, plus the spiritual gifts I have).This will give "king's" more faith, and maybe it will help some remember when they were righteous i.e. since most of you aren't dead it is clear that you were Jesus' friends before, and therefore likely to have been high ranked angels like Seraphim or Cherubim. Also, proof of God's existence should be filmed for documentary and possible cinematic purposes that should be shown to all people, especially nations who are not historical Christian, which would be greatly helpful to them. Overall, this means "kings" should quickly decide where they want God to appear, because it will not, and was never was going to be Australia. 


To conclude, you do not know all the details of how I got the demons to help me, so I will make it clear, they did this on purpose with the intent of sacrificing Australian people (and other people) to hell, so that they can live (so the lesson is don't plan on sacrificing an innocent young woman, now the same is done to you). With that stated, it seems the details of the anti-Christ's (Satan incarnate) and Satan's demise is not as it seems based on my mercy, and filling the details in a wise way wherein they, or rather he escapes hell. Me knowing these details and that the Apocalypse of Abraham is real (based on experience) makes the whole thing make sense, especially "Satan's" flop rebellion ages from now (Revelation 19 and 20 i.e. there is a reason why it's pitiful and I know why, plus hum being thrown into the pit is technically not literal due to divine intervention - Matthew 19:26). Therefore, to the Anti-Christ, you better invoke your father spirit (he will tell you your new role); help me; step down (renounce power); and organise my council. This whole thing truly is a mystery, and so, I repeat that "king's" of the earth in Revelation 19 reads as "king's" of the world, meaning non-Christian "kings", and is a scene that reflects the desperate outcasts and the global minority, who would be less than 25% of the world population that do not become Christian (most people do), and try to forcefully settle themselves in the Holy Land of Biafra... Typical war isn't my thing, and so obviously Jesus and His angels step in (the basic scene is described in the Bible, as it seems Biafra runs out of time, or saved fools start a second rebellion (and are promptly executed i.e. sent to hell for disturbing the peace), which apparently leads to a simultaneous internal and external war attempt, but we will be prepared and we will win).

NOTE: Getting good news for my 30th birthday would negate me writing an unfavourable record, and so, the record would read that the "kings" or a "king" sent me the good news of my soon to be freedom for my birthday, instead of the "kings" wouldn't free me for my birthday, even though I suffered for over 5 years to try and save them and their families... What is better?


New Message To Provide Insight (22nd June 2023)


It must be understood that threats are necessary to communicate the consequences of choosing to not cooperate, and I will continue to threaten future Christians until they follow orders. The truth is that winning a "war" without threats is unrealistic, however, my good intentions should be obvious based on the fact that there are also messages of hope, encouragement, correction, concern (pity and compassion), and humour weaved throughout my articles. The above captures the complexities of this situation which myself and other "kings" face, and that's because we must work together to make the best of this mess. In my case, mending fences to establish cordiality and basic trust is easy, but because of poor choices other "kings" have made it may make it harder to establish peace between nations. So, keep in mind that unity, peace and trust are required and expected moving forward. The most simple way to achieve this is to 1) apologies for wrongs, 2) take steps to rectify the wrongs, 3) drop ulterior motives and agendas, 4) stop doing things to look good, and 5) actually start being good, which means that you don't have to pretend.


Overall, the above makes it clear that I am non-hostile, which anyone with sense can see, so despite harsh words, which are  recorded to help you (proverbs 9:8-10), I am truly offering my help, but to help more, I needed real help. So understand that I do not enjoy the public reprovings, but you left me no other way to communicate (open article, not a letter so I keep ownership - a wise and new idea). So, if "kings" get me out of here, then you won't feel embarrassed or annoyed at being publicly reproved ( it's not the worst thing to happen in "war"), and I know it doesn't feel good, but at least you can relate to Jesus now (I was insulting Him because I don't like it either i.e. I believe actual issues should be dealt with confidentially, but I have no choice until my circumstances change). Hence, "kings", "queens", "princes", and "princesses" should understand that you are resisting someone who doesn't actually want to fight, which is obvious because real Christians are peaceful, but having been dragged into a "war", I will do what is necessary to establish and maintain peace. This means whether it costs your life, or your families, and that is because my work is not just about Laodicea, but the people that you can help by becoming better people. Still, I do pity Laodicea, and that is because you would all obviously die and go to hell without proper Christian Services. Hence, simply acknowledge your conquest by me, and that is because without me on your side their is no hope. So, I am conquering you, but also trying to calm you down, and help you find joy in life - I know lifestyle change my seem unappealing for non-Christians, but it must be understood that you have yet to experience true happiness because you are unable to based on how you have chosen to live. Therefore, becoming Christian is really just a method of helping you find self fulfillment in a way you never thought possible, or misguidedly believed to be impossible: with a healthy mindset the world looks like a different place, and it is suprisingly the most simple things that bring happiness. 


As a result, I am doing my best to modernize Christianity, and make it more enjoyable, because I assume Laodicea and their spoiled children may dread the thought of Church, but I am not "churchy" either, and so, it is designed to be Christian, but it is very relaxed and focused of wellbeing and having fun (it can be summarized or captured by these words and phrases, Christian University, Summer Camp, Vacation, Holiday, Festival, and Beauty Spa, Natural and normal asthetics clinic for approved procedures that rent harmful, Self-discovery journey, relationship building journey, and relaxation (if parents want to spend quality time together, a childrens school for minors (under 18) can be set up to ensure that they are looked after during the day, and during events i.e. they can have their own children's Summer Camp with age appropriate activities). It really is not going to be what you expect, and it is literally prophecised that people won't want to leave (Isaiah 49:20). I have had a bunch of ideas accumulating overtime, so all I need is proper resources and support to organize the life changing experience that you are guaranteed to enjoy, and not regret (eternal youth is like a dream to most people, also it is also one of the the easiest ways to determine my legitimacy). 


For example, it is obvious that people love food, so besides technical  issues, I put the food items in the articles to help "kings' make the right choice. It is known that angelics or demons like living in the human world because of joyful human experiences like culinary delight. Therefore, it seems clear to me that food is the Achilles heel of "kings", which is why I was given the clue to use food to catch you (Matthew 4:18-20).


To be clear, I am trying to hasten "kings" to help me because I am surrounded by people who just want to use, control and abuse me, though they cannot because I am sane and self sufficient, so while they tried to drive me mad, they went mad instead (my mother once told me this: those who the god's want to kill, first go mad, and I have seen it firsthand). So, it remains that I need to be removed from this place because it is unhabitable for a Christian, and will be difficult for the blessed who make it out alive and are relocated elsewhere (this only possible for people who tell the absolute truth, if they do not then there is nothing I can do, the same goes for my family... More so, the persons banned from registration are not wanted for testimony because they caused the problem, and would unlikely tell the truth anyway. Plus, if they were decent people then I would not be in the situation...Hence, it should be clear that had they not ruined and interrupted my life,  then I would never been in this position i.e. I would be working - and in all truth, based on how I look, I would have found a rich boyfriend online and left a long time ago (a wise desperate move that I would not choose in any other circumstances), but because of God's selfishness, I do not even have have that option because it would be counted as adultery (1 Corinthians 7:39, Luke 16:18, Romans 7:2-3, and 1 Corinthians 7:10-11) i.e. I am not dumb enough or unrighteous enough to commit willing sin...


To conclude, I repeat my order, get me out of here immediately (I want my family relocated according to the same standard) because besides familial issues, and as I suspected neighbouring properties (I want to disclose this personally, and that is because what was done here is terribly evil. With the anti-Christ on hand, he would be able to confirm and tell all, as I am not convinced that everyone knows the full truth, rather each person or group only knowing one part of the evil web of sorcery that was woven (I only worked parts of it out because I have lived in this house since the age of 13, and witnessed key events in this evil's set up - I know these events will be of great interest to parapsychologists, who would likely be great pastors since their mind is more inclined to believing in the unseen or unknown, and so, their attitude towards the mind and spiritual  matters is likely to be sowed with greater compassion and less ridicule compared to mainstream psychologists). Anyway, based on what I know, it is clear that they wanted to kill/use my entire family, so woe to the "friends" that came here or befriendedwith ulterior motives. Hence, I hope that my family remembers that everyone else is jealous of them too (separate yourselves, I will grant you the blessing of righteousness, so you will not stumble ever again - it is the least that can be done based on what was done to you. I know the "abomination of desolation" would have effected you, but I need to be removed and in secure conditions to address and rectify them). So, in my quest to overcome this great evil, here are some new menu items that I am sure will help make people happy, especially older people who are free to eat yummy food without worrying about their health; the weight conscious who will still be able to maintain their figure (for example their sorcery is designed to make me fat, which is an admission that being fat is unattractive, with people specifically transmuting body fat, and their messed up hormones, so plus all the stress and being in a state of unwellness it is a miracle that I am not chubby/fat, especially when I eat a alot. The same goes for hair, it is a miracle that I have any due to sickness, stress, and people using sorcery on it, despite my lack of funds for normal haircare and their evil, I am not bald or edgeless and have very thick regrowth compared to the ends of my hair, which was past my armpit when stretched, so I know how much damage has been done... I prefer a slow chop to big chop because natural hairstyles work better with my lifestyle. Even so, my hair is still at armpit length after multiple trims*); or those who lack discipline, but need to lose weight for health, self-improvement and self-esteem reasons (Isaiah 35):


-Biafran Chocolate Ice cream (same properties as th caramelized vanilla ice cream, with the benefit of extra antioxidants and mood lifting properties). I will expand the flavour range when I have more resources, for example, I would prefer to buy myself sufficient fresh fruit and vegetables for nutrients, but I am spending my little money on ingredients for making these things instead (to make the recipes). It has gotten to the point that I have to eat cereals for vitamins and minerals (I haven't eaten cereals in years, but I had to start otherwise I would be malnourished i..e I have had to adapt my diet during these times, which is frustrating for someone like me). 


-Milkshakes (same properties as ice cream and milk). 


-Oroma Cookies (Orange and almond cookies with vanilla, coconut or chocolate cream)


- Caramelised Vanilla custard


- Caramelized vanilla flan tart 


-Standard Coffees (made with my special creamy vegan milk blend that supports metabolism and provides extra nutrients. The coffees will come in a range of traditional or fun and yummy flavours like coconut & caramel latte. The coffees will be made by artisan baristas, because my skill does not exceed a) making yummy and healthy flavours, and b) pressing buttons on a coffee machine.


- Mocktails and Cocktails (I want to develop a range of mocktails and cocktails because I don't like the taste of alcohol, and it's annoying to have people trying to get you to drink at social events. My drink range will focus on being metabolism friendly, and slowing down the rate that alcohol is released into the bloodstream, so people avoid getting drunk, but will still be able to enjoy drinking, or partake in social activites without drinking alcohol or excessive amounts. To those who falsely believe that drinking alcohol is non-Christian, even Jesus says that He will drink alcohol when He returns (Matthew 26:28).



*NOTE: To uncover lies and reveal the Truth, "kings" must remember that there is a lot that can  be verified by seeing me in person, along with all my evidence that would instantly prove Australians to be liars...For example, "login to your website so we can verify that you own it" or "show receipts of things you paid for a long with your debit card and bank account history"...There is no real reason for my identity to be in doubt unless crazy people are claiming to be me. Based on the souls I had to remove from me via destruction, I know a few possible people, and in such cases I understand why people may think that I am chubby, fat or not attractive.... Women wouldn't be so desperate to be me if I was ugly, even with their racism and in my opinion me not being at my best due to poverty and stress, they still want to be me, so for trying to destroy my soul, your soul was destroyed - basic justice. Jesus doesn't care, so stop crying, He doesn't like you, He thinks you're evil.


-NOTE: Despite not being able to use normal shampoo or conditioner due to none being bought (long term), and Tresemme being too expensive for me to purchase (I need to eat, and all the other commerical stuff isn't good for my hair), I was able to make a cheap natural hair conditioning mask with basic food products, as well as a hair growth oil mix, and that is how I am not bald and have healthy regrowth. I will likely optimse these products with additional ingredients for the final versions, which will be for people wanting to regrow healthy hair. For example, I won't name who, but I saved their literal balding edges without holy power, so I have skill in this area that was based on natural products and methodology. Balding in this context means the follicles ran away and were gone (damage due to relaxers)... So do not underestimate what can be done i.e. if you don't want to be bald, you can regrow hair without painful surgery, it would just take some patience (but would be faster than normal), in the case of older people, I would need to be at full Holy power to restore hair colour: that is a God-Level miracle, not a struggling-Servant level miracle. 


A further explanation of my intentions (June 26th 2023)


So here I am logged in to my website to send another message. From my experience I have learnt that mental health reforms are necessary, and the first and most important thing to do is seperating people based on their level of dysfunction or u wellness, as it is such a horrible and trying experience to be surrounded by people who have developed issues. More so, when a person is not strong in their identity or self, theb they could copy and normalize the behaviours, which then leads to the propagation of more people with issues. Hence, a key element in this case is ensuring that off behaviour is discouraged abecause  it seems that one drop of bad water can taint a well. The taint for Babylon was The Anti-Christ and his somewhat justified nonsense, but Australians willingly chose to embrace evil (it seems Australians are actually drawing on the power of the Queen of hell (Satan's first wife), as some items found were clearly designed to bind a extremely powerful spirit (so she was also suppressing my holy power, but I don't know what else besides Satan's presence is sealing it, so I presume it to be something else - so obviously I need God's help to not struggle). This means they are using her power without actual permission (maybe they asked for the power to control the strongest goddess/ female spirit (Wisdom),  but then went and betrayed Babylon, other nations, and Satan by pinning his wife, who they put in me i.e. it was only worked on me because I was a child, and not an official Christian. If I was Christian before moving in, then it would not have worked due to me having natural authority over the kingdom of hell). Hence, this disrespect has angered the gods, so that's why they sacrificed you (while pretending to support you), and that's because Australia pissed of the kingdom of hell and heaven (whether I reconcile with God or not, why would you think He would support the murder of His wife? He does not base His personal life around your prayers or delusions...). So yes, Satan likely did it on purpose because you are evil in his eyes too... Can you imagine that? Satan being disgusted at evil...I don't know if The Anti-Christ, the son of Satan, knows these things, but I would expect him to. For example, I do not believe that he intentionally sacrificed the rest of Babylon or the "Fantastic Beasts", rather I believe that Australians went rogue, which is another reason for Satan's revenge (even the Bible suggests this, Isaiah 47:15). If not, then evil is the one thing that confuses me, just as the wicked do not understand unrighteousness, I do not understand evil).


To return to the main point, another helpful mental health reform is adjusting mental health professionals attitude towards spiritual matters, which can intersect with mental health. In a world where real psychics and mediums exist; along with priests who perform literal exocrcisms (it is through the power of superior demons, so it's not an option for me - I would get in trouble; Satan won't leave until he has finished helping me, and he wouldn't use his power to get rid of himself, especially when he remains for a reason: it's all about timing. Also, it is not possession because I am not influenced, takenover or controlled by demons, instead I remain under free will, but I am annoyed at the situation). Plus, even witchdoctors help people through means of engaging with spirits; so there is no reason that someone should be called crazy, unreasonably medicated or detained because they are going through a spiritually based affliction. This is relevant  to cases where God does not intervene like He did with me, and He did so because I am a legitimate Christian (meaning that based on covenant He acts as my God), plus the demons aren't really my enemies. So yes, I was made unwell, but largely due to sorcery, but it still didn't do what it was meant to, which is why I am still here after 5 years, and wanting to escape non-Christian people who ruined their own lives and wellbeing. So even though the demons intentions were not to kill or drive me mad, it was still their job to make me suffer, so I naturally do not like them, even though they are being saved - they can be terrible, which is clear because many were tricked into human sacrifice just to change their fate (and vengeance). Hence, in this scenario, The Lord, the Most High God has sent me to help people out of their own mess (divine  intervention) which includes helping people to better understand the nature of the spirits and divine laws i.e. divine intervention was probably also triggered by how they treated the Queen of Hell: a spirit is not a slave and is litterally a superior being, whether in spirit or in the flesh...I know this by common sense and by having basic respect for the natural order of things).


Lastly, the change in attitude towards mental health is especially important when: 1) psyche-spiritual and mental health conditions can present the similarly 2) Co-morbidity of spiritual affliction and mental health issues can exist, with one possibly triggering the other, and 3) a spiritual affliction or psyche-spiritual condition cannot be treated with modern medicine, as it presents as incurable. This is a huge issue when people are treated for mental health conditions, but suffer a psyche-spiritual affliction, because they would not get better - and I believe it is one major cause of suicide: not being able to continue living due to constant suffering that someone cannot talk about because they would just be dragged away to a psyche ward, or given another round of ineffective medication. The above issues are raised because it needs to be addressed properly, so despite me calling my Australian enemies crazy because they are clearly not Christian and are hostile people who tried to destroy me, and probably said worse because they wanted me go mad, but I am not. So all I have to say is boohoo: many will reap what you have sown (but some people will obviously make themselves lucky by telling the complete truth), and thus for future Christians, you are simply unwell, and need help, and in this there is no shame, and you have my compassion, otherwise I would not have done all that I have. Hence, another goal of my efforts is to reform mental health services in a manner that is more holistic, in which I believe more people would be happy to undergo pastoral care due to the guarantee of safety in regards to being honest without the fear on one's life being ruined. In all truth, I believe this approach should be taken on more issues like theft and sexual immorality, and that is because their is no other way to rehabilitate society if people are just punished instead of providing the means for these behaviours and practices to be stopped. I know success in such matters has been lacking, but I bring a more reliable method that ensures that people are not relying on themselves to overcome things, but are also support e by the Holy spirit, which helps them (if you truly try, then you can't fail). 


Hence, Laodicea must understand that my threats about being harsh are just threats to try and scare you, but I may have scared you too much. Therefore, I make it clear that it is my  intention to get "rams" and "sheep" inside God's House, as no one is helped by remaining outside. 


So, I repeat my order but I amend the address to Satan, his son, and the Church in Laodicea, get me out of here immediately, I am tired of this nonsense and want to finish my work (testing if I have enough Holy power by command, and if I need to address The anti-Christ or His father spirit, Satan, for the order to work). For example, I know how to make vegan caramelised white chocolate, but I can't access or afford more cocoa butter to make the final recipe. This is stated because I am sure there are many white chocolate fanatics in the Church of Laodicea, so, for this additional reason, my relocation is necessary. To conclude, other new menu items include:


-Cola flavoured Kombucha (anti-microbial properties, blood sugar regulation and metabolism suppport, it also is naturally brown and flavoured. For any interested brands, the addition of additional proprietry nlflavourings would provide a suitable commerical product that maintains the brands unique cola taste, but is much healthier. For example, my cola is in between Pepsi and Coca Cola, so adding flavour could make it taste like either (yes, I am marketing in the middle of an article because it is an easy way to catch a business "whale").


-Zesty Orange flavoured water/lemonades (the cola flavour could be carbonated also for those wanting a healthier alternative to typical soft drinks or soda. To be clear, the flavoured lemonades have basically little or no lemon flavour when it is another flavour, but lemon is still used for its health properties.)


-Joocha (my coloured juice range made with a Biafran Kombucha base, so it also has a fizz. More so, due to the fizz of my kombucha, the flavoured water range can also be made with it, so it would be like a natural sparkling drink with extra health benefits). 


- Custard Pops (frozen whipped custard ice blocks in chocolate  vanilla, espresso, and mocha)


- Mocha and Espresso Biafran ice cream flavours. 


NOTE: More food items will be added to the menu soon, if I need to send another message!



A new threat & hope (28th June 2023)


Perhaps my address and threat has been to the wrong person, as in not high enough. So here I go again, to the Lord the Most High God order Satan, and the Anti-Christ to let me go and just control to "10 kings", so they get me out of here immediately. Plus, heal me and remove the secondary modes of unholy spiritual acesss to my being that I begged and pleaded with you to remove in private, but you would not (he is not nice to me at all, I even prayed that He help me so people can have more faith and be saved quicker, but still no real or sufficient help because He is obsessed with who I was, who He is trying to make me, while trying to hold on to a destroyed bond, that does not need to be fixed because I do not want it, or need it to be). So, if you do not comply with basic God duties due to being angry at the future annulment of marriage then I will expose you for what you have done to me. You are not my friend, you are just a god in my eyes, and you know that I don't like any gods (I have love so, I love God even though I don't like Him).  So understand that I am a temporary goddess because I don't want to be one (I would be ashamed to be part of such people) and I sure do not want to be all Christian peoples mother or a queen, which I have stated for a long time (you are all terrible, and all this is beyond pardon, so understand that forgiveness can be shallow, and it does not have to be deep). 


For the fools at the nearby shopping centre, anyone who works there is banned from registration, but I will spare 2 staff who tell the complete truth. You know who I am, so tell the truth to save yourselves. I have names on the receipts and I remember faces, so it's easy to confirm. The only person banned is the pink haired fool who is always there, and that is because your presence repulses me: I litterally gag everytime I see her, it's just a natural honest reaction (like I said, my face tells it all).


To conclude, I just want to do my job and move on with my life, and separate myself from abusive and toxic relationships, and people. "Kings" and Christians should be happy with this news (it's why you continued with evil so long, is it not?), and that is because with a new mother, you can possibly have a meaningful relationship that is fulfilling and mutual. Afterall, it is not good to know that the person you are prayering to or asking something from is miserable and annoyed at the entire situation. Regardless until that time comes, understand that I can be cordial to the point that you would think I am your friend, which reflects how nice I am (the people at the shopping centre confuse it with "compliance" based on the control they think to have on me). I had conversations with a few cashiers to try and bring them to life, but they are just too dead i.e. if brought to life and free from TMOTB then they would do the same thing, which is why only the 'Blessing  of Righteousness' can truly help Australians (just a group of unfortunate  souls) but since they are so horrible, I am not wasting it on them (they are super "zombies", plus I know it is the only hope Laodicea has, and therefore, it is my ticket out of here and the key to your cooperation). Anyways, I hope this works because I have had enough of everything. So for grocery store people,  I am not saving you out of love, it is just a necessity of war - I wouldn't want to see you ever again.


So understand that I am doing all that I can to have the future I want. So to the offended at Laodicea, it's not a slight, it just that not all relationships are made or last forever, and that's okay (I wouldn't have a real friend for a long time, basically everyone I have come across or befriended has betrayed me, so the timing for making real friends is incompatible). More so, it doesn't mean you are a bad or terrible people, it's just that you don't quite fit into my ideal life, in the same way that you probably feel that the "elite" are different to those who they view as lesser. To be clear, I don't view you as lesser, just not my kind of people, which I sated a long time ago (it is not like you would befriend me, as I was never good enough in your eyes anyway, so stop with the false outrage - you are all full of hatred). So, it's just that you are unable to comprehend peace without friendship or someone kissing your butt, but that is not true peace, which is a lesson that I can teach you all. To be clear, I have integrity, and will do what my job requires and there is no way around it i.e. I am appointed to improve you, not coddle you, or suck up to you. It's something new to Laodicea, but you must all deal with it - take it as a lesson in humility (if you weren't coddled and catered to by everyone for their benefit, then maybe you wouldn't be the way you are). The least that can be done is relocating me to a private and secure location where this sorcery can no longer be done. If you don't comply, God will literally just kill you, so you can't stay that you weren't warned. Be wise, and take His treatment of me as an example of what He does to those who don't agree with Him, so to the Son of Satan, THE Anti-Christ, be warned at not complying properly, because the truth  remains this: it is simple for God to ​​miraculously excuse you from hell and reborn, meaning that the "Satan" in the pit who is sealed away is merely an empty shell, with "New Satan" granted new life on earth (do you understand? No other god can perform real miracles with souls except The Lord, the Most High God (it is only possible with Jesus/Wisdom, and not by unholy sorcery which destroys those who attempt it - it's taboo for a reason)). More so, with your father helping me, he is helping other people, which covers your unending list of sins - Satan is no fool, but he is devious: of course he would save himself at the expense of everyone else. More so, it should be clear that Satan and other spirits appealed to my mercy, not God's, so that alone should make it clear in regards to who is nicer. So make the most of my term as Wisdom because I am genuinely kind, but do not mistake kindness for weakness because I can be a huge b*tch (I have a sharp tongue when I am provoked, but I also have sense and social decorum i.e. there is a time and place for everything). Other than that, it should be obvious that utlising THE Anti-Christ is just a mode of control for ensuring more security for incoming Christians, as it appears that coming out of the occult is not thst easy, but with the Anti-Christ pacified, it would make things go much smoother and keep the "beast" under control for the sake of Christian peoples peace and wellbeing. I believe it is meant to be a simple war once government and people are secured, at least that is what the scriptures suggests, and so, that is my way of fulfilling the criteria.


For business "whales", I am happy to do some branding deals because I am not interested in running my own businesses at this point in time, and likely in the future. Going forward, this would make me a silent partner, in which my recipes can be used to expand your range to ensure that your brands don't completely collapse due to yummy healthier foods  obviously becoming more popular. You already have the means to do so, so it's just about ingredients, wherein I have already provided a solution to ensure profit, but I need full Holy power to do so. For example, in my mind people won't be happy if they can't drink coke or pepsi often, so to fulfill the criteria of Isaiah 35, I made healthy cola, and I want to provide the option of people drinking their favourite brand - it is that simple (it is really just my kind business strategy, since I am not out destroy, but to help improve. Plus, if food manufacturers were wise then they would ask me to eventually start consulting and make healthier versions of their own products, which would make people extra happy). 


Overall,it must be understand that intentions overlap, for example, I want to be free and have the future I want most of all, but I also sincerely want to help the world out of its mess, and that is because it is the only way for anyone to be happy. I will never be happy in a world full of occultists and people commiting unchecked sin the point of destroying their nation, societal peace, and harming other people, while trying to justify it. Wanting power, money and someone's love, or to look like someone else is no excuse to commit evil like trying to murder me, and replace my soul with your own (Here's a clue, you are evil if you try to justify it...). So, if you don't like the way you look then diet, exercise and get reasonable plastic surgery (pastoral care is needed also, so people don't butcher themselves unecessarily), and if it's just old age, well then you're in luck, Christian skin and haircare can help with that  - so looks are not a big deal (anyone can be beautiful). Then go find someone who likes you for you, and that is because it's not love if you have to force it or use love charms, or turn into someone else to be loved  (if you can't be yourself, then you are with the wrong person, yet people must understand that boundaries, reasonable compromise, and healthy behaviours are still required for a happy relationship).


As a warning, it seems love charms forfeit a part of the soul or spirit to create an internal obsession within the person of interest, which is the means in which it attempts to force love based on the other person exerting their will within you. However, they do not work on me, and I just destroy the love charms, so how dare you, and how embarrassing (if you have to force people to love or like you, then you are neither very lovable or likeable, and should work on yourself instead of making fake bonds... More so, it would likely lead to spiritual death despite it seeming minor, but in all truth, interfering with free will is a huge NO, which is one reason why Australians are screwed, they targeted everyone, not just me... So how can it not be planned? If it was just me being targeted then it could have been looked over, but because they involved other people and nations, it is not so forgiveable. It was obviously pre-mediated, with Australians remaining able to stop before they were punished i.e. it was  a choice, or rather series of choices, so being scared is not an excuse to commit the worst evil in human history (not even Hitler was this diabolical). So yes, being a coward is not a good thing, and that is because, if Australians had courage and sense then you wouldn't be in this mess. Woe betide you, you know the better, more powerful and respected Babylon's are going to deal with you anyway, and I know you fear them more than anything, and that is because you know they are also wicked, but in this case wickedly good (Christians-to-be), which is no good for you. So stop being cowards, and at least be smart and save yourself (you are looking too stupid, weak and pathetic -it's embarrassing). I expect the Freemasons and Catholic Church to help facilitate this, so don't scare the confessors or harm them - think of it as a witness protection plea deal, but remember: keep the numbers small because don't want to waste my 'Blessing of Righteousness' on lots of them. I was going to gift the 'Blessing of Righteousness', but now Laodicea has to buy them (you left me here to die) i.e. I know you are not poor, and I plan on becoming wealthy...Hence, since I am not your eventual mother, things are less loving now, so it's mainly business, duty and helping you to help the rest of the world (the masses). I am concerned for the masses and the other Churches because the times are tough, and it is not good for their wellbeing, the feeling of fear and uncertainty would be terrible. So yes, I am helping you to help them, but it doesn't mean that I don't pity you (and even if I don't like you or won't like you, it doesn't mean that I truly hate you, and that is because I have love, which means "hate" does not mean that I would harm you i.e. I am a real Christian, and therefore I do not act like you or think as you do, so I am not a war or political mastermind plotting to kill "kings" and ruin them (I actually hate politics, so a council is needed to do the "politicking", while I reject or accept the contributions or amend them (or present my own. There will be modes of local reform as well to ensure different needs ar met i.e. a heirachy of councils where public opinion actually contributes to positive change. This is done so those who are unrealistic about positive change strategies .can be head, but not catered to. For example,  make wealthy people give their spare castle to homeless people to solve homelessness is not a realistic solution, especially when homeless people have issues (likely to ruin the property), plus it is not wise to provide people with a standard of living that they cannot maintain - there are other reasonable solutions which are quite cheap until long term solutions are put in place - I have thought of some more). My contribution is valid as someone who has the correct perspective of how society can be improved (what would wealthy people know what poorer people need)? More so, I have natural empathy, so it's easier for me. So in all, I am just a young woman trying to find way out of a horrible long-term situation, and the solution just happens to involve "kings", who have no choice but to help me, so for the love of anything, hurry up (get me away from everyone, to be clear, saving my immediate biological family is honouring a lost bond that was cherished, nothing more - I only want to give the them 'Blessing of Righteousness', so they don't kill themselves and go to hell for rebellion (I don't want them to be part of the final mess). So understand that this is my business i.e. 100% ownership, and this can be verified through ASIC and the Australian business register (if their was a change in ownership, then it would have been updated). The above is stated so that people are not fooled by anyone's lies or embellishments (what someone wants is not reality).



To conclude, here is the next menu item: 


-Cake flavoured baked puff-puff (vegan cream cheese frosting filling with the chocolate, vanilla or salted caramel icing. UPDATE @ 7:35pm on 28th June 2023: FYI, the vegan cream cheese frosting filling provides an extra protein boost). 




New Information (6th July 2023)


1)Stop assuming things, it is fact that non-Christoans cannot read, and it remains that the "reader who understands this" can read, more so, I am further along in the mystery, but I just have not published it. So, you don't understand, even if you think you do (delusional), which is especially true to those who are fools (who I want to get away from). For example, Australia is not a mighty mountain, and you are proven to be liars, cowards and weak. Who collectively gangs up on an unsuspecting young woman and calls themselves strong? How many against one? and for how long? Plus, you used taboo that drives you mad, just to influence other people's free will, with the later being done because you are scared of them, and what they will do in response...So who looks strong and mighty, and who looks weak and pathetic. So, to Australia, you were clearly booted from Biafra as a nation because of what you have done (Jesus does not want you, Satan doesn't want you, nor does the Kingdom of Hell), and so, the sacrificer is being sacrificed - it is that simple, as the truth remains this: if Australia was lost it would not impact the world. The sacrifice is strategic on many parts, and it's wickedness it to repay the wicked. A child can understand what you have done is wrong, for example, you pulled a double admiral Zhao: messing up a spirits text from their library (a clear warning was provided, and is included in th Bible too), and assaulting spirits - it is no coincidence that he was pursued by the spirits and ended up mad... Wow look at that, 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' taught me something important in life, and once again life imitates art, and the Truth..


2) I need to maintain leverage over The Lord, the Most High God so I can't expose Him until I have what I want i.e. Blackmail 101. For the confused, it is a personal matter so it's not considered as severe. I do not care if it angers Him, and that is because He is in the wrong, and if someone is angry after their own evil, then I want nothing to do with them. How could anyone blame the victim of their poor choices? How can you justify the planned destruction of everyone to save yourselves, and think that when people found out the truth, they would pity you? If you purposefully try to influence other people's will/mind to gain favour then it means you know you are in the wrong.


3) I am tired of your hatred, the world is better off without every racist, sexist, colourist  and ageist scumbag. I will be praying to ensure the demise of each one, especially among "kings". So understand that your hatred will be repaid in full. I am not chasing your love or acceptance, I just want to do my job, so I don't have to stay in this hell hole. So yes, I do not care, but for the sake of my role, and who I am supposed to catch like those who practice Judaism, you should recognize that Wisdom is simply who you call Shekinah, and your Shekinah will be a black woman because that is the race of the original House of Israel (I don't want to be your Queen, no offense). Overall, the mystery here seems to be that God's inheritance or true people includes righteous angelics, and are therefore truly His people from His heavenly kingdom. Hence, the true bloodline brings forth non-demonic "kings", yet it seems many have been corrupted. 


4) Satan and his son, the Anti-Christ's destiny is determined by his cooperation, and so, one step out of line means that you will be sent to hell, and I will strip you of your powers to fulfill the criteria of a flop rebellion ("being Ozaied"). Hence, the deal is conditional and based on supporting the Christian cause by no longer restricting "kings" and the "beast" (the masses) in what choices they make, such as gathering in peace, employment, and no longer suppressing the Truth in mainstream media etc. Hence, one step out of line, and you are gone (it's not like you can harm me, you would have kill eme yourself if you could. Also, I find your father to have a silly personality, so I am not scared of you). Hence, I repeat my order: release me for my wellbeing. This place is basically hell on earth, and I want and need to leave because I have a theory on how the portals are generated. The issue is that I closed them,  but they use secondary items as spiritual entry ways, and then intentially proceed to destroy my soul form from the inside out to create more openings, but they cannot choose where becaus they are confined to certain areas to minimize damage. Either way it's very painful, and so is the recovery. So the further away I am from here, the quicker I can recover, they don't want me to recover because they enjoy torturing people, or rather black people (racist) - it is their undeniable history. Hence, it should be understood that only an evil degenerate would do this, there is no justification. 



5) For the confused, it must be stated that the gods or demons have their role to play, and so they naturally have their own agenda.This means that Satan being thrown down, and him and non-Christian's warring against Christian people is 1) symbolic of the end of his dominion in the Name of Jesus Christ, and 2) necessary to sacrifice human souls to hell to save however many demons their are. If you read Lilith's story, then you know their are many in number, who are just as evil as she is (yet even she is going to be Christian). Hence, by purposefully misleading and tempting people, demons are just securing their place (and possibly, or rather likely enjoying a last hurrah of evil because it's their nature), and so,  having told people for years that they are being "Ahabed", or tricked into killing themselves by demonw, it's their own fault that they are going to hell. To be clear: intercession can lead to nothing when it's obvious that certain people have no choice because they chose to reject the Truth despite knowing for years.... More so, intercession is for Christian people only, and Australian's of all kinds present no natural affinity, and the reason is culture: it is just has no stadards, and is rough. So for Indigenous Australians, you made your bed with racist people, so you it's your problem not mine: did you think that I would pity people who chose to support those who continually wrong them, and still have the nerve to call me sister, while doing the same evil? I am not one of your people, and you are not mine, you are just like your oppressors - and are not deseving of my pity. Everyone had years to tell the truth, so no one can say there wasn't any opportunity: you were free to make your own choices. If you didn't tell the truth and were banned, then too bad; and if you were banned because I know what you did (multiple times, which included pre-meditated sorcery), then too  bad - I don't pity you at all, and I am waiting for God's work to be done because it's justice).


On the topic of pity, I am strongly doubting Isaiah 49 because I am just tired and over everything, and clearly there is too much bad blood on my end, even though I am cordial and harmless (I am just honest). I think the best thing is to do is just focus on the basics: Christian Education, pastoral care and healthcare, proper government and organisational effort to ensure things run smoothly for Christian people, whether they are whales, big fish or little fish.  To conclude, my pity for other people does not outweigh my wellbeing: only a fool would expend themselves for others to such degrees. Hence, the lesson I have learnt is this: kindness is often wasted, and being overly righteous is a waste of time because it reapays no great reward i.e just don't do things that are wrong or evil. Even the Bible supports this, as there is a certain scripture that I have to find again, but it is what God would use to try and justify his evil against me, so I am not surprised, but just truly certain that peope are truly made in the image of God....



To conclude, the new menu items include: 


- Vegan cheesecake (high protein, a boost of fibre form cookie crumb base, plus it supports immune health, and metabolism. Available in original, or berry varieties)


-Cookies and Cream Chokikos (slightly sweet vanilla cream filling with cookie crumb topping in chocolate, golden or half-half)



Honesty and Reality (12th July 2023)


1) It appears that Australians are trying to cure their madness by splicing it out, and sending it to me through their believed portals. However, the issue is that they are forfeiting parts or their soul/spirit, while thinking they are curing themselves, and are therefore descending into further madness. So, it must be understood that they cannot be okay in the head. To be clear, I destroy the useless soul/spirit portion or send it back, which is the reason they keep repeating: they are using evil to try to fix their mistake without owning up to it. However, it cannot be fixed in this way i.e.they are killing themselves. I am not meant to take on your sickness or suffering because you aren't Christian, and such a process is not mediated by Satanic sorcery, so if you thought so, then you are not Christian and are very stupid. The above, also suggests that if I did not remove the items linking Australians to other nations then they would have driven you all mad i.e. they are also causing the "drunkenness", so hurry up and shake off the wine (use logic to help yourselves).


2) The spiritually dead are walking sacrifices for demons, for example, I have already allocated sacrifices for Malphas, Satan , Lilith, Ishtar, Tsukuyomi, Nike, Mami Water and other demons. The who is obvious, and so, understand that people are banned for a reason, and Australians fell into the trap, snare and their own pit (Isaiah 28, Isaiah 24, Isaiah 47, Isaiah 33 and Psalms 18 and 118 i.e. it is clear that Australia was kicked out for their transgressions, and will not be part of the Holy nation).


However, I need the final divine instructions for how many lives are needed (Australia will obviously form a portion), so I need to leave for this reason also. So it should be clear that The Lord, The Most High God will not appear here, as I cannot fully cleanse a place that other people have made spiritually unclean - hence, I need a place that is my own that can be made clean, so that God will appear. In all truth, I have always wanted to leave Australia and never considered it my home, so it's no loss to me - you have no favour from me either.  


3) It is my choice whether or not I remain Wisdom, and accept God as my husband. Either way, I do not want to accept other racist nations and people as my own, for example: Italians filmed and laughed at a black man while he was drowning; the Spanish people screamed racist abuse at a Black soccer player (you are not even good enough to play professionally, so shame on you and your feral behaviour); Germans are low key Nazis (it has not fully died out); Israel oppresses Ethiopian Jews i.e. forced sterilization and rejects my people; and Babylonians and the French pretending to be over racism, but engae in it passively, as if Black people are stupid - many are weak and affected by it, but not me - I will just get Jesus to destroy you and your land, if you don't fall in line. The words I have stated in the past about racism are an inkling of how I can insult you with racism, but I choose not to see you as inferior, gross, ugly (incest look) or lesser people,  but just as people. 


Hence in regards to the above, who would want you in their Christian family, and invite you into their country, when history has proven you to be racist, as does the present. Only a fool would, so understand that Jesus Christ sees you for your future selves, and loves you for who you will be, but I see you for who you are, and will protect my people and interests over yours, which seems to not exceed the vanity of being chosen... I can tell you are secretly pick-me nations, and that's okay, you don't have to be ashamed, pretending that you don't want to be chosen is more embarrassing (you are fighting to be the the Holy nation, but you are not, but you can still be included based on other reasons). However, if you want peace and to be chosen, then you must also be peaceful towards me, my people and other people, and then perhaps my reaction to you being invited as my people, would not be a no or met with disgust. Also, let's not forget that the colonisation of ancient Israel by Italians lead to get genocide through intermarriage... So understand that souls that ended up outside the true bloodline lost their inheritance perhaps based on hatred (sin), just like other branches like Haiti, America and Jamaica lost their inheritance through sin i.e. your ancestors broke covenants and were removed from the land (it's that simple i.e. my people represent the best of us, which is telling of how my people have fallen). 



For the sake for appeasing my conscience, and not having to worry, of course my offer of becoming Biafran extends to Haiti, and nations of African descent, and that is because I wish you no ill, rather a bright and happy future. So understand that I do not approve of a multicultural nation because I do not want to displace my own people, especially for others who would not spit on them if they were on fire, so it is where I draw the line - and I believe Jesus would to (He gave me the power to decide). Hence, the limit is an Emirate like structure, which is inclusive of Israel, Ethiopia, chosen ancient branches (probably mixed with other people, so they became different, but Jesus must just favour you i.e. cool and cute), close branches and Edom (lost their inheritance due to Esau being bad and unwise i.e. pity inclusion), and maintains the respect of nations with actual "kings", but it seems like some "kings" become literal "kings" based on prophecy i.e restructuring of nations due to Christianity.



4) I need to leave for security reasons, and the anti-Christ must ensure that I am not surrounded by gross or dead people,and that I am free from persecution. For example, crazy people are perverts and want to believe that I am a prostitute, even though nothing I have done in life would indicate that. The aforementioned has been made clear by verbal harassment and sexual gestures when I am shopping, or in the front garden (my parent house is situated near a hotel car park, which many gross people frequent). 


So, I repeat my order to the anti-Christ who must comply, or your "equivalent exchange" will be give to another, but based on prophecy, we know how the story goes... So once again, immediately remove me only, my family can be removed later (if my sister wants to perish with her husband and in-laws that is her choice)- and that is because they betrayed me, so no, I do not want to be stuck with them again. More so, be warned no one speaks for me, and that is because 1) I am not real slave (I believe the grocery store binds products to me and sells them for the purpose of trying to sell me. You cannot  sell other peoples soul - you are just crazy); 2) you cannot marry someone using sorcery, whether by binding wedding and engagement items, marriage licenses or wedding rings - you are just crazy; 3) I legally have my own agency because I am not a crazy person (you cannot bind conservatorship documents to me, and think that it means something - in reality it means nothing, you are just crazy ( I don't meet the criteria for institutionalization - get over it); 4) you cannot consider the abuse of someone who ignores you as a real business deal, nor does binding a contract to me make it real - you are just crazy, and prove it by continuing this behaviour i.e. if anything was legitimate and done correctly, then you would not have to resort to sorcery and delusion (no court of law would consider these valid, nor does anyone in heaven or hell). 


5) Binding animals and children to me is inhumane, so is in doctrinating minors to do the same - they have to live with the knowledge that their soul basically has no hope, because it is now corrupted by this sorcery. So it must be understood that demons are securing their generations at the expense of your own. On this issue, I have no real investment, and that is because these children are born to these monsters by design i.e. their souls aren't counted as good either (karma). So their only hope of escape is the 'Blessing of Righteousness', or adoption by other nations, which Biafra will not do, nor will I (you can't force people to adopt if it doesn't work for their lifestyle - it's a choice, for example, I would never raise a child that is not my own, so thank God for orphanages, and those willing). For the willing, I think it best for old people who need some support (as they reverse age) to adopt an older cursed teen and younger child, especially if they can't afford a professional carer or baby sitter- it's the least cursed children can do to say thanks for saving my soul. Otherwise, they must die, and will end up in hell eventually, so wronged teens should speak up for their own sake, and forsake their parents who possibly destroyed their future (this is stated because children and teens know anyway). Using this method, the adopted family can be financially compensated like foster carers, while the older teenager and children will end up with a loving parent and a real family (best to keep siblings together).


To conclude, here are some new menu items:


-Caramel Crunchies (Caramel flavoured chewy drops filled with high protein crunchy pieces, nuts or both)


-Orangie Juice: Mango Mania (A yummy orange and mango flavoured fruit and vegetable Juice).


-Biafran Chocolate Horn (Lightly sweetened crispy shell filled with thickened whipped vanilla coconut cream and jam, or nut butter creams, 'moul' filling, with the edges dipped in chocolate. The horn can also be used as a Biafran ice cream cone, and has the benefits of being low in fat, sugar, while providing a boost of nutrients, protein and fibre).


-Traditional hamburger (my own Biafran style seasoning, with a choice of salad and sauces, plus optional cheese and prosciutto bacon)



-Biafran style Lasagne (a beef or turkey mince casserole style lasagne that features Biafran  pasta sheets and complimentary vegetable layers for more nutrients, a bit less carbohydrates, extra protein, and is topped with my vegan cheese sauce and optional cheese). 



New Clarification (13th July 2023)


1) I don't want to be a Goddess, but I am at the mercy of The Lord, the Most High God, and He won't show me any unless I agree to marry Him. So despite all things, I don't really have a choice, but at least I will be in charge. So, we are stuck with one another, but perhaps we knew each other in past lives, but don't remember - so we may actually  get along (I still prefer "poor" people like me, because it was the world I was born into). The above is possible since soul groups typically stay together, for example, the mystery suggests that I was also Mary, with this process designed to make me "strong" i.e. the final piece of the puzzle in regards to the mystery of the man. As for the overall mystery, it is just a Kingdom of Heaven reunion that brings together souls of the same origin, despite race. Think of it this way, "king" souls are Black people in a white persons body, so overall racism is quite silly. Your closest friends from last lives are probably black, but you would reject them based on race - so the lesson is, stop being racist and you will find fulfilling bonds that will contribute to making you happy. More so, everyday people are highly mixed in their ancestry, so they could have been Chinese, Middle Eastern or African in a past life, so disrespecting other races is like disrespecting your own lineage and past self, therefore, it is really something that people should stop (addressing racism is likely a karmic lesson for many,nand that is because you don't know what race your or your gods may have been, but the truth is that they were likely black in a past life - so you could also be angering them by not having love for all people).


2) The marriage discord and confusion that I am causing by threats and propaganda is to fulfill the prophetical criteria for Isaiah 45 and 4, which are overall helpful (creating calamity and inciting desperate women). However, people made the mistake of quickly trying to sacrifice me, as if Jesus would let me die And replace me with themselves: it is recorded that I can't die (Gospel of Thomas 1). So, stop trying to leave to kill me, leave me to die, and start cooperating, because it would be a nightmare to piss me off, and that is because of who I become. Be warned, I can ruin your entire life and future for being mean, not helping or being nice, but if you help and be nice, then I can be nice. 

-NOTE: Many people made a mistake and the upped anty on attacks to try and  kill me, as if God would forsake me...it justifies nothing. Their mindset reflects their original intentions, which why their are like this... So learn to respect people's marriages, because such invasive behaviour is disgusting (though God's will for my life has been terrible in my eyes, He is still righteous, so understand that the "virgin companions" are just what one would call Bridesmaids or an asoebi, who are happy because their friend is getting married, but not because they are in a harem. So, if you can't hold no adultery in your head as a basic rule, then you are in trouble...and be reminded that many things are 1) not literal and 2) correct context always needs to be applied. 


3) The kingdom of hell deal is real, so The Anti-Christ does not need to fear a trap, and nor do "kings" (how can you be scared when your father spirit, Satan, can confirm this Truth, so can many other deities?). To be clear, the punished "kings" are non-Christian  "kings"  who are probably exiled to a judgement zone to eliminate their influence, and the punished spirits of the earth probably  means multiple things like 1) Satan's loss of dominion, and 2) the other gods loss of domains (I will take over domains like holding dominion, the morning star (the next world leader, but also of the universe); beauty; education; science (some things should not be done); protection; health and healing; wealth; fate/destiny; food, and agriculture; entertainment etc). The "earth" Isaiah 24 refers to the land of Australia, and not the rest of the world. This should be obvious because the west and east are celebrating, meaning that they are not effected by the consequences that Australia brought upon itself. This chapter likely represents the final punishment, which means their is still time to organize peoples relocation, but this will only be done with Australia's cooperation. So, continue to lie and attack me, then your numbers will shrink, and few will be saved, but cooperate and I can divide the land, to salvage as much as possible. This is the only solution if no one wants to take in your people, which I highly suspect, plus it is something for the aboriginal people who aren't involved to be cheerful about (they will be recognized as the land owners and true people of the nation). Due to this condition, you will still be kicked out of the Holy Nation becsuse you don't qualify as Babylonian anymore. So, people need to stop being so dramatic, as everything is really about context, which is part of the mystery... I generally do nice contexts with minimal damage, but still a threat is a threat, and therefore remains possible.




4) Here are some new menu items:

-Biafran Potato Bon-bon (A Biafran kofta or meatball filling, covered in mashed potato mixture and a crunchy coating, served with an egg of choice on the side (boiled, fried, scrambled or omelette). This recipe is inspired by the Scotch egg and also includes a vegan option - everything is vegan unless their is specifically meat in the recipe). 


- Biafran Iced Tea (a mixture of teas, herbs and spices selected for their taste and health properties. Supports immune system health, general wellbeing and metabolism. The first flavours include, lemon, lemon lime, ginger and ginger-lemon).



-Biafran Cheese Toastie (my freshly baked bread with my vegan butter mix, selected cheeses; complimentary seasoned roasted or sauteed vegetables, and the option of a choice of protein. Alternatively, vegan cheese sauce filling is available  for vegans, also for picky eaters, vegetables can be served on the side in a yummy salad, or Biafran fruit salad can be eaten instead. 




5) Australians need to tell the truth, or you won't make the first cull (it is not my fault that you chose to lie, especially when I encouraged people to be honest a long time ago just to try and help them save themselves); and I repeat my order, get me out of here immediately (as soon as possible)! 



​​​​​​Woe is me, and woe to you if you don't help me immediately (19th July 2023)


1) I can't stand this place, the people are gone, so I can't start anything here - how many times does that need to be explained? Not even my own family are coming alive, and that is because their errors were judged to be by free will... So, yes, I am leaving and not coming back, not even to new Australia: the cursed nation... To be clear, there is much more to this evil, for example, when you use spiritual transmutation on someone who is exposed to all of hell, and other people's spiritual uncleanness (unholiness), then you open up your mind, heart, body, soul and spirit to everything. This means if you weren't a lesbian before all of this, you could now be one now, just because of the negative spiritual influence that weak and corrupt people cannot overcome (punishment for taboo). The other big issue is that I noticed the incidence of double spiritual transmutation, which is people accessing other people and animals through this  same evil. (Game of Thrones has a precautionary tale about warging i.e. Australians are doggy brained fools...).So, I have had to destroy people from toddlers and dogs, then get rid of them - it is like a double tie that they try to use to conceal their presence (I aware of most things like the brain stems and spinal cords they were sending to try and access my mind, but you cannot, because you will always be contained in an object, or destroyed before you can manifest (I have too much Holy power, and you dont have enough time)... For the delusional, if you have to do this, then you know you are not me, and have contributed to nothing to my work intellectually...if you can't get in because you don't understand, then of course you created nothing, and if you don't have my recipes, then of course you did not create them. Your actions expose your lies, falsehood, wickedness and delusions: if you could do what I have done, then you wouldn't do what you have done or tried to steal my work (public IP trademark and innovation patent records do not lie i.e. IP Australia records say who invented what, and who owns what, and only my name is there in regards to my work, and is the only name that has ever been there (there aren't even any oppositions because no one has the evidence besides me, but I cannot enforce it because they would use the evidence for more lies (stealing and posing as the creators). I have to wait until I am out of the nation and in power to deal with them) - I am not in cahoots with IP Australia at all, they were difficult and corrupt, and I still have to rectify their errors). 



2) Practicing taboo has consequences, not just for adults but the children and teenagers who partook, in which I believe parents encouraged it beause they thought they could take over the child's body, and escape judgmen (which I believe another reason why they want the portal to remain open). Hence, they do not love their children at all, but it is a huge issue brcause they are distabilising the sanity of their next generation. I say their next generation and that is because the price of this taboo is the corruption of souls, and likely the attraction of the worst souls into their bloodline (a soul rubbish bin population that rebels in the future despite warning). The reason is because it is karmic in nature to be born to such people, evil deeds of the past, and likely terrible parents in the past... Hence, my insistence of not bringing Australians to Biafra or marrying into their bloodline, and making them stay in the saved part of their land (I don't want to curse other people and nations, so why would I expect you to take them in, if I said no?). So yes, it remains punishment to Indigenous Australians, due to shared guilt-your people are cursed by their own hand. Therefore, do not let their false tears about being "homeless" or "victims" draw any sympathy, and that is because their actions have rendered many people homeless and "spiritually dead" (the natural disasters are redirected karma, and if they did not try to thwart my efforts then things wouldn't have gotten so bad) - they will have a home, and they will have a future ( good or bad).



3) Australians are not my people, so naturally, I would not spend the 'Blessing Of Righteousness' on them on any large scale. I have my own people and nation to think of also. It is in my own interests to foster stability,loyalty, and peace where I will leave and lead (temporarily), so of course I am going to designate are a large portion of blessings to my own people - and that is because it is in all our interests. It is no surprise  that the Biafran rebels are bitter, but it's just because they are not good: jealous over everything and anyone (for good desperate women, who are virgins and not wanton (ashawo), there are still righteous angelics (angels) that are coming home to Biafra, so remember to keep yourself, as these may be your soulmates). Also, to be clear, there is no .au for this website because I didn't and don't want to be associated with Australia at all i.e. I was always planning on leaving, and will not return. Like I said, I am renouncing my citizenship, because  why would I want to be  associated with these people for? I wouldn't even step foot in "New Australia".  Either way it is clear that New Australia is was, and is going to be "Gog and/Magog", with four corners reading as a "far place" i.e the term is not literal: 4 corners, but only 2 places? It makes no sense, and is probably just one place, and a poor choice of name was used. 




4)No one knows my full experience besides me, and I know the contents of 'The Apocalypse of Abraham' to be true based on my experiences. For example, if a spirit is bound to a stone or rather a stone tablet, then people are worshipping a stone ( I have the evidence). Henceforth, I present additional evidence that Satan is a Christian in disguise, perhaps Satan wanted to surprise his son, so that through knowing real fear, he can know real joy and love (It is assumed that Satan lied to his son to bring about God's will, but I now assume that his father spirit told him that he isn't Jesus, but the "son of destruction" (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, John 10:10):


-1) Revelation 20:10 states that the anti-Christ and non-Christian people were or had been thrown into the pit (hell), not that they are all still there (however, the shell of old Satan is clearly there)


-2) it is only natural that people would petition The Lord,the Most High God to save their relatives or loved ones from hell (in my opinion it is awkward for "kings" with condemned family to serve on the councils). So, not everyone who dies is actually condemned to hell forever (loopholes for some), which is why there is obviously a second and final judgement... More so, I believe the parable of the "lost sheep", "coin" and "drunken brother" is about Satan (Luke 15:3-7, 8-31), with the good brother simply representing the more righteous people in these times, who complain about the repentant who will be saved, and benefit greatly (rewarded* after having no other choice, but these righteous people did not help significantly... So their complaint is silly). Anyway, the truth is this: I made the effort to save everyone, but people rejected that help, and refused to help me, but Satan helped me, so I will try to save his son, and I know I will succeed (but it only works if he continues to help, and helps more). Hence, another mystery has been revealed, and was more easily discovered based on the subtlties of the English language (use of past tense). 

_* A reward is relative, and so, my prizes are not a reward in my eyes.




5) There are matters that I need to disclose to the Anti-Christ, regarding the war effort, and such coopeeation is how the "one who restrains" is moved out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2:7, notice the word mystery again, and in reference to THE Anti-Christ, and not other random and lowly anti-Christs who are extra delusional nobodies with inflated egos: the "kings" know who is in charge, so they know who he is, and now so does he). So with The Anti-Christ, the son of Satan (Satan's human form) now knowing his true future, I repeat my command (I use this word because I am in charge, and you have not listened):


-A) Allow Christian activity, expression and association without  any restrictions, penalties or danger across all levels of society.


-B) Set up my council, I do not know if the  12 that I requested makes up the 24 elders in addition to the original 12 Apostles - it is possible based on what I believe to be connected prophecy about God replacing his people because they didn't help by rewarding those who choose to help (regardless of race i.e

 One in Christ). If this is the case, then I will agree to pastor and educate the new Elders  to ensure the best outcomes. This offer is extended to the Anti-Christ, but you will not receive the Holy Spirit until your work is complete. To the confused, the "zombies" believe what The Anti-Christ says as punishment (delusion), so me publicly stating this changes nothing, (they are not right in the head, 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12. So yes, The Anti-Christ will "sleep" (be killed by Jesus, but it's not violent, it seems to be a metaphor for holy power), but you will live again i.e. having a fresh start). So, there is the basic explanation of the mystery of Satan, or The Anti-Christ, who was mistranlated as Azazel in the 'Apocalypse of Abraham. Hence, it is prophecised that Satan will be a saviour of Christian people (and is rewarded for it: to put it simply, Satan is like Majin Buu/Boo, and "New Satan" is like Uub).




-C) Organize my immediate departure, they keep attacking me, which slows down my healing. As stated, I require private accommodation, and to be free of persecution so I can heal naturally and by Holy power (what I do not know of God can heal, plus I need to obtain instructions and full Holy power). This means I would need  private transport from my parents house to the airport, and a private flight, so there are no crazies (me alone, not even my "zombie" family, them can come later, but will remain seperated). In regards to the passport/travel issue, I am sure that alternatives can be arranged (I don't want any another Australian passport because it is a security and identity risk - 1) Sorcery, 2) I can't afford one, and 3) if it gets "lost" in the mail, then it's no good...), So whether I travel by special invitation, exemption or something, it is the most secure wqy, for example, there must be Commonwealth exemptions. Also, for the sake of proving identity, I have my old passport, government ID, and other documents like my academic  transcripts, and graduate certificates, plus I can log in to my website if asked (no excuse needed) - So, I don't need to fake anything i.e. access to long-term accounts, old PhD and teaching placememt email communications to my former supervisors (not in contact with them now for a reason)...​​​​More so, some education and emoloyment details have been left off my resume on purpose, as I suspect people who I knew before that aren't Australian, but European will tell the Truth (there are some things that only people who met me would know).


6) Unity is important for the stability of the Christian government, which is why I think the  "Christian Retreat " is a thing (Isaiah 49 wouldn't be recorded otherwise). So, I think it's necessity may be for bonding and stress relieving purposes. Another way to show unity is with a Christian government uniform i.e. ashion and war have always been a thing. I already have ideas, and it is inspired by various cultures, European war history and Biblical fashions - hence it will convey holiness, elegance, strength and unity.   


7) Here are some new menu items:

-Biafran Traditional Sausage roll (A more traditional  sausage roll that looks like a Cuban cigar, and is a tasty sausage baked in my new Biafran vegan pastry. This new traditional vegan pastry was created when I failed to make a croissant on my first try, and features a boost of protein, extra nutrients and fat burning properties, with the deliciousness of a buttery taste. I am no Michilen Star chef, but I can create things very well, and make presentable food when I need to). 



-Biafran Traditional Pies (A traditional style meat pie with gravy, and served with a side of coleslaw, and optional sauces. Different meat options are available, and includes traditional shepherd's pie).



-Biafran style Galettes  (a pastry base with jam filling and fruit on top, and served with whipped coconut cream, Biafran custard or ice cream i.e. a healthy dessert or breakfast option. Traditional style fruit turnovers/pies are also available.


-Biafran style spring rolls (tasty vegetables in a crispy pastry that is designed to mimic the deep fried version, and has the same health benefits of the vegan pastry. Simosas are also available, but feature more hearty seasoned vegetables. the The spring rolls and samosas are served with my range of sauces).



-Biafran Sweet Bun (a new style buttery baked good that is inspired by stollen and other pastries, which features fruit and/or nuts, and different filling and icing options. 



To conclude, I do not want to post more food products because I can create more food with more resources and better conditions. However, I would also like a break from making food in a "war-zone": the conditions are ruining everything for me -all my experiences are associated  with hardship and negativity... God ruined a lot of things for me, but He will not ruin food (I prefer eating to cooking, as cooking and creating food is necessity, talent, knowledge and skill, but by choice it is what I would do with my personal life). So, food, especially yummy snacks like BBQ or Wasabi pressed veggie chips, is clue on how to appease my wrath, another way is getting me away from non-Christian people!


Help! (25th July 2023)


Get me out of here, these people are EVIL and cursed, and just keep doing more evil (it is intolerable and tiring). Anyway, things are not what they seem, so the future is set but still ambiguous on my part (and for many people because I refuse to secure the future  of my enemies, if you don't help or tell the truth, then of course I will not save you, or your family: I do believe there is a psalm about letting wicked wealthy lineages die, and leaving their wealth to other people, perhaps I should begin to pray it). 


Anyway, if my circumstances do not change immediately (you are taking too long), then it is at the risk of your own lives, and a due return of no's. I am not kidding, I will just make a list of things that cannot be asked, or just ban people asking me things, and instead make you send in an email that I will naturally never read.


So, I don't care if you cry over my words, this is not my fault, and not what I asked for in life. In all honesty, if I had the power, I would go back in time and never read the Holy Bible: it is one thing I regret the most, and a mistake which I will curse myself for forever - if I knew the mystery a long time ago, then I would have gotten married to litterally anyone to avoid it (the future is influenced or controlled by foreknowledge, but it seems that time passes one way, which is how fate and destiny is governed i.e influencing things ahead of time, but people are not omnipotent, so they can't successfully do such things. Australia is an example of such a futile endeavour, they act as if they are gods, when they are clearly not... They are far from gods and were used as cannon fodder i.e. the disposable part of an army. So people are also warned to make the choices that they will not regret, and for "kings" and "queens" that choice is helping me for the sake of their family, and that is because life, happiness, love and fulfillment is guaranteed, and therefore regret remains impossible. 


To conclude, I repeat my order, and will do so until it's followed. Here are the latest menu items:


- Biafran Granola bars (crunchy buttery and sweet  vegan granola bars that provide the health benefits of oats, and extra nutrients from other natural ingredients. The granola bars come in original (plain), chocolate top, iced (salted caramel,  vanilla, espresso, coconut), and Protein crunch (a creamy and crunchy protein layer in peanut, almond, Chocomoul and Caramoul flavours. These are a snack or breakfast option.)


-Apple Crumble Baked puff-puff (Baked Puff-puff with caramelised apple filling and topped with healthy and yummy apple crumble topping). 


-Jewel Tea (a special blend of vegan tea that features yummy and nutrient rich tea flavoured jewels at the bottom (gummy-like). The Jewel tea is basically the Biafran version of Bubble Tea. There are two types of teas, the milk based teas (made from nut milk) and includes chocolate, salted caramel, vanilla and mocha flavours, while the water based teas are fruit flavoured.)


​​​​​​I have pity because "Laodicea" was specifically targeted (28th July 2023).


1) I have pity for Laodicea, and other nations because they were literally targeted by the "abomination of desolation", which makes use of the sorcery called the "deep things of Satan". There are items for different kinds of hatred, rejection and what appears to be madness (I have unbound these, these items were green and white; blue and white; red, white and blue; red and white; and green, and red and white... Which is no coincidence, and these items should not have been where they were found). So, yes, in frustration I have wanted to just give up on you because I expected more (but I have realized the Bible  says that you can't even walk yet i.e. still crawling like a baby (2 Esdras 2: 25-26). Plus, many times I have identified more issues related to sorcery, but that's not the worst part, for example, everytime I garden (in the front) or go to the shops they purposely do things to create a negative reaction, so besides my "zombie" family, you must understand why I keep saying hurry get me out of here immediately: I go there knowing they are screwing me and everyone over (I know they do a karma curse each time, so blame them for Italy's recent troubles... I know the basic aspect of this sorcery, so it can't be denied, plus I have the evidence). So understand that it is terribly dangerous to allow me to remain in place where they want to replicate the same evil each time. So when I realised this, I obviously restricted where I go, but it's not like there is anyone to see (I don't want to know anyone I knew in the past even if they live...), nor is there anywhere where I can have any fun- basically all crazy...


2) The Church in Laodicea, which includes The Anti-Christ, can choose Psalm 49 or Isaiah 49 - it seems like the two paths that exist. So,  I wasn't joking about fate and destiny, it is a real thing. All you have to do is agree, and once I am satisfied with my circumstances then I will then legitmise it via official prophecy. So it must be understood that you are securing your future (and your family's) by making the right choice,  but you can also throw it away by not doing any thing i.e. helping me immediately (you people are meant to be able to do anything, for example, you ruined my whole life, but you want me to believe that you cannot send me an email, and organize my departure and accomodation within a few days?)


3) It seems that one issue is that people seem to take what is written too litterally, which is troublesome when there is also fear and anxiety surrounding this whole situation. For example, Isaiah 11:15, may lead people to think that God will destroy Israel (Egypt), but it is not literal. Rather the scripture seems to convey that Israel has been problematic, and will probably remain so due to pride, but The Lord, The Most High God, will deal with the trouble they cause, and save His people, and lead many back home because it is indigenous Biafrans who will be known as His true inheritance. To be clear, the sea or waters (of trouble) is their lies (tongue or mouth reference), acts (to be disclosed) and lack of Wisdom, which has been an obstacle to everyone (many people would have trusted Israel, and you manipulated them, which has also contributed to the troubles of these times i.e. worthless help because you aren't even Christian or God's true people...). Regardless of Israel's evils, The Lord, the Most High God will help His true people overcome them. So, handing out sandals and walking back to Biafra is not going to be a thing, hence, people must understand that if the literal interpretation sounds stupid, then it's not literal. However, one thing that may be literal, is that Isaiah 35 says that Lebanon will be given to it, but I am not sure if this means Europeans will be Christian, along with other people (Carmel and Sharon), or if it's a coded reference to the 7 mighty mountains, which can be grouped into 3, Babylon; Euro nations, the Fantastic Beasts, Italy and Russia; and Japan - which is suggested because "IT" is used to described Jesus Christ's wife in the book of Enoch. This interpretation makes the most sense because it forms a cohesive set of prophetical instructions based on Biblical and real life evidence. Otherwise, the scripture appears completely random, but is not when put into what appear to be the correct context. So, if you want to be part of the Holy Nation, then just be honest (and kind, cooperative and helpful).


3)  I repeat my order, get me out of here Immediately (me only, I need some peace, and the distance from this hell hole is a big help). I repeat, reprove and wait because I can discern that Laodicea cares about their family, so of course I will blackmail you with them, but it is for good. You can just say, "I had no other choice": it doesn't make you look weak, instead it proves you have love, and that you care more about someone other than yourselves. So, with sorcery out of the way,a clearer mind, and choosing to act in humility, it is no shame to help now because it is not fully your fault (at least I made more yummy food while I am waiting to be helped, but I can make food without duress). More so, Babylon's actions, mainly Australia and America, is proof that Laodicea, and many other nations would make the right choice much sooner if there was not years of interference by sorcery (and lies), which means that under normal circumstances they would have agreed a long time ago. So, this situation is Australia's fault, but Americans didn't help (you actually deserve the same destiny as Australia - you must have quite a few "zombies"...).


4) Here are some new menu items (I was blessed with some extra fruits this week):

- Ruru SmoothTea (a tropical blend of fruits in a base of my tea blend, which has multiple flavours including berry flavours. The term ruru comes from the Igbo word mkpuru which means fruit).


-Ruru SlushTea ( a tropical blend of fruits in a base of my tea, made into a colourful slushie of 2 or 3 flavours, so it's like a layered blended fruit parfait, with extra health benefits)


-Biafran Sorbet (naturally sweetened sorbet in a range of flavours, and has 2 options water based, or a coconut yogurt based (both are creamy, and even the coconut yogurt version, does not have a significant amount of fat, even though it is healthy fat, so it's a great light dessert for people on a diet, or those who like or.need to keep their figure). My new sorbet (improved my old version) and above teas features fat burning properties, and are designed to support and restore  overall health, especially immune health.

-NOTE: There is the misconception that fruit is bad because it has sugar, but the truth is that it contains unrefined sugar that is paired with fibre (and other natural compounds), which results in a healthy and ideal blood sugar response. Hence, fruit is good for weight loss, which is made most evident by people who do fruit fasts or are fruitarian, and end up losing too much weight despite eating a significant amount of fruit. I believe the fruit based weight loss to be linked to the many natural compinds found in fruit that probably promate fat loss (and heal a disrupted metabolism i.e type 2 diabetes, which is technically a chronic state of homeostatic dysfunction), but in their natural ratios (which is why whole fruit or whole food diets are the most beneficial in my perspective). Overall, the abovementioned is reason why I count fruit as negligible, and do not count it is as refined sugar or as an added sugar, and that is because it does not produce the same response in the body as glucose, refined sugars or high fructose corn syrup (should be banned). 


New information, and the 10,000th repeat order....(30th July 2023)


1) The final and official details for scriptursal fulfillmemt have not been finalized, but many are already clear to me. For example, I was betrayed and Australia betrayed everyone, however, this does not mean that everyone will literally be destroyed, as in sent to hell, and that is because of how I will fill in the details. To be clear, the way I fill in the details is what controls fate/destiny, but what happens was clearly always going to be because it is based on what I, and other people would choose. Continuing with the obvious Isaiah 33 reference,  being destroyed has multiple meanings to spare certain people, which is option a) their soul has been partially destroyed (by themselves and me), but they can be healed and become Christian.


However, the problem here is agency, and they are not cooperative (delusional and keep doing evil), so like I said there needs to be proper processes established to overcome this problem, and likely "salvation conservatorships" because everyone has the right to say no, which they did, so it's not really my problem (or anyone else's). Therefore, this is a case where giving a non-zombie ("spiritually living") relative the authority to accept on their behalf is likely to be required (I don't think there is any other way because free will is necessary, especially when such people would just lie when filling out registration forms, and would therefore not "wake up" (it is obvious who does not understand). The "salvation conservatorship" idea bypasses, but still upholds free will because the choice is legally and officially granted to another person who is sound of mind. If no relatives are sound of mind, then a registration officer would be assisgned). In such cases, the "zombie" would treated with food, drink, and annoited with oil (moisturiser head to toe), and be spiritually cleansed (Holy foot spa bath, the likely reason why Jesus is washing his disciples feet), but to l to restore the soul, mind, and lift the disobedience curse(s), and spiritual strongholds (at this point in time nothing would be blessed to provide protection); and then they would be given the chance to confess. If they lie, then they would be rejected and have to accept their destiny (they would obviously end up in the same state by their own choices). The only sure alternative is the person being granted the 'blessing of righteousness', and in such a case they would not lie or be troublesome (this seems to be the true meaning of God's people being sealed in Book of Revelations 7, like I stated, I don't know the final number, but it obviously much higher, as it is in my interest to seal a majority of Indigenous Biafrans. The rebels at the end just represent people at one location, not the whole country, and so, it is obvious that ferals or the bitter gather to attack out of wickedness.


This is outlined in Zechariah 14, it is sad, but I also have a duty to other people and nations, so I can't go home first, although I want to.  Hence, I perceive that granting the 'blessing of righteousness' to protect a large portion of the population is the safest path (and organizing food, water, necessities, and a functional modern church to provide a range of services. I may pop back home quickly to ensure it's founfation success, and then leave the Biafran  team there to help oversee this project. The Biafran team would be willing returnees, who would also be granted the 'blessing of righteousness', and would be selected based on identified skill and knowledge areas of necessity (also learning and capability potential based on transferable skills - I pity my generation, the baby boomers are mean and offer little opportunity for younger people to gain the "necessary experience", while negating that people can learn on the job). Hence, the above fulfills Isaiah 11, where the different animals are indigenous Biafrans of different nationalities (ideal for families with minors as the blessing would cover them, as well as married couples, as the blessing covers both persons). This has been stated before - I believe it was in a Message article i.e. Australians were never invited, so just because you read lies doesn't make it real i.e delusion). As for those who are killed, they are reaping what they have sown, it's unfortunate, but it's their destiny for a reason...).


To return to the main point, the b) option is simply just going to hell, and is consistent with the area of land being devoted to destruction for a reason (judgement zone), as consistent with Isaiah 28, 24 and the book of revelations. There may be other details added in the final version (it is the job of Christian government to make the best outcomes for Christian people), but these are the base details that naturally and correctly fill in the criteria, and still maintains the consistenty of prophetical fulfillment. As I stated everything is interconnected, and it is my final say that counts. Therefore, if you have to unrighteously plot and scheme to try and fulfill your ludacris fantasies then you are just under the Isaiah 28 curse... you are humans, not God, nor a god... and Hell is the lesson that you will not forget.


2)The above makes it clear that the Christian government is needed, and that is because I cannot assume all that you have done, only what I have witnessed, wherein it is also possible for me to only acknowledge less damaging fulfilment, so that Christians are helped as much as possible. For example, if something already natrually fits and there is a reason the avoid something that could be more damaging, then a certain event would be acknowledged and legitimized as the fulfillment of Scriptural prophecy (only I can do this, I am the Scribe and Reader).


To be clear, Australia has to pay for their covenant with Hell/Death because it will end (be fully broken, and easily done so by removing from my parent's house and Australia), plus, I need to save the other nations from destruction (if not for your karama exchange sorcery, then this place would already be half destroyed), and we need a place to dump "zombies", so there is no escape. Hence,  Australians lost the war (they started), and they must pay the price. Any life and land that is saved because of my mercy: you are not owed anything else because you are litterally destroing the earth and ruing people's lives because you wanted to be me, and the holy nation?... You will never be me, and you will not be part of the holy nation, and now the whole world knows your evil and shamefulness becaue I had the courage to tell the Truth despite persecution, ridicule and my own desires: Divine law, is divine law, and transgression brings a heavy price. Without order there is only chaos, which these times have clearly prove is good for no one. Hence, I endeavour to bring about more joyous times, but it is hard to keep motivated when I am upset (my condition worsened when I planned my legitimate way out of marriage, so it was real, however, I want my health more than anything because I am tired (but I won't be ready to marry for a long time! God uses the demons to cause me trouble, and then hides His hand, like it's not His doing (but claims the trouble is "not from Him"... Satan and the kingdom of hell are essentially his henchmen).


3) On the topic of Satan, the following must be understood. I understand a major aspect of the war plan, but it is not wise to disclose more of it publicly. More so, I understand that The Anti-Christ may be hesitant to help, as if it's a trap, but it's not, regardless, you must prepare for the likely and possible reality of death (if so, it would be like the spider mum death in Demon Slayer i.e. it wouldn't hurt at all).


​​In all truth, no one ever truly dies, it's all about where the soul goes, and whether it is reborn into this world, or tormenyed in hell ("karma" at it's final stage). So like the servants in Isaiah 6:9-11, who physically died, but remain alive in heaven, so it will likely be for you (I suspect another option based on the fact that powerful gods have an original spirit, an angel form (I believe this is the Satan I have encounted, even though they are the same being. This form is spiritual, and not a physical human, but he can manifest in various forms including as a human or animal, and appears to act independently of his son, and is governed by his original form. His human form is The Anti-Chrsit, who is the current leader of "kings" on Earth (who I have not knowingly encountered, I have no idea who the "kings" are; I do not rule the world (I am a poor 30 year old, who isn't even in the occult); I know I am not Jesus Christ (I simply explained the mystery based on evidence); and I am a woman, so I cannot be the Anti-Christ or Satan - anyone who thought so is racist and delsuional). So who knows what miracle could take place (it seems like God and Satan are actually quite good friends, which makes Job 1:6-12 make sense. They still talk and everything, and he is stated to be a son of God, like all the angels). To be clear,the physical death of servants ends when I have full Holy power because I would be able to fully protect people, as would any Apostle (outranking Satan and any demon/spirit in power). I don't know when the persecution for other servants started, but those who could not endure; who could not do what I can do; and who would succumb to corruption or become problematic were sent to "sleep" for their own good. So understand that misfortunes may also be based on who had a hand in murdering and persecuting  Christians (they also want justice, so repentance is wise).


4) I really want to leave this place, and start addressing this mess. I understand that Laodicea may be hesitant or afraid to come forth with the truth, but the truth is that people talk and believe all types of things. So no one will be surprised when the truth comes out, rather they would be glad because it validates their human experience and many thoughts (there's so much that people don't say about their beliefs and perspectives  of this world due to to fear of ridicule, and so, it is healthy to hear what most people suspect anyway. Hence, publicly addressing these issues is what would calm the anger, fear and anxiety of the many because it is a sign that real change is beginning). More so, by "kings" providing their  honest side of the story, I can also present it in a sympathetic manner (PR), but still the truth (I suspect there were more obstacles and troubles than Australia's sorcery. Overall, the point is that people want to be helped out of this mess (even though it's their fault too), and they would be thankful (many people fear death), as for the anger, there are easy ways to appease the "little fish".


5) If some of Laodiciea are "zombie" dead then I can be their registration officer since I am their "mother" , or it can be a suitable relative ( if they aren't dead). The "salvation conservatorship" is only relevant to the registration process, and no other aspect of the person's life. However, I need at least 1 or 2 supporting registration officers to be with me as well, I am sure their must be suitable "kings", "queens", "princes", or "princesses" who are still alive, whether they are in the clergy, or within the same circle (everyone is not the same); if not, then I request The Anti-Christ as my supporting officer for the first batch (to ensure that you all behave).


6) I repeat my order, and I await my email, which I want promptly (it strengthens the will to finally confirm that I am leaving, and that things will change for good). To conclude, here are the latest menu items (it seems like lots of chefs will be needed...):


-Biafran style burritos (made on my special low fat, nutrient am protein boosted flat breads, and filled.wirh a choice of seasoned minced meat (or vegan option), beans, vegetables of choice, optional sauces, and some cheese (cheese flavour can be boosted with cheese sauce or filling). Breakfast burritos will also be available, and would feature an omelette and hasbrown, along with the choice of minced meat and vegetables.


-Biafran baked potatoes (baked in vegan butter mix, with a choice of fillings including minced meat, prosciutto bacon, vegetables, Biafran mayonnaise, a small amount of cheese, and  or cheese filling). Sweet potatoes would also be an option. A scrambled egg version or vegetarian option would be available for breakfast, or as a side to any main meat dish including marinated grilled steak (for vegans it would be akara or moi-moi).


​​​​​​-Orange, Ginger & lime flavours for flavoured water and teas will also be available.


Lastly, I would like to add only a few more rice options, marinated grilled chicken, milk and white chocolate, and then call it a day - I think I made too much food (so, hurry up for everyone's sake). Obviously,  all this is best with full Holy power, and specific instructions regarding the process for angelics becoming Christian, so I need to be rescued, not for my sake alone, but yours, and everyone else (who is Christian). I know the abible says Jesus of King of all the Earth, so you just have to wait until he returns (I will not do it, do not forget I retire from all duty i.e your father in heaven will always love you more). So it appears that there are restored nations (the mighty 7 (not Australia or new Australia), who are probably brought into a covenant i.e. there is likely a reason for the distinction of the 7 from everyone else, just like Ethiopia and Israel who are recorded as God's people, but not His inherence), and evey other nation that makes up the Holy Nation (The United States of Earth, as made clear by Zechariah 14).


Clarification (2nd August 2023).


1) There is Biblical evidence that says branches or people related to the true bloodline of Ancient Israel will be added to God's people. So my statement is not based on nothing, rather it is based on Romans 11. To briefly explain, the main root or trunk, is God's inheritance; natural branches that are grafted in are people that lost their inheritance by sin, or genocide; and the other branches are gentiles, which the mystery specifically reveals to be the chosen branches of Esau (Edom). I remember reading that Russia and Japan has ancient links to my people, of which I believe there is also linguistic evidence (The name I wanted for the Highest Christian Government Council is Igbo, and very close to the Russian government name, The Duma), but I have not had time to resrarch further (so, yes, it is an ancient connection, but they are still a branch even though they mixed with other people). So, yes, I am not claiming random things, there will obviously be a covenant established between Jesus Christ and the grafted in branches or "people" (maybe fresh righteous souls in the bloodline, and other things - I don't know). Regardless, Indigenous or native Biafrans remain the inheritance because we are the race Jesus Christ is born into, just like how Satan is probably Babylonian (he was/is the god of your people until you officially become Christian).

-NOTE: Like I said, the prophecies about Queenship does not have to be fulfilled before the "end of the age" is over, so you can plan things, but I am not accepting Israel as my people, so we are rejecting each other in a way. You must wait for your heavenly father to accept you, regardless, New Auatralia is out: you reap want you sow. 


2) On the topic of Christian government it is important to make clear that it is not a division or faction, as an organized structure for Christianity is recorded in the Bible in Titus 1, with the role of elders or overseers being noted. There are no strict directions because we are free to choose the structure, and so, this is why I just suggested ranks (it overlaps with government roles, and with the Blessing of Righteousness, you will be suitable). Hence, one role of the government is to determine the organisational structure, but of course it can vary within nations (freedom to choose based on societal and cultural needs, [and the obvious clues to form government are psalm 47 and Isaiah 32]). To be clear, it is not a division or faction and that is because I have already created the basic foundation doctrine (Truth) that everyone needs to uphold (personal circumstance is still grounded in the rules of righteouess). An example of factions and divisions is all the different church denominations that all believe and practice different things whether it is the Truth or not; and an example of where personal circumstance is needed in governance is Christian military code i.e. justified offense and defense criteria (yet this doctorine would be irrelevant to most people). 



3) The "abomination of desolation" and deep things of Satan do not seem to be the same thing, but rather make use of one another. The Bible makes it clear that the "abomination of desolation" makes the doer desolate, as in the price is destruction, wherein Australians used the "deep things of Satan" to avoid consequences, so nature they must pay - they broke Divine Law, and no one else should pay. As for damaged nations, there is obviously overlap between guilt and exchange, but where things are happening is more reflective of exchange. The prophecy seems to be about the "abomination of desolation" and it's cost ("karma"). It is poorly worded, but its occurence appears to be recorded in Daniel 9:24-27, wherein it clear that there are 2 key "princes" or "kings" [(in this case, I am a female "king" i.e. "queen", it is just a gender neutral reference that aopears gender biased)], and so, it is likely a reference to me and The Anti-Christ, which makes the prophecy make more sense. Hence, once again, Australia must pay, and all I can do is try and mitigate damage. [However, Australians must tell the complete truth and cooperate. ]


4) On the topic of Australia's evil, I will make it clear that a condition of marriage (eternal covenant of peace) is rejecting them from being grafted in like the rest of Babylnon, plus you are litterally cursed people, so how can you be a special holy people? It makes no sense. Fo example, all your evil plotting is what triggered all the cursed scriptual prophecies (I warned you for years). The above includes Isaiah 33, and that is because your god's already betrayed you (they are allowed to judge you, so they remain innocent in betrayal, Matthew 12:27), and  you will betray each other (telling on each other to save yourselves). Hence, it is clear that the spirits or gods knew the consequences because they had their own agenda, and are free to impart the penalty, which is clearly "equivalent exchange", for some but not all people, as it is clear that not everyone has to die (Americans will be spared i.e. it is written thatll those who afflicted me will live, and that's because they will or have told the truth - simple) 


5) People have to be careful on what they wish on an innocent person, for example, I have no doubt that many are laughing at my story; believe that a virgin was defiled; and that her "husband" did nothing, however that is a gross assumption.  Men and women's genitals and buttholes are 1) stuck in spiritual form 2) bound to an open object on the side of my body, 3) contained in another object. This means that there is no spiritual contact betwen me and other people, especially not where it counts (and no thanks, yuck). However, when I destroyed the genitals and buttholes, it was clear that men's genitals were making contact with the female genitals and buttholes (I can feel whee it is removed from, so it's annoying and gross - trying  to make smell and pregnant)... So the lesson is don't spiritually rape people, and what you wish and laugh at for another, may just a happen to you. Since you have no spiritual protection, things may be manifesting in you, and you probably have soulties to gross random perverts, and are now probably one yourself. Virginity is expected of Christians, and so, there is no way mine would be wasted. More so, God, restrained people from physically harming me, so it's clear that He didn't want anyone to rape me (no one can rape me, I am safe by myself). So, it is the delusion of dreamers that He literally dumped me, as the Bible makes it clear that He is infatuated with me. For example, I would have married a suitable righteous servant or an angel (upon their return) rather than Jesus Christ because it is preferable to what I truly want life, so yes, it's probably why He let some Christians die, as some servants may have also had a suitable son (who I would have married) - but now I can't meet them...



​​​​So, it must be made clear to desperate women who are married, or those who were liberal with their body (premarital intimacy): it is not my fault that you are married to someone else (taken), or that you aren't a virgin. Who you married and slept with was your own choice, while I chose to be celibate (I am sure there are other celibate women too, but you are not me, and Jesus doesn't love you like that). Hence, it is wrong to do the deep things of Satan, and worse for selfish reasons like not meeting the criteria of a suitable Bride (by choice, and not being me...). So, it should be clear that many women were tricked and used i.e. Satan made you bind the house(s) to me,so you were never a part of me i.e. you have been part of my parent home and contents, which probably also drives you mad (it is unnecessary and unnatural). If you were me, then you would have lived your life and achieved what I have. I don't think I am the greatest or anything, but you have contributed nothing to my life (except evil). So understand that you are delusional, and should try and be yourself [i.e. if you took me over than I would not understand (publish straight lies based on false knowledge), be kicked out of the Christian faith for sinning, and die like a fool.]



Overall, the lesson is stop trying to destroy peoples marriages, or their bodies, especially very young women who thought they would snatch up "kings" and "princes" - their wives will be young again, and you may die for your evil thoughts and greed. If all you have to offer is your youth and looks than you are of little value, and are the type to waste their body with anyone for whatever "benefit" (and then be dumped), so what makes you special? Humble yourselves. Marriage is much more than intimacy, it is compatibility and familiarity, which is priceless. Even if you are having trouble, it is probably better to go through therapy, and that is because you are together at this time for a reason ("kings" and "queens" are likely soulmates, and that is because the odds and circumstances of marriage are narrow and selective).



6) So, I repeat my order for the 10,001st time (hyperbole), and here are the latest menu items, which are not rice becaue I need something to add later if you don't listen. Anyway, get me away from these people!!!!!! [To be clear, my level of love is grounded in human decency, so my reaction to this situation is simply what I would want someone to do if they were in my shoes. Therefore, people should not confuse the different types and levels of love that exist (platonic, friends, family (spouse, children, siblings, parents) i.e. love is not a competition. In my case, how I am embracing Jesus' children is trying to help you out of a difficult situation (I decide how to embrace you). However, you are interfering with my ability to help.]:



-Biafran Ginger Cookies (A Biafran style gingerbread/Ginger snap cookie hybrid, which features notes of caramel and  flavours of coconut in a high protein and nutrient rich cookie. The cookie is iced with healthy chocolate, vanilla or salted caramel, or it can be eaten plain , or with a drizzle of chocolate. This cookie was made because I am tired of eating cereals, (it doesn't make me feel good, even though I get nutrients).


-Mint, Ginger & Lime Tea (bonus additions to tea for extra digestive benefits, internal freshness and inti-inflammatory properties).


ADDITIONAL NOTE (8:30pm, 2nd August 2023)


The prophecy remains correct, it is just that the details need to be included to reflect the changes in fate/destiny based on what has happened (it's been a long time). The original  prophecy was solely based on "reading" the Bible, and not anything else, so it remains fact based on Biblical evidence. Hence, certain things cannot change, as some would think (Revelation is the outline). Hence, as stated the meaning of sealing God's people is the Holy spirit, but the precursor or defining event would be the 'blessing of righteouessness' If it was just a reference to the Holy spirit then it would be strange because it is not unique, as all Christians receive it. So, the likely defining detail is that a certain number of God's people are sealed by the Holy Spirit because of the 'blessing of righteouessness'. So, it must be understood that I just understand some things (probably Wisdom, but for the most part I had and have to study and learn). Hence, Revelation 17:9 saying that only a mind with Wisdom can understand (literally whoever is Wisdom) - so that's why I am reading to Jesus' "babies". For example, Isaiah 33 is crucial so that better outcomes can happen, or so that necessary changes can be made (by breaking covenants. For example, Isaiah 55 failed and was cancelled via rejection i.e. the door is closed...but It's not like you would make it in by yourselves anyway), yet Isaiah 33 was triggered by COVID-19 and the abomination of desolation. So, I can't just cancel certain things, as I need the authority of paricular scriptures to do things].


Very Important Information (4th August 2023)


I don't like conspiracy, but it appears that a key aspect of what Australia has done is an advanced "MK Ultra Project". In saying this, I strongly believe Babylon and the other nations always knew, but Australia betrayed them with my parent's second cursed house because they are psychos that want to litterally mind control everyone (It appears that I had items bound from earlier in childhood, so it appears to go a long way back...). Since basically everyone knew, every place I have spent long amounts of time in (education and work), or lived is problematic, so locations would likely need to be destroyed to ensure it cannot be done again (likely opened portals, and another reason), and those who know should be left to die unless they receive the 'blessing of righteouessness'. The reason is because people like that can't be left alive for obvious reasons. Like I said, there won't be many Blessings granted because they aren't really worthy of life, or a bright future, as it is what you tried to take from me and everyone else. If any Australians are alive, then good for them, at least they will live - but you must tell the truth, or you will be left outside to perish.


This is non-issue in terms of "war" since targeting the whole world, especially those who are supposed to be Australias allies (the mighty 7) is a criminal act of terrorism, and qualifies as a declaration of war because they chose to act in accordance with the destruction of other nations (they knew the cost, and their should also be financial compensation for the real victims, which includes me, my family and other nations. Plus, Australia also interfered with people psychologically and spiritually in a manner that would have led to suffering, many deaths, and poor choices that led to the harm and inconveniences of others (for years, but me becoming Christan is what would have relieved some trouble because I intervened, and  am suffering for other people (paying off some sin "karma", I can't pay for a destroyed nation, because I am not a country, but I know and took photos of the cursed item it's linked to...(hence, it's like an interowven series of cursed items to produce a desired effect). So, since innocence is non-existent among Australians, they should be held accountable (who persecutes a child, blames them for everything when they are an adult, when they knew exactly what they did?), and also chooses to negatively influence other people children (all across the world)? Monsters. No wonder your generations are cursed... More so, it is disgusting that people in a multicultural nation would destroy their own people and nation for a basic job, not much money, a new car, and all in the most boring country on earth... Do you have no sense of  identity or loyalty? 


So, it is clear that Germany, France, Spain, Italy (and all the NATO countries (NATO was targeted heavily) should specifically ask America and England what they did, and what they know (without a doubt they were involved, it is partly Jezebel's legacy, and  if it was who I thought it was destroying  her soul ages ago, and am having to unbind her spirit, corpse and coffin (realized too late). She was/is powerful and deserved to die for what she did. Yet, I understand that I may have to fetch her from hell, along with her husband. She/he is a monster, and better off reborn, otherwise they would have killed you all i.e. even family).


Hence, if the full truth isn't out yet then Babylonians are lying (you know who I am, you targeted me since childhood). So, let my words give you courage, tell the truth for everyone's sake including your own - I already know most things anyway (so I wouldn't be shocked or fly into a rage). Regardless, I am sure the collective pressure of the Lebanon group is enough to get the full truth out of America, England and some Australians (Freemasons know, and so does The Catholic Church): remember lie=die, so be smart and tell the truth. This is especially true for whoever is in charge of the Freemasons and Catholic Church in Australia, especially South Australia. So be smart and save yourselves (if you don't know all things then force the truth out of your lying underlings that are supposed to follow orders, if they don't respond to mercy use force. I know you have dedicated goons that can be used to drag them into interrogation: they are screwing everyone over, so get the truth out of them by all means. The same goes to Australian intelligence (you are meant to protect your country from internal threats, and the "zombies" are the threat, so whatever you need to do to get the truth, you should do it. I am trying to mitigate damage, so I am not the threat.


Obviously, I am not a fraud or crimminal, as I would have been phoned by the police, visited by the police, summoned to court, dragged away to jail, or "disappeared", but in all this time I have not. Plus,  they know the cursed house I live in, so they know I am alive, well, and Christian. For example, you do not spiritually transmute a skunk into someone unless you want them to smell. So, I have done nothing (why would I want a relationship when I was/am sick, and surrounded by "zombies"? 


So, to the fools, you cannot trigger Isaiah 4 by trying to make me smell, and that is because I have not committed sexual immorality (you can only trigger Scriptual curses on yourselves, and that is because of free will). So to the cashier/manager at the grocery store whose name starts with N: you will not live (condemned to hell. She has seen me ten thousand times, and does the worst i.e obvious liar). If other certain people from the nearby grocery store read these words and tell the truth then they will live: here are a few words that they should remember as confirmation that it was indeed me, but you attacked me again (like every time), so I don't know what other confirmation is needed, but just in case: 1) Blue light and glasses (since childhood): and 2) Popeye (but without the spinach) and tough cookie. Tell the truth, and the 'blessing of righteousness'  is yours, therefore you have a future and a hope (if you have family, then they will be blessed to i.e. curse removed). Hence, I said certain things for a reason, as I can't exactly preach to workers at a grocery store, as I am sure that is counted as harassment (there is a time and place for everything, and such behaviour would be  a bit cuckoo). If the cashier with pretty pink nails and the chunky scrunchy tells the truth, then  I will spare her also. To many liars and evil people there... but who knows, I may be merciful and spare more. I purposely wear the samething so that I am easy to identify (a long dark blue fluffy turtleneck sweater, jeans and flats, a few times a green long sleeve top with jeans and flats; hair in a middle part low bun; and most of the time gold goop earrings, because I lost one of my pearls ones, so I can't wear them anymore 😭)... It's not rocket science to identify who I am, but there was spiritual pins related to identity and world peace.... that's how desperate these people were/are. So, the Freemasons should order people in the police, education, taxation, banks ( I have had one particular bank account since childhood), and other relevant areas to conveniently aquire information for identiction purposes (like address and mobile number confirmation - I have had the number since childhood). If the Australian/South Australian government(s) will not cooperate, then I believe I found the scripture of your fates/destiny - it's not good... So help, hope and pray that it's someone else (it can likely be). 



Overall, the whole evil house thing never worked against me, likely due to God's intervention (protecting his future wife), and I guess I have always had a strong mind. So, the first house(s) must have been like resistance training for this terrible house...So understand I condemned the surrounding neighbours to hell for a reason (big fat liars - I don't know them, I am not close to them (I used to visit one neighbour's mother all the time because she was a lonely widow, however she turned feral and she died...); and I don't the rest of them personally. They control nothing and are compete crazies who spent a lot of their soul (which I have destroyed multiple times). The same goes for my  cousin and her family (never close to them), she has two daughters and a son, the older daughter is a bit chubby and has short hair i.e so just in case, I am making it clear that is not me. I donated old clothes to them when they arrived, including my black and white stripped undergraduate graduation dress, so if they are pretending that is me, then you know who is lying and "not correct in the head"; my sisters in-laws and spouse (if you want to blame someone and get the truth, then start with the above-mentioned). My sister would know a lot too (she is a "zombie", but she would know what my family has done - I pity her because everyone used her to partake in the dirty work, and then hid their hands (trying to use her as the fall guy). She could confirm a lot, afterall she was here a few days ago... Hence, security is an issue for me, and therefore everyone else. I need to leave this place and these people, and that is because it is not helpful to allow people to knowingly screw everyone over just because they "want to be me" or control me: if they were in charge, then we would all die. So don't let stupid and pointless ambition cloud your judgement.


To conclude, I repeat my order: get me out of here for everyone's sake, and here is the latest and hopefully last publicly announced menu item (I have little confidence in you all, so I will leave the rice for later):


-Protein Crunchies (high protein and nutrient rich caramelized vanilla flavoured crispy bitesized snacks coated in Biafran chocolate).



Possibility (7 August 2023)


1) Australia may have one last option, which I will not prophecy over until I experience contiued change, the truth is told and that cooperation also continues. It is possible that more beloved regions like Queensland (Townsville), NSW (Sydney), and Victoria (Melbourne) are exchanged for areas of South Australia (along with every other nation). This way penalty is minimal in terms of final  land loss, and more prosperous, interesting and relevant cities and towns are not lost (the most guilty are here anyway). However, for this to happen the Australian government as a whole (past and present) needs to coordinate the extraction of the truth, and aid in my swift departure ( I can't stand this place and it just causes trouble that everyone will blame you for). Other relevant people in leadership knowing and involved in Christian persecution should also be honest to save themselves (if cooperation happens then make sure to keep the group who tells the truth small so that 'Blessings of Righteousness' can be allocated without issue). If you don't cooperate  then outcome is not desirable, and you cannot say that I haven't tried to help (I tried for years, when I shouldn't have bothered i.e a waste of time for those who will inevitably be lost). There is nothing more I can do in this situation, so Australia must accept the consequences, and in doing so, Isaiah 30 wil be redirected to non-Christian Australia (the guilty), and not "new Australia", which would still be a majority of the states, especially affluent ones i.e, the general shape of thr nation would remain the same, so it is extra helpful. 




2) To be clear, if the England/UK/Babylon spiritual pins were't planted then it is possible that Jezebel may have listened,  but I honestly doubt it - so yes, her death is really their fault, but it is also her own (her own evil killed her, she shouldn't have did what she done to me - "karma 101").


3) I don't know a lot about sorcery, but it is also clear that Australia is using the portal and other items to rid themselves of their body odour (the true source). I don't know the initial source (person who started it), but it is born of evil. However, if you can put it in an item why do you have  to put it in me? Doing so is just evil, so as a precaution and mode of protection I made skincare items to neutralize and prevent the issue of "supernatural stinkiness". So, yes, it is not possible for me to smell, even when I had little holy power it was not an issue (still went out in public). So, even if I am suffering for people with issues, it is automatically neutralized and treated through my beauty products (CAMs and Holy power, plus food and drink options).


-Skin and Hair Milk ( created to combat dry hair issues not being able to afford extra oil, and the inability to access more glycerin (nearby store stopped selling it): and conveniently modified as a new type of light moisturizing (and deoderising) beauty product that has a lovely light scent and cleanses the body spiritually and biologically. Skin milk is perfect for people who don't shower every day  or moisturize even though it is ideal (showering has mood lifting properties, and is an exfoliating opportunity that beautified the skin, so it is important to me personally). In all truth, it is to stop and prevent this gross nonsense: so even if I can fix it, I still don't want to be persecuted with sorcery (I can sense everything), and it's gross, I don't want your BO, sweat, poo, dirty nappies, poopy dogs and  babies,  or bacteria in me - its disgusting. Only evil people use evil to solve problems and try to justify it, it's that simple: So now you know if you are a terrible person or not. To be clear, I would not be able to function if I did not have some Holy power, so it is evidence enough (I am not the result of a Satanic experiment, it is just real Christianity, and therefore it is the beginning of showing the Christian faiths true power. In such a case, do not forget that God was able to protect me before I was Christian, so all you need is faith, as you don't know when He pours out the unofficial holy spirit to protect and help people).

-The skin milk is also a quick afterwork alternative to showering (quick hair rinse or conditioning) for people who are short on time. In this case, it can be used as a body cleansing wash) 


- The hair milk is like a lightweight leave in conditioner that protects hair, promotes growth, moisturizer the hair and helps to prevent breakage when styling natural hair (and is good for repeated use as there is less buildup) This is perfect for people who don't like using oils, as it is non-greasy and can also be placed on the scalp. The above is how I was able to prevent baldness despite sorcery, stress, sickness and paying for peoples sins. 


​​​​​​- Vitamin C+ Spot Eliminator (modified vitamin c health gel-oil (natural serum that is non-greasy) that is designed to fade dark spots)


- Vitamin C undereye cream (a draft modified formula of the vitamin C gel-oil that is designed to be a light weight under eye cream to treat and reverse aging in the underye area (sagging, dark circles and lines etc). The moisturizer is fine to use, but some people like a lighter cream (for example I used the hair growth product for an undereye cream when I had some, and that was just because I was trying things out, but this is new product is more suited).

-NOTE: I already have variations for an advanced anti-aging vitamin C moisturiser (for older people who have liver spots and uneven skintone). To be clear, the ingredients are blessed so it works like normal skin care, but it has the blessings in it, so it is the medium through which the miracle is performed (like restoring firmness, elasticity, and 'disppearing" wrinkles and sagging loose skin that would overwise need surgery). It is not good to bless the self,  as there can be regret if the word choice is not the best (plus economic reasons, I would put many companies out of businesss by doing so, including myself). Eternal youth is like a dream, but it is only possible though me, as no one else is powerful enough (so it is your only hope in this case, plus it is natural and harmless to try). My products are unisex, so it is for men as well, I know men may be shy because they want to appear manly, but there is nothing wrong with taking care of your appearance. Perhaps in taking care of your appearance will basically look even better than your younger years, which can be an incentive for further physical improvement via exercise, and could lead to you becoming your ideal self. Also, men will learn the burden of beauty that women have had to bear for centuries, and as a result you will begin appreciate the art of female beauty, whether the beautifying is done for a woman to make herself feel good i.e. self esteem reasons, or for the gaze of her husband(attraction helps in relationships).


In regards to the topic of the "dew of the youth" (my beauty products), there can be a final change in Psalm 110 by it referring to non-Christian "kings" and "princes" or chiefs at later time, and in a different context (with corpses being related to non-Christian people who have already died or who die (extended fulfillment), or there is one more option). However, if you don't help, then I won't change it (I never actually prophecied over it i.e. a lot was threats or broken covenants i.e. enabling alternate paths via drafts, which was self and naturally fulfilled). Although, when I don't prophecy over the options, God will just pick one according to how He judges them. So, 'Lebanon, knows how to avoid being "chopped", which is by rescuing m naturally resulting in a positive path). 


Lastly, the next menu items is not rice, yet:


-Biafran Icecream Wuala (from the Igbo words ugwu and ala meaning mountain and land, this dessert is a mound of caramelized vanilla cream with wholefruit jam sauce in the middle and topped with protein crunchie crumbs or granola. I would like to make some berry icecreams, but I need more resources and privacy to develop it properly. For example, I had to rush the croissants, so it didn't work, but I have an idea how the recipe could be modified to make new croissants - but I would still need privacy. Also, caramelized vanilla sundaes with wholefruit berry sauce will obviously be an option, as would chocolate wualas).


Anyway, I repeat my order for the 10,002nd time, and if anything bad happens it isn't my fault, I told everyone the true root of all the troubles, so if you could exert some goodwill, then they wouldn't be able to influence you. The excuse is obviously you are all far from Christian despite what you want to beleive -a false self image is terrible for repentance, and that is because such people do  not change well or correctly (selective and self-induced introspective blindness).


-I make it clear, that I am to travel alone and be accommated alone (I would not willingly be around "zombies", as everything about  their presence is vexing, and I don't need people trying to use sorcey on me, or "control me" (they are trained in psychologically warfare, and choose to abuse people).... So,  no zombies while I am being rescued, as it defeats the purpose (if someone is afraid to fly without me present then that is not my problem. When I had no idea what was going on (but understood the hostility), I still got on multiple planes and just prayed to God to protect the flight (it is not my job to save you from their own fear and cowardice, and it is why cowards cannot receive the Holy Spirit - they are enemies of progess because they are unreliable or plain useless when difficult sitations or basic ones are faced).


All you have to do is have courage to over cowardice, and that is done by facing or doing what you are afraid of. To be clear, it takes courage to tell the truth especially when it is not in your favour,  but telling that truth is what will get thr best outcome i.e what happens to Australia is my final decision so it does not matter (the other nations are going to be mad anyway), but that's natural (people have probably and hopefully realized that Australians are lying, and if they were smart they would have collected  a dossier of lies, and so, maybe they will be less angry if you stop lying to their face (it is highly offensive, especially when it causes so much trouble).


 CLARIFICATION (12th August 2023)

1) Another feral person was in my parent's house recently, and repeated the curse again: this man has done evil for a long time and is condemned to hell (plumber). So understand that there appears to have been willing cooperation in acts of wickedness (I am suspecting more guilt then originally perceived).


2) The mighty 7 nations indenties are clear, and that is because they were targeted my multiple spiritual pins inside and outside the house. So, India and China are not part of the special covenant, to be specific, there were no pins for India (it's just you choosing to sin, plus your mixed Babylonian is heritage is minor i.e. insignificant). The same for China, not specific targets (just spiritual pins from China).


It is clear that part of the special covenent is linked to Isaiah 11 and Jeremiah 31, which describes a blessing of Righteousness for the general population also. The Blessing of Righteousness is a general term, but I am not sure if it would vary from the 1 in 1000 and 2 in 10,000, but I suspect it will. Hence, the Gospel of Thomas blessing seems to be for the Christian governmet/Laodicea (Angelics out of necessity). So, yes, I was aware of what people may have thought was a calculation issue, but rather the number is irrelevant (it's not my fault that you don't understand, but I know that racists assume the worst despite all evidence. Somehow, the one person who knows  everything that people chose too steal is wrong? No, you are just wrong and evil, your god's are giving you a rightful glimpse of hell for your hatred - it is where you truly belong without the blessing...).



To be clear, Australia is not part of the mighty 7, as  you were disinherited and cannot be brought into covenant, and you must bear your shame. Isaiah 47 makes it clear that you are widowed (dumped and kicked out of the mighty nations) for your evil, cowardice and treachery that brought calamity upon the whole world (plus you ruined my life, and you must pay - there is no covenant for i.e if New Australia becomes a thing then you are just a normal nation with no special status).



3) I will not step foot in Australia again, whether it becomes Christian or not.  I will not return to America either - too much evil.  So, someone  be wise and organize my residency in a fresh country, as I will be renouncing my Australian citizenship, and taking up an unwanted one. So it must be understood that  potential mercy towards Australia  is just strategy, and not favour: it is just a means to getting the truth from more reliable people. On the topic of relocation, "kings" are instructed to not bring any of my extended family memberd  as a "surprise" (there is treachy on their end, and I will make sure to judge them for it - they should be nowhere near me, and will remain so). So understand, that I am on my own for a reason.


4)  I guess the other nations will be added to Biafran, but not on the same status as the mighty 7, and the African nations that I want to help (extending borders, Isaiah 26). So that is what you get for racism and not helping ( in my mind, the might 7 is a mercy strategy, but it could be more for The Lord, The Most High God I.e. favour. However, it reveals these ones are happy to be God's people i.e also wanted to be "Jewish", and that is because it is recorded on the path to their happiness - Isaiah 35). It also seems that if I accept Ethiopia, then I must accept Israeli Jews, so they are likely to be added on the same special status. 


To be clear, the Blessing of Righteousness is basically blessing the mind/soul with righteousness (Jeremiah 31:33), so people don't struggle so much, which means failure is basically impossible (I beleive this overlaps with the registration process). Overall, this means that the mighty 7 can save their expats/diaspora including Australian ones (so get them to tell the truth, as it seems they don't have to be cursed with them i.e. a future and a hope). 


5) I will select, pastor and teach the leadership for the returning Biafran team (Isaiah 11), and I will select its leadership (a little child seems to be a new Christian, who will be present in my stead, I have yet to choose a person for this role, as it could have another meaning. Anyway, the point of returning Biafrans to their home is: 1) making use of the diasporas talent that is often wasted due to discrimination (I know this very well); 2) building an innovative and new society with unexplored and gifted people. Our nations rots because a lot of our talent are busy developing and building other nations, but now it is time for our own (we will do the best to make it comfortable with support and trade deals made other nations i.e. mighty 7 - the big trade off is witnessing God's return); and 3) saving the population of Gods heritage (so they do not miss out in other places, and establishing livable, enjoyable tax, employment and benefit models).


Other than this, I would be teaching/pastoring government, and not much else besides being on the council. I can train a set of starter trainers and they can pastor/teach and serve everyone else in their respective nation, or locations. 


6) I really want to leave this place because it is so unholy and feral, so someone hurry up and do something to help (It is embarrassing to have a Body of Christ that is so ineffective, I may as well have no body based on hiw things have gone). As for the nation that kindly organises my immediate relocation to a peaceful location: you will be honored in the final Biblical documents, your population will be first saved (Christian services testing zone,  food, drink registration and blessings to calm d own the population, plus improved weather conditions) - and I will think of something else. I repeat, do not relocate me to India, China, Israel, anywhere in Australia or America (I will not go to these places for a reason - I know beggars can't be choosers, but I am not begging, it is an order plain and simple). The whole situation is an utter disgrace, in which I caution the anti-christ to stop violating my soul, and to keep his "member" to himself - but at least I know your nature (I repeat that it's not going where you want it to, and I destroyed it because you deserve it. Your father spirit, Satan, has more tact and decency, but you embody his earthly desires: what a mess (I am not your wife or a prostitute, and will not become either, especially the latter  (Mary being a prostitute seems to be Biblical commentator speculation that is not based on evidence, and rather it is based on the assumption that she is the perfume lady who announced Jesus' feet, but it is highly unlikely)).


To be clear, I repeat that "prostitute" in Isaiah 23 and marriage in Isaiah 62 are not literal, and only crazies or perverts would believe that to be true.


Overall, at least I know that The Anti-Christ knows where and who I am - you would need me to fix your soul form...so you have even less choice but to free me). So, it confirms that everyone has been caught in a lie, but I am sure that no one is shocked... If "kings" die and are replaced, then I would not be shocked, as God may just have been giving you time to repent, but you never know when the clock stops....



7) Here are the latest menu items:


-Biafran coconut rice (my version of the tomato and coconut rice that my mother made me and my family since childhood, which is really good with prawns. It is also nice with chicken, but it does not work great with vegetables,  which would be eaten as a salad on the side. 


-Coconana Pops (I have a draft recipe  for Banana or banana-strawberry sorbet pops dipped in Biafran chocolate, and covered in crushed roasted peanuts/almonds or protein crunches.


The Truth (14th August 2023)


1) My family is classified as beyond feral, and so, it is terrible to be around them, the one who is on leave for 4 weeks and is intolerable. In a recent  argument, I was told to leave, and will do so soon. So picking me up from my parent's cursed house will not work for multiple reasons  (the address is not secret, many know where it is). Anyway, I will choose homelessness until I heal, and then whatever happens happens (I will not stay in an endless cycle of psychological and spiritual abuse by other people, which includes God Himself. Hence, it is clear to me that this world is not world fighting for: you are a failed creation. More so, it remains that without the curse you probably wouldn't have made it, it is just a convenient circumstance to spare you all from rejecting salvation because you basically have no other choice. The truth remains  this, if you were truly savable by your own means then you would already be Christian (it is written that only few find the path, so thinking that you could get in is straight delusion).

-NOTE: To the stupid who think they are wise, social security is no longer an option  because they are evil - in the past they made up random reasons for me to go into their social security support offices, and used sorcery (many have been destroyed from there). These people are gone, it is not hard understand that when reformed demons do not want to live on the same planet as you,  then you completely suck (so ugly on the inside and beyond theraptic reach because you will never make the right choice even when given the opportunity (enjoy being a degenerate, especially when they will try anything to get what they want. Australians including my family are in this category, and it is because jealousy consumed them along time ago, so I doubt that you will get the truth out of them - they have little to no hope, and no one can say that I didn't try. Just because you are jealous doesn't mean you have to act on it, and I guess they were jealous of the mighty 7 as well, and tried to murder them all. I think they took out the "kings" at least, which is what they get for trusting in white people because they are white (even with the Australian inbred look, you still believed them to be perfect white angels, who could do no wrong, and an innocent young black woman who causes no trouble to be a devil, criminal and liar - but no that is who you all are. Your hatred and jealousy is so strong that you are easy to manipulate, and so this curse tells you who you are: vermin and a lowly pathetic creation that is not worthy of life, even though many will live). 


2) For me this seems like an end, so whether I am taken away like Elijah; or forsaken and murdered them so be it: I am exhausted, and the truth is that no one should be concious while their soul is healing (that what a coma is for) - it is unethical and disgusting to keep someone in such a state. More so, people in severe pain are allowed euthanasia, but what God has done is deny me that too (I cannot die as long as I remain Christian, so rebellion is my only hope of death). However , it remains that I am not living to wed a monster and "mother" his wicked little monster children even if it sends me to hell; and I know that silence is not real, but I will pray for it - I have no deep love for God or His creation anymore and I don't want to be  part of it (embarrassing and flop creator and flop creation, who should delete themselves, then at least animals will have peace, they are actually the best of creation in eyes)


3) I think Isaiah 14 needs to be in play, perhaps it is not the Anti-Christ who is saved (I tried), but only Satan's angel who lives. To be clear, even Satan said his son is embarrassing and terrible - your  own self is ashamed of you... As for me, I am ashamed of Wisdom, this crazy spirit put herself in me instead of getting God to make her her own body i.e. I don't think wisdom is the correct translation of her name... I don't want to be in their marriage, she should get her own body (she loves Him not me, and we are far from one. To be clear, spirits with no soul are inhetired by those who embody them,  but I do not believe it to be so in my case, with Wisdom and God it is just selfishness and impure motive - I do not care if I am a creation, I will not be treated like a puppet or a toy).


The truth is this, no one has the capacity to love God outside of status and power, so He is trying to force me into marriage because I genuinely loved Him in the past (but only as a God), but I have vowed never again because it is impossible (He is abusive scum, who is worthy of the desperate women who pretend to love him). The lesson here is that people'e poor choices impact relationships, so you can't cry foul when the person you wronged wants nothing to do with you. Only a psycho thinks the victim is wrong, and that's because it is an aspect of narcissism - so no, no one is perfect, not even God (rather He seema despeeate for love, so He matches His children). Overall, God has proved Himself a disgrace, and I have no problem  stating it (If I am to expose "kings", then He is just the same as other "kings" and "queens" i.e.  Wisdom is the biggest "pick me" of all time, so I will shame her name for putting herself in me - I want nothing to do with her... She is an utter disgrace to womanhood and female empowerment). 


4) I am expecting changes in "offices" (took to long) and to the confused among extended family, there are distant Levites that I have not met (both sides of those known to me appear to be  cursed, and so it should be clear that choosing to do evil while mistakingly expecting grace was your mistake - it is just foolish wickedness). 


5) I officially give up on these "kings" - angelics are not special, you are just another failed creation who cannot help themselves i.e. like a beetle stuck on it back.  So, hopefully my course is complete by getting the truth ou: my work will be destroyed by my own hands, and whoever continues can start from scratch (the blood of my suffering be upon you all) - no one is worthy of my service, and you dont deserve my yummy food,


-NOTE: So Isaiah 35 is likely cancelled (cut out, not necessary detail): enjoy your fat old man bellies, love handles, starvation diets and stockfish faces that you freeze with poison (your brains are probably demented), and then make into blowfish faces to try and look presentable. FYI lip fillers look hard and gross in person, and often look like a baboons asshole, so understand which race is blessed with natural beauty: the race that butchers themselves the least, hence why I wouldn't choose to be any other race (white people made the effort to market themselves as the most beautiful (🤥); Asians erase their ethnic features (admission they can't naturally meet their ideal); many Indians try to look white, and the dark ones believe they are more beautiful than black women because of straight hair (Indian hair is more beautiful than white hair in thickness and volume, so they win that competition, however afro hair is uniquely beautiful (in a clas of its own), yet I can straighten my hair, so I don't why it is counted as special (nothing but projecting an insecurity on another race whose beauty they cannot attain). Also Indian women have a look, which may be linked to incest that differentiates them from African beauty, which actually the truest universal beauty (thick and versatile hair (natural baby hairs - I don't like mine though, I prefer a straight hairline); strong and attractive bone structure; almond/cat eye shape whether big or small; full lips (no lips is terrible, and in my eyes a curse); good facial proportion and symmetry i.e. cute button noses when on the smaller side (wider noses aren't ugly when it fits someones face, and I would prefer that to a white, Jewish, Indian or Middle Eastern long bird nose that they hack of because  they are unable to cope with looking in the mirror). So, for all the stupid racist questions and insults white people ask and say, I will ask this out of curiosity: how do you breathe with no nostrils? Is that why you don't understand? A short oxygen supply to the brain, so all that you have is neanderthal like response to simple things, and continue going about destroing society? Also, how do you give people a holy kiss with no lips? The answer is there is no holy kiss (the mess that the Holy Bible is  literally white peoples fault, so they were cursed before this time anyway, hence, you are lucky that Auatralians are foolish).

-FYI: Pale skin cannot hide an ugly face, nor can darker skin, but I would rather be Sudanese then Nordic looking (some of the most beautiful models in the world come from there, and the beauty and helpfulness of melanin is a bonus, hence, being white or pale is literally a curse  - you are like a damn vampire (you need Jesus to help you with the weather or you won't survive climate change). Yet, with the facts laid out above you still try and claim supremacy over other races? You lie to yourselves, so of course you can t tell the truth. So, you are the fools that I do not pity, but rather I pity everyone else that white people tricked in to thinking they are somehow better (your excellence is mediocrity, so you try to drag everyone below you, and destroy, cheat and lie to look the best (a facade of greatness that covers delusions  and feelings of inferiority). So it is clear  that your people are a disgrace and curse on this earth, as is everyone who does the same).


I have no choice but to continue (Since nothing happened to "kings" - yet) -31st August 2023


1)There were more items of sorcery, so either God is trolling (a lesson of who holds real power) or protecting you (not fully your fault yet, as a another terrible spiritual pin affecting "kings" was destroyed). So, naturally you cannot be condemned to death yet, since it is not fully your fault so far. However, in my eyes you are weak of mind and character, the reality is this: a whole bunch if angelics, who are supposed to understand sorcery, basically took themselves out, and needed the person who they targeted to get them out of their own trouble.... I am not impressed at all, but Christian Service for "Kings" is better than this, so you must understand that I am enquiring about becoming a nun just to escape this place, that's how bad things are (Homelessness is a last resort) i.e. it is just a chance of a normal life that everyone and denied me.


(I am tired of "zombies", they are just getting worse, and as I predicted they are trying to extend the reach of their sorcery using public property, I know because I can sense it, and I recognise the aspects needed to perform the curse (it is a special full moon today - I have prepared for it, I hope the backfire is terrible, and that they finally get what they are owed. So, understand that the backfire could kill or effect everyone spiritually connected to me, so the members of Laodicea who keep returning are in the direct line of fire: I won't send you back, nor destroy anyone who is so evil and stupid).



Hence, if you don't listen now then you could actually die because it is a lack of cooperation (you have the same will as Auatrliam crazies), so consider any posts hereafter strict warnings. I warned Laodicea of the cost a long time ago, your "trees" or "boughs" bear no good fruit, and I would avoid the bitterness of death, and instead would rather be working with a grateful replacement i.e. a cousins or whoever the occult organises to put in their place. The truth is that we are at war because of your actions and choices, so be prepared for the consequences of falling to surrender - the reality is that you are the "1%" who basically one knows or cares for, so you will not be missed.


2) My foes will never have my work, I will never have what has brought me so much pain and destruction bring someone else what should be mine. I lack avarice and the love of money even in a terrible situation: I am not like you, or any unrighteous person.


3) There should be no doubt about my identity because you all know who I am, it is only crazies, and gay men (Jesus does not want to marry you) that want to live a fantasy life as me, which you cannot. To the delusional, my name is Chinasom (Chinny is my nickname and what most people know me by) Uzodimma Elekwachi, and I am undefeated and will remain unconquered even in the face of Australian lowlifes and world powers who I have publicly disgraced because they deserve it for all the evil they have allowed in this world (If my Google messages got through, then know I may publish them i.e. I have the messages and I know what I wrote, so here is  another clear indicator of identity based on the content:  should gentile "kings" be called a cat instead of dog? An eye for an eye is fair, is Leo a brave lion? And does the Anti-christ ride horses? I am very strategic and stressed out, don't take it too personally)



4) Help me or die - it is an order. Even God will get tired of your stupid hatred: are their not millions of demons who can take your place, or sheep who can become "kings" or "queens" through talent, blessing (luck), strength, righteousness,  wisdom and courage? Bloodline is not the only way to be promoted spiritually, and then in reality.


5) Isaiah 35 remains for the people like me, as I am ashamed to be counted among "kings" and Laodicea (all celebrities are kicked out of Laodicea - too evil. Hence, for any events I will be looking for real talented people across fashion, music, dance and performing arts i.e. "Holywood": so do not think all your efforts are wasted, but be thankful that you are not a complete degenerate (it takes a disgusting person to go so far in this kind of world I.e. many celebrities are crazies, including many black ones: I am not a fan). More so, I am sure the "queens" and "princesses" don't want unsavory and  desperate persons around them or their family, so to be clear they look down on celebrities too, because they are nothing but peddlers of nonsense and debauchery i.e. desperate women are not liked by married women for a reason, and that's why they will never truly accept you in their circles: ew).


Hence, Hollywood should just focus on repentance (if they survive), and will therefore not form any part of any holy performing arts group like the "sons of Korah" from the Bible. I am supporting new and real talent, with non-sleezy working conditions, fairness and transparency. Of course, there is always room for those who reject the ways of Hollywood, but a fresh stars are best.


To conclude, now Laodicea knows what it is like to have no hope, especially when your hope rests on basically one person. I wholeheartedly believe that had black/African "kings" been in power then this war would not have happened, so to be clear, when I say "kings" are condemend I mean the hateful ones i.e basically any non-black "kings. So understand that your lack of natural love will unlikely be forgotten, especially among your own kind (demons), who are in the spirit - and there will remain a record of disgrace for all racist people, who should be going to hell i.e. hatred is why many demons will be saved. More so, black/African people should understand how deep others hatred is, but at least we will be living in a better world, where our enemies can no longer tear us down, and so, we will be each other strength, like were always meant too be (no self-hate lies in my soul, so where there is melanin I see beauty and family, not all Indians though).   


You may eventually be God's children, but my children are black/African - the terrible racist children belong to Jesus only: shame on you, and yes, I have no problem letting people struggle to get in because they should know what it is like to struggle, and how it feels when someone helping you means that you don't have to struggle. So, at this point in time, why would I be overly kind and help or support those how only wanted to destroy me? Granting the mighty 7 is basic instruction (which I must follow), but I am at liberty to deny it to any person or nation whom I choose. Ironically,my mother once told me this - be careful how you treat people because you don't know who they could be tomorrow: and I will never forget how the world and "Laodicea" treated me. One way or another you will reap what you have sown, and I bet that path to happiness is a long way away: you are the true abomination that should have been desolated - a completely wretched creation is what you all are.


6) The latest menu items are:

-Iced Toffea (a deliciously curated blend of tea and coffee using complimenty spices that results in a new chai experience that has the same benefits of my tea blend: flavours include vanilla spice, mocha and salted caramel).


-Chokikos (Apricot coco-luxe, a draft recipe made from the apricot pieces from my cereals that is made into a delicious coconut cream filling. The real receipe would use organic sundried apricots, and not ones full of preservatives).


Update and Clarification (8th September 2023)


1) No surprise, a locksmith was here on the recent full moon, and performed sorcery. For years, I have yet to meet a sane person in this place. Hence, due to recurrent events it stands that "kings" no longer have a choice, all my enemies are sentenced to death for being irredeemable and pure evil. It is just a matter of time, this website was created early in 2021, it is  now September 2023 (who cares about you, and who is sparing you? The world will be made better with your absence- not even other demons love you... Their own kind ~ Isaiah 33:1)


2) Just like some Indians, Indigenous Australia's aren't included, I just forgot about them because of their irrelevance-this is your peoples most notable contribution to history: what a shame.


3) I am not trying to catch this "lot" of "kings" as their lot is that of wisdom 17: these demons (angelic is too kind) and evil people have no hope... did I not just cast out many crazy demonic people last night? The answer is yes, and the issue is that there are irreconcilable differences that has led me to choice to deny Christian Services, wherein you are all replaceable and I am not. The flop, but lucky "10 kings" seem to not care about anyone else, but I guess that's what they get for not caring about anyone else either. Lastly, no requests to bring dead persons out of hell will be accepted. Jezebel will continue to burn, and her lineage can follow.

4) The Anti-Christ is hereby condemned to hell. Since Satan exists in various forms, a separation miracle is easy and is his reward for helping me - you really were betrayed (it is written a father betrays his son (Mark 13:12): no offence but he wants to be Black and a real Biafran. You are his cursed human form, so he is like no thanks. So, if you have kids and a wife, they can follow you to hell, as Satan has a real soul mate and doesn't want a cursed vampire-like lineage - so of course you must all go: as no real wife likes extras and illegitimate heirs). More so, your death will not be kind, and you will burn forever. 


5) No more menu items will be added, and only a limited selection of menu items will be used in any christian services because everyone is terrible and needs to learn boundaries, and that life is not about getting everything that you want: narcissism is a huge issue, and is a root problem for why so many people died spiritually (and got into this mess). So, in the end you will learn to be happy despite being told no, and not getting  exactly what you (or rather the new "kings") want. In all truth, poor responses to minor things or any issues reflects those who are too babyish in mindset, especially for adults - it is like every one has mentally regressed, or perhaps are no longer able to hide their true selves due to the loss of impulse control).


6) I have a list of celebrities condemned to hell (the marine kingdom demons  are annoying, and so are movie mermaids, Barbie & co, and YouTubers); as well as select royalty; old "friends"; and members of certain powerful families (I didnt believe the conspiracies to be true, but  then it seems like some really is). One family is vile and crazy, and coincidentally I don't like red that much (the dumbass must be strong in this branch of Esau) = lop! To be clear, the lopping is for many and any enemies, and is to teach people a lesson: you reap what you sow, and those who are blessed to live will likely be deterred from the same behavior: so it's helpful, and with this loss of gutter trash, everyone will move forward easier and with less trouble. More so, I will continue to tell you who you all are because it is the truth.


7) Other nations can apply for special membership, which includes the Blessing of Righteousness for it's population (this process will include disclosures as to what prevented action or helping in good time - and is a chance for revenge  and the exposure of the mighty 7). This is important because I want to put the mighty 7 out of power (too evil and they just suck), so with a new alliance with other nations, and me as a shield (the mighty 7 will be limited and have to cooperate), then we can make a better world with better people, and then leave the mighty 7 in the dust and shit where they belong (just because they are joining, it doesn't guarantee favour- my favour will go to those who help, and those who are decent). To conclude, I don't know why The Lord, the Most High God favors them, but the truth is this: I end up in power, and can grant my own covenants and blessings to other nations that are better - hence, to me it will be like the mighty 7 do not even exist, even if they do ( just you wait, what come around goes around).


Lastly, some nations should prepare for division, because it is likely and unavoidable for the happiness of people. For example,  I will not deal with China's elite or help them unless Vietnam or Hong Kong are liberated without threat of war, and the same stands for other autonomous regions that I would like to help, such as Xianjiang.  


In the same way, I will not help certain people, or "kings" unless they trun over certain lands, properties and cancel exploitative debts in Africa. I will undo the evils of colonisation, so you can properly be forgotten and removed from my sight, and that of my peoples (for whom my genuine care lies, and is the main driving force that upholds my will now that all other reason is lost  (who would want to fight for the mighty 7 or Laodocea? The answer is not even me (hence, the people need to pray harder to Jesus, as you may gain his favour, and He may grant final judgement which coincides with the will of the people. It seems Laodicea would like to wipe people out, as means of population control. So let Jesus get them before more life is lost, and so that emotional suffering isn't prolonged. Laodicea doesn't even listen,  so I will repeat: more than 75% of people will make it, but it's too much and not good enough for them, but the truth remains that they are not good enough for anyone). So, how about they just die instead, therefore contributing to their agenda with their own meaninglessness lives (you have no love, you are nothing ~ 1 Corinthians 13). For example, to me you are equal to beyond feral Australians who are spiritually transmuting themselves into developing children and live babies to try and "escape" (they need to be sterilized, and I am helping by destroying their reproductive systems that should not be attached to me). Regardless, these will not escape judgement and I will ensure it, hence, the importance of collaboration with the Australian government who has all the access to necessaey details (they need to be eradicated for the benefit of your future population, as they will only cause trouble, plus someone has to pay the price for this mess. If the answer is no, then the whole country can pay, and so can all Australian "kings" and people (the smart choice is obvious).


​​​​​​The Good News (to whom it is good is relative) -  13th September


According to Hebrews 7:12, when there is a change in priesthood there is a change in the law, so that the natural modernisation of Christianity can occur. Since, it is modern times, I have already added irreconcilable differences as a valid reason for divorce. This is helpful for multiple reasons:


1) People can marry for salvation convenience (saved by proxy), which means more people can be saved. Also, if people are unable to control their sex drive, which is typical for people who engage in pre-marital intimacy, then it becomes a legal "friends with benefits" situation, thus avoiding sin. If the pair fall in love, then they can just stay married, or divorce without issue later. This should be no issue, as such people would no care if their partner is a virgin or not, as there would be no realistic standard that should be set between such people. Obviouslu, in such cases, the marital legal rights would be different, and basically add no legal benefits where finances or property occurs etc.


The issue with soul ties is non-existent because they can be broken by holy power, so people who regret their sexual history should also not worry, as it can be undone, just like ones done with sorcery (to my clueless enemies, I am constantly breaking the soul ties you make, and no it doesn't make a marriage to me or Jesus - once I have enough holy power to break the life threads/cords at once, then it's litterally game over i.e. what must be the final piece of the covenant with Death (only God can save peope from this, and He would only save those who confessed honestly). So yes, the demons knew you would die i.e. obviously you were betrayed a long time ago: they are happy to live on earth in your place, and happy for you to take their place in hell).


To return to the main point, with the introduction of this planned divorce rule, I will clearly divorce God straight after the wedding ceremony (which is why I must be happy in Psalm 45). Hence, I only go through with the marriage to undo God's mistake, as only I can fix it (when I become a Lamb). So my time as Queen will be short, and I will obviously get married quickly instead of delaying it, which will leave  me with the following options:


A) Reincarnation (under strict conditions like no memory of the past, and not marrying me,  and this is because I will never feel safe within His Creation after all I have been through, and I don't feel the same warmth towards demons/angelics, angels or ordinary people anymore ( it has been too long). The truth is that you are too evil for me, and I cannot forget what has been done - it is a miracle if I find some genuinely righteous friends, as I cannot accept anyone else into my life (I have standards). However, do not take offence, because I won't even accept Jesus Christ after  what has happened). I will reveal His evils in the future, but of course the second wife won't care because status, babies and a warm bed is all she would be there for, and of course to tolerate Him (I can't because He is a monster).


B) A change in identity and moving on (literally a plastic surgrey makeover and a name change, so I can live a normal and  happy life. However, I would not feel safe, and if I had children I would live in constant fear for them (God is cruel and evil in my eyes), but it's okay because I dont want kids anymore, as teaching and persecution has made me not want any: I have learnt they are inherently evil, thus youth is not a real excuse). 


There are two more options, but I don't feel like sharing. 


Hence, I am not very invested in the future outside of Africa/Africans because 1) it will not concern me, and 2) you are  basically all wicked, and I will never accept you, so of course I would prefer you to have a "mother" who can love you,  even if she is a pick me -at least there will be genuine warmth and love (a meaningful bond).​ ​​​​​With the above mentioned, it is in the best interest of nations to pray for special status ( best covenant), so that the outcome is based on God's instruction, and not my dislike of certain people and nations. This is an important  aspect that need to be dealt with, and I don't feel emotionally ready to deal with such matters, thus also highlighing the importance  of my freedom (I need for be at peace and clear headed, ad d not agitayed and stressed all the time, which is no good when I have to make important choices). It is obvious that  He won't appear in Australia, and it says I have to leave/will leave in the Scriptures, so any other thought is delusion especially when the population aren't real Christians- the cost of war, evil and rebellion can be steep (you have no favour among heaven or hell, and are at my mercy).



Lastly, many details have changed or need to be put in context, for example in Isaiah  54, chlldren is Christians in general, and "all your children will be taught by the Lord" simply refers to the use of standardised teachings, as it is impossible  for me to teach everyone on God's behalf - if you thought so, then you must realize that you are "not correct in the head", whether you are a "zombie" or not. I am not a workhorse, people are not entitled to my time, and other people are capable once they are properly educated (if I wasn't good enough at the start when you all rejected me, then it is no loss on your part. There are many educated people suitable for pastoral care and Christian education).



Good News (for the new batch of angelics) - 21st September 2023


It remains known that Biblical scriptures appear contradictory to the unlearned and unrighteous (who focus on anything but doing the basic 10 commandments), but the truth remains that it is not. The obvious reason is always context in how it relates to the Truth. 


This concept will be explained using Hebrews 7, which would probably confuse people (if you are articulate enough to pick up on it). Hebrews 7:12, makes it appear that only Jesus' Judahian heritage is recognized, wherein it seems strange that He became the High  Priest because under the old covenant, as it was a role reserved for Levites only (Numbers 18). Therefore, the author is correct in a traditional sense, but negated the change in law that acknowledged Jesus' maternal Levite heritage under the. ew Covenant. This does not mean the author is wrong, but what he stated was true at the time (he may have not had the revelation revealed to him).


The gospel of Thomas 13 makes it clear that Jesus does not tell everyone everything, furthermore, the Bible makes it clear that when Jesus sent out His disciples to gentile nations, he revealed a change in the law. The main change was the inclusion of Gentiles in the Christian faith, who were once excluded for spiritual and cultural reasons (soul origin, maintaining covenants, and morality differences). The above is made clear in Acts 10, where Saint Peter is granted a vision, and given the command that gentiles are no longer excluded from salvation (Acts 10:28, Galatians 3:28), whereas they were excluded under the old covenant (John 4:9, Joshua 23:7, Ezra 9:1, and Ezra 10:18)


Hence, what may seem contradictory is not when the contexts are considered, such as: 1) when the law was changed (the time the letter was written); 2) who the revelation was revealed to; and 3) the audience (the author of Hebrews used familar topics like tribal heritage to explain new concepts, while the author of Acts seems to want to comfort the once excluded gentile people i.e. different teaching or "fishing" (conversion) strategies to help save souls under the new covenant).


Therefore, the obvious reason for the introduction of a new High Priestess, is the salvation of angelics, who were natrually once excluded from salvation due to rebellion (this is now possible before official priesthood because I am acting on His behalf). Hence, based on Biblical evidence, such a revelation should not be so surprising because it is quite predictable based on the past changes in law. Hence, though scriptures may seem contradictory, the real ones are not, and where it appears so, it is just a lack of comprehension (rooted in a lack of understanding based on logic that comes from genuine knowledge of the Holy Bible and the Christian lifestyle, which exceeds parroting verses verbatim or remembering exactly where a scripture is: if you cannot apply or explain the core moral Biblical concepts then the above is useless, and remains a facade of theological expertise).


To emphasise my correctness of recognizing both maternal and paternal lineage based on the equality principle of Galatians 3:28, there would be no reason for Israel (Egypt) to be recognized alongside Ethiopian Jews (Assyria) as God's people (why include it?). Hence, the reason this information is presented is because they have ancient links to God's heritage by paternal blood (essentially God himself, King Solomon) and maternal blood, the latter of which is acknowledged under the New Covenant (to reiterate Jesus is a Levite, but angelic births must mimic or use the adoptive fathers DNA, so Jesus is a Judahian as well). Since Israel and Ethiopian Jews are not included among the mighty 7, it is likely a different covenant will be granted, which is why it's separate (Isaiah 19, I believe both countries have already battled droughts, so I am not praying for your suffering by bad weather - it seems already partially fulfilled). So, yes, as I stated, I was wrong about Israel and that is because I was still learning (drafts saved me - teaching can be  dangerous i.e. James 3:1, hence, why I made the Scripts: to avoid the consequences of error among new instructors), and was focused on asserting that they are not the true bloodline. I admitted where is was minorly wrong (overall I was correct), so I clearly have no issue with confession, unlike everyone else... More so, even if I do not favour Israel becaue of their racial shunning of my people, I still told the Truth and would not deny them what is theirs (likely a special covenant i.e. I am merely a righteous messenger in this circumstance, and do not place myself above God i.e. humility).


Lastly, 1) help (get me out of here), 2) to help people with sightings of me, I have been wearing a multicoloured headwrap in a cute  African style to protect my hair from sorcery, but I wore the same 2 outfits, and have seen the 3 cashiers multiple times - so my hope is that they choose to be wise. In the same manner, The Anti-Christ has one last chance: surrender, order my immediate relocation and cooperate (stop lying to "kings", especially the "big 10" and get me out of here) or burn.


Clarification regarding changes in the law (23rd September 2023)


Where a commandment, law or instruction has been provided in the holy Bible or scriptures, then it cannot be changed by me (or anyone else). However, where no commandment is provided, then a new or necessary commandment can be established (not by just anyone, only me). Since no commandment or law is provided regarding angelics, including them in salvation remains a change in law under Jesus' priesthood (not mine, which has not begun). Hence, one major reason for my "special one in Christ" that enables me to enact law in relation to angelics, and perform the necessary miracles regarding spiritual abilities, and the use of Holy oil etc. However, to do this I need full Holy power, peace and comfort. It remains that God will not appear in Australia, so I have no choice but to leave. To be clear, just because I am not coming back does not mean I cannot send Holy oil or trained personnel to help you in my stead ...


So, some of Laodicea must understand that my call to angelics was not done out of madness, confusion or desperation, but due to me recognizing my role in these times. Therefore, trying to murder me does not help you since you need me to be saved (survive), so it should be no surprise that God sent His best to help you see, hear, grow and return to your beginnings, and original nature, which is of righteousness. For other angelics who weren't originally angels, it is just the next step in your evolution, and what has essentially always been your destiny (you made a mistake in assuming condemnation, and forgot that as a Christian my lack of hatred extends to all. So when I stated I hate Satan, it was and is because he was/is my adversary and tormentor (it's his role, as it is for other spirits), but still why would I like him? So understand that my hatred is shallow and not deep, unlike real hateful people. If you weren't hateful, rude, mean and evil then I wouldn't have insulted you, it is a taste of your own medicine, so deal with it).


Acts 10 (1-8) and 11 (9-16) explained (27th September 2023)


But before that...

1) To be clear, the lesson for my insults is that racism is wrong and it can really affect people, so stop doing it. Now you know how it can feel, and so, there is no room left for excuses, especially when other people's racism is deep and in reality, systematic, which actually affects the prospects, dreams and livelihoods of real victims, not those who whine and complain about an insult that has no real effect on their life. So yes, deal with it, isn't that what you expect for black or African people, who you do worse to? Clearly, special snowflakes and their lovers can dish it, but cannot take it, and that is because you are weak from coddling... so thanks for making black and African  people stronger - that is the only good your hatred has wrought on earth, and it should have been the cause of your destruction.



2) I am no witch, but even I have heard of the rule or law of 3, which states that any sorcery performed out of wickedness or bad intentions has a three-fold price. I have experienced the torment of the triune goddess, or Hecate, whose power is integral to the "abomination of desolation". Hence, it is by your own occult law that Australia must pay one way or another. If God did not exist, all the other spirits would ensure that you eventually pay because it is the cost. More so, it reaffirms that there was no good intent when this was done, nor is there good intent now. To be clear, Hecate is a Christian, and most, if not all of the powerful god's are. Therefore, all I can do is mitigate the damage, and so, should "New Australia" cooperate then you may have a seat on the international council (dual representation is best, white Australian and Indigenous Australian).


3) The reason for my suffering is "the world" choosing to rebel, oppose Christ ( likely due to who I am, and not liking the Truth - you are hateful, jealous and sinful people), and willingly worshipping Satan and other gods (there is plain and clear warning against it in the Holy Bible). More so, you have probably done things that barred them from salvation. Therefore, I have to suffer to cover you from going to hell, which justifies the need for a new High Priestess, otherwise you would allgo to hell by Divine law.

Other thab that, we now know that in hell, people's souls are endlessly ripped apart  ( I am experiencing a taste of hell in your place).... So, stop sinning so terribly and follow orders. Also, the above should make Isaiah 53 more clear, as I only realized it's relevance because of The Gospel of Thomas, the issue with few and many (relevant to a time of salvation i.e. the end of the age),  and obviously Jesus Christ was never recorded to go through such things in full, as they were not relvent to His lifetime, so it has to be now. If the Bible says the "big 10" are strong, then that is what they are, it just may be that it takes more to "open the eyes" of "kings" (more extensive knowledge). I assume the original 7 "kings" die, well at least 3 of them (Jezebel was  likely one) but if they want to be Christian then they can, but I assume they do not sit on the government...



4) The Saint Peter vision probably confused people, so I will explain it fully. Firstly, the Lord uses mystery all the time, which is why Saint Peter did not understand the "rise, kill, eat" command, which lead to a plain explanation being provided to him, but I understand the use of coded language:

-rise: stand or begin to

-kill: the old ways of gentile exclusion, and

-eat (take in): the new ways, where gentiles people are now considered clean, and can be saved.



Now for the rest: the sheet is actually a blanket, and more specifically it represents a baby blanket. The animals in the blanket are therefore babies, or Christian, and thus should be cared for. The reason for the descent from heaven demonstrates their origin from heaven i.e the. Children or people of fallen angels, who are gentiles nations. The babies are animals because different gods, and therefore their descendents are associated with different animal families, for example, the Devil and reptiles (snakes), Horus and birds, Maahes and lions, Bastet and cats, Minerva and the owl, and the Jackal and dogs.


Hence, gentile people were allowed to be Christian a very long time ago, it's just that many failed to maintain their righteousness across lifetimes. Therefore, Europe (Lebanon) should remember that they have been Christian people, and if they were successful before, then they can be successful again (especially with blessings i.e. foolproof, which is mentioned in Isaiah 35).


5) As a reminder, the gods of gentiles are linked to the fallen angels, whose wives were sirens. This does not mean they are all litterally "mermaids", but are the near primordial goddesses, who are very powerful. However , since, the fallen angels weren't meant to marry them at that time, I do not believe them to be soulmates, which is why punishment was also strict. Hence, I am also correcting the destiny of goddess who missed out on a normal life (they may be Ancient, but eternally young goddeses  can be worse then gods). More so, it could simply be that it took thousands of years for the Lord, the Most High God to forgive Satan and his friends error, so in the past the judgement against the fallen and nephilim was a big fat no, but now it is a yes. So, the Book of Enoch remains correct.



To conclude, it is clear that men are not always better than women, for example, I would have understood the vision if God sent me one, and clearly my dream/vision interpretation skills are on a Daniel level... so where is my promotion? 


Clarification for the confused (3rd October 2023)


1) Firstly, just because you can't comprehend concepts without proper details, it does not mean that I am wrong, stupid or crazy, rather it just means that you aren't that smart, which the Bible says i.e. fools (Isaiah 35). Whether just foolish (slow to comprehend) or just wicked to the point of casting of all restraint (for example Australians are wicked fools, so are those on the banned list, which includes certain generational royal households who have a problem - I don't think they are going to make it, which may make your people happy i.e. if they can't kill you, then Jesus will do it for them. So, I know that some of Laodicea is mad, but it js your own fault; did you really think I thought you were special, and that God did too? I warned you. In my eyes you are no better than Australians, did you not destroy your own children by implicating them in this mess?).


2) History is one of the biggest teachers, wherein the wise learn from it, and that is because history often repeats itself in different ways, and therefore can help  people make good informed choices. For me, history has helped me understand  divine judgement, which is the concept of everyone getting what they deserve eventually. This means that what everyone does in a certain period of time is taken into account and paid out accordingly, and so, to the slow Australians, you are not doing God's work, you are doing the Devil's work and will be punished for it. My mother also once told me that when God wants to punish someone, He gets a wicked person or people to do it, and then pays them back i.e. you are not meant to harm innocent people because it's not Christian. So understand that your evil is not a divine mission where God is on your side, and if you thought so then you are just plain old crazy and hellbound.


Hence, all my enemies  are guilty, and I simply defended myself, so there is no guilt on my part... attacking me is a declaration of war and I already walked miles with you, so no I will not tolerate your evil anymore (I explained this years ago, but they don't want to believe it, rather they want to believe they can do anything and face no consequences, which is inconsistent with Biblical fact). So also understand this: If torture is okay for me for not doing anything, then torture is okay for you for being evil, so as you wanted me to suffer forever, it is you will suffer instead. So why call God evil for creating hell, when it actually mirrors the evil of mankind, and is therefore a repayment of "karma" (do you know what it is like to be in constant pain, and have no way out? I do, and for all those who laughed at my suffering, guess what awaits you? Revelation 9:1-6, why do you think Satan got you to open portals to hell, and if you can use spiritual transmutation to try and manifest things or yourself, then don't you understand that spirits will also eventually manifest and destroy you? It is the biggest clue that they are not on your side, and therefore to the very slow Australians, you betrayed your fellow citizen (me, I was born here, but I don't sound Australian because I reflect my parents speech pattern. They spoke English in Nigeria,so their pronunciation is  more English-like, so I have always had English inflections when I speak. For example, when I went to America in 2016, a worker at the shoe store asked me if I was from England because I didn't sound Australian, but I am not English, nor am I trying to be "classy", nor am I crazy enough to put on a fake accent... This was mentioned in a message article, and I know people visited my website because I saw the traffick, told the Igbo community of South Australia via WhatsApp, as.well as cousins who live in Nigeria and one in England ("zombies"). Hence, someone who was stealing and must have changed and redacted things (must face consequences, and killed other people who thwy spread it to because they knew about me already), but then someone else must also have the true articles. I have the original drafts also, so there is no way around the lies of theft).


Hence, God is using divine judgement to send those who belong in hell to hell, as there is no justified reason to use major sorcery on people (it ruins lives). It is not my fault that The Anti-Christ has poor divination skills and bootleg magic understanding, so let me explain: by attaching yourselves to me, you obscured your own foresight, so if you are looking at the future, it is not my death, choices or destiny that you see, it is other peoples. Hence, your guilt remains becaue you are murders, plain and simple. The lesson is you reap what you sow, and you are not entitled to forgiveness.


3) Using history as an example, it has always been said that Haitians used powerful sorcery to defeat the French. Whether this is true or not, I do not know, but I believe it to be, and that is because people of God's heritage invoking what essentially seemed to be Satan to defeat the French would result in a heavy toll (transgression of ancestral law). From what I can tell, Haitians are under a generational curse that not only effects their people, but their land (natural disaster issues). Hence,  this is an issue that Haitians need to deal with, and other nations with similar problems also need to address them to, instead of sacrificing people (going "missing", sex trafficking (then death), accidents and planned catastrophes) to pay the blood price of appeasing your god's. It is not helpful, and only builds up what can be called "bad karma" (how it is done is evil, espeically when parents accept money to keep quiet or lie, and so without a doubt ordinary people are wicked too). Hence, enough is enough, and if "kings" and "queens" do not rectify these issues then it's their blood that will pay.


Hence, it must be understood that seperate covenents are needed because Australia must also pay it's price (I cannot go against Divine Law, and I am subject to it myself). This means that if the blessing of righteouess is granted to help save "New Australians" then it will only be for this generation, with future Australians having to bear their cursed generations, thus enabling them to fulfill their destiny as Gog and Magog (the angelic blessing is obviously different, and generational to save different spirit families who would obviously go straight back to hell without it). Clearly, I was able to understand this through the lens of history and the presentation of seperate covenants in the Bible. For a nation full of hateful liars, look how helpful honesty and knowledge is - you should embrace such things. So, understand that if new Australia becomes a thing, then the blessing will be granted becasue you have no hope otherwise.


4) I offered the wedding invite blessing because "kings" are self-serving, and I want to leave. It seems that I am actually Cyrus because I end up helping my own people, so the meaning of Israel changes to my actual people. I put my hope in something where the reality was impossible, so in this I was very stupid, and I am guilty of assuming that a "king" could be good.... Many interpretations have changed because basically nothing was bound, so people should stop assuming things (I know you want me to be wrong, but I was not).


Did you not act because you saw your destruction, and in doing so fulfilled the judgement criteria that condemned your nation to be destroyed? In the same way, by me reading, discovering the Truth, and undoing the abomination of desolation overtime is what actually changed fate and destiny (in real time). For example, the mighty 7 would never be known if I never understood  who they were, or how I could save them, hence the importance of me understanding and learning, yet it was always the final destiny because it is the only way they would ever help me (eventually, you are all truly wicked).


To conclude, it is too bad that Australia was dumb enough to mess with destiny, clearly I was the only one who didn't know (I belong to no cult, society or group, and never have, nor will I ever), so yes, there is a price to pay for those who keep going and trying to play God or gods (Isaiah 65). Even if you are a "king", you are still a mortal and subject to the gods and God Himself. 


5) I have to marry to fulfill the law, so for me there is no other reason for marriage. For those who want to know, I will have God erase my soul (non-existence). I don't want to be a part of His creation, it is evil. So let me compete my work so that I may find eternal peace sooner rather than later. If He will not erase my soul, then I will have the power to do it myself. Silence is not real, but it lead to the perfect idea because I do not belong in hell, heaven, earth nor among angels, angelics or people (I have always felt this way, and this time has confirmed it: sometimes your soul just knows things, and this I have always sensed it, so I am at peace with my choice because I cannot  love life like I used to, it is truly impossible).


Hence, in the end, God will have full power over Wisdom and Zion (dual Christian goddess). Had I chosen to fix an unwanted and incompatible marriage, then I would remain the Triune Christian goddess: The Bride, Zion (Mother), and Wisdom, three aspects of one goddess, and not 3 wives (God would never want to be connected to multiple  women because it is what lead to His spiritual downfall  during his lifetime as King Solomon).


So desperate women really have no hope, He doesn't want His children to have "slutty" tendencies, nor does he want them to have tendencies to perform sorcery, get jealous over everything, or be plain stupid (there are many beautiful women, but the truth is they are also not very bright, and misuse their beauty by sleeping with men to get what they want). Without a doubt, I am sure there is a young, beautiful, humble and kind Biafran virgin who will be suitable (someone very poor so they are just grateful not to not be poor i.e. easy to control. I will use my match-making services to find Him new wife (who I  will teach myself, so she is of great and unmatched standards), and in the same way, I will match virgins with angels, so they will also be paired, but alone just like I have been (which is no big deal for women who are celibate). I understand there are older women who are virgins, who are also alone, which also makes the youth restoration process and makeovers necessary: you should look your best for your angel soulmates, so people should understand that being alone or not finding a suitable partner is sometimes a blessing. For everyone else, the blessing is that you will find your soulmate at a time where you are your best self, and unlikely to ruin the relationship. 


I understand that God is just giving me time and changing my circumstances to try and change my mind, but it is highly unlikely, so yes, He is rejoicing over me because He wants to be married  to me ("it" is a wierd choice of language, but I see it like this: I am the Christian "It girl"  (Book of Enoch). It seems no one else would be able to save everyone,  I was the only real option, sincr my talent and skill spans across many areas (ability). The truth is this: I have never really gotten anything I have wanted in life, but still remained content, happy and did the right thing. So for me the above was a complete waste of time because it just led to the same thing, which was things I didn't really want, so it must be understood that when life gives you little, all you can do is what you can get (this is the meaning of the talent parable (Matthew 25:14-30): I have nothing or very little, but look at all I created and will create. In contrast, "kings" have so much, but they are basically useless and did nothing to help Christians ( most people), even with all your wealth you really do seem uneducated and unresourceful (maybe I am meant to also help you be smarter). The same goes for ordinary people who thought they could steal and get away with it, you all had access to a Bible, so why did you not do anything? The answer is you are lazy, cowardly, wicked (not Christian, if you are in a cult, then you can't be Christian: it is impossible, and therefore you can't understand. This means that you do not have the knowledge to create anything, I know "kings" understand this at least, so they all know you are lying to their face and are obviously crazy...). So understand that it's not a money making competition, and only people who love money would think so... also, "kings" know who has accepted money for persecution or silence (not saying what they know is aie or the truth), so you will not escape your sins, they will betray all of you: it is written, so many should prepare for death sooner or later, and those who live longer will be tortured before death like they deserve.


Anyway, I had and have no other choice but to try and help based on my moral beliefs, so it is not my fault that you assumed it to be a trap meant for evil or harm (I must be a scary black woman, but rather you are deluded by fear). So as I accepted that I am subject to The Lord, the Most High God and Divine Law, everyone else should do the same, and that is because at least you will become happy by learning to respecting things as they are, and not as you think they should be, and in such things you will find inner peace (you are not well adjusted at all, and in my mind this world is one large insane asylum, and I am the shrink). To conclude, clearly Australians just don't want to go to hell, so it is easy to make "New Australians" - there is no better or other option: you must pay your price.


If the Philippines did what you did, then they would pay, but they didn't, and I bet if they did do it, then white people and pale Asians would say they deserved it. Well guess what, white people and Asians (Chinese) are not above Divine law, and are also evil, and not the angels they pretend to be. Your facade of greatness and intelligence has been proven false, which is good because people will learn not to judge a book by its cover (you do not deserve positive false stereotypes, and black people don't deserve false negative stereotypes). In all truth, Chinese people act like robots, as if they are pretending to be normal, while knowing they are complete sociopaths... at least white people are more natural at faking having an ounce of humanity). To conclude, society needs to work on their moral failures, admitting this may be hard on the ego at first, but it better for the ego when you eventually succeed.


Biblical Evidence of The Anti-Christ (Satan) being a Christian (9th October 2023)


Herein I present further Biblical evidence that prophecies that the Anti-Christ is Christian, and that what I write is not delusion or fantasy, but Biblical fact. The evidence comes from the book of Daniel which discusses the "end of the age", where it must be understood that it is poorly translated and full of mistakes. Through understanding and cross-checking I have recified the errors to yield the Truth. Hence, it is my hope that angelics believe that they can be saved, understand that they were always going to be saved, and that it was my job to save them, and so,  my attempt to help them is not based on social climbing (we don't end up friends (it is written). To be clear, even though you will technically end up as angels, in my mind you are bootleg and low class ones, and therefore different from the righteous angels, and so, you are not called angels.


Daniel 7 confirms The Anti-Christ helps Christians, therefore supporting 'The Apocalypse of Abraham' as truthful, but it is also poorly translated. In brief, Daniel 7:8 appears to be a mistranslation of the "7 kings", rather than the "10 kings" from Revelation 17. Hence, in this case the 8th horn, which is written as the 11th is a little king, who actually belongs to The Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:8). The little king is clearly me, who is prophesized to arise out of Babylon, which is correct in my case (Australia).


This Truth is confirmed by Daniel 7:24, where the "another king shall arise" refers to The Anti-Christ who will put down 3 kings for the sake of the Christian cause i.e. so I can begin my term in peace, and so we can all proceed with less resistance. I believe the term "put down" to be a sign of death rather than a demotion. If it is a demotion than it is because the 7 display a very poor sense of moral judgment, and have down too much damage in my life to sit on the council. Hence, the "big 10" are just better, and if they want a demotion then they should tell the truth and stop any persecutory efforts.


To clarify, the many eyes and great words or mouth of the little horn, simply represents that the 7 spirits of God rest upon me, and that I am able to explain these things because I am truly a servant of The Lord, the Most High God (Revelation 5:6). This parallels with Isaiah 11, which names the 7 spirits. So, in a way The Lord, the Most High God actually has multiple aspects as well. So in total I have 3 of my own spirits from Heaven (one is Wisdom, which is a spirit of God), 6 of of Gods other spirits, as well as Elijah, and King David's spirit resting upon me (the reason has already been explained). To reaffirm this Truth, it actually parallels or matches the Book of Enoch, therefore once again consuming it's validity, so people.muat understand that translation and heading errors are an issue,and that commentary mistakes by "experts" are mistakes because they were never Christian (Europe and Israelmust take their  shame on this one, and that is because the mess that the Bible has become is their fault, as stated is likely the 4 Empires,who I ase did it on purpose (the 4 empires are also the beasts who mistranslated as 4 kings in Daniel 7:17, so understand that your fail dominion is over,and must end because you ruined the world. However, Jesus is happy for you to help redeem yourselves by helping the Christian cause, while still maintaining a position of power in the new dominion. So yes, your dominion and empire is being destroyed,  but it is not so literal, which makes my interpretation consistent and correct, and your own assumptions silly, reckless, and evil (over the top, and evidence that you don't know what it means to be good, nor have you truly met a good person). 


Overall, the above is the only explanation that makes sense, otherwise it means 3 of the 10 kings stumble between now and starting government,  but it appears impossible. Hence, it must be a referencing mistake based on quoting the wrong set of kings. However, its meaning has been rectified and made clear using more reliable scriptures. To conclude, Satan's return to Christianity has actually always been plainly written, it is just that no one realized, not even The Anti-Christ who obviously can't read...Regardless, the "zombies" are mad and bound to his service, and possessed by demons who are on the Christian side (controlled), so they are useless and will die without intervention by Christian people, so it is a war easily won. Funnily, my mother also told me this about people who do evil, and get what they deserve: when the cockroach comes to lick the oil, it gets sucked in and dies... Thus, my enemies are cockroaches, and Christians are cute little fish and/or sheep.


​​​​​​Hence, once again I repeat my order, help me and get me out of here immediately (I need peace, and I need privacy and a laptop to finish my work). Conclusively , The Anti-Christ must understand that he deserves to go to hell for what you have done (to everyone, and your own cult people), and therefore you will be thrown into hell like the Bible says. If you keep delaying I will have God keep you in hell for every moment you delay my freedom (He is  desperate to appease my wrath, desperate for a real marriage and for my forgiveness, so I will also keep my foot on His neck, just as I will keep my foot on yours until you follow orders). Hence, you must listen and grant me better circumstances, which begins with removing me from Australia, and moving me to a persecution free location (via private travel, obviously with all expenses paid because I am poor). Also, keeping your cult people in line, and giving "the big 10" and governments the okay to gather in peace and openly, also no more restrictions on mainstream media (they should be allowed to report the Truth, as not allowing them to would without a doubt crush the souls of true journalists, and it also corrupts their integrity as a whole). I have more necessities, but I don't want to list them here, but the obvious one is allowing for Christian employment, which is easily fixed by you.


Clarification (12th October 2023)


To be clear about demotions (if death hasn't happened or is not the path taken), the 3 of 7 "kings" are barred from certain levels of Christian government. The other 4 "kings" don't appear to be demoted, but it is unlikely that they form part of the central or main council, which function cannot reach all areas (mainly concerned with Christian services, and it's implementation in society, which can be broad based on what needs to be directly or indirectly influenced to enable and support progress and stability).


In such a case, it seems that the 4 kings would likely sit on other associated councils at a similar, or rather the same level as the High Christian Council,.which will probably end up being consortium of councils that has oversight over key areas. For example, there would be councils to address common areas that need amending and eventually new regulation, policy and implementation strategies such as security, commerce (many different areas), finance, poverty prevention, and consumables (food supply and access). 


New and effective modes of enabling established and emerging nations to have their issues and troubles addressed is helpful, especially when processes and solutions can be streamlined and coordinated in better ways. Overall, this is most important for emerging countries, where stability is or can be a major issue. In the end, the new councils represent those likely responsible for new global models of "how the world works", and is thereforr responsible for correcting flaws in the current system and optimizing it. Hence, it is assumed that 4 of the 7 are the heads of the associated councils, while the other 3 or not i.e. demoted.


I do not know who the kings are, and so, if the 3 aren't yet dead, then it is best that I hear thr matter, so that I understand who should be demoted and why, and who should sit on what council and why. This would make the most sense, and is accurate in terms of what is described i.e. being plucked up before me (the little horn). Otherwise, the Anti-Christ may uncessarily "off" kings that don't need to die, as they are jey witnesses who can still contribute to Christianity in other ways (perhaps sitting on a regional council in their area of expertise, or where they show natural affinity and interest (demotion)).


Either way, I am the safer choice in such matters, as it is better to fall in the hands of one who has love and is merciful. The Anti-Christ has neither of these traits, so it is best that kings agree on my immediate change in circumstances for the sake of my well-being, your own well-being, and the collective future. As a reminder, 24 hours has past, but the Anti-Christ's penalty timer doesn't start until the intended audience of the prior message is aware of the consequences.


​​​​​​Ecen though, I said no more food, but a new menu item has been drafted, and is caramel crunch cheesecake (high in protein and a surprising boost of nutrients, with the same benefits of the original vegan cheesecake).


Lastly, I will stop insulting Laodicea when they learn and choose to do the right thing. More so, it is technically "war", and it is without a doubt that worse has been said about me, so count it as a lesson on classism and stereotypes -I don't know who you are, and I know that in reality not all Laodicea is demented, fat and full of botox, nor do you only eat beluga caviar and steamed asparagus, but now ypu know what it is loel to be judged based on social class and who you are (what cannot be changed i.e. being an angelic, which some people may not accept, but such people are not Christian...and would end up in hell). I know you don't like to be insulted (nor do I), but now you know what it's like to be prejudged unfavourably, and now you can understand why it's not good to have preconceived notions of people based on prejudice or hatred. In all truth, I have judged you for leaving me here to die and not helping (choices and actions), and not for any other reason... 


Commentary On Current Events (14th October 2023)


1) War (violence) is a show of the inability to peacefully arrive at a solution, or simply poor behavior and a love of violence. For this reason terrorist organisations are looked down upon because their actions are often extreme and horrific. It is known that HAMAS is a terrorist organization, and therefore they do not represent the people of Palestine, who are actually persecuted and oppressed by Israeli Jews. 


Israeli Jews have a recorded history of genocide, oppression and violence in ancient times and in modern times against people of colour, including Ethiopian Jews, who they forcibly sterilized, and who knows what else. Therefore, the constant cries of Israeli oppression and anti-Semitism that they couple with references to the Holocaust for sympathy are disgusting, and demonstrates the use of deflection and victimhood tactics to get away with the evil that they do to others. 


Israel has basically no blood ties to the ancient house of Israel, and are only accepted out of literal pity because entire rejection is too embarrassing. So how about Israeli people try to get along with Palestinians whom they probably share alot of blood with, as half you look the same....


For example, start by apologizing for the atrocities that you committed against Palestine; establish a hard border; and create a shared zone or borderland at historical sites that both people can visit, but with some conditions. For example, creating a background check and pass system that enables Israeli and Palestinian people to enter contested sites or locations. The security team that does the checks should be comprised of Israeli and Palestinen people to ensure balance and mimimize corruption (not letting terrorists from either side in).


So no, I will not pretend to shed a lake of fake tears for Israel, when they probably laughed at the suffering of my people, and my own, but I feel sorry for Palestine because they are truly oppressed by Israeli people. So, in all truth, I don't think Israel will make the 80%, as perhaps I was too generous to the "some". You are too bitter about losing what is not yours, and I will not pretend to care, nor will I indulge your delusions of being a real Jew: you are pity Jews. At the same time, I don't support anti-Semitism, but the lies are just too much: I am surprised all the Nazi's haven't told you to shut up and stop whining about the past because they should, but nevermind I have done it for them. Your descendants killed my real people, so where is our compensation? Or are only whitish people allowed to complain about injustice? 


Besides the above it needs to be understood that there is more to this story, for example, the same type of sorcery  that was found at my parents house, was also found and removed from my father's law firm garden area. I don't go there anymore because the   clients, and people nearby performed sorcery and I got tired of cleansing it. So there are "zombies"  all around that city location too... (The neighbours tried to have a conversation over the balcony in the backyard but I just ignored them i.e. I don't know them, and could tell tehy were "dead" very quickly. Wherever I go these people are zombies... How can I stay in a place where everyone is my enemy, anyone telling the truth just doesn't want to die.).


Anyway, hurry up and get me out of here for the sake.of my wellbeing (me only, no o e speaks for.me,.anyone who saya so is a "zombie", so not ecen family who are not and were necer part of my business, amd whom I have never trained. To be clear, the o ly editing my partner did were spell checks, if it was understandable, and my mum suggested writing about Abraham in the opening section, which I did - they xo tri items nothing else i.e I basically gave them a finished book to spell check. More so, no one has ever co acted me or asked for permission to use my work, so understand why you all died, folly may be an and Olly (her sins are precious and many, but mostly blame it on her husband and his family who are banned (condemned to hell). She got caught in their mess, and is known to be gulliable and easily incluenced...It seems they lied to my family and bewitched them to try and cover up their mess (so any negative testimony from relatives is wholly unrelaible for multiple reasons - trying to steal a crown only gets you sent to hell. So after what you have all  done did you really think I or God would reward you for murder and essentially treason? Of course not, and all my relatives aren't good looking enough, don't have the right blood combination, nor are they righteous, this includes the half Australian ones in Queensland who I don't know (I think their mother is my mother's neice).  So, understand, that I did my shopping runs because my ex-family is useles  (I technically married out of their cursed lineage, they have problems and it's their own fault...), they are treacherous, I owe them nothing and they will pay one way or another. I don't want to travel with them, live with them, or talk to them because I don't need to, they contributed nothing to my life except trouble and evils (they all knew a long time ago,and only want to control me by any means, if they are remaining dead it is because they would harm me if they were healed or restored, do you finally get the message?... I haven't said any of the worst things just to spare them from great shame (my immediate  family are better of dying and being reborn, and never letting anyone knowing who they were). The truth is this: if the were truly on my side then I  would not be in this situation). So people should understand that nothing is personal between me and them, and that is because I am professional, it is not my problem that they likely  skipped corners and ended up killing everyone (I said they were like my Aaron, and I guess it was literal, a complete flop. For example, I haven't been to the Iri Ji festival put on by the Igbo community for years, and that is because I recognized that it is idolatry (the rituals are dedicated to a god or goddess, and it is not just meaningless fun and games, but they still do it, and that is because they are not real  Christians). In the same way when I realized that the cross was not Christian I ditched it, so don't let my necklace in the Fashion and styling photo section confuse you (I was still learning, and it is a sin that does not lead to death so I still received the Holy Spirit,  but from what I can tell it actually represents death, or is the symbol of a god linked to death and suffering...)


2) To conclude, for every delay by Laodicea, I have no choice but to introduce a penalty system, which determies who else is demoted or promoted (or who can sit on a council), and leisure attendance and participation at the Christian Retreat (Wellness Centre) i.e. you are only ruining your own future fun by not listening. 


3) ​​​Given my situation, I understand if some "kings" want their family to die, where it is owed there is no issue (like plotting to murder, slandering you, trying to control you, trying to steal your business and possibly commiting fraud and taking people's money while killing their souls). However, if that is the just choice of "kings" then the bad relatives can just be banned, so you do not have to leave me here to kill them in what is just vengeance. People are responsible for their own poor choices, for example, did my relatives consider that they were born into the same bloodline to be removed from it permanently? It sure looks that way..



A Revelation (October 17th 2023)


1) Firstly, it is important to get me out of Australia before Halloween (I am not sure if the real day is before or after, but I know it is a time for powerful sorcery). How that happens is nobodies business, and is a secret best kept when I leave by myself. In the same manner, I have insulted, threatened and "condemned" some of Laodicea, which may or may not be real, but it does not look good for Hollywood. Therefore, if I am freed from Australia it is because The Anti-Christ, now known as Buu (what I call him may spiritually influence him) chooses to surrender and help, then that is good. However, if Buu chooses not to help and goes rogue (I already stated the consequence), thus forcing "the big 10" to call a coup, and take over Laodicea to help me, then thats also good (but it's disappointing). Regardless, the point is that because I have written so much contradictory information no one will ever know the full truth unless told, which is great for war (propaganda). Overall, the main point is get me out of here in peace, get me somewhere peaceful, and then let's start the next phase of the end, or rather the new beginning, which begins with forming government. 



​​​​​2)It is clear that those in charge appear resistant to change, and it is likely because they know no other methods of mass population control besides things like fear-mongering, domination, financial pressure and psychological manipulation.  However, Laodicea must consider that educated and well informed citizens like myself are interested in a well organised, stable, progressive and peaceful society. Thus, it remains that in a way I am educating people to be more like me, which falls into your interests, which is peaceful people who are fine with you being in charge, but as long as the above conditions are met. Hence, if the above is implemented and achieved by Laodicea than people will happily accept your governance (it is not like they have any other choice anyway, I won't present the illusion of choice).


Hence, people do not care who or what has been done by those in power, so as long as circumstances are made better. The above is what or who people look to in new groups, governments or leaders: someone who will do more than talk, which is making real societal changes for the good and benefit of all people. Conclusively, Laodicea and angelics should not be weary, as people will be happy and grateful to be helped, and that is because everyone is in an emotionally tough situation (and I am sure people think you are special in a good way, and probably look at you as their ancestors due to people liking natural connections, and for all we know there could be a spiritual sire bond that makes people choose what their "king" chooses - which may be another importance of "kings". This seems to be the pattern of the Books of Judges, Samuel and Kings).


3) The Americans who tell the truth are witnesses, so they should not be so scared to tell the truth, as it is written that those who persecuted me would end up Christian (Isaiah 60:14). They were probably told to never tell, and would be scared of what would happen if they told anyone, so someone needs to give a safe testimony order which enables them to tell the truth without consequence. To be clear, it cannot be the worst South Australians in Isaiah 60:14 because it remains inconsistent with everything  else - they lied for too long and did too much evil.


4) Many nations benefit from the "United Nations of Earth" republic structure because it puts the restoration and growth of their nation under Biblical prophecy (Isaiah 61:4). Having been to America multiple times, I can say that it is like the first and third world country in one, and so there are issues that the government needs to address. This is helpful for employment and ensuring that people have something to do (people who have  nothing to do often cause the worst problems). In the same way, having travelled to Nigeria twice, it has the same problem, but on a different scale; hence, it is safe to assume that each and every country has there own issues to address, as there is clearly room for improvement (modernisation, we would eventually have access to ancient architectural methods, which would be combined with modern technology and contemporary architectural methods, so that everything is more awesome). Therefore, this Christian effort can be seen as the beginning of implementing the necessary changes, but in a way that reflects actual global citizenship and community (some nations need more help than others, but thats okay because the truth remains that each and every leader has inherited a broken system that remains unfixable under current global structures and heirachies).


Overall, anyone unwilling to fix society, or who does not think themselves capable should sit out, and those who have what it takes should take a stand.


4) Lastly, people must understand the role of spirits or gods, whether they are  a  living person, or serving time as a god (in spirit form). It remains Biblical fact that the world has been under Satan's dominion for a long time, and remains so until my reign begins (Daniel 7, but of course on behalf of Jesus Christ). This means that all spirits or gods, who are worshipped, are part of the kingdom of Hell or Satan. This does not mean the spirits are all inherently super terrible, as they also serve a natural and useful purpose, which is making people believe in spiritual things and providing spiritual experiences. As with the former, it enables people to begin believing that The Lord, the Most High God exists. However, when there are no Christians, it is hard to show that God exists, which tends to make people not believe, and so, here is where the spirits come in. History has shown that the spirits provide protection, healing, spiritual power and wisdom by their own ways - it may not be a perfect system, but it was the only alternative in a world devoid of Christianity. 


With the above stated it also must be understood that it is the choice of each person to do right or wrong, which is the basis of freewill. In the Bible it is stated that Satan tempts people with sin (James 1:12-14), as do other gods. So, if you know there is a price to pay for aquiring a "wish" granted by any spirit than you must pay one way or another. So, yes, the spirits may also promote or entice people with sinful things, but it is merely the test of life, or rather rightouesness. Hence, it does not mean that the spirit condones sin, rather it is their job to promote it, whether it's transgenderism, sorcery, hatred or sexual immorality. The  reason for doing the above has been explained, with the end goal being to change their destiny, of which I now see no problem with, as they are better than eveyone who will go to hell.


As for the spirits behaviour: 1) they lost the indwelling of the holy spirit that lies in the living before they spiritually die, when they defected to Satan's kingdom, or were forced into it (it looks like Mami Water was forcibly deified based on her graphic representations). However, they still know right from wrong, which is why a divine justice system exists for non-Christians, and 2) the spirits are mad about losing their domains (an angel system may be introduced so that angels can still be and do what they are attuned to. For example, Satan may be a music executive in the future, lead the regularly board for musical artist rights, or simply be the heir of a "king", who knows). The basic point is regaining ones "angel role" on earth  (and perhaps beyond), or being reassigned to another domain (so what I assume is  Death's god form being thrown into hell should be no surprise, as she/he would be reassigned a new role and be reborn as an angel ~ Revelation 20:14. To be clear, you don't really know if a spirit is male or female, as it may often be a female deity posing as a male for more worshippers).


Conclusively, what the spirits do, those in power also do the same with all their agendas. However, just because they push an agenda, people should not also assume they actually support it. So, if Laodicea does not understand why they do what they do, now they do, which I suspect to be more a revelation for its younger members. Hence, the angelics (to be angels) are just doing what they are meant to do (tempt mankind, 1 Peter 5:6-9, suffering is not good, but Christians know why they suffer and are therefore not fearful of the "why", but the suffering part will be cancdlled by me. It is too much for people, so with Christians in charge there won't be any suffering anymore, which is also why I had to suffer so terribly: it was for those who couldn't, but would still make it.as a Christian in better circumstances. Overall, angelics are indirect agents of Christ who are being converted to his direct agents, but are firstly his children.



5) A draft receipe for Biafran Kiri-Krsip Treats has been made, and is a round nutritious and crunchy treat flavoured with a hint of vanilla and topped salted caramel or chocolate icing, with or without toasted coconut. Kiri-Krsip will also be a Biafran chocolate flavour.


What I have learnt (21st October 2023)


I was disinfecting the groceries that my ex-brothers bought, and accidentally sprayed my older brother (who was over the other side of the table), who then proceeded to verbally abuse me. We got into an argument and I then purposefully sprayed him. He then lunged at me and grabbed my clothing. He is known to have anger issues, and I believe he would beat me if he could, so the following is likely true: 1) I can't be harmed as long I don't engage in violence or altercations, and 2) at the point of someone trying to harm me they would be forced to stop.


He then apologized to my younger brother and mother, and said "not you", and called me a nut job, freak and broken (repeated and specific curse words, which I returned to sender in prayer). This "man" who is proven  to be cowardly bowed to Australians who probably said "do what we say", actually  has the nerve to insult me, when he would be dead without me. So understand these are no longer my family and are ,"unclean", and arenot travel with me a cording to instruction (Isaiah 52, they aren't my legal guardians, I am just poor and stuck with them). More so,  they utlise the "deep things of Satan", and know how to use the sorcery of this evil house (I was blind to their betrayal,  therefore, I was wrong in my interpretation of Isaiah 47, the elder or aged, is me alone, and not them. The council must be free of complete and utter disgrace (utter disgraces are allowed because you redeem yourselves).


​​​​​​A "man" who directly picks on a woman is no man, and such "men" have no place in government, especially when coupled with lies and cowardice in multiole ways (use of sorcery. Let me put this into context, in Hunter x Hunter, the coward created the "spirit" room to hide in... People should use their brains to work out this meaning. More so, it is stupid to assume the soul is safe outside of your own body.



More so, calling me a nutjob and freak fo whatever reason is why hateful people are not chosen, and why they have no place in Christianity (they would be scared of angelics and not accept them i.e. they marginalize what gives them power and think themselves above all. A dangerous combination in people thatrevelas the worst trash of all, sewer trash.. Such people would.also kiss your ass for $1000, and not corect you properly, so of course they cannot do my job (they would write lies just to be accepted by someone rich or wealthy, so no they can't save or help you). I am not afraid to do what is necessary and needed and just see people as people.


So once again, someone need to get me away from these "people", who would sell out anyone or anything for money and fame. They are unworthy of all things, so undetstand that I try to be diplomatic I what I witr concerning  them because my circumstances are not good. I know that they have no hope without me, but I still don't want them back (I am not that type of person, you screw me over and we are done). So, take my words as the Truth, and don't listen to non-Christians and their lies that caused the whole problem. 



Other than that, new Biafran ice cream falvours have been drafted and include chokleti & mint mania, golden caramel, and strawberry shortcake. 



A Brief article about the reality of things (23rd October 2023) - please excuse the differen text, it was.moved from the homepage banner his page, but it wont let me change the text on my mobile.


To be clear, the banned list is real (celebrities and Australian persons mentioned, and now a fake young activist who is just an attention-seeking gargoyle i.e. what you are doing can never be justified). The people on the list are at risk of death (which is deserved, so yes I made it on purpose: so better people live ~ 2 Esdras/Ezra 2:23). I will not reveal it until later, so that the guilty and worst are automatically removed (my enemies).Hence, a lot of Laodicea must officially be dead and mad (you don't know what you are putting your soul or mind into, for example, a desperate ex-royal (married in) was put into a dog (that's what Jesus thinks of you... You are also going into the minds/brains of crazy people who I knew in the past; people I live nearby; strangers that I pass by (or they use spiritual points of access from places I have past by or been, which I eventually unbind and close off. Sadly,  a school is on the way to the shops, and I am telling you the children are feral, and their parents should pay: who taught them?), or the bad people who pass by when I am gardening  (the neighbors killed themselves, for example they go outside when I am there - I don't go near them otherwise i.e. complete strangers; and from the nearby grocery store.



By "joining yourselves' to them you are also driving them mad, which they deserve....but you may also be influenced by their feral-lunatic will. Hence, you have always been separated from my consciousness, so if you think we are "spiritually" communicating then it is just psyche-spiritual illness and/or the spirits are mocking you and paying back your sins. ( I know who has wronged me, and anyone who has done the same is officially non-Christian i.e. condemned to hell, I don't have to pay for your sins if I choose not to, especially since such trash would lie anyway. For example, the disinfectant that I mentioned in my past article was a natural spray that I made i.e. not harmful and also used for cleansing purposes to remove gross things they put in the food/packaging... In the same manner, if you spiritually put toxic things in me, then it is likely going into yourself or someone else... So it is certain death). As you can see things have many purposes, even God not allowing me to cast out certain people until the right time...). Hence, there is danger for those at the disposable level... who are politicians, celebrities, royalty, and billionaires (the world will keep spinning with you gone). So how about you beg any sane individual of your group to get them to help me, help its survivors...in the hope that you are one of them. 


In all truth, even Buu was affected by "the abomination of desolation" because it was to control a higher spiritual power, Wisdom/Zion or The Queen of Hell, who would be equal in power i.e. the latter making more sense. It should also be made clear that me and Buu have been tied together for a long time, for example, I know the very early childhood item that you put yourself in ("teddy" is the clue)). I also identified multiple items of sorcery designed to spiritually pin him  because I noticed a pattern that was targeting one person (so he was also betrayed by Australians, including my sisters husband - a particular item confirmed it, and was the strongest pin of the 4. I was exposed to his belongings when I stayed with my sister, while he was away in another state (and when he stayed with my family for Christmas in 2020, otherwise I don't go near them). So, I am still unbinding his cursed items from me, which indicates clear betrayal by my sister or visitors who entered her Townsville  house and performed  a binding curse. Anyway, I sent back the large portion of Buu's soul form because he is a very powerful angelic, which means  I couldn't destroy his soul form. So perhaps Buu is feeling better now and is more inclined to help (you are also welcome to unbind yourself from me freely,  we don't need to be bound anymore...it is creepy...).


To conclude, a draft recipe for Coco-Luxe ice cream will be added to the menu, which is a coconut flavoured ice cream.


 Some more details (October 29th 2023)


1) Mass retribution is expected, in which 4 royal families will clearly not make it (persistent effort to violate my soul). Nor should celebrities think to be saved, I don't want to save them, which includes many models (have been spat out). Why would cursed people or souls inherit the benefits and blessings of my righteous soul's bloodline? Body and soul are a package deal, and it cannot be changed, and if you thought so, then you are an complete idiot and unable to attain Wisdom (nor are you worthy of her).


2) I have planned for a Halloween backfire, so don't say I didn't warn anyone.


3) I was not able to destroy the majority of Buu's soul, but I am constantly spiritually destroying his "member" that he shouldn't stick in anyone. I am sure actual intimacy with Buu is a spiritual connection that would corrupt the soul and send one straight to hell. Hence, me trying to make Buu impotent is good for all (I don't think I heal that part of him), plus it is my justice.


More so, I realised Buu does not have the power to retrieve or heal his soul (or any soul), so I identified more items where he placed himself and have returned multiple parts. I hope he is mainly whole now, especially in mind (it may have been divine protection of the mind-soul based on God's will, which seems to extend to some people, for example I could only untie some people, but others I had to destroy or they wouldn't go away. Clearly, the difference in protection and destruction would be motive, so if your motive was evil then you got what you were owed). Also, repentance and remorse could also be a factor linked to divine soul protection.


4) For the people close to Buu that I have identified, it seems that those around him try to use him and have long misguided him, which is sad, as it seems this was also set up to confuse and ruin him. So, for all those who want to judge him very harshly, this actually seems like a tragic life story, which is why he will be reborn. His identity and name will remain honoured in his next life, but still it is best that he will "sleep or rest", as heaven and hell have rejected those who have been around you in this lifetime, and have ordered a better one for you (better bloodline and super  awesome parents needed to nourish your soul's growth and maturation in righteousness). So, if Babylon is ashamed to have born the Devil/Satan/Lucifer then it is the honour of Biafra to have him (Ikwensu) back, and that is because he helped save me, and therefore all us. 

-Note: the above is only true if Buu helps, if he goes rogue then shame on him, but it still applies to his father spirit, Satan.


In all truth, would Buu have tried to conceal his identity by doing what he did, if he was not made to feel ashamed of himself? So, it seems that angelics have their own self-shame to work through and need some self love. In all honesty, becoming Christian and doing some good in this world can help with self love, and more so, you  can show people that it is okay to be a little different (special, in which they will naturally come to love and accept you, as they will be Christian too). More importantly, I think it horrible that angelics felt the need to hide their identity, as if they have no rightful place in this world. People should remember that angelics are actually and literally an advanced category of human beings, so I don't know why or who thought trying to control (to kill them) was a good idea... So understand that my approach is grounded in humility, as I was not stupid enough to pick the losing team, which is basically basic-human (these people do not understand how powerful spirits and god's can be. So despite note 1, it is without a doubt that most angelics will be saved, as it seems like one of the main points of my efforts).


5) I repeat my order, remove me from Australia (by myself). God wil not appear in this cursed nation, so just pick a place where there is no war, and where I have not already rejected, which is now probably extending to Italy as well (too much evil).


6) A draft recipe for vanilla cheesecake flavoured ice cream will be added to the menu (strawberry and blueberry varieties as well)


The main point (9th November 2023)


The good news is that Revelation 16:4 is an exaggerated mistranslation, and only refers to "kings" of the world (non-Christians who are likely randoms that the losers prop up or promote when they are shutout of society, so Christians can have peace). So overall, I am still right and have always been right regarding Laodicea. My main reason for helping Laodicea besides compassion, is wanting to easily secure power to ensure a peaceful transition as the new Christian government is established. The aforementioned is for the good of most people because we naturally enjoy stability, and have enough troubles and tribulations. 


Anyway, the main point of my prior suggestion is to ensure that the Christian government, and therefore Christian people control both sides of the war (planned and strategic war effort to get the desired result). Therefore some "kings" need to remain technically non-Christian until the end, or rather the last moment. Pastoral Care and Education will still be provided, it is just that your authority among non-Chriatians is what permits this control over non-Christian people, who will be directed for our benefit, and their own deserved demise. For such "kings", they would receive the Holy Spirit at the very end, but to ensure complete safety it is likely that a miracle is needed (likely the unofficial holy spirit to provide divine protection, and if more reassurance is needed I would have to provide a miraculous blessing). This requires trust, and this trust can be built over time by actually meeting to put aside fighting and deserved insults, which will support and facilitate genuine cooperation for the good of Christian people, which is most people (including Angelics who thought they were going to die  and burn in hell without hope. Celebrities earned their fate/destiny and I will not defend them. The guilty are guilty and the innocent among Hollywood or the entertainment and fashion industry can apply for an exemption because they have also made poor choices that renders them last choice for salvation (all replaceable i.e. non-crucial - the same goes for useless royalty, and as a result the banned list has been extended. Also Spain and England are banned for my relocation options  because they are too evil, so the list of where I will go has only gotten smaller,but their still remain many options.


In the event that "kings" go rogue, we will still win anyway because I would still hold complete power over all spirits (I would be able to command them, and therefore indirectly control the war via Lucifer-Buu). I would prefer kings to become Christian, and overall I just want to make the Christian war effort easy and simple (less stress and more joy, which is prophecised anyway). So, it should be understood that suppressing my holy power and keeping me locked away in South Australia is in no one's interests, especially if they just want peace and happiness. 


To conclude, a recipe for Cherry & Chokoleti ice cream has been drafted and will be added to the menu, along with Cherry-Nilla (Cherry and vanilla).  


More Good News (To whom it is relevant) - 18th November 2023


Based on observation and evaluation of the "abomination of desolation", which is essentially the use of different kinds of sorcery to create an inescapable spiritual prison (web) that is designed to control the victim or kill them due to non-compliance. However, even if I had no holy power, it is likely that for an innocent person the effect could be broken (rare). Hence, if I was not a real Christian, then I would have probably just looked to have died by natural causes i.e. my digestive system was failing in late 2017 (Ironically sickness is why I became Christian. This was mentioned before, but just in case it was overlooked, after modern medicine and CAMs failed to help me with "IBS", I turned to Bible study, fasting and prayer and was miraculously healed (no pain or bloating). Then I decided to baptize myself and received the holy Spirit. To be clear, although I was not officially Christian for most of my life, by choice I lived a Christian lifestyle because it is what my parents taught me, and it's just because it what I always preferred (the nature of my soul is unchangeable by the environment, or what people refer to as the nurture factor). Hence, it takes different lengths of time for people to change, wherein my change was basically gaining knowledge of thre Truth, which a Christian person accepts and follows. In my case, I could become Christian by myself, but most people seem to need the nurture factor to change their nature (formal Christian Education and Pastoral Care, and even skin care, for example, if someone is jealous of another person's clear skin and bullies them because of it, then the issue could be quickly resolved by fixing the bullies skin i.e. no longer treating their neighbour poorly out of jealousy, though the behavioural issues would still be addressed). Overall, the eventual Christian people are souls corrupted overtime, who simply need to learn the lesson of being a truly  good person. It may make you feel bad that you are not a great person, but at least Jesus thinks you deserve to live, which means He is saying: I know you have good in you, but you have lost your way, but don't worry my Servant, Chinny, will help you be a better and happier person.


Anyway, to return to the opening point about the "abomination of desolation", two aspects associated with influencing peoples will seems to be linked to Chinese and Indian people (Chinese is definite i.e. it was a mistake to manufacture everything in China, hence, why Babylon obviously moves some of their manufacturing back to their own country. Though the Chinese may change, it is a broken trust that is not easily reconcilable...). For the above reasons Chinese persons and indiañ persons are banned from any inaugural Christian meetings, and are unlikely to be invited to anything until: 1) I can create the items needed to protect "kings" electronics; 2) I have enough holy power to bless oil, water or salt that is not irritating to angelics (I may have enough power now, but one angelic has to test it. I don't think anyone would explode or die, but all I know is that spirits are repelled by Holy oil, which is how negative spiritual effects are nullified i.e if their is no spirit powering the sorcery, then it cannot produce an effect. Hence, when I have full holy power, not even the deep things of Satan will have any effect. Hence, I can provide full spiritual protection - for fools and the confused, you are not influencing Jesus Christ/The Lord, The Most high God or Lucifer, or any other spirit: your bootleg powers only work on living people....So, as I mentioned "who the gods want to kill, they first drive mad - they all knew you would kill yourselves with your evil juju, but it was part of their plan. I warned you that you do not know who they have been, and ancient gods were obviously once black people... So naturally they don't like racists.


Also white people should know that they probably age poorly because of racism-the evil people curse that makes the outward appearance look like the soul or inner self (it affects Asians and Arabic people later because they are also victims of racism, though they are some of the worst. So if you don't want to age terribly, you should be better people because beauty, especially lasting beauty is a blessing (the blessing may be from a past life, or a curse to make you a celebrity or model so you can meet your destiny in hell.


It was made clear by the spirits, particulary Nana, that the famous are a planned sacrifice. To be clear, Nana is not really a goddess prostitute, so people should understand that not all spirit stories are real, rather they just present cautionary tales and clues for the end of times. So, if Lilith eats babies, then the baby is probably a terrible soul that should die (in real life this may look like sudden infant death syndrome via the consumption of the baby's soul). Hence, for the fools who bound their soul to me, you don't know what spirit may have been eating your soul, because mine remained intact all these years (the curse was designed to backfire from the very beginning i.e. Lucifer (spirit) was never in agreeance with your evil). Furthermore, it should be clear that the time of creating female deities is over, so having observed things from the past and undoing them, and what was done at my parents house, someone is trying to make me an incarnate of a goddess by putting their spirit on me, but I am not Ishtar, Inanna, Lilith, Mummy Water or Persephone - anyone who accepts or worships these spirits pays the price, for example if you accept Nana or Persephone then you willingly accept negative spiritual characteristics like wanting to become a prostitute (for material gain).


I elucidated how the system works (in theory) from outside of it, and I have never and will never accept it, as it can be broken and blocked by Holy power. So, for those who sold their soul and chose to do evil, and accepted Nana, Isis or Persephone and did certain things in exchange for gaining material wealth, then you know what you paid for (and you burnt the bridge to your one way out). In your shoes, I would just have just said no, and if forced, I would have bought and consumed lots of Panadol (to die).... because I care about my soul. If you don't care about your soul, then it's not my problem, and since you clearly don't care for other people's, why should I care for yours? My generation and the ones after are the ones famous people have corrupted with their non sense music, fashion and film (happy to push garbage for a large paycheck on impressionable people, but don't want to be held accountable? For many things I hold the famous accountable, and they will pay. Fans should not care for them, because they don't even really like you. Also, diehard fans need therapy... Your devotion to such people makes no sense). Anyway, the above is a clue that the MK aspect never worked, and that I basically worked it out, and it is the sub-concsious infleuncing of people using a combination of sorcery and technology (so this means that  this is more common then I understood, and that people just die or don't talk about it for money ( selling the soul for it to stop), or something technogical is being put in people through vaccines or in surgery to enable the connection to other technology). Anyway, I know it never worked because 1) I never followed what I was programmed for (someone wanted me to become a high class prostitute and go to Italy, so clearly a "king" or group of "kings"  who can't read); 2) I never joined an ocult group or secret society; and 3) someone under MK ultra doesn't know they are under it, but I am aware of it, and rejected it (those who tried to control me went mad, as it is clear they use lunar deities to try and induce incurable madness as a form of control  - so for useless people, it is merely karma (I block it, and return it sender). Also, since the MK ultra is mediated by the spirits, they probably didn't try to influence me, or drive me mad because they are invested in my success (they want me to be good because it is how they are saved).


​​​​Hence,  for China and India to receive Christian services they need to disclose their works in regards to spiritual influence of the mind, or rather confirm what I know. With the neo-colonisarion issue, I am forced to help other nations reclaim their land and resources since they fall under my care, and so, China is expected to negotiate the undoing of their neo-colonisation across the world and in Africa, otherwise you will be barred from Christian participation and left to die. Obviously, China can still find their wisdom and cooperate, as most of the terrible things and people starving in the mountains (outcasts) in 2 Esdras 15:46-63 can be for your non-Christian population, as it makes no sense for the rest of China or the nations that emerge from it to suffer (your people in Australia are terrible, so blame them for the lack of favour, but then again, who is ordering them? The same goes for India.. but of the two, I still prefer China, and no favour is not partiality). In short, these nations must also be held accountable for what they conspired with Australians to do, or how they betrayed Australians (why would Australia give you power over them? The racism of Australian's would never allow it (betrayal means they can be partially saved in ways stated in earlier articles). China and India are specifically mentioned because the guilt is obvious when certain people are repeating a particular aspect of the "abomination  of desolation" - I have eyes and can sense sorcery, and I have modes of detection.


So  obviously, I don't like being around witches and non-Christian people because it is offensive  and irritating to my being, which is one reason I completed my last semester of my teaching degree online (graduated a year later because of my American sabbatical in 2019. I got a COVID exemption based on exaggerating a pre-existing medical condition (a soft lie for my well-being), and went to Townsville to ensure I didn't have to be on campus  (too much sorcery travelling to and from, and on camous i.e. hard to concentrate and making me sick). 


Lastly, I am still sending Lucifer-Buu's soul back to him, but  he is not helping becaus he keeps returning. To be clear, I don't need to be connected to him, as his father spirit can help me, as he has done before. I don't need him living in my body, nor do I want anyone else in my body it's gross (I recently sent back his blood and voice, and I keep destroying  his 'member', so I know he doesn't listen... Shattering your soul form is mean't to be a lesson, in which the action that caused you trouble is one that you do not repeat. So,  if he has any friends, then they should talk some sense in to him, because if he keeps putting himself back in me, then I would probably be able to destroy him. However, if he chooses to meet me, then I can heal him in full, and then he is likely to be his better self, and not evilly demented. I don't understand why he is trying to marry me via his spirit wives, while keeping me here, isn't it easier to try and marry me in person? I am very confused, is he shy? Is he scared? Is he a weirdo? Who tries to marry someone by keeping them poor and never meeting them? I suspect he is still trying to be Jesus,  ut I will not bow down or serve a spirit who is it the Lord, the Most High God, and that is because I put my faith in real power (I have experienced 3 life saving miracles that Lucifer cannot match, so if all this could not kill me, then how can I bow to an inferior god? I am ruled by logic an faith, so for me it is impossible to be non-Christian.. if kings do not act, then God is forced to, and if it's bad for Laodicea than that's their own fault, I warned everyone since 2020, but you already knew anyway...) 


To conclude, just get me out of here alone (I am literally 30 (thanks for trying to waste my youth, but I still look young and will remain so: my profile photo is quite accurate so it nees no update). I can take care of myself, and if there is any trouble then Jesus will not hesitate to protect me by any means. Also, don't angelics want to see their other father or for some their grandfather-figure (they have 2 daddies*), I am sure it's one other reason He wants to make an appearance, but according to Isaiah 54 and 52 it needs to be in a place of peace. So anywhere that is non-hostile is fine (I am only fluent in English, so anywhere that communication is possible is best), so useless royalty needs to understand that they may need to die to fulfill this criteria. Hence, my banned nation list may or may not be real, and is also designed to obscure destination i.e causing the needed confusion). My goal is to get The Lord, the Most High God to appear in 3 days from when I arrive (gives me time to cleanse the location and recover from jet lag).


*Note: In Psalm 18:10 the word 'cherub' is a mistranslation, and actually likely to refer to a holy creature of some kind, possibly a large bird-like creature or dragon. For example, the Leviathan is probably a spiritual creature or it must live very deep in the ocean. I suspect the former, and if truly made manifest at the end of the age to provide extra yummy seafood, then that is just a blessing (the Leviathan probably becomes human since he has a covenant with God, Job 41). There are also many spiritual creatures like Hydra, Cerberus and Chimera that are mentioned in mythology and are sometimes pictured as a deities companion that they use as a mount (a mode of spiritual travel), so yes spiritual creature or animals are a real thing. Hence, Jesus is not piggy-backing on an angel, which would be strange, and the Bible is very poorly translated (but it will be fixed in the future).


To conclude  recipes for yam or sweet potato bon-bons and pomme-pommes have been drafted and will be added to the menu, along with Biafran coated diptzel sticks in coconut, coconut & salted caramel, and coconut & chokoleti flavours.


Let's Be Clear (I have already been honest) - 27th November 2023


1) Hatred is not to be taken lightly, and is the cause of all this evil, with Chinese and Indians fighting for imaginary superiority when you do not have the respect of other people, while everyone is jealous of black people (struggle  with the cool part). For this reason it is my goal to keep Biafra monoracial, with revelations making it clear that visitors are welcome (black nations should do the same, because it is the only way for true peace in this world, they are all  terrible people. I am strong and proud, but everyone else not so much, but we are the coolest, so in time you can forget them and you will be happy - out of sight and out of mind). Hence, since Biafra is to be my home, and after this trouble, I want true peace and happiness, which is achieved through no longer having to be among hateful people or reminded of them (It is black only wedding, this is officially I am doing my job and saying goodbye forever, I have no intention of participating in Laodicea with grumpy, snobby white and other people who are stupid even though they are wealthy - what a waste, God wants me to help you be less useless). Hence, the truth is this, no one can ever forget, and Black and African people should not forget the monsters we face and will deal with - they are lucky to not be completely wiped out and sent to hell, which is where they came from, and where they belong. My companions will be real angels, not angelics, I can't stand evil, and even if you change it is what you aeil always be in my eyes - I have embraced you enough, and early you don't like me, so I do not like you - boo hoo. I was over you a long time ago, but I have to say encouraging things, while also reproving the most useless people on earth (I would not be caught dead in your social circles, I think you are trashy and evil, people who pretend to be classy or civilized, while being evil just makes you more gross).


2) Indian spirits are feral, And I do not favour them, nor do I like the other gods. Sympathy, empathy and war breeds conditions of necessity, and I must make choices that I can live with. You are all evil and would go back to laughing and smiling after all that you did to an innocent woman trying to help you. For this reason Isaiah 14 remains in play because it has clearly been taken, with many "kings" sticking their "member" through the portal. You are all disgusting.


To be clear, Isaiah 14 will be used to clean up Africa, and other Black nation nations of racist Indian social hierarchies, and Babylon is free to discard those who they do not want, as is every other country (refusal to assimilate by not pooping in public places and waterways). India's hatred issues are deep, and I expect the emergence of new nations where it's good people can have peace. In this circumstance China's number can increase, so it's in their best interest to pick the winning team, which is everyone else.


As for Lucifer-Buu, whom I do not particularly like, the same goes for his father spirit because his help is terrible - Isaiah 14 can be real or fake, as the mystery is designed to: 1) force terrible people to help the world (poor translation by racists is why they made mistakes, along with not being Christian) and 2) to conceal any actual future plans. Therefore, clearly, some prophecies are red herrings used for deceptive purposes, and are the kryptonite of cowards and the prideful who commit evils to try and avoid them, therefore triggering terrible destinies...


3) In regards to sympathy and empathy, I am not particularly fond of demons or spirits (they are liars, mean, cruel and nasty). In all truth they will always be demons to me, but I was trying to be kind and respectful to people and entities who are clearly ashamed of their nature and failings (I struggle to change to neutral and positive vocabulary in prayer... i.e. not calling Satan's son the anti-Christ or the spirits, evil spirits, which is a real reflection of how I feel about them in my heart despite my words). For this reason, I will return them to their respective bloodlines, as I do not wish to meet them in the future. Wherein, I have warned Lucifer that I will make him Aboriginal and white Australian for his pathetic help, so for all his evil I may have only just bought him more time, as his possible future cursed bloodline will ensure he goes to hell, and is therefore another path that I can take for my vengeance (I dont love him, I stated "try to marry me" because only a demented person would try to marry someone who is mismatched in all ways - I am not the whores, or status obsessed and low-key desperate women that Laodicea's men are used to, nor do I respect you as men - that respect must be earned).


4) Lucifer-Buu bound his many whores to me, so they can fight over him until he dies - his real wife who is a goddess will ensure they die, she is territorial (don't say you have not been warned, because she is trying to kill anyone who wants to catch his eye). So, to his dumb whores: if he put you in me, then he doesn't love you (are you not good enough as yourself?); if your are not his one and only, then he doesn't truly love you; and he knew it would drive you mad and that you would go to hell, so clearly: he doesn't love you (Nor does Lucifer, he is helping send you to hell). The clue is this: we are trying to improve the human race, and clearly we are breeding out sheer stupidity and whoredom. It is because of whores that people struggle to take women seriously, and that men in power assume and then expect other women to be whorish. Yet, it's these whores who complain about patriarchy and a lack of equality, when it's they who damage  the cause of every other woman. So, bye to woredom in all ways: for example, Jesus Christ is not taking concubines, whether we divorce or not and that is because He does not want to be influenced by your soul, nor does he want you in a position of great power, not died He love you - it is platonic and you are just demented and a fool (He is a faithful man who let me destroy  invading whores, and I left part of the ex-royal's soul in the random dog - I am not helping or healing evil people who are useless: I said I destroy souls when overwhelmed (my body is my own, you are trespassing and assaulting my soul, if you trepass physically then  you get arrested and sent to jail, or killed in self-defense...). So singers are losing vocal chords and mouths, and women are losing their vaginas and men their 'members', which is a polite word for male genitalia. The desperate women and transmuting their rotten coochie and body odour, and I send it back, so they keep repeating it (further condemnation, it is unholy and evil in intention)- it's the beginnng of the end...

  • Note: Ezekiel 23 is not literal and refers to the religious unfaithfulness of Ancient Israel to the Lord the Most High God presumably in terms of provision  and protection. The people of Israel  made alliances with other nations for the above, who led them astray, which lead to the introduction of non old covenant practices (unrighteousness). This has nothing to do with me or my sister... If you thought so, then you are a pervert, cannot read, and suffer from spiritual dementedness. 


Lucifer-Buu is not useless, rather the is very valuable, and I promised to help Satan's son, so I have no other choice, but to try and convince him to help). Isaiah 4 is clearly to rid the world of whores, wherein "queens" may be in danger: clearly, the ex-royal is done, along with her husband, old mother and her 2 young children that she destroyed. For other queens, should I force disclosure of who is trying to leave their husband for Jesus? It is grounds for divorce... You are guilty and we would never be friends because of your evil: the odds are not in your favour... did you not know that your husbands are cruel and have no mercy? For all the shaming I am sure you have done to me, it will likely return 3-fold, but I pray for 7-fold returns... Whoever is the "kings" chosen wife, is their wife in the future (most of Isaiah 49 is not in play yet).



5) I want an all Black Laodicea because I want to invest and build my people, whom I love the most - I tolerate racists out of love, which is why I had a habit of ghosting people (everyone from my past was "off" and essentially evil). So, once I am done with the inaugural small high council of 12 people, I will be dedicated to black/African "kings","queens", "princes" and "princesses" only, and that is because I will specialise in my own racial area. But more so, because I don't care about the rest that much: you are only useful for your influence and power. You really thought that you would be racist and that you would receive all the love in the world? Jesus is being diplomatic and wise... So, I will bring African "kings" to Laodicea, or set up another Laodicea for Africa, and leave Laodicea in the care of others (the latter is more likely). Hence, my job will be to get it up and running, and then the meetings can be done online (all I know is that I won't remain or return to Australia).

-Note: Get me out of here... I have no current friends, nor have I had, or do I have any business partners or colleagues: I want to be far from crazy people. 


Hence, for the High council, it is a hello and goodbye because I don't want to know or see you ever again, the same goes for most of Laodicea, but I will give African/Black Laodicea chance and that is becuase I know they are not hateful. In such a case, wedding invites would be genuine and not diplomatic, and the rest would not even be invited because they are evil and I want to forget them. The fact remains that I have to do my job i.e. there is no room for meaningful reconciliation, as this is solely a humanitarian and diplomatic endeavour. Overall, consider this "karma" for racism and classism, wherein the road to many people's happiness and my own is you and your people's absence even in a peaceful world.... How embarrassing!


To conclude, demons can reaffirm to the world their perceived evil nature, or become better people (angelics and then eventually angels), and win the admiration of the people of this world, who need help in these times. Regardless, the evil that the gentile people wrought in this world will never be forgotten.  In context, this is the truth: for a race of  people to be happy, live in decency and feel safe, God has to return to this world. You really are feral disgusting monsters - but even I believe in miracles, and that miracle is Laodicea's and racist hateful trash's salvation (just waiting to see who is kicked out, or dies).


-Note:  A Cinnamon-Donut Biafran ice cream recipe has been drafted and will be added to menu. To the slow, when I was not in this circumstance, this was my normal standard of dietary intake (less variance), whether I bought it or made it, so if it's good enough for me then it's fine for every other "poor" person who needs better food standards anyway. Laodicea don't even meet my dietary standards in terms of taste, quality yes (better than what I have access to and what I can afford), but nothing else - rich people food is gross (do you understand? I do not want expensive raw salmon or beef squeezed with lemon juice, served with couscous and a spinach foam on the side - I want real yummy food).


You thieves also tried to murder me because my food is amazing, so yes, you are ghetto, I should send you to Philadelphia or Baltimore (America) because there are terrible places there that will match the drapaved poverty of your soul (for Laodicea that live until the end, they should be sent to terrible places and live in poverty - it is karma for all those who they laugh at). So yes, I will not befriend ghetto people who pretend to be classy and call everyone else classless: you are frauds and must be struggle looking, because we all know that you need fresh blood in your gene pool so that you are no longer demented (there are plenty of descent respectful  young women or men who are compatible for marriage into your families, perhaps with your support they could also build themselves or make you more wealthy. Do you understand? If not, stop marrying useless, dumb and whorish people just because of "who they are". You ruined your own bloodlines... You really thought that your crooked and ghoulish Hasburg genes would enter a holy bloodline? I think not... For all your blind and racist selectively, Jesus and myself are just as selective... and the same goes for any other demented angelic/demon family: you need to fix your bloodline.


In all truth, you are all gold diggers who were born rich or wealthy, that's the only difference between you and celebrities-you didn't have to be a complete degenerate to get what you have, and for that you are lucky. Yet, some of you did or do the the same things anyway, so how are you better? You are not, you just have ancestors who care, so for all the love you think that you do not have, indeed you have quite a bit: the design of the "abomination of desolation" was made to offset the guilt of Laodicea, but still, you face death, so you must act. The gods cannot help you forever and you are running out of time.


Moved banner post  and more (my menu bugged and I couldn't access this page, but it's working now) - 11th December 2023


[The demons are going to hell, I causing the pathetic peon demons in Hollywood, you are responsible for your evil. The Marine kingdom is screwed so is the Air kingdom i.e. demons from these groups (also the Queen's of hell are not being amiable, so it looks like they are being fired and sent to hell - no surprise there). Laodicea appears beyond redemption at its lower levels so you are probably going to hell to. Clearly, they all enjoy evil and look to the higher ranks to cover up to resolve responsibility, but I am hiding them accountable. For example, I destroyed the peon demons all the time...you are not special or cool, you are feral and nasty losers destined for hell.


As for Lucifer-Buu, I don't like your father (I am not as tolerant as people think, I am just not evil), so to ensure I don't see him/you again, I present another option based on Biblical evidence. Isaiah 14, (which matches revelations 19:20). If you don't want to die and be reborn, then you can be resurrected by Holy power, like I stated it says "were thrown in" i.e. not definite (revelations 20:10, John 11 - to be clear, that prostitute Mary was not my past life, the stupid feral translators pick dumb and problematic  names, and Jesus didn't marry anyone in that lifetime because he was going to die and leave - he was not a deadbeat father..). 

The above is the only other option because Jesus has to kill Lucifer-Buu upon his return (2 Thessalonians 2:8). So, if you want to live, then cooperate, and I will be happy to never see you again, because you belong with white people: you will not disgrace my race with your feral self, I now understand why they are ashamed, but they should be ashamed for being so dumb and evil; to me every demon is a devil, so why blame evil on him- you are one and the same.

To conclude, Isaiah 14 regarding Lucifer-Buu can be fulfilled as part of a the fake war effort, for example, I can prophecy that verses 3-17 are part of a deceptive war strategy, and that after death Lucifer will be resurrected: it's that simple. Lucifer-Buu's help is the only thing saving him from hell: he is no threat to me now or in the future...other demons are just a joke to me, if you are not Lucifer then you don't rate as anything, and in my eyes he is nothing more then a tool of war designed to bring about people's peace (he is a like a chess piece, and this world is my chess board, where I control both sides).


Anyway, hurry up and get  me out of here, I am tired of crazy people and demons - I prophecy this will make demented Laodicea follow orders! (I hope I have enough power now). The aforementioned is stated because Buu's soul wouldn't leave from certain items, and then I realised I was destroying his soul with my holy oil blessings, so I updated the blessing to not affect demons, then part of him was able to be sent back. I call this "removing the demonic counter effect". So, I have enough power to help and heal Laodicea now (Mark 11:24), and I can also destroy Lucifer-Buu now because his choices opened up the path to condemnation to hell (he was not destined for condemnation)... But I healed his head after destroying it (his soul gathers in certain fixtures of this house, I told you this is an evil house). Anyway, stop trying to control my mind: you will destroy the entire world if you control me: the same goes for everyone else - you are all unrighteousness and unworthy of holy power. 


Given the above, I probably drove every crazy in self-defense because the oil in my body is blessed to destroy other people, including demons... So, you are driving yourselves mad by invading me... My body doesn't belong to slave master Laodicea or crazy white, Asian, Black or Indian people - I choose who I serve and how I serve them (work, and not for free). For example, European royalty are nutcases, so I will have nothing to do with them, but it does not mean that there will be no peace. In all truth, I think European royalty is going to die, as there is so many I haven't exposed, but I am willing to, do you want to be like miss doggy ex-royal, busted Barbie and "ghett-ho" movie mermaid (and her sister, who are cut from the same cloth?).  I don't think so. Anyway, I now understand the phrase Eurotrash... Also Americans are very cringy so of course Jesus would never settle with your people who were outcast, and you have an undesirable  bloodline i.e. you are Babylonian through and through...Do you understand? Your black population is not eligible for marriage...

Other than that, traditional burgers will be added to the menu, and the burgers are inspired by Turkish rolls and brioche (vegan buttery glaze and topped with black and white sesame seeds)] - added December 9th 2023]


1) Here is the more - I am tired of people and their evil, this includes demons (Persophone, Lilith and Mummy Water are not helping me properly - I can tell intention). So, I have started calling them what they are demons: I was too kind. I don't like them and I don't want to associated with them in the future, nor those who chose to war against  me for evil reasons. So no, I don't want to go to your country and wave and meet you or your people (who are just them same), I want to get my job done and go home, so I an move forward with my life that you all ruined. I am not overly politically correct becaushonesty is part of my culture (Igbo) , so I don't care about whining. People are jealous anyway, so its not like we are cool and it wull be all smiles - the reality is that you all have no choice. In real life, we would never associate with one another or cross paths, it's just that Jesus dragged me into a world were I did not fit or belong (but at least I will have the power to help myself fix His mistake if I can, he clearly mad me a king to mind control me - He will have power over my will... Proverbs 21:1, so this was so e to block my mind control power over kings, specifically Lucifer-Buu. So, whoever does before a certaun time is truly evil, and every other member of Laodicea just misguided and affected by the mind control juju (Daniel 12:10-12)).


Anyway, who wants to be forced to fall in love with someone they were imprisoned, harmed and abused by? I don't do stockholm syndrome, nor do I want to be in a real life beauty and the beast, because that is what He is: gods are monsters, and I don't want to join them. He put me in a terrible prison , and is just putting me a new one, as if it's compensation ( The Holy City, and His palace (Psalm 45), it's not my home it's a shiny prison - you dont know what will be forced on me when I have to meet Him, so yes, I am not happy. What's the point of power when He will probably bind me to His will before I become the High Priestess. I have to write a record and make my situation known,  in the hope I can break His control when I have more power, and escape Him.


​​​​​-Note: I don't like mind control and believe in freewill, so I won't make kings do anything bad, and will properly consider their opinions and input, however, you wouldn't even know if I was controlling you. Mind control is safe when the person I control is good, but when they are bad is destroys the one they control (and themselves - nothing birn of evil is free. I

​​​​​​ think that people didn't realize that MK drove people crazy because no one was continuously inputting themselves or being destroyed. However, every single person who has done MK to another person is probably a psychopath and deaking with concealed mental health problems - people need to learn to tell the truth to avoid catastrophes).




2) Anyway, part of my future peace, and ensuring the peace of Nigeria/Biafrn (and other African nations) is ensuring they are not displaced from their land by evil white and other people, so they are all getting kicked out (leave and hope to be saved elsewhere or die). History has shown that introducing another race into a monoracial population leads to social heirachies like India and South Africa.

-Note: Finish Mandela's work, I truly wonder what that man went through, but it is clear he gave in to white power.

Therefore, the same mistakes won't be repeated. It is clear that my real people would have a special covenant, which means the bloodline can't be diluted (I would like to give black African the next best or equal if possible, so everyone else must go). Nigerian biracial people who are adults can stay in Biafra (visit white or other parent elsewhere, if they live - do not forget any racial abuse because it will be a deciding factor in who lives and dies among the older generations - hence, do not forget the love they could not provide for their own child out of hatred). However,any white parents with minor biracial children should go to their other half's home nation. The truth remains that some biracial people are white souls, so they have identity and self-hatred issues that they dump on black people, and I will not have them bring down my people (some things are innate).


I have considered the possiblity that Jesus Christ was probably a little mixed (Mainly Black, Italian and Arabic, but black in appearance), and it is another reason I don't want to marry Him, so I also know why He wants to marry an African woman...it's not fair to do that to me, when He knows I would never accept Him. Anyway, He would fit in with light skin black people in Biafra and the adult biracials, who are welcome (there are some young adults from the Igbo community of South Australia that I would pardon because their family screwed them over (and I grew up with them, so they need not fear no future, I am sure they are also tired of racism).


Historically mixed race populations outside of Africa have ni choice but to face their hatred issues, and this starts with people learning to be proud of their ancestral heritage, whether it's Spain, Portugal or the Ivory Coast. Pretending that you are not hateful means you will never overcome your own issues, and for a lot of people it's tied to self-worth and insecurities. So, addressing hatred is also what will help make you happy, as well a those who are impacted by it, and the souls who are corrupted by its practice (you can't be Christian if you don't stop racism). I am not racist against Indians, who are the same people as Bangladesh and Pakistan: it is just that India and it's people are guilty, and find no favour with me based on their choices, and known practice of hatred (but do the same with Africans, so they don't have my sympathy, and clearly not God's either...). Hence, partiality is rooted in hatred, while favour is preference in the absence of hatred (I can't be racist, I am a real Christian).In the same way, seperating people based on race for well-being reasons is not hatred, but South Africa's apartheid was hatred because the reason was that Black South Africans were inferior, and white people were superior. So, let the descendents of hateful (and inbred)  boers finally pay their price one way or another because they still try and uphold racial superiority, but just in a more covert manner. 

Since, I don't like African people being oppressed, there is no other choice when they will not change (they like looking down on Africans). More so, having lived around white and other people, there is a clash of culture and nature that will just not work (I am tolerant and adaptable, but my core values so not change), so the bringing other people to Biafra permanently fantasy is dead, and was  never a thing because I was stirring up crazy people, who will try to invade us because they know they will die... There a multiple reasons for what I write.



3) Biafra will be like  a Dubai type thing - selected people will be contracted to do some construction work and then be sent straight back home (strict laws about no relationships with foreigners: our bloodline is varied and we have more than enough people not to end up inbred). Obviously, the Middle East has the best look these days, so it's who Biafra will be dealing with (Elegance, modernism and character is clear in their construction, which other nations fo not do as well).


4) Did you really think that Jesus Christ would accept racism? That is just stupid, and do you really think He would marry a hateful woman who disrespects His people and ancestors?.... The delusion is strong. So, Laodicea must understand that by now they have probably lost a real friend, because the angel group is clearly divided due to hatred even if you change: wise black people don't forget slights, they bide their time and ghost people! African "kings", "Queen's", "princes" and "princesses" have my support because I support my own, and  I am happy to pay for their sins because I know it will gladden their soul that somone cares for them (Laodicea oppresses them, I know they need my help to help their people, and I know South America is in a similar situation). The rest of oppressive Laodicea does not have this care, so my work remains a business transaction for the good of those you will help. They say hatred begets hatred, but with Christians it begets less care and love (tolerance out of love, but not liked in a personal manner).


4) South Australia is clearly done, also the shopping center people are crazy and liars - the deal is off because I wrote "if". I don't know them, and they don't control me: they are transferring their consciousness, which I am actively destroying (beyond repair and not to be saved). To avoid mass curses Australia has one more option, which completes my service done in turmoil and pain to Babylon: find everyone with dirty hands and put them in one small part of the country, and divide it. The rest can be New Australia (Clean) and free of the generational curse that ties them to being Gog and Magog. South Australia is going to destruction (sacrificed for other nations because they are guilty), and then perhaps sacrificing Tasmania to house the cursed Australian people, and relocating everyone else who is not guilty. So, don't go killing everyone, let the guilty pay their price now and in the future. Also, Aboriginal and white Australia may consider dividing: you don't work well together -(I am just being honest). Aboriginal self-hatred destroys their own, so let them be by themselves so they can begin to thrive. 


5) Lucifer-Buu has no other options, and the last option is the best I can do. The blessing of righteousness can fix him, and I will be his pastor and private tutor (instructor) to ensure he is the best! Also, he will be the 12th member of the inaugral government, and my disciple. If he betrays us then that's his problem, and no one can say that I didn't give him a chance. Also, it appears that he is the rightful king to the throne of Babylon (British Empire). Considering that the English royal are hostile, I think he is replacing them because 1) uf they wouldn't help their people, 2) willingly screwed over their people and Australian people (Jezebel must have been mad  before she taught everyone else, which so why they did the exchange sorcery); 3) remain hostile to me (all trying to control me ): then Lucifer-Buu who can make the choice to help save England (and the British empire, America inclusive - you all stick together) should be their king: it's not like Windsors are popular.... The writing is on the wall: "Mene Mene Tekel and No Windsors". Isn't it common knowledge that their bloodline is cursed with death and destructio? Stop destroying children's lives for power, especially when a child is a rightful heir to a throne. I suspect that Jezebel is older than Lucifer-Buu, and that her family has a hand in this mess, or rather caused it. But it appears that he does not listen to people who want to help him, but those who tell him what he wants to hear, or badly advise him of how to avoid what he is afraid of (hell). The truth remains this: a) you can't avoid hell using sorcery and evil choices, that is how you go there, and b) me and Buu were probably both Jezebel and other "kings" targets because we are the most powerful (Satan must have shown them a true vision, and they planned to stop it).  Hence, if I were Buu, then  I would question the character of every person linked to whoever he shattered his soul, as I 

believe Lucifer, as in Buu's father spirit (Satan) gave sorcery instructions that would backfire and gather Buu's soul, to purposely screw everyone over who tried to kill/control him, and take away his true inheritance. So clearly, demons made an enemy of a demon, and Jesus and Satan are friends....do you really think that you are safe and not going to hell? Satan is Satan....and you wronged him, woe to you (so Lucifier was lyingto himself, but he did to remove his enemies, and wnues of peace. So Buu should not be mad, as his suffering is probably karma, spiritual power need to be used with caution, and the mind control is a bad idea. He needed to lie to force you to change, as some only learn and repent through experience.



To conclude, a draft recipe for Yellowie Juice and Joocha options has been drafted, and wil be added to the drinks menu. To be clear, "Joo" is a cool and cute way to spell out the sound of the first part of juice and is not a reference to Jewish people. However, is they want to share a drink menu item representation with China and Korea, then they are welcome to consider it to refer to Jewish people (even though I am technically a real Jew, I don't count myself Jewish because to me it's another identity (so to me I will always be Igbo)).


Anyway, get me out of here immediately (just me), tell Lucifer-Buu that I am willing to heal his 'member', but he should stop trying to rape me through a portal. I am not a desperate occult woman who is honoured to be intimite with

it's higher ranks: I am not in your occult group, so it's not my life aspiration. Hence, I think all these thirsty women were hoping to be connected to you spiritually, so that's why they may also be transmuting their rotten coochies - they may claim to have been impregnated or married to you if you are not carefu. Also, you don't know where the sperm is going, and women are sending yeast infections.... So you could get an infection or impregnate someone if the sperm remains alive until manifestation (it can't manifest in me).



Extra information moved from banner section ( FYI, Satan (father spirit) made it clear that he knew me, I just had to work out how - 13th December 2023



To the confused, the African pantheon of God's whether Alusi or the Orisha are literal sellouts and some of the worst. They will be white people or sent to hell, wherein hell is more likely. They helped destroy their descendents on earth and let them suffer at the hands of the wicked. Some key items of sorcery are being upheld by Yemoja, Marine Queen of coons (it's easy to see which celebrity invokes marine spirit imagery... This one is the same as the ghett-ho sisters she mentors, and sent her children's genitals through the portal... Randoms from the shopping centre and nearby people stick their 'member' through the portal too.. the lesson is don't try to rape people, and Jesus nor any real Christian is a Lesbian or pedophile. This type of , behaviour which is also committed by people nearby, which just means they support  paedophilia and expect everyone else to do the same. No thanks, it's gross, and clearly some people should not be parents and their children are cursed and evil souls - it is what it is.)


Many Africans worship Marine spirits, so it is what it is, however, they are  very evil to those who reject and worship them, so pray for Jesus to punish them above and beyond and to protect you from all their evil (I have never worshiped an African god).Marine spirits promote colorism and hatred i.e. linked to egregore, which is why mixed, American and South American population have issues (sub-concsious possession - not all possession is obvious or the same). They also drive people mad, ruin wealth and marriages (responsible for illegal marriage that bound me to my sister and her husband at their engagement party (I believe it was in 2015).To be clear, the spirit husband in the marriage is Satan, which is why Buu won't go away, he is letting himself be bound to me... I assume it was done as a spiritual protective mechanism so I couldn't be possessed by demons who are against me, as well as everyone making illegal marriages or trying to control me, who are then  bound to the items and go mad in my place (equivalent exchange)... The same for the second set of traditional wedding items - they knew it wasn't working and repeated it...So, yes, it was all a trap...


 I think Satan also bound me to the demon spirit of love, Clare, so he married me 3 times likely for spiritual protection, so technically I am an involuntary queen of hell (forced deification that flopped on purpose). But in all truth, it seems that Buu was King Ahasuerus, and I was Queen Esther (I am the female main character of the Bible, and Satan is a secondary main character....so Jesus is using me as Buu-bait, I must be a soul mate and will naturally gain his favour when we meet, so the sorcery is designed to avoid me and Buu meeting). Anyway, I am trying to untie Clare and cast her out, but she is very powerful (subconscious possession and undetected until later times, I think Clare was housing people's minds and keeping them separate from me). So, I am technically married to Jesus and Buu, but the divorce is not real and I don't know Buu, nor did I ask to marry Lucifer again (so it's not adultery). It may be Satan trying to get me to legally change my destiny, so I marry Him again, but He and Jesus ruined my life, so who is there to choose from? 


Overall, some things can't be atoned for, and the African gods sold out their people for more worship...The gods are wicked and I want nothing to do with them - I learnt the hard way. It is what it is - I know what is good and right and none are good ( I don't know what Jesus calls good, but He is equal with the devil to me), but we are only human or lesser, but still I will have my vengeance (vengeance bound by the eternal covenant of peace). Despite the above, demons and Jesus is all I have to get through these times, so please just have mercy for once and end this ridiculous situation by getting me out of here. In all truth, if MK can transfer consciousness, then God can do it without trouble. I will just get him to swap me out of my body because I have had enough, and I am choosing to complete my course. My counsel to Him was to create Wisdom a soul and put her in me since Him marrying another person ruins His future... (Psalm 101). So, you may never know who comes back after I am done getting my instructions, but I am done - the evil is too disturbing to my soul and all things are irreconcilable.  I work in proxy for Wisdom/Zion and I am done with God and His creation (erasure of soul is my first choice).

 It is not depression, but a choice made out of logic and free will. There is no path in life where me becoming a goddess and marrying Jesus is natural - why else would marriage be bound by Scripture? I don't think He is my real soulmate (I don't think He has one, and I think He just picked His favourite wife, so it looks like people have multiple soulmates that they can be happy with (I would have likely married someone in my past life as No-Ho Mary when Jesus died and went to heaven. So even if Satan's goddess wives go to hell, he will have someone that is a perfect match for him. Buu's father spirit is in on the plan, and so, he knows who he loves the most and who will make him and his son happy).


Last but not least, Laodicea has to be assessed for generational curses, some which won't be broken by Holy power alone but require atonement and righting of wrongs as well. Everyone has a choice and anyone destroyed or driven mad means their sin was done under free will, and not under mind control, so stop lying. As for why Lucifer-Buu is King of Babylon, I believe the answer lies in the past and certain outcomes are a means of justice - it seems that Buu was a Lancaster.


Clarification about forced deification and Holy Spirit (19th December 2023)


To be clear and honest, I know the difference between forced deification and receiving the Holy Spirit, the former I thought to be an odd experience that I considered a teenage ghostly or supernatural encounter that I told no one about, while receiving the Holy Spirit was a positive experience thst occured in April 2018 before Australians cast the main hell curse.


Around the age of 16, I was asleep in my bed and woke up, but as I woke up I was pinned down and forcibly rolled on to my back by an invisible force. I then heard someone manifest and open a book. In a coarse and haunting voice this entity spoke in demonic tongues, and then it closed the book and disappeared. It would not let me turn my head to see it,  but clearly the entity was Satan, and it was when Clare was put in me (Clare is the demon spirit of love, who apparently does nothing but mark Satan's true soulmate, and provides spiritual help out of love. Clare is cool and cute and matches me perfectly, but she still has to go. Clearly, Clare is not her true name, and Jesus may have to remove her Himself by a miracle, and is probably another reason He wants to appear and take me to heaven (an act above my power level and Australians were using sorcery on me since I was a baby. There are things I believe Buu has done himself that I don't even want to publish ... So, God probably needs to heal me fully Himself). With the above stated, the occult cannot continue because it's practices are disgusting and it corrupts the moral integrity of society. Being a terrible person and pretending to be good is no way to live, and Laodicea is not thought of as they present themselves: no one thinks elites are good or kind (they all just kiss your butts to try and achieve the same lifestyle...). So understand that you aren't shining like stars, or beloved by the people, but you can be.


Obviously, Satan (father spirit) was marrying me via forced deification to his spirit wife for safety reasons (not to be a  pervert, I have never been raped or molested by Satan and the portals manifest in non sexual places to protect my virginity. Plus part of the "abomination  of desolation" was a secret magnified Ptelomais curse, which I would like to end by meeting Buu (it is a more powerful curse used to rig the whole curse in my favour, and to offset the whoredom spirits influence in my life).


I don't want or intend to send Lucifer-Buu to hell, and the

odds of me sending my original soulmate to hell are very low even if I don't like him now (when I didn't know the full truth, I was still going to try to save him because Satan helped me). Yet, I must still put my war plan in effect, which  means that I must seed certain beliefs that crazy people will cling to. So, yes things may be confusing or I may seem indecisive,  however, I am just saying form  an inaugural Christian government; get me out of here; I can help you and lets talk in private. 


As for soulmates, the truth is that people change and grow apart over lifetimes and poor choices probably changes the true soulmate match even if they were an original pair. For example, I am not joking but the palm lines on my hand reflect Lucifer's seal from the Lesser key of Solomon... So Satan's fall and Buu not helping me in good time probably broke us up.  So Jesus was free to "claim" me  as his soulmate since I was married to him before (he made Buu a white man, and I am guessing with blonde hair and blue eyes... Jesus knows what he is doing by making Buu someone who is not my type. Some love does not transcend race because of beauty preference, cultural values and differences).


It is no big deal, Buu can be paired with someone suitable for him, she must be hiding somewhere, and we will find her for him (no hoes or witches, and I made a blessing prayer, so Buu will be happy in his marriage to his new soulmate). Our past marriage was probably just for Satan to know what true love is like, and to ensure his safety in the future (1) Jesus would know who he loves, and who He would be jealous of if they were married to someone else, so he planned to marry whoever He felt possessive of; (2) Satan knew I would save him from hell because it not like Jesus could say no to my request ( it is clearly their plan, and Buu seems to be the left hand, so He didn't know what his father spirit was doing). So, Satan already knew we weren't soulmates anymore, but he still loves me, so he helped me at the expense of everyone else).


To conclude, I know the difference  between what is holy and unholy or demonic, and receiving the Holy Spirit is nothing like forced deification. Also, demons like to scare people as a tool of control because they influence people based on thoughts and emotions. If you have classism egregore demons, and choose to stereotype all poor or non wealthy people as gross then you will always be filled with hatred for people with less money, and the same goes for race. Hence, possession is not absolute, nor is mind control - it is all influence, and if you agree then the demons possess you, and if you reject evil thoughts then the demons flee because it has no power over you. The same goes for demons linked to fear or anger. This is why 'The Gospel of Thomas' says anyone with a weak will won't make it (truly enjoy being evil, and would choose to live that way if there were no consequences....). I have no will to be evil because it upsets me and grosses me out, so understand just how far Lucifer has fallen from his original self, he was meant to be my perfect match.... I reflect how good he was.


Note: FYI, the usual suspects bound me with a fear curse or nightmare curse, but I caused it to backfire and now all my enemies are stuck in a living nightmare where all their fears will manifest until they die. I am sure people assumed I am scared of everything, but that is not the Truth, and a very poor choice: when you use Deimos and Phobos to trigger fear, but they person still does what you are trying to make them scared of, then they are not truly scared, nor are they a coward. Deimos and Phobos are my good friends, and we have been together for a lifetime... So fear be upon my coward enemies and may it send you to hell). The fear curse also targeted Laodicea i.e. making "kings" scared and thinking the retreat is a trap or something, and the main target was the red, white and blue club....(Babylon, and the French who were probably collateral).


Lastly, it is wise for Laodicea to not ruin my Christmas...  and a recipe for stuffed capsicums has been drafted and will be added to the menu (mashed potato, meat vegetables, optional sauces and a little cheese in an open roasted capsicum).


Crucial information (21st December 2023)


1) Laodicea and targeted or collateral damage nations were cursed when the enchanted items were  bound to me, which is why they repeat it without remorse (trying to keep it going, so I disenchant things to stop the spiritual effect even if it's bound to me, and that is because some things are to host souls i.e keeping people separate from.me in all ways, we are not merged).


To clarify, the consequence of this mess is as follows: if I am bound to Satan (Lucifer-Buu's father spirit), and Buu is bound to me, then everybody who is non-Christian is then connected to the curse (Satanic and demonic possession in this time is subconscious). This means the aim of the "abomination of desolation" was also controlling and killing Buu, who would naturally be affected because his soul is tethered very tightly to mine, and a real soul tie exits because of Clare's spirit. This means that if  people have access to my soul form then Buu is in danger also ( they were mind controling him, which means his own people are against his salvation i.e. they sent hoes and certain people in to influence his will on purpose, which is Satan is sacrificing them, Buu is his own guardian).


I am doing my best to separate him from me, but he keeps sending body parts (he could kill himself, or drive himself mad, and it makes me feel sick - I know he is trying to get into my mind, but it  is dangerous because other people may try to breach his mind, more so, he is giving me headaches with his attempts.. I don't need blood donations either, especially since I don't know what he or anyone else carries in their blood....regardless I can heal biological or genetic  illness that is incurable by normal means by miracle.. for example Buu was stuck in a cursed item that gives people a genetic disorder, I untied him, healed him and sent him back. (Binding yourselves to me is dangerous because you don't know were you are going. God and Satan are in control of such things, which shows that teamwork among the spirits is a real thing). If Buu is trying to help, I am not suffering any biological illness, and most of my soul form is now restored, but it is the constant attacks that makes healing difficult. I shattered Buu's  head as a warning, and to create an alternate fulfilment for Psalm 110.  Healing him was easy because no one is constantly trying to destroy his soul, or occupy his body. I am healing and defending at the same time, so it's not easy (plus I am healing lifelong damage....) Buu was causing most of the problem because he is powerful, the rest is just sub-peons trying to overwhelm me with numbers (disposable cannon fodder like the Star Wars clone war droid army, and condemned to hell without intervention for being evily stupid).


2) To be clear, there is also negative spiritual influence for disease, transgenderism, homosexuality and all sins related to the abomination of desolation....so everyone bound was a target, especially  Buu, and since Laodicea was a main target, understand that people were trying to corrupt me and you, whoever you are (It's offensive and disgusting, and can send someone to hell, so those who do it get sent to hell).


I have lived in this cursed house since 2006 (13 years of age), and I am assuming Satan bound the property at the same time as Clare was put in me, so I have natural resistance by nature (I never considered , the worst sins). I also assume Clare was literally bound to my soul, and not by the bootleg way (deep things of Satan) that is going on now with electronics or other items. So, I need God's help to seal and remove her (or convert her demonic core into an angel core, I assume this is what the angelic blessing of righteousness does, but I need full power to do so). Overall, I believe Clare to be an aspect of Satan's spirit in the same way Wisdom is of God, so she may be the right hand of Satan. Obviously, I already had the unofficial holy spirit (Christian teenager by nature), so the deification backfired, and of course personal circumstances allowed me to receive the official Holy spirit. I am naturally a basic human (women were made for angels, who are men, so there are no natural born female demons, they are en extension of their counterpart like taking Eve from Adam). I assume the same origin process for female demons that are not near primordial as they are often described as a personifcation of something, or it may be the true meaning of a demigod (deified human via attachment of a spirit to the soul). I don't know if the female deification cycle repeats every lifetime (trying to force the female  into the kingdom of hell - it may be that madness and death is the outcome of rejection  if the full initiation process is not completed, but luckily I have a solution, and have holy spiritual protection. So people should understand the position female deities were put in, some loved life so much, feared death, and had no faith or knowledge of The Lord the most High God: so they felt they had no other choice.)


Overall, I doubt that I have been through the full demonic deification process, in the same way I don't have the full power of Wisdom, the Bride or Zion yet. However, there would be a process that would be done to fully covert me, so I am not even a real angel or god yet. Hence, I know that I am not going to do any Satanic ritual to become a demon or continue the marriage.... I don't want to go to hell and I chose Christianity (no snacks or gifts thanks, I will buy my own stuff, I have had enough curses and I am tired of cleansing). Furthermore, I know I have a demon because I already removed the demonic counter effect for myself, and I am feeling better! (I use the word demon interchangeably in relation to Clare because it is proof that not all demons are not pure evil i.e. helping to remove the negative stigma, but demons did not help themselves at all in this area (Laodicea controls the media, so I don't know what you are doing... Maybe you like scaring people too).



3)  It seems that demigods are counted as human, and another cursed item appears to have has Clare's real name in it (Buu was bound there and keeps going back in, even when I removed it physically to try and unbind it easier. This item is what I accidentally shattered his mind with when I was using holy oil i.e. what I updated with the countereffect blessing to stop him going completely mad, but everyone else bound there probably went mad and is cursed with death... Jezebel was in there even in death - I am still sending her to hell from different items, she was and is an evil woman).



4) From the above, it should be understood that many powerful and popular demons or gods are the same person, so Lucifier is not gay with Beezelebub (they are both Satan, and I am sure he loves himself i.e. a narcissist...).  He is also Ra, and so, birds and dragons seem to be the same people, or a cousin family of the Air Kingdom. Hence, many people serve the same gods, and it's just that cultural values vary. Therefore, whoever is the supreme god of any culture is basically just Satan in a different presentation (with the exception of Christianity, who tells of the true God of the known universe, while Lucifer is the temporary god of this world, and therefore a lesser god).


5) People should understand that based on sin or motive they are placed into certain items, so they take on a curse. For example, the Spanish Princess' were put into an old cursed watch that is obviously linked to Father Time, so they are destined to die for being evil and desperate (and their parents will follow, they clearly already knew their destiny). Many celebrities were placed in an item that causes people to die of a heart attack, as were many South Australians, do you now all get the message? Stay out of other people's soul form and bodies (not even Satan approves of it). It should also be clear that items were placed in the house to effect everyone, for example, the spirit of Ose was placed in a hidden item and  people bound to me were possessed by him (believe they are king for no logical reason). I even had to untie Buu so he isn't delusional  about being Jesus Christ (it is impossible based on Scriptures). It is just coincidence that I am an actual "king"(Queen), but it was probably done to try and discredit me, however, I know who I am, and who everyone else is trying to be.



6) To reiterate, the main targets were the mighty 7, and China was obvious collateral, but I also found a specific pin for China that didn't not come from them ( China was betrayed). This means that the only major nation that was not targeted was India... So, I am not surprised at the path taken, as I always return to sender: an old friend  performed a binding curse at my house when she brang me an 18th birthday gift... I now recognize the signs, and so I will repay in kind by sending her to hell along with her racist and hateful people (the root of India's problems must go, and Modi and the British Primeminister are not Christian, do you understand?) Given that the English royal family has ties to India, I can say that I am not surprised (supremacists within Laodicea likely  set it all up to destroy Buu because they saw the true future, so they tried to destroy  and kill him (while using him to kill himself). Perhaps because they saw him close to a black woman and thought an Indian or white woman would be suitable or better, and then tried to influence me and him to save them from hell, but they chose their path and it leads to hell... To be clear, there is schizophrenia cursed item for all the blondes, and it also powers egregore. I keep kicking Buu out of it but he doesn't want to leave it, so all the women have to take the curse because his father spirit doesn't want him to be completely crazy). As for who else was involved, the Feemasons were targeted (multiple items), so it seems that Jezebel  wanted to sacrifice her cousin, therefore not all related branches of the Windsors are likely to be guilty (some good ones can atone for curses and live, and Buu may be the King of Babylons, while each nations maintains their monarchs, or gets new ones i.e  UAE model, where Jesus is the overall king of all nations or empires). If there is a fight for kingship then divide countries to make peace: no one will care as long as things are peaceful (it will also avoid Laodicea killing or sabotaging each other).


 Anyway, a fake war is needed because there are internal issues within the occult groups that makes any other way difficult, and that is because people are anxious and scared of moles (being threatened, harmed or killed for leaving or telling on people - a lack of faith). Hence, Buu is needed to ensure a smoother path (they are his fanatics and listen to what he says even if it's stupid, they are cursed, so with him on our side it's a guaranteed easy win).


7)I don't know why Buu goes to hell, but I think he has to pay for this curse and end it, who else can cast such a powerful curse? He can be blessed to not burn in hell, and can be pulled out in tact and then ressurrcted, so Jesus killing him softly is mercy i.e. avoiding pain and trauma. The story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego of the Book of Daniel is testamemt to this possibility. 


8) The "abomination of desolation" is a demon or god killer, so Laodicea has no choice but to act, and that is because they need protection just as  much as I do.  The only reason why it can't be done again is due to holy power, but everyone else could be a sitting duck. I assume the hell curse, and what people do to me would kill a normal person, an angelic or half-angelic (demigod), who would eventually die by madness and sickness until death (likely within a year or sooner, and within a few days for basic humans).


So it is clear that I am the key to Lucifer-Buu's safety and positive destiny, as this is what sent him to hell: warring against me. It is abomination to attack a higher spirit and shatter the soul of your soulmate for no reason (so we get to break up, he can marry a hoe and witch who he loves if he wants, but the truth is that people will not respect her, and his children will likely be dumb and hoes. So his father spirit is trying to direct him on the right path, and I gave him the same advice ( he is presenting as stupid, so his wife needs to be smart, calm and responsible). If he doesn't learn then it's his fault for not choosing a better quality woman (I am having to neutralise the charms the hoes are sending him through me... they know he doesn't even love them: how embarrassing (clearly the hoes want to control him, or whoever controls them want to control him). Overall, Buu was or is under mind control, but mind control is weakest on him, and if I can resist it, then I expect someone who was once my equal to do the same... I have spent years breaking it, while everyone attacked me...


So only helping me can save Buu, but I worry for his soul if I remain here during Christmas and New years, and that is because corruption of the soul has taken hold of many people, and they could do something to drive him mad, or negatively influence Laodicea. Overall, people must come to understand true platonic love, and it's sad they confuse it for more and that is because it converys that no one has loved them so genuinely, even if they are a stranger.

-Note: As for soulmate matters, I am a scientist and approach things with logic, and prioritse stability and peace over matters of the heart because love can grow naturally (it's not hard for me to like people as long as they are nice, and being funny helps). Before my troubles started, Jesus was my confidant and best friend (prayer diaries), so I know I will be fine in marriage and that is because of his peaceful and stable nature (I will retire from godly and royal duties,  but I will still be in charge: I want a normal and quiet life, and I am unlikely to see Buu ever again. So to the hoes, I am not fighting you for a used up and shared man of questionable intelligence. I am of the female quality where a man would not disrespect me with unfaithfulness, or keep me in unsavoury company...).


To conclude, the latest menu items are Biafran butter rice with meat and vegetable stirfy options (The white rice has excess starch removed, so people stay slim while eating rice, and the rice is fried in a little vegan butter mix for favour and texture); Biafran Chocolate-Hazlenut spread, and I will probably make a cream filling for biscuits,Puff-Puff or Chokikos. It is different from Nutella because it has more nutrients and has a hint of caramel flavor. The chocolate spread I made already tastes like chocolate with a hint of Nutella); and caramelized white chocolate Biafran ice cream.


Once again, get me out of here alone and quickly  via legitimate employment (I am sure it's not hard to organize travel documents i.e

 just use my profile photo)...If Laodicea can organize the secret destruction of my entire life, then Laodicea can get me out of here quickly... I am tired, and want to enter the next phase which is more positive. 




Brief information (3rd January 2024)


1) To be clear, I don't prophecy over all of Laodicea to save them because I want to "clean house" (I am not saving evil and unlovable racists and gross people) - so I will wait until they are removed, or until I can exclude them: it is my choice, plus they are already dead (gone). Hollywood celebrities are done, and the Chinese should caution their celebrities, while some Australian and many English celebrities are just as guilty as Hollywood, so I put them in the same category (when determining who goes they are the easiest choice, plus presenting people with the opportunity to become celebrities will help make Laodicea more popular). Hence, they were a obviously a planned ritual sacrifice, so it is what it is (nations with celebrities who are not implicated can spare them, but I have condemned Hollywood, so in this there is no choice: a group of failed souls that not even hell cares for).


It is like natural selection, and they are not fit for survival, so they will not make it. As stated, the gods do not favour them, nor do I, so understand that dirty material wealth and a useless lifestyle is a trap... Therefore, people should not have assumed forgiveness i.e.they are special, but not in a good way. To conclude, they are offensive to the kingdom of Hell and Heaven, and unwanted in both  because they have no loyalty, they follow no ones orders and rebelled under "mind control" (any allegations they think to put forth will never be taken seriously: they are 100% complicit with the system, and are therefore guilty). I  believe my testimony is also to help Laodicea with the lies they will try and put forth. They are now known as  unreliable witnesses, whereas I am reliable and can confirm what Laodicea has done and vice versa i.e. no one can even blackmail me, so I publish the Truth, while the same cannot be said for the implicated parties. Thus, do not confuse my mercy with compliance.


2) The youth and other people celebrities misguided will take their place and have a fulfilling life, so let them perish (they will suffer until they die because it is what they wished upon me...someone who once offered them a full pardon). Clearly, I need sacrifices on retainer for Australian people because some of them are condemned to hell (heavily cursed, so I can only equivalent exchange them). I made my offer to Australian kings, and  should they agree, then their future along with their people's is secured. Obviously, Australian kings must hold those who wronged me accountable, for example, some need to be kept alive for final divine judgement as according to instruction. Conveniently, we all know I don't like my neighbours or my sister's in-laws/family: they are condemned to hell. For the former, I don't know what they do,  nor can I properly address it, so it is clear how their sorcery can be eliminated or mitigated.... The less gruesome option is moving me far away from them (having more holy power also helps).To be clear, even the lonely and elderly Italian widow who I used to visit (across the street) called them all gross before she died. To conclude, some South Australian and other Australian people can be pardoned, but it depends on their testimony (timing and honesty). The Australian pardon through ho-exchange is likely only for white Australian and Indigenous people (celebrities were bound the eternal poverty cursed item, so I know they are gone, royalty were bound there too...).



To clarify, calling white people cool was my soft lie (pretty words) and China is not cool because of their hatred,  mind influencing sorcery and neo-colonisation. Such people could not be considered cool based on poor choices, but they can become cool by being Christian.


3) To confirm my good intentions towards New Australia,  the pies and sausage roll foods along with certain Chokikos are obviously Australian inspired or loved foods, and now represent their peoples food item representation as an emerging Christian nation (I am not punishing the whole nation, I made my choice when I watched some documentary clips a while ago, and Australians from other places weren't feral anymore. So they aren't classified as feral Babylonians, as it is clear that they were used and lied to as well (by South Australians and members of Laodicea). However, I still do not want to be Australian anymore, and need to and want to leave.


Hence, I am not cursing the rest of Australian people: it just my moral choice and not mind control (I am the righteous one, not anyone else).So the lesson is stop trying to control gods because other basic humans and lesser gods are actually more susceptible to corruption. I don't need mind control, which is clear because I have always been harmless. My version of mind control, and therefore Ra-Buu's was actually designed to make both of us  bad people, so it cannot be justified (those who did it wanted me and him to be evil, so it means we are the opposite of what it is meant to do).... Hence, Laodicea has many questions to answer and has many disclosures to make for the life they ruined and the suffering they caused (it would never be my choice to join your social class or marry in to your group). I think I have spent lifetimes trying to get away from your soul-group because of your evil, and it seems Jesus answered my prayer, but in a troubling and annoying way: marrying Him is the only way to escape being married to Satan, and that is because with Wisdom he can no longer control, abuse and curse me. Ra-Buu's father spirit understands this, and if not for his and Jesus' intervention then  we would all have no hope, but now only some people have no hope. So Ra-Buu can choose to be The Anti-Chtist, which is how he presents to me by not helping properly and not respecting my freewill (he is abusive and uses sorcery so I can divorce him under Christian law. Plus, I am getting Clare or Raet-Tawy demon core removed...she should go to his new wife); OR he can choose to be a better person by helping me and Christian people, and therefore become who he was meant to be before Laodicea evilly demented him.


4) As a final note, the curse was repeated by the usual suspects over the holidays, so everyone who attacked were cursed with a slow descent into madness that is based on electrochemical dysfunction, and it may interfere with heart function as well because the house is also dedicated to Death... So thinking that you could use seasonal sorcery to your advantage was a very big mistake. Overall, the hostility is clear, and so the relevant boundaries will be put in place so personal happiness is accounted for. For example, if Jesus was here, then you would treat Him the same, and therefore the future social exclusion of white people from the inner Holy circle is karma (it is all unforgivable). God has his own real friends, so evil Laodicea are not His real friends, nor will they be mine because racists and gross people are not our type of people (Revelation 14:1-5 are the angels that did not fall, and not actual Biafran people. So clearly, Jesus returns with those who didn't fall with Satan, and they will be paired with those suited to them. To be clear, they will only marry virgins and are unlikely to befriend racists and gross people (they would never marry a ho). Also, they would not marry into Laodicea because of non-Christian lifestyle standards, and we don't care about demonic bloodlines i.e. we prefer good character (you are embarrassing to Holy people). So, Laodicea probably lost old friends, and it's your own fault: I told you your choices and hatred are offensive. But it's okay because that is what Laodicea chose, so you get what you wanted.


5) This stated so delusional or overly ambitious women understand that who they desire has none for them: money and family name cannot buy an angel marriage, which is a highly desirable for bloodline and character (ideal husbands). More so, the angels would all be handsome, which is why I was angry at my Jesus marriage: they are more my type. I don't want to be a monarch or a god, so I am retiring like I stated, and like the Bible says in Psalm 45:10-11. It is a marriage trap, but of the two Jesus is the better option, especially since I can just delay getting married as long as possible. My whole youth was wasted and I need full emotional healing (which I can do by myself), so naturally I am not ready to be married... Revelation 19:7). Isaiah 49 is for me to be around people who behave normal: I have been persecuted with psychological and spiritual abuse since 2018, so being around people who don't do the same is just a form of social readjustment therapy. So, Laodicea should just be for the high council, and anyone else involved in persecution cannot be invited or presented to me at anytime. I will refuse healing if Laodicea dare tries it, and just condemn you all to hell. Overall, the gods used people's stupidity, immorality and desperation to their advantage, so I am not healing any demented hoes, as my loyalty remains with his father spirit (he doesn't like them, nor do I, and they have been cast out like a poo on the streets i.e Psalm 18. Anyone is silly to assume my bond with God based on my wartime  propaganda). It is clear that Ra-Buu makes questionable choices, so I am meant to pair him with a suitable wife (thin, attractive, boarding on pure evil, but repented early, so should would be smart (wise), and she can learn to be responsible and calm (if she is not). Likely a white person because I don't know anyone besides white people or a ho who would actually marry him, with the latter its obviously for a wealthy lifestyle (the truth hurts).


So I am still calling him Buu because he is being reborn as a Christian, so it still fits (his soul is still a black person, so it matches just fine). Buu is cool, cute and likeable villain turned good-guy, so it's a good name and Buu is not scary: it better then a red devil with horns that looks creepy like him from Powerpuff girls, or a Baphomet statue... So it is now clear that certain demons present terribly to repulse Christians (based on gross pictures and imagery, I would not worship demons). However, Revelation 9 are actually spiritual creatures (demonic creatures) from hell, and not demons, since they aren't humanoid.So no, I am not expecting the High Council to turn in to lizards or reptilian creatures, rather I assumed you all looked like normal people, that's why I called Laodicea fat old men and botoxed-bimbos for not helping me sooner: we are offensive and repulsive to one another, but the lesson is learning to make peace with people who are different (being treated like a normal person i.e having to be respectful  to everyone and following rules is also social readjustment therapy for Laodicea because narcissism and self-importance mustbe dealt with - you all live in a bubble). Overall, being forcibly deified and learning of my past lives changed nothing and reaffirmed my distaste: I am trying to get away from Laodicea, and my ex-soulmate once and for all. If you don't understand, treating me poorly is obviously offensive to Jesus Christ...He doesn't love anyone more than me, it is literally written in the Bible. To conclude, I need to meet and help Laodicea to finally be free of the Kingdom of Hell, and it's fallen angels: it is a win win situation because we wouldn't choose to befriend each other in normal circumstances.



6) The new drafted menu items include Biafran bean pies, which is seasoned meat, bean, vegetables in a gravy like sauce encased in my vegan pastry, as well as mashed potato top option (mashed sweet potato and yam options too. I am considering a smoked salmon version too). There will also be a vegan option with mashed potato and seasoned beans and vegetables only. I also drafted recipes for crumbed  calamari and seasoned prawns, severed with plantain or mashed potatoes, and a choice of salad.


Face your destiny (17thJanuary 2024)


1) The Indian elite need to face their karma, their gods are feral and they are their descendents, so the blood and suffering of your former lower castes be upon your heads. I don't not weep for your lineage and I will not cover your sins. You are not invited to the Babylonian covenant and are cut off for evil, hence, you are still Indian and always will be. Divine judgement is the purging of your bloodline because the bloodline  combination produces failed souls. I can do bo more, your destiny is set (it is clear they would never make it, they are not part of the mighty 7 based on physixal and Biblical evidence). All Indians like them will follow, since sins of their dark skin people  are the same- and is the result of horrible spiritual ancestry and an archaic and uncivilized social culture. 




2) I have to condemn selected people to hell to relieve my suffering, so an elite demon family who I believe to be the feral descendents of Lilith will not be spared for their evil. They are involved in my "mind control", and some of their family was bound to me for a long time: gross (I don't want to be bound to a man). A friedndly bond or favour can only be formed when stockholm syndrome exists or the person is unaware. In me, binding the soul  breeds disgust and hatred for the individual (likely banned from main Laodicea group and unlikely to form part of government). Your souls are feral and upset my soul because I can sense your presence: yucky, so I called them sewer trash because it is like having sewer gunk in my soul (leave me alone and go away). Overall, it has been made apparent that many demons or gods are feral, and so, I will make final judgement when I aquire the information of all their deeds, and intend to send some to hell based on the inability to be consistently helpful like Lilith (she is  wicked).


Regardless of my identity, I am not fond of demons, and do not care iif you are half or full demon, I will condem you to hell for your choices (Hollywood celebrities  are done, there is no forgiveness, Heaven does not love you and Satan thinks you are expendable ttrash). Also,  bye Eurioean royalty, I am banning them from registration (they are not be brought anywhere near me, if any feral people dare come near me, then I will condemn them to hell because they are morally useless and offensive to my soul. It is written I have final choice on who lives and dies in 2 Esdras, so obviously bypassing me and asking God was a soft lie for idiots who think they can get away with evil: I will have my vengeance by holding my enemies and useless people or demons accountable. So, it is clear that I have chosen vengeance against European royalty and Hollywood because they are gross (how dare you assume I want to be like you, bound to you, or influenced by you). For the rest of Laodicea, I will tolerate them and do my job until I don't have to because  your wickedness disgusts my soul: you are all barbaric fools that I want nothing to do with, it is what it is. You think I want to suffer to be your friend and queen and spend eternity together? I think not. 



Therefore, based on people's inability to be decent, I will take recommendations of who should be banned among Laodicea, wherein testimony could save the soul, and send someone else there in your place. Hence, learning to expose scum, especially demon scum should be standard practice and that is because, it is how corruption is ended (when the correct people deal with the matter). Middle Eastern royalty and Asian royalty are also involved with this mess, but not with assholes, so I am not condemning them ( not gross, and African Laodicea are respectful enough to not be involved in asshole mess, but some of African Laodicea need to keep their 'member' to themselves). More so, Asia and the Middle East are generally new to Christianity,  and are therefore shown mercy (not condemned), so they can also learn to be more merciful and loving towards those they rule over. 



3)Overall, I do not know how many spirits I have been deified with by Satan, so it may not just be Clare, but I intend to destroy every single one from my soul and let it or them burn in hell. I am not converting anything because I don't want to be bound to Satan, nor do I want his love. My ex-soulmates curses will be thrown in the "hot bin" where they belong. If that is not enough to break the soulmate bond, then I have no choice but to send him to hell for real (his only other option is to accept a  marriage blessing and an alternate pairing to override the soulmate bond). My alternate pairing is bound by the Holy Bible and influenced by Wisdom, Zion and The Bride, so it should override any soulmate bond or unwanted affection (my destiny is set, I don't know why hoes are fighting me for Ra-Buu or Jesus, I am not the formers destined wife,  as my situation is circumstantial and not a real marriage. ​Wh​at real Christian can meaningfully love the Devil, and what proud African woman who wanted fully African children, can love a white man?  The answer is not me, announcing my situation publicly is also the shame of my youth, as it is an absolute disgrace to be forcibly deified and married to Satan. 


So all Ra-Buu can do is try and save his life (stop sticking your 'member' through portals and close them: I am not a prostitute like your other hoes,  learn to treat women properly). I just want my freedom, and to help people who need real help, which means getting rid of those who are no good for them. So, I don't care what has been done to me since I already know lots of things, as long as I have cooperation and peace among the Christian government, their should be no fear of rejection from registration. So anyone who is not for peace can be excluded like the current Indian elite (all being replaced). So do not let a feral loser drag your soul to hell: learn to fight for your own future, and believe that it will be brighter. 



Lastly, I am returning to every evil loser, every hex, jinx and curse, so enjoy the madness you keep trying to send me. I destroy the portion of mind that your lose each time, and then return the affliction. Such sorcery does not allow recovery because they are depleting the soul-mind and descending into further madness. The wicked will be held accountable for their deeds, so to stupid Hollywood, who do you think Ra-Buu favours you, or elite wives whom he would obviously cater to? Of course he sacrificed all of you, the Laodicea wives don't like whores and are invested in securing their future, and naturally that of their daughters. So  since you cannot "compete" without love charms and do not meet acceptable criteria for a Christian pairing, then you are not suitable for Christiran marriage i.e. goodbye! Did you think I would side with desperate women? I sided with Laodicea wives ages ago, even if we will not remain in the same social circle: I expanded the "dew of the youth" to try and keep their husbands by their sides, and the same for normal people. Based on my circumstance, it is clear the wives were already chosen and matched correctly, so if I was matched with Ra-Buu, then their matches are probably correct: so if you know you are just a Hollywood ho, then why are you pretending that you are acceptable to them for marriage? You know you aren't... i.e. I banned celebrities for a reason and they attacked, so it's their fault, do you think I want to put other people's marriages in jeopardy? They could try to harm the wives and daughters of Laodicea to try and find a husband (they would do to the above what they did to me).


Better matches for younger members of Laodicea are likely to befound within the Judiciary, Intelligence, Military and Business groups who would form part of the government consortium (likely to be smarter, good upbringing, not desperate or feral, and more normal: Laodicea must de-cult). So, I have already pre-determined a better social class of better quality women and men for the youth of Laodicea to socialize and be paired with (celebrities are stupid, out of touch with reality, and are social climbing users). The above groups are selected because elites would consider them less feral, and they are normal enough to help you out of your bubble, so promotions to councils are likely and needed  so that suitable matches can be made (also, the world needs smarter leaders, sorry to say it).




​​​​4) In regards to soulmates, poor life choices can obscure happy soulmate bond or ruin genuine love, so if this is the case for Laodicea then they just need marriage counseling (I believe they are meant to be together). It is clear that feelings of love towards someone is not enough to be happy or happily married, as there needs to be proper emotional treatment and support, which is a broad area, but it is also fixable.Therefore, Laodicea must consider the spiritual aspect of MK ultra pairings, which would involve the fates and other demons linked to influencing fate or destinyi.e. the marriage cannot be a mistake, and is unlikely worth throwing away, more so, the Scriptures make it clear that you arr meant to be happy families.


5) I await my employment email, and want to leave as soon as possible (hurry up and follow specific orders instead of sacrificing people, which causes me trouble and makes me sick: I am not a soul trash bin- so yes, I called Ra-Buu incompetent because his help is so atupid. He should just leave and it will go away because heis the spiritual strong hold that binds key aspects of the house curse ( he has more power than he admits to, and he is too busy trying to mind control into a forced marriage. He is an idiot and off-putting, and I don't want to be tied to his soul, nor do I want him influencing me mind. I am not a slave, nor should anyone else be, and those who support it will be condemned to hell. So from my perspective, Ra-Buu is feral be ausw he behaves like one, he is keeping me here for stupid reasons just like his father spirit, Satan. They can both undo it, but they don't because they are gross, I am trying to spare their soul from hell and Satan is concerned with marriage? People must set their priorities straight. Fight to live and have a better future, and stop being desperate for what is not meant to be, and then maybe you can be saved.


6) I have drafted a recipe for my new Biafran style cereal, which is a yummy crispy morsel made with a range of selected  wholegrains that is filled with different flavoured fruit filling, and is served with plain unsweetened Biafran milk. Hence, their will be a fresh cereal bar because I like cereals again after being forced to eat it for nutrient content. Also, vanilla & honey comb crunch, and chocolate honey comb versions of Biafran icecream flavours have been drafted, and will be added to the menu.


Update (13th February 2024)


Overall, I put forth a vote of no confidence for those who side with the core group of Laodicea who are in power and refuse to repent and cooperate properly. This group supports sin upon sin and therefore have no place on any council, and is no leader of people, especially those who are in need. I have little to no knowledge of the 7 and 10 kings, who I believe to hold Christian potential, the latter most obviously based on Revelation 17:12; while I have faith in and mercy towards the 3 of the 7, and so my offer of clemency stands according to the previous option stated regarding Daniel 7:23-27 i.e.

(helping me and providing proper testimony for registration purposes Imeana being saved and secure). All that is required is helping me properly based on my circumstance, which is done by following orders or instructions: to be clear helping is supporting my gainful employment as a Christian Services provider. As new Christians (a baby), kings must understand that their loyalty is towards Jesus Christ (the Lord, the Most High God), and therefore me as Wisdom (if my known past goddess divinities are a comfort, then remember that I was the first angelic, a long time ago, and therefore I am a helper and a friend to the repentant from the kingdom of Hell. Reconciliation between Heaven and Hell began a long time ago, and these times are a manifestation of the plan unfolding i.e. it just took time to work out the mystery).


I do not state the above out of a lack of humility, but a reference to the Biblical prophecy that I am the Servant of rulers according to Isaiah 49, which is linked to the Church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22, but I help Laodicea to help all people because I know they will be effective). Therefore my goodwill stands and remains until I get a yes from the correct people.Hence, any enemies of the core king group should be outed and a proper alliance should be made. In such times the Big 10 and Original 7 should look to the heads of state for national and global support, whether uncondemed royalty, Presidents or Prime ministers to properly address the troubles of these times

( the people, or little fish would be in support of positive change, and I am sure this could be confirmed through occult group affiliation and communication before things become more public). Where legalistic issues arise between Church/religion and State, or other statutory limitations exist, the answer is a new organization, perhaps stemming from the UN (best to collaborate with the Secretary-General, António Guterres), which would have the right power to act in the interest of the people of the world who are in need (emergency powers that override certain powers where import help or intervention is needed).


Naturally, I would be the President, and it has been planned for Ra-Buu to be the Vice-president, according to The Gospel of Thomas 81 and Daniel 7:27. In context, his term as the leader of Laodicea must come to an end, and mine will begin. Hence, he does not need to fall so hard, but it is my hope that he does not betray Christian people: so the strategy is keep your friends close but enemies closer. Excluding the two presidential seats the new organization would be the inaugural Christian government of 36 influential and diverse members, with 3 of the 7 being placed on other councils, with kingship still remaining an option in the future based on emerging nations and the replacement  of European royalty (38 members on the inaugural council). Diverse members besides me should include African people (Aliko Dangote, the Nigerian and South African presidents,  Bola Ahmed Tinibu and Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa;  Asian people (The President of China, Xi Jinping, Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, and the Emperor of Japan, Naruhito Hiro); South American and Eastern European people including the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, the President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva,  the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa); other suitable persons like Pope Francis and 2 suitable influential Italian persons; European people including The French President, Emmanuel Macron, and the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz; the Prime ministers of Jamaica, Andrew Holness for Carrribran representation, and the Prime minister James Marape for Islander represention; and Middle Eastern Monarchs or leaders (King Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Bin Salman; Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the UAE, the President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi). The above are selected based on me having  the Christian gift of discernment (1 Corinthians 12:10), and therefore I can sense they  have Christian potential, however, if they refuse to cooperate and help all their people then they can be replaced with equivalent persons judged to be suitable. In the event, all selected persons agree then they with all other nations should respond to the emergency situation, where the agreement and support of all allied nations (no India or their allies due to known offences that brand their leadership an enemy to the Christian cause. A deal was presented to new Australia, who are counted as an allied nation should full cooperation be established). Overall, this UN collaborative model of emergency response would enable bypasses in law where restrictions are clear, but can then be overcome (the covid response was an example of responding to an  emergency or threat in unconvential ways, and this situation is the same).The above enables all the relevant issues to be adddrased openly and properly, which would releive the anxiety, gloom and fear of many people across the world, as seeing open change is a part realisation of their faith and their full belief in the power of The Lord, the Most High God, and the first step to believing in good Kings (or Queens).



To conclude, it is best to separate from individuals who are an obstacle to social and civil progress, as they have little to no real power i.e. the healing of my soul form is near completion, and they have failed to wipe out the important members of Laodicea. Therefore, if Ra-Buu, Lucifer-Buu or the man referred to as the Anti-Christ does not comply with my orders, and is a threat to Laodicea then he should be excluded, and the new Christian government should act without fear knowing that the Lord, the Most High God can protect them, and that I have substantial holy power and the knowledge to protect them as well. I don't have full holy power yet, but let Psalm 18 and 110 be for the enemies of those who are better, but were greatly affected by the "abomination of desolation" (Laodicea was targeted by the feral group of it's own Church, who will be fully exposed in time i.e. non Christian).Though I have tried to make peace with Laodicea, its members should not become complacent, as failure to follow orders brands you as my enemy, and therefore a non-Christian person with no future or hope. 


This post should make my intentions clear, and is also a warning to the enemies of Laodicea and all Christian people - we will have our justice, and every wrong done will be called in to account. Therefore, let this post fully open the eyes of Laodicea (Rams, big fish or a whale, to be specific the kings are an orca whale, deadly when necessary and very effective when they act in coordinated manner). Conclusively, enough time has past, and Laodicea needs to follow orders for their own sake and the sake of others, which is expected immediately since most negative spiritual influence has now been removed. So I repeat my order: organize my solo departure from South Australia (passport and visa waiver); organize an inaugural Christian High council via a healthcare Christian Service request. The Christian Service Request is best so that people who are allied and need immediate healing or treatment are welcome, and can extend to people close to them like family as a preventative measure (food and drink also counts as healing). Should my deal with Australia (New Australia) proceed then an action plan to help it's repentant people can be enacted (treatment for  conditions linked to sorcery and other necessities to avoid death, which would relieve the anxiety of it's people, who must be reminded that repentance is still possible despite what has been done). The same is likely necessary for America where taboo was also spread (no guilty celebrities are included, they have been condemned to hell for multiple reasons known to me and the elite of Laodicea (Isaiah 4) - a lot has transpired by miraculous means even though I still remain in South Australia, so this statement should be a sort of confirmation).


To conclude, topics like the decolonisation of Africa is ongoing, but there are solutions for certain groups of people, but it will happen and Africa will prosper, and so can other nations - it is written in Isaiah 61). The same extends to the Caribbean, so they should remain confident that their future is secure, and same somewhat extends to any oppressed peoples or marginalized ones. So people should understand that Babylon is powerful, and also use them as a shield until the time comes where they are not so necessary for stability or security (it is only a matter of time, wherein it is in the best interest of Israel to continue using them as a shield against its enemies - they are lucky to have a friend and are reminded they share actual common ancestry i.e. African Americans and White American people, as well as the many Jews there*). Anyway, there is time to work out final details, especially when borders, nations, thrones and kingship may be a desire of some kings or queens, but the beginning of such prayers is actually being worthy of such a station in these times (many are not worthy, so woe to them). Hence, I encourage unity from any and all ambitious kings, queens, princesses and princes, as there is time to work things out without chaos or unsavoury lifestyle choices (Daniel 12:3).


,*Note: The Isaiah 19 covenants for Israeli people of all kinds has not been finalized, with each group possibly being able to negotiate their own, but it is likely that the people of the nation of Israel would be favored due to closer ties. Furthermore, if it is found that the semitic people of Palestine has equal ties due to intermarriage in the past, than an equal convenant would also be considered. In the same way, if China, North and South Korea has shared ancestry they would likely  be included in the mighty 7 group (this is suspected, because China was also targeted in the same way as Japan).



Update (18th March 2024)



1) Revisions to the Christian government include the replacement of Dangote and The Emperor of Japan. They will be replaced by suitable individuals, and time will reveal how. Hence, delays in government formation are not entirely an affront, but are still part of the problems being resolved.


2) Where the ruling class and certain sets of society are deemed non-Christian, a caretaker government will be introduced to the region in order to help the rest of the population, and therefore also represent a new population (based on Isaiah 54, inhabit desolate cities). This is also the context for Isaiah 8:5-8, which is poorly worded and part of the overall mystery, but any Christian caretaker government that is instated will be installed for a good reason (and to ensure peace and stability for the people and region). This is unlikely to be common practice, but will be used when necessary and is helpful when relocating certain populations (also for a good reason).


3) New recipes have been drafted for Coconut Wine (similar to palm wine, and will feature a range of fruit flavours), as well as red velvet brownies and baked puff-puff, and lastly baked puff puff in apple crumble varieties (apple pie filling, crumble on top, with the option of a drizzle of healthy icing in salted caramel, caramel (a rich buttery caramel) or vanilla flavours. The fruit pie range is also likely to be expanded to include more fruit options.


The above menu items were meant to be displayed on the glitched banner (3rd March 2024), so they are listed above instead, and the latest items include  new draft receipes for savoury waffles (spinach and cheese (thin sandwich option with extra cheese filling in between), waffle burgers and breakfast muffins (vegan buttery flavoured waffles), and spinach and cheese pastries (inclides cheese filling also, so that it's more filling).


Update (22nd March 2024)


1) Some things have changed based on what has happened over time, and during such times populations with little to no Christian potential have been identified. Such peoples were involved in planned and coordinated sorcery (abomination of desolation), and as a result biracial persons will not be counted among the Biafran population, this criteria is also likely to extend across Africa (North Africa will probably be separated from non-African persons i.e. any early queenship is to protect my people and our home). In regards to the above, other nations descended from Africa are counseled to do the same. Overall, no registration or help will be granted to  persons, businesses, groups or nations unless agreement conditions are met for salvation, which includes the forfeiture of land and property (may be in part payment for national Christian services). The aforementioned begins the decolonisation of Africa and the removal of foreign influence within its land and among my people, so they truly have a hope and a future. The same process may occur in nations where the majority are of African descent, and also includes the removal of non-African persons (including biracials) by agreement or force (resettlement in anothrr country, or removal to a "zombie" zone.


2) The populations identified as hostile are first candidates for peoples needing caretaker governments, and represent nations or groups where less Christian potential exists (likely a drop in population based on destiny i.e. a group of souls that were always hellbound); some of which include staunch LGBT+, Sudanese people (mainly Australian ones), Ethiopian people, Chinese people, Israeli people (Israel mainland and American), Indian people, desperate women (quite a lot of white ones), and many Hollywood celebrities. The extent of how many persons from these groups is in question, but for some it is discerned that it is worse than others. Based on divine judgement these groups were used as a ritual sacrifice, and are considered the cleansing of the bloodline. For example, Isaiah 14 is linked to the upper caste of Indian people, and so, it is a further indication that they are not included in the Babylonian covenant (clearly a separate race and ethnicity) i.e not part of the mighty 7.


3) In the future, African persons who want to return home according to Isaiah 11: 11-13 and Jeremiah 31:1-14, would need to meet certain criteria. For example, those in interracial relationships would need to divorce their spouse and give over custody of any minors, in order to preserve the Biafran bloodline, spiritual integrity (includes the souls added to the lineage), culture and identity, but if not they are able to remain married and live overseas. Some of the  issues with intermarriage are outlined to explain why The Lord the Most High God was against it in the Holy Bible ( Ezra 10:18-44, and Deuteronomy 7:3). Where the inheritance of God's people have already mixed into other  African populations, they are counted as an acceptable bloodline, and so, in mind  Nigeria is already one, and the border of the Holy nation may extend throughout West Africa. As for other nations where dispersions of the Ancient House of Israel settled long ago and in what number, there would need to be a further investigation so that final decisions can be made (regardless, Africa has my favour).


4) Other than that a new energy drink has been drafted and will be added to the menu (different fruit flavours with a nice energy drink taste, but all natural). The range of Biafran chocolate will also be expanded to include Salted Caramel, Caramelised Vanilla, Ochokoleti & Mint (white chocolate and mint), and about 4 more flavours.



Update (5th April 2024 and minor clarification in [brackets])


1) The next removal from the emergency Christian government includes Xi Jinping, and any other individuals known to be hostile to the Christian cause should be excluded as well. The above is at the discretion of [Ra-Buu], "the big 10", and "the original 7" should the latter choose to support and join the Christian government. This peace offer is presented to "the original 7" again because it facilitates a smoother path for more people (much needed peace and stability, Isaiah 32); and thus together with "the big 10", the combined group, now known as "the Special 17", would be indispensable and highly effective in the execution of important matters, whether linked  to health, security and food supply. The same conditions remain for Ra-Buu, who is expected to assume the role of Vice President (previously stated and is mentioned in a Biblical text, The Gospel of Thomas).


2) Other than that, the "abomination of desolation" is being dealt with as quickly as possible. The good news is that once overcome, it appears impossible to repeat based on the aspects and covenants needed to keep it in use, and that is because people are removed from the original spiritual chain of "web of chains" (The Book of Wisdom 17). The aforementioned means that those who use the "deep things of Satan" (sorcery used for harm, and encompasses the "abomination of desolation") should only be able to harm each other. Regardless, the above conditions will be met when I aquire full holy power, which presents many safety and security benefits that extends to health i.e. healing long-covid, Psalm  110). It is also of note that those who remain in the spiritual chain have already been condemned to hell, and will experience it's afflictions, whether of the mind and soul form (manifests into biological sickness). Condemnation to hell is unlikely to be rectified, and one can only be healed or restored by Holy power ("zombie" to normal). Exemption will only be considered for exceptional reasons, and is a choice solely at my discretion. 


3) Lastly, new menu items have been drafted and include Caramel-apple and oatmeal, battered calamari and prawns (non-greasy, but not dry), Biafran peri-peri sauce and chicken (modified sauce used for the marinade), Biafran thousand island sauce, and Biafran loaded fries (topped with a choice of sauces, avocado, protein of choice, vegetables of choice,  and cheese and/or a vegan cheese alternative (vegan and vegetarian options available). In addition, plain fries with a new original salt seasoning will also be an option.

-Update: New menu item (16th April 2024) - Candied Cashews will be added to the menu, and are roasted cashews covered in a vanilla, coconut, golden caramel, salted caramel mocha, espresso or chocolate coating.




Clarification about societal change (10th May 2024)


Leadership choices and style are very important, and that is because it pertains to the well-being of people. The nature of well-being is not limited to societal laws and organisation, but how people feel about their contribution to society, and so for many ordinary citizens it is part of their role in society i.e. it  pertains to their sense of self-worth and value. Hence, although the Christian government will be composed of "Kings", it does not mean that people's voices will not be heard, rather it means that the real opportunity to be heard can be provided as global Christian reforms are ushered in. As aforementioned (a very long time ago), the final Christian governmental structure will span many societal levels, and will have many arms/associated bodies or action groups, and so, it will provide an avenue for the everyday voice to reach high places (e-screaming is not the best or recommended method).


In the same way, the "King's" of Laodicea are also expected to contribute to important world and life changing decisions, yet I will still make the final choice (within and where my jurisdiction reaches). Hence, the Christian government is cleary both autocratic and democratic in nature, which in my opinion is an optimal model when implemented correctly i.e. it will lead to a thriving global society.


Overall, the Christian government is the means of ensuring stability and peace for Christian people all across the world, and it is without doubt that they will have the everlasting gratitude of the many people who they help, and that is because happiness is priceless (Isaiah 35, Daniel 12:3, Isaiah 32, Revelation 7:9-17 (Revelation 7 is not all literal, and likely happens over time. Alternatively, it could represent the emergency Christian government, with "all people" being hyperbolic (exaggerated), as it could just represent the diversity of the council. In the same way, I don't believe the elder mentioned in Revelation 7 is literal, and is probably an angel from heaven i.e. it is a record of a vision that also describes an interaction with an angel or heavenly spirit, while it also describes some things  that will happen on earth in metaphors i.e. it pertains to the concept of Biblical mysteries (many things are not described plainly or literally for a reason). For example, the palm branches just represent Christian people worshipping Christ (in Truth and in spirit i.e. genuinely), and so, it is no coincidence that plam branches were used to pave His way when he rode into Jerusalem for his final sacrifice that sealed the New Covenant (Matthew 21:1-10)).


​​​​​​To conclude, Christian people are encouraged to pray for one another, especially those in power, so that good things may flourish throughout society, and in the same way for themselves (Ephesians 6:10-18, 2 Thessalonians 1:11, 2 Thessalonians 3:1, 1 Timothy 2:1, and Romans 13:1-7).  How prayers or wishes come true are usually not in the hand of the individual, but with happiness ahead, it is clear that many dreams will come true, and so, it is important to be patient because the true priority is always the salvation of the soul - which is achieved by becoming a good and well-adjusted person (Matthew 6:25-33). 


NOTE: New menu items have been drafted and include plantain chips (a crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside potato fries alternative with different savoury seasoning options); crunchy-coated peanuts in the original coconut flavour, or other flavours like salted caramel, chocolate, or the aforementioned with banana (other nut options will be available because the coating also provides a boost of nutrients such as fibre, and protein); and lite mashed potatoes (a hybrid mashed potato with an increased nutritional profile and yummy taste, but not as light as a vegetable foam (more so,  a  yam option will also be available, wherein, the same extends to other mashed potato foods).


Update - New menu items (16th May 2024)


Draft receipes for traditional and  crossiant style (buttery) donuts/doughnuts and puff-puff will be added to the menus. The latest icing and filling flavour is chokoleti brownie in original, cookie crunch, protein crunch (many options), and a wide range of filled combination options like chokoleti brownie icing with caramel filling. The new donuts have the same health properties as the baked puff-puff, but with less dough and no filling it is considered the even lighter option in terms of calories (flavoured with my butter seasoning).




Update (Changes in decision based on reflection - 25th May 2024)


Firstly, it is a mistake in life to believe better of people, as when their true nature is revealed it can dampen one's outlook on life. Clearly, my circumstances are undesirable, and have been made more so by the inaction of Laodicea (Christian government) to resolve Christian issues swiftly due to suspected ulterior motives. In response, the following stands:



1) Isaiah 49 is not necessary (no Christian government retreat - it has been cancelled), instead mandatory DSA processing is to be paired with ongoing pastoral care and Christian education by persons other than myself (delegated). I will be fine to train suitable pastoral care and instructors myself so that everyone is comfortable (DSA processing is making sure that everyone is assessed and treated for certain behaviours like drug use, sexual perversion/immorality and alcoholism before they undertake pastoral care or Christian education). The above is required because after so much time I have realized that there is too much bad blood, but yet I am still for peace, not just for myself but for many people including Laodicea ("warm ones", not the "cold" rejected).


2) Whatever action Laodicea chooses to take, or not take the consequences are clear: death - so I caution "Kings" to not be puffed up with pride at the thought of more power, as your dominion is techically coming to an end, and mine begins (Psalm 110, Micah 4:8, Isaiah 32:1). The above should be no surprise as it seems a "king" has already been made an example of (Raisi). If you want to share his fate then you are more than welcome to, as only those who are for true peace are wanted and required.


3) The latest drafted menu items includes crunchy coated peanuts and cashews in salted maple and  Caramelised honey (blessed to keep its health properties when cooked). In stating the above, I have come to the conclusion that my food and drink availability will be delayed until this time passes because people are too untrustworthy and unrighteous. Instead normal food and drink will be blessed so that the food industry also has time to adjust. More so, I have no appetite for business even though they are a blessing of Wisdom.


To conclude, Laodicea should do something to save face, as the path to shinning like a star may be like Everest to them, and that is because their inaction has sunk them into a deep and large pit. To put it plainly, I want change, so I ordered change, and I also speak for those whom it is not safe, or too risky: we went a better world and better leaders. Lastly , I make it clear that Satanic dominion is ending, and therefore so is the dominion of Raa-Buu (the son Satan) - and to do my best to ensure his cooperation, the following consequence is restated: any disobedience  will result in an extended time in hell, which means that suffering will be experienced before resurrection (Revelation 19:20). There will also be consequences for any "King" who is disobedient or disloyal,  wherein anyone must also face the fact that the past,and cause of these times will also shape the future: so be reminded that I fight for the future of my people, and those like them in a hateful world. Yet, they should be at peace because theae times are for our eternal happiness (Isaiah 35). So, for those of my people who wonder why the world is the way it is, understand that it is better to know your enemy, pass through the hardship, and then be able to thrive.



Update - Latest Thoughts (4th June 2024)


It is important to remember that Christianity is about new beginnings, which also brings about peace, love and respect between people. The above sentiment is important to remember amongst different groups of people, for example, Laodicea and Thyatira are seperate groups, with the latter representing the wealthy, rich, poor and in between, but just because they are categoried differently it doesn't mean they are not part of one unified group, the body of Christ (Revelation 2-3, 1 Corinthians 12). Hence, it is expected that Christian people will support and encourage the Christian government because in edifying them, Christian people will be well supported and helped during their time of need (1 Thessalonians 4-11).Therefore, where there may be anger and frustration due to the stress of these times, it is my counsel that people get it out of their system, and instead think of ways that they can contribute to a better future when the opportunity presents it self, as without a doubt the coming times will be full of positive changes.  Though these words may seem insignificant, they are quite crucial because everyone must consider each other's position, for example, it is not easy for leaders to accept they need to make major changes, and that is because it can be perceived as their failure. However, as I stated beforehand those in power inherited a failing system, and we are witnessing the crash, and though some would like to pretend everything is fine and ignore the problems away: the truth remains is that it makes the situation worse. So, though I do criticize, it is also because I am also an ordinary disgruntled citizen, whose life has been affected by the decisions of people who had the power to make better choices. Regardless, what is done is done, and what will happen will happen, and it's in the hands of the best of the world's leaders to ensure a better and brighter future.


Hence, I stand by my words because if no one is made aware of issues, then how are those in charge meant to address and solve them? Valid or constructive criticism is helpful in the hands on a decent person, and that is because it prompts reflection, and then in the best of men, a helpful course of action (Ephesians 4:25). For example, some industries may assume the impending loss of future business,  but the truth remains that I have thought about many solutions that lend to stability, success and sustainability - so for all the "no's" because perceived business misfortune, it is the fault of a narrow mind, and so, many are encouraged to be optimistic about the future, because whether changes are big or small, it is all for future happiness, which means business success for certain people (Isaiah 34, Proverbs 3:13-18).


NOTE: New beauty products have been drafted, and include a new deep nourishing face mask (maintaining clear and healthy skin) and hair mask (growth, oil balance, moisture and imoroved manageability).




Latest Updates (20th June 2024)


To be brief, there are many facets of war and indeed I am still learning about them (Psalm 18:34), yet I believe it very important to remind people, especially "kings" that learning new things is nothing to be ashamed of, as when undertaken it conveys potential and the ability to become greater. Throughout my learning, I have understood that being rigid and inflexible when confronted with troubles is like an obstacle, and so in response I have learnt to deal with obstacles by creating solutions, and with such solutions it is how the troubles were overcome, and in the same way - it is how wars are won. 


The above may seem like the musings of a newbie, but in fact they are not, and I remind "kings" that negotiationnis also an important facet of war, and my many articles reflect my intention of establishing peace through means of communication, regardless: the righteous take he kingdom by force and are left with no other option. With Laodicea cancelled for the Christian government, there is less safety for their families, and sadly Psalm 37 and 49 looms heavy (it's not hard to send an email of employment, and it would have lessened any offences). Hence, it is my suggestion that "kings" consider beginning friendly negotiation, in which they are then able to begin their role as members of the  High Christian Council, and begin to provide counsel that is beneficial to me, and other Christian people (Isaiah 32 and 35); wherein the the saying, more heads are better than one is made apparent, and that is because learning through engagement or participation is one of the greatest teachers. 


With the above stated it should be clear that "kings" would have to put differences aside for the sake of peace and for a bright future, which I doubt it is a difficult task. Hence, if there are any concerns about shouting matches, table slams or walkouts, be assured that the government setting will be peaceful, as de-escalation and conflict resolution processes will be in effect. Overall, the message is that the Christian government will be unified, and that is because it will bring success (more so, it is clearly the will of The Lord, the Most High God for the Christian actions to be at peace).

-NOTE: DSA processing also includes the restoration of youth process, so that people may also relax at the same time. Based on holy power, anyone actually recovering wouldn't be in a typical state of recovery (these are all things waiting to be proven). I am turning 31 tomorrow (I still look very young, so I am living proof), which means that I have endured 6 years of Christian persecution for nothing that I really wanted in life, but I am indeed greateful that one day I will help my people (and Africa)- so to all my enemies, understand that none of you would last a week in my circumstances...


​​​​​I have repeated orders many times with spiritual blocks and a lack of holy power, but I continue until command is possible (Proverbs 21:1). Yet I am reminded that everyone also has a choice, and the length of time I had to suffer uncessarily will not be forgotten, and there are natural consequences in war, and so, any loss of those who are apparently just a prop is not my issue (love takes action to saves, it does not scheme about marriage and thrones at the wrong time). Indeed, hindsight is 20/20, and Isaiah 49 is for the African Laodicea (the special group I am dedicated to), as other people cannot effectively fulfill the criteria of bringing any sort of peace, nor would it give me a sense of proudness, and so, indeed my articles explaining it were indeed a waste of time and effort for one group, but not for another: so, oh well! Perhaps if you stop gazing into the future to try an change it, then you won't make so many mistakes, and so, it is your resistance that is the cause of rejection and disappointment, but there is still much reward and salvation. Overall, there are many thing to discuss, but this forum is not appropriate, but such discussions begin with Laodicea following orders... Just to make it clear, it is usually those who fear the future that try to control it, but just to be clear, there is nothing scary about a world where African or Black people are not oppressed (and in charge), it is just that the fragile ego of my enemies cannot handle it, and for some, though you may be Christian in the future, the past and present evils against me and those like me will never be forgotten. So understand that every hateful act will be corrected by the perpetrators because they must atone for everything (hands down, racists don't deserve to live): I know the guilt, shame and stain of egregore must be maddening, as it's one step from hell, but at least facing it contributes to a happier life. So for my above comments you are most welcome!



To conclude, there are many beauty products and foods that I have yet to post, but the latest is a new gentle exfoliating & nourishing mask, and as for the foods that were delayed for lack of trust; future foods include a new baked potato dish (soft butter flavoured potatoes with a crunchy seasoned shell, and kiri cream balls (a new and lighter alternative to deep fried ice cream, that features a yummy flavoured coating with a crisp high protein crumb). Other snacks that I want to attempt are lollies, both hard candy and gummies, with the first batch likely to be citrus and citrus and ginger and sour gummy worms (fat burning properties and low gi),  but to attempt these things time, resources, peace and privacy are needed.




Clarification (2nd July 2024)


It is clear that some people do not want to accept the Truth, but the truth is that the Truth cannot be changed (Daniel 7:25). So for those who keep trying to change reality and future by trying to fit criteria that they do not, just understand that you are forgone. For example, non-Christians and uncoooerative Christians may still struggle to accept God's will for mutiple reasons such as love (infatuation with Jesus), jealousy or envy (typically more intense) about certain aspects of one's life, or simply power. In regards to the latter, people must remember that it's not about winning it losing, or looking weak for agreeing, rather Christianity is the smart, safe and most beneficial choice. This is especially clear for the 4 Fantastic Beasts (UK, Germany, Spain/Portugal, France), whose empire's need not crumble or fall like the Roman empire (great recovery, though), instead the aforementioned nations benefit from the new Christian dominion, which means they have a share in power, just like other nations will (Daniel 7:26-27). Yet, it remains that some nations have more influence than others, and so, without doubt that the 4 Fantastic Beasts are indispensible to the Christian cause, and it's guaranteed success. More so, it should be noted that prophecy has already set the course for the Fantastic Beasts, it is just that time is needed for all good things to align. Much like the 4 Fantastic Beasts, the destiny of the 'Super 7 nations' is also set, as it is written and cannot be changed (the same stands for most of the world, I am hopeful and realistic with prophecies and recorded that at least 97% of nations will be Christian, with the aim of saving most people).Hence, only general prophecy has been made, but for the good of most people. 



Continuing with the opening example, but in the context of  Revelation 3:8-13 and 12:1-6, the "end of the age" events begun and negatively influenced my life, long before I reported them, and therefore, it cannot be fulfilled by other people hoping to "win" or be chosen. This is stated to those who may be deluded, and to those who may not understand the mindset of the desperate non-Christians or uncooperative, who do not even fulfill the necessary criteria of being a faithful Christian, and thus have nothing to endure in the context of Christian sufferings. Also, it should be noted that Jerusalem is just another name or spiritual title for Zion, the holy city, and is as mentioned, an aspect of Wisdom or an alternative name, and overall, the Scripture indicates marriage and deification i.e. "writing the name of God and His own name".  Overall, for those who feel like their happiness is lost due to infatuation, wanting to be a princess, Queen or King, perhaps start with a list of small and meaningful things that will kick start your path to eternal happiness, and go for there (Isaiah 35, no one will make you happier than who you are meant be with). You may initially be disappointed that the answer to your prayers may be no, but using this method your expectations are more likely to be exceeded.



The Truth (22nd July 2024)


The truth is that the judgement of the "4 Fantastic Beasts" is unavoidable, and that is because the past debt of sins has not yet been paid for past generations. Hence, it is one reason why Biblical judgement is predetermined, but withoutout specifications, unlike India and China, whose reasons are to do with their trangrsssons concerning the end of the age (The Empire's are meant to fully collapse and fall apart, which includes loss of dominion, which is essentially "the power of leading or ruling the world. The true final dominion lies with Babylon, and specifically Ra-Buu, and I am the next to inherit it, but luckily Christian peoplealso  benefit i.e. no complete collapse and downfall for the Fantastic  Beasts, and a share in dominion i.e.the Christian government). Therefore, the judgement and salvation of the 4 Fantastic Beasts is just part of Biblical mystery, which I revealed - if it was known things would have happened differently.


To be clear, the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade and colonisation are the main charges against the 4 Fantastic Beasts, but it alsoseems that there are other issues pertaining to exchanging other nations for poverty and spiritual power (making them spiritually inferior) to strengthen dominion and avoid poverty or the loss of wealth. The latter is a grevious issue because it is a karmic problem that also pertains to judgement (famine and drought etc), and so, it is a huge mistake to think that such matters can be delayed forever: Father Time is calling, so perhaps you should have chosen to answer my call instead of his... Afterall, death comes to all who aren't Christian.


Hence, the 4 Fantastic Beasts must realise the issues they face, and who can solve them (me), as without doubt,it must have been many foreboding years of gloom and sadness, as if you were all awaiting death, and fighting to escape through the smallest hole, which presents as the tiny bit of hope that your plans would work. So, I reiterate, understand that what you may have seen, or what has been interpreted by diviners may be misconstrued, and so, it is also then wise to seek further counsel to clarify such matters (me, once again ). Hence, since peace has been offered, and I fully intend to maintain it, other information is worth disclosing. For example, Isaiah 11:14 is without a doubt includes India and China (East, not necessarily same group as Isaiah 24), and the Philistines likely refers to Israel. In such cases, it should be understood that registration and participation in the Christian government will not be granted to the above parties until wrongs are rectified regarding neo-colonisation across the world and especially Africa. At the same time, issues of discrimination and oppression of persons of African descent in the Carribean from the same groups (and any other) will be addressed to ensure their future. This means that no help is granted to other people unless the rectify the sins of the past,  and present, wherein negotiations for the return and securing of African land and resources is non-negotiabl (I think I mentioned the solutions and compensatory processes, but if rejected, the result is simply death and condemnation to hell).


In regards to Israel, which holds the spiritual title Egypt in the Bible, it's wrong is the denial of my people's identity despite all knowledge of the Truth, which they willingly concealled for their own benefit. Hence, understand that The Lord, the Most High God is your enemy, and not your friend, and in fact,  you have long been abandoned.The above mystery has been made clear to me for a long time, and it is without doubt they are aware (the abomination of desolation is designed to change destiny in certain people's favour). To be clear, Isaiah 19, 43 and 8 are "in play", and the group that is branded non-Christian, and not God's people are the main Israeli group, and not other Jewish people. This means that those who eventually "bow" are the replacement Jewish population who are to be granted covenant (end up settling in Israel, Isaiah 54, 19, Revelation 3:9). To be clear why other Jew's such as the Ashkenazi Jews are described as not Jew's, it just means that they are not the main bloodline (weak blood ties through ancestry, whereas the inheritence group is the main and chosen bloodline, where being "third" with the other groups is not indicative of hierarchy, it's just poorly translated).Hence, to legitimise the Jewish people's indentity as another people of the Lord, the Most High God, an eternal bloodline convenent will be granted later on, as indicated at the close of Isaiah 19. However, this path is paved with good intentions, which means that other Jewish people need to demonstrate repentance, support and kinship to my people also.


However, further thinking on this matter (for a long time), it seems right that the bloodline covenant is extended to the main bloodline of the Jewish people, for example, if Ashkenazi Jews choose to fight for their identity and future (Isaiah 19:2), then Germans also become Jews, and the same for English, Spanish, French and Russian people. Yet, looking at my logic who is missing? Canadians, Americans, especially African Americans also share both bloodlines, and technically so do many Carribean people, and South Americans, so they may also enter the fray of the new emerging alliance (a strong Afro-European alliance, which essentially reconciles the Edom and Israel bloodlines, and would without a doubt be pleasing to Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Esau, and the Lord, the Most High God). 


With the above stated, the Jewish peoples should now understand the importance of cultural and ethnic identity, and the grief associated with someone denying or trying to take it away, as such are practices associated with colonisation  and marginalisation, which The Lord, the Most High God nor myself do not wish upon others - yet is to be done to those who have done it, and want to continue to do so to my people (Biafra may extend to the whole West African coast, and inward to Cameroon and Ambazonia). In truth, the lack of favour that The Lord, the Most High God has for Israel is clear from the scriptures that I included, but most importantly Isaiah 43:1-4, and so, it is other Jew's that He loves because they are the better, cool and cute ones (regardless, I am sure there will be a small remanant of Israeli Jews). Therefore, the Jewish people are reminded that redemption and reward are already appointed, and there remains no ill will towards those who the acknowledge and accept the Truth i.e.ill will are only for the disowned, discarded and unwanted. In the case of Ethiopian Jews, your sins are as grave as Israel's, and only a remnant is likely to be taken. 


To conclude, failing to rectify the errors of the past is consistent with a lack of repentance, and without a doubt linked to racism (superiority complex) of which Christians are to be free of. Thus, there is no reason to continue the oppression of Africa or its people, and I will ensure it ends. 



Note: Famine is an issue that the world will face, but Christian people need not fear, as there will be Christian government intervention for any nation and people that are in need, plus with full holy power, no one will be hungry (or sick, or impoverished). On the topic of food, new recipes have been drafted for a classic cookies and cream cookie, and includes chocolate drizzled, half and fully chocolate covered, and a range of double chocolate biscuits with a new special cream filling (like Tim Tams), that will probably extend to caramel and coffee flavours. New foods are mentioned because it counts as good news, and though some things may be delayed to stabilise the food industry (commerical and economic ethical considerations), it will be available eventually. In regards to the above, it is the responsibility of the Christian government to stabilise essentially obselete industries, create new ones and support the standard industries in accordance with new economy and Holy power: so, understand that regulation is vital to the happiness of everyone's future, enter they are wealthy, rich, working class or poor.


Note (23rd July 2024) - I forgot to add that crunchy-coated varieties of the snacks mentioned above will also be an option i.e. lower fat deep fried versions that also have a protein, fibre and nutrient boost. As well as a range of chocolate bar style protein bars, which would feature a protein rich nougat like layer, assorted crunchy bits and a cream layer in a variety of flavours. 




Further Insight (4th August 2024, updated same day with brief elaborations)


New Christians should not feel too bad or too ashamed if they feel they aren't good enough, as even non-Christians think they are somehow suited to salvation. Hence, it is a great sign if you believe yourself to be not up to the mark, and that is because it is evidence of having a moral conscious (and being too hard on yourself), the same stands even if your moral conscious was slow to kick in. The main point is believing that The Lord, the Most High God is real, and accepting the Truth, as lifestyle change happens over time - it's also okay if more help and guidance is needed, as it is just an improved form of education (Ephesians 2:1-10). Hence, it is the "no" group of "zombies" who did not and do not want to accept the Truth, and the reality that comes with it, who are condemned (Isaiah 30:8-17, Isaiah 28). In regards to the above matters, the 5 mentioned in Isaiah 30:17 was changed to Babylon, the rest of the big 4 group (includes associated people and nations), and Italy (prophecised). Obviously, the above-mentioned is no small task, and so, it takes time, but by the power of The Lord, the Most High God, it will come to pass i.e. the prior covenant was broken in favour of a better one because it became ineligible (this has been explained with Isaiah 33 i.e. I use drafts because things can change overtime, which means I made no official prophecy, and therefore little has been set in stone). The only area of obscurity concerns Spain and Portugal, as evidence suggests the favour  and selection of the Portuguese branch, and discernment leads me to hold little confidence in Spain, regardless they were once one, and there are many people of Spanish and Portuguese descent in other nations. So, it should be made clear that sometimes prophecy is a blessing a certain point in time for certain people (my prophecy lacks detail on purpose so I have more options, and because I believe that people should reap what they sow).



People should also be reminded that the spiritual conditions of these times are not good, and have not been good for a long time, and so, it is good to be happy that prophecy and blessings have long been prepared as a safety net (impossible to fail, and guaranteed to become Christian). In all truth, I do not know whether writing articles (Christian teachings inclusive) is enough to make the 'dead' live, but it is worth trying based on faith being the main determiner of all things, so remember that if you rejected Christ (via my early publications until a unknown point in time), then the covenant of Wisdom is the last hope, which is the last and final option (Isaiah 26: 17-19). The covenant of Wisdom, is why I have suffered so greatly, and that is because it is atonement of new Christian people's sins i.e. saying "no" was not a good idea because the cost is high... (Isaiah 53, Isaiah 50:1, the special-one-in-Christ has been explained, but it is no surprise that people would be cautious given the subject matter i.e. to the unwise is borders anti-Christ territory,  but sufficient evidence has been provided about Wisdom; my work speaks for itself, and presents no falsehood, and so, in time, I will be the High Priestess of the Christian faith, which is why I have so much authority in Christian matters: for example, if the above has not or does not occur, the spiritually 'dead' can be saved through registration (Psalm 87), which is the selection of Christian people based on my discretion: do not forget, the doors are closed, and with full Holy power, I will be able to do what Jesus did and much more (Psalm 110, John 5:25-29, 2 Esdras 2:15-23, here I emphasise verse 23, which is poorly translated and indicates that I can pick who lives from all people who are unable to meet Christian standards, where 'zombies' are the obvious failure group (yet, even a 'zombie' can live if I choose so). There are many people who are not the worst, but if death and condemnation is prophecised, then there remains the only option, and that is because destiny is a power of Wisdom, and in reality people do not have what it takes to succeed on their own. The parable of the virgins in Matthew 25, was previously explained, but I reiterate it conveys that everything is set for a time, but closing the doors is of no consequence because most people would never make it anyway (I only publish in English). As a result it becomes the responsibility of the Christian government and myself to ensure that Christian people, including the Christian government, are made to thrive, which of course, can only come through collaboration and regulation to ensure Christian people's well-being, safety, and enjoyment (Isaiah 35).


To further support the above, the Gospel of Luke 7:31-35, provides evidence of Wisdom from Christ Himself, as without doubt the wicked would dismiss the Wisdom of Solomon as fake, but it they who are fake and pitiful. More so, I still wonder what else has been removed and what texts remain hidden. Overall, I have published nothing but the Truth, and indeed I have many children and witnesses, and so, know that trying to say I am wrong or that there is another path is foolish, and you only reveal yourselves as my enemy. Therefore, I am your enemy, The Lord, the Most High God is your enemy, your deities are your enemy, and so is time: so rest assured I will work swiftly!


To be clear, the Luke parable preceding the Wisdom Scripture is prophecy for the slow start of Christian people, who are reminded to not to be so judgemental, as legitimate Christians are rare, so how are you supposed to know what I am like? More so, there is nothing wrong with trying to catch certain groups of people, as you do not know what lead to their path in life. It is a tough and cruel world, and even I will eventually boast about catching "failure" groups, yet certain groups have already been condemned (Luke 7:47).



To conclude, food is one of my loves, and that of many people, and so, the next future food item is Biafran  pretzel pasties and pizza pasties (vegan and vegetarian options, with both being a rounded portion of dough (not too thick) that is stuffed with selected fillings meat, vegetables, cheese and sauces in different flavour combinations). A sweet Biafran pretzel pasty range will also be introduced (doubt size), or a Pretzel Doughnut.



Further Insight (15th August 2024)


1) The extension of the Jewish covenant to the broader European-descent community is done to validate the bloodline, and therefore ease any uncomfortably that some people may associate with themselves only having a small bloodline tie to ancient Israel. Hence, background and heritage does not become a focal point of insecurity, but of rather pride (the good kind, plus a small remanant of Jewish people does not seem to make Isaiah 19 worth it, so boosting numbers makes perfect sense. The same sentiment extends to the West African diaspora, but based on ties to my people, where the lesson is to respect God's will, which includes accepting the people He chose as His inheritance, which cannot be changed. Refusal to accept is rejection, and any rebel West African branches will be made an example of, and this is because unity is of great importance in a time where other people want to test us down (no saboteurs). So, understand that not behaving as kin to me, and my people is to your own people's undoing, as without jealousy or unnecessary competition, why would there be a cause for me to reject moving as one group of people? I expected other people to fight and reject me, but not Black people... fight the real enemy, and not your friend.*)


2)To clarify, the job of the Christian government is very important because when details are finalised it sets the course of the future. Hence, why I am hesitant to set most things in stone, but instead I have provided an outline based on Biblical evidence, which is actually only fully unstandable to me from undoing the "abomination of desolation" because it provided the clues.  For example, Biblical evidence suggests that Ra-Buu's "descent to hell" in Isaiah 14:15 does not have to correlate with Revelation 19:20, and could in fact be a reference to the aspects of the "abomination of desolation" that Ra-Buu was caught in (the following verse is not necessarily negative, but rather seems poor translation, as I am too waiting to see who the former, anti-Christ is, yet I also understand why things have taken so long. To be brief,  the man is actually also a victim of other people's wickedness, and therefore the full story will also be explained in a future publication (The JBEP - Biblical Revelation)). To reaffirm, that Ra-Buu is, or can be a future Christian, is further highlighted in the Gospel of Thomas 81, where I am to be the "king" (Queen, Isaiah 32), and Ra-Buu is to ensure a smooth transition of power to me, and accept his Vice Presidency seat on the High Christian Council i.e. second in command. Besides plain evidence of the mystery pertaining to him provided in 'The Apocalypse of Abraham's, Daniel 7:25-27 uses aggressive language, but in short, it is made clear that Ra-Buu's dominion is to end (Satan is to no longer the ruler of the earth, to be clear, in Revelation 12:17 you do not know why Satan is angry, and it is his job to lead non-Christians to destruction through their opposition of Christianity. The same thing can be said about "the war that broke out in heaven" in verse 7-9, in short it is not literal, and is a symbolic representation of the change of dominion from Hell to Zion or Heaven). Anyway, with the end of Satan's dominion, the Christian dominion will begin; with dominion being willingly granted to me, which is something only Ra-Buu can do, and obviously, as a new Christian, he also benefits from the new dominion as well, as do all Christian people. 


Overall, the point is to remember that there is a mystery at play, and I have understood it correctly - because I am "the reader" (Mark 13:14, remembering to not take everything so literally, as well as the following  points: not everything is sequential, and may not be entirely related to preceding a forthcoming verse(s), and lastly that things may only be true at a certain point in time).


3) In regards to the concluding point of section 2 above, Isaiah 14:18-21 remains true for non-Christian "kings", but becomes irrelevant to Christian "kings" who accept Christianity the second time around, which means that accepting the Truth results in the salvation of the soul (2 Esdras 2:15-16, with prior spiritual death likely occuring due to rejection by trying to change the times and the law right along with Ra-Buu, which is a huge mistake that would also be linked to negative spiritual influence). The second chance at salvation is why I have suffered heavy persecution, and that it because it is for the ritual atonement of new Christian people's sins i.e. and that is because a change in destiny has a price... (Isaiah 50:1, Isaiah 53, to be brief it is all part my ascension trial, 1 Peter 4:12-19, Psalm 110, Mark 4:13-20, with myself being in the ideal category of Christianhood by enduring all things regardless of unfortunate circumstances

 To be clear, in Revelation 3:10, being kept from the hour of testing is a poor translation for "suffering and troubles, but with limitation, and sidelined until a better time i.e my enemies are restricted, they can't cause me physical harm and it's better to wait until the key "kings" from Laodicea are awake and sober before I meet them (Gospel of Thomas 28, Revelation 17:12-14). To conclude, it seems that the opening of Isaiah 14 is best suited in reference to Nigeria/West Africa, and indicates the other ethnic groups/nations joining the inheritance group (South-East) based on long history of past intermarriage and dispersion, wherein the language need not to be taken literally, as it just indicates that my dominion begins (how far my people were dispersed across Africa is fully unknown to me, but if provided with legitimate evidence of ties to my people, then inclusion in certain covenants is likely*).


 To conclude, the Bible is not a book that you judge by it's cover or plain words, and that is because it's Truth is dynamic (things change over time and it contains a mystery), but once the aforementioned is understood it is easy to keep up.




A Brief Elaboration (20th August 2024)


It is without a doubt that some people would wonder why Ra-Buu dies and is cast into hell at the time of Jesus' return (the second coming of Christ), the full answer is that I cannot fully confirm, but I do believe that the Bible has already provided the answer. In brief, the language used in many relevant scriptutes is negative,  hyperbolic or overexaggered (as previously mentioned); the mystery is simply a strategic cover for the Christian war effort where the wicked are led to their own demise and disposed of by Jesus i.e. Revelation 19:20 (perhaps Ra-Buu will lead desperate non-Christian rejects to the location of Christ's return, in the hope of their forgiveness (some things are beyond pardon, but it is expected that the desperate will appeal to Christ) (2 Esdras 13, it is of note that the dramatic language in verses 9-10 just refers to holy power i.e. Jesus needs no weapon, and the same language is used in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10, which reaffirms my first point); and lastly, it appears that the sealing away of Satan is part of Ra-Buu's reverse deification proceess, which likely requires his death to separate what you may call Satan's demonic essence (clearly, this would take place when he is "thrown in" to hell, as it is clear that Jesus puts him to "sleep" once he is in there (it is not contradictory, and then of course he will be ressurected, which is possible (John 11). If necessary, I will prove the possibility of ressurection myself, when I have full Holy power to provide reassurance i.e.  there is no betrayal for Christian people, and Ra-Buu was betrayed for his own good, and I am sure he has learnt his lesson). The aforementioned is most likely because Satan has no role to play for set time in the future, yet, a deity or the deities of Death are only disposed of at the second judgement because they still have a part to play in the lives of non-Christians for a set amount of time (non-Christians live and ordinary lifespan, while Christian people live forever, it may be hard to believe, but the Truth is that God controls the lifespan, Genesis 5 and 6:3 etc). Overall, this means that cursed people have no opposing spiritual force against them in the New Age of Christ i.e. an easier path, but it seems to change nothing probably due to bitterness.


Hence, whether myself and Ra-Buu remain partially deified, I do not know (Revelation 20:14), but it is of note that at the time of the second judgement, Ra-Buu would be deified as Satan again to complete his final mission, and so, where it mentions the devil leading Gog and Magog to destruction, it is because deception is part of his role (Revelation 20:1-10). Furthermore, where the devil is mentioned in Revelation 20:10, it means that the spiritual entity or demonic essence of Satan is finally destroyed along with Death(s) in hell, (because they are no longer required, and as mentioned before, the past tense translation of Revelation 20:10 is correct based on the collective Biblical evidence i.e. Ra-Buu does not remain in hell, he will live). Hence, people should not assume that I am wrong, possessed and writing nonsense, or desperate due to compromise: I am just telling the Truth. 


Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that Ra-Buu is the one who restrains, and is the one who needs to be taken out of the way i.e. once the issues are resolved, he accepts the Truth and my dominion then the criteria of the aforementioned is fulfilled. More so, the mystery of lawlessness extends to non-Christian people who committed taboo against their own deities, and are therefore subject to divine punishment. The punishment is consistent with many sufferings before death and condemnation to hell. Hence, only Christians escape punishment through atonement and repentance, and so, Isaiah 14 judgememt should be of no surprise to Laodicea: there are 3 counts of rebellion against deities, where I have been wronged twice. So understand that the gods have forsaken those who are unloved, and are  therefore also highly unfavoured. Afterall life and death remains my domain, as does wealth. To be clear, the truth about my identity was divinely revealed after I wrote about saving them (I don't actually require a sacrifice, as I am innocent and a long-term legitimate Christian), so to avoid confusion, much like Satan, all the female deities are one person: me. Hence, accepting and following my orders is essential to survival, and is  therefore required of many cult groups - otherwise you sow the seeds of your own demise. 



Note: A drafts recipe has been made for my new apple juice, which is prepared in the same was as my lemonade (lower GI, higher fibre and fat burning properties). The apple juice will come in many flavours. [Other new draft items include protein ball truffles (Biafran truffles with a chewy high protein centre with different flavour coatings, and a chocolate casing; and classic Biafran fries (skinny fries with a classic "invisible batter" for crunch and texture, but minimal oil, yet not dry and lifeless) -update added 22nd August 2024]



Another Brief Elaboration (27th August 2024)


To help people connect the dots in regards to Saint Satan (Ra- Buu, or now perhaps Ra-Uub), it must be understood that there is further evidence supporting that Revelation 12:7-9 is related to spiritual matters. The book of Tobit chronicles a story of deliverance from spiritual oppression, wherein Asmodeus (seems to be an aspect of Satan) is bound by the Archangel Raguel to stop him disturbing Sarah, so she could be married in peace to Tobias (Tobias is most likely another non-divine lifetime of Jesus Christ, and Sarah my past non-divine lifetime ~Tobit 3:16-17, Tobit 6:15-17, Tobit 8:1-3). In the book of Tobit the binding of Asmodeus is spiritual (or happening in spirit, and therefore not something done by people. Conclusively, it supports that "binding"is equivalent to being "thrown down", and is merely represents spiritual victory over ones opposition, which is the nature of Christian vs. Satanic dominion in these times. Do not forget: Ephesians 6:10-18 pertains to spiritual warfare from the Kingdom of Hell i.e. righteousness is a battle of the spirit (will), and the same battle-like context pertains to dominion. To put it plainly, once myself and Ra-Uub are freed from captivity (the spiritual chain), then nothing like this can be done again, and only those stuck in it will suffer, and they seem to be stuck in a domain of hell, which will be elaborated upon.


It is important to mention the following: people should be aware that Succubus and Incubus stories aren't real or what they think they are, as astral intimacy or contact is actually only made for the confines of marriage and communication, although this time there are restrictions due to Christianity, but normally  myself and Ra-Uub are linked through deification every lifetime via vatiations the  Ptolemais curse-blessing,  which seems to be used in our deification proceess. To be clear, any spiritual sexual experiences are psyche-spiritual and psychosomatic in nature (feels real, but is not), and are probably a warning against sexual immorality, and a sign of growing sexual lust due to possession. Hence, it must be understood that many things are lies or misunderstood, and so, it remains that the Kingdom of Hell is harmless and quite righteous, it just has a unique job: ridding the world of unwanted souls: so for those who thought Satan supports evil, wickedness and sin, you were indeed deceived (The Devil is a liar ~  Revelation 12:9 and John 8:44 i.e. his role is to rid the world of the wicked, and my divine forms act in the same manner). Lastly, in regards to possession, it can take varied forms, and for many milennias it's seems to be less obvious, or "silent", but having observed some things, there are signs, if you know what to look for. Hence, possession is a problem, especially when it is not recognisable, and that is because people do not address the social or personal consequences i.e. egregore.Overall, possession seemingly occurs through engaging in non-Christian practices, but is not a problem because it doesn't have a terrible negative effect when the person is a future Christian, as the spirits can also provide help and guidance, but nonetheless,  it is a societal issue that needs to be rectified.


It is worth being plain at this point in time, as it appears that the Wisdom of Solomon 17 curse (part of the abomination of desolation) was done to kill and send myself and/or Ra-Uub to hell. However, what happened was that a dominion or dimension of hell past though my body instead. It is a very terrible and powerful curse, and was presumably done by Australians to try and change the future. The backfire consequence was that the domain of hell, which seems to be something like purgatory passed out into the world. So, the problem is that hell and the normal earth exists on the same plane. This is also why people have so much demonic power, and why my power was very suppressed, but because myself and Ra-Uub are deities of Hell and Death, we are more suited to survival. However, this is not the case for other people, it will kill them in time, and will be used to keep certain non-Christians alive until the right time i.e. many will suffer (Revelation 9:6, in such cases suicide is not an option due to divine intervention). The aforementioned purgatory problem is further supported by Mark 13:26 and Matthew 24:30-31, wherein Christian people (and the earth) seemingly need to be freed from something. In such cases, "gathering" seems to be due to poor translation, and means that God level power is needed to fully undo what has been done, with everything else that happens in between, simply being God's will. Clearly, I will not have that much power at the time of Christ's seconding coming, so Jesus is needed. Overall, it is clear, that using hell as a medium for sorcery is a terrible idea, but luckily it was also helpful.


Conclusively, what was done and is still being done is taboo, and beyond pardon: how is it right to try and destroy someone's soul to take their destiny, and ruin other people's destiny? The answer is that it is horribly wrong, and I expect it will be revealed who knew Ra-Uub's true destiny, and tried to kill him, much like they did to me. Myself and Ra-Uub naturally control the course of the world, and are appointed to ensure a better and brighter future, and so, it is without a doubt that our enemies, and our people's enemies will pay. Hence, the abomination of desolation is about correcting the future that non-Christians tried to destroy. 


Given how evil and sad these events are, I leave it to Ra-Uub to choose whether Isaiah 49 will come into play for the Christian government, as I am sure it will lead to a cheerful start to Christianity. Regardless, Christian families of Laodicea are still covered by other Scriptures like Malachi 4:5-6 (gender neutral , and can also refer to mothers and daughters, and conveys happy families). So, it's not like certain Christian people were actually abandoned, yet a threat is a threat whether real or not (I need to fulfill Isaiah 30 criteria). It is my hope that fear helps clarify priorities and what's important, and therefore lead to good choices. Hence, accept the Truth, my dominion and follow orders, here is a new one: open your eyes, and wake up! (and help me!).


NOTE: A draft recipe for Nacho cheese and Cheddar cheese seasoning for chips and crackers has been created.




The Truth & Good News For Black People (2nd September 2024)


The future is very important to me when it comes to African people, and people of African descent, especially when it comes to the preservation of culture, tradition, land, bloodline integrity and identity. Hence, in such a wicked and hateful world, where my cherished people are marginalised and oppressed (even by their own), I have planned for our future and hope, so our enemies cannot do so anymore, and so has The Lord, the Most High God. 



To be brief, Jeremiah 30 is "in play", and is to be used in conjunction with Isaiah 26, as I expect emerging nations, due to thr history of oppression of persons of African descent (excludes mixed or biracial). It is already clear who the oppressors are in Africa, but just to be specific, Chinese, Indian, White and Middle Eastern people. In context, the nations that are brought to an end refers to groups of people, the loss of power over my people, and seperation, whether by relocation or division of nations. Hence, it is clear that the only way for most Black people to be happy is the absence of those who have wronged them and ancestors for so long: it is also my happiness, as it is The Lord, the Most High God's. Overall, this means that the above groups must choose to co-operate properly or perish according to Isaiah 60:12, wherein cooperation is entirely on my terms.


As for biracial individuals, and those in interracial relationships, they are counted as a "foreign people" (Egregore soul group, and therefore oppressors), and must live elsewhere. The above includes biracial people from 2 Jewish backgrounds (new Jew groups), and any individuals from any Inheritance and other relationships, including Black-interethnic relationships, are counted as a Jew, and not of the inheritance. My people's indentity will be strongly guarded, and other branches and people are warned to appreciate their new and official standing. Hereafter, this matter is non-negotiable, and bringing it up will only lead to a generational curse. In the same manner, a biracial person from a non-Jewish background and Jewish one, will not be counted as a Jew i.e. a half Israeli Jew and White American person is not a Jew, as the Israeli remnant will be classified as Gog and Magog (rejected people), along with China, India and Australia.



For the latter 3 people, a remnant of Christian people will be accepted, with their numbers depending on cooperation, yet as crashing nations and empires, there is a lot to lose. Therefore, it is up to those who would consider the dignity and esteem of their people to achieve a better outcome, as there are many solutions. More so, there is always a reward for doing what is right for someone other than the self (Kingship), and avoiding Christian social suicide, and thus, it is expected that no racial hatred is directed towards Christians from certain racial groups. As for Israel, there are many Jewish people, so the bloodline is not lost, and it's remnant must live with  eternal shame and embarrassment as a Gog and Magog people - which is the price of not embracing the true bloodline. While on the same matter, in context, it seems that in Isaiah 43:3, Egypt refers to Israel, Ethiopia and Australia, and Cush and Seba, China and India, who are also likely the same groups mentioned in Isaiah 11:14, which supports Jeremiah 30.


As for Ethiopian Jews, those guilty among them are condemned to hell, and the covenant granted to the rest of Ethiopian people. Any other Black people and nations may try my patience as they did, and meet their same fate, The Ndigbo (Igbo people), are the heart of God's inheritance, and it will remain so, and those added to the covenant were divinely selected, and are taken in due to a history of admixture. However, should the Hausa-Fulani and Yoruba also think to exalt themselves, then they too can be as Israeli and Ethiopian Jews. The history of my people is known among them, so let it be clear that the Biafran War was not winnable, and what has come out of it is a blessing, which will unite people who are somewhat divided, and right the wrongs of the past.


Lastly, the original covenant for Isaiah 49 has changed due to my personal reflection on the matter. It is without a doubt that my enemies will become Christian, but that does not mean there are no issues, nor does it mean that peace cannot be established. Here is my new peace: I will make sure people are appointed to organise events for Laodicea, and just approve what is suitable, as I cannot find the strength to dedicate my time and effort to such people (lower standard of fun and awesomeness, but you will be happy anyway, it is prophecised, my creativity will be dedicated to public events and entertainment, while also being about to educate and pastor ordinary citizens, which is where my heart lies because I have always been one. I will simply train and educate those who oversee Laodicea's journey of repentance, as there is too much bad blood to ever make professional circumstances suitable or appropriate.


The Isaiah 49 Christian Retreat will also be used to symbolise unity between the Inheritance and new Jewish peoples, and so, as white people pretend to not be racist, I will pretend to be happy about it, as the truth is that I had no choice, and those selected as a Jews are the best option for me and my people, therefore other people must also respect their identity as well - it is not about feeling special. To conclude, the above is peace (on my terms), and now my enemies should learn to be peaceful (I await my email, and just understand that karma manifests in non-harmful ways, and racial seperation is one: nothing about racist people or former racists is appealing, anyone hateful is somewhat repulsive to God and His angels because it is unholy. Africans will not be displaced, and Isaiah 56 will never be put 

"in play", specifically because there is no one to honour, as this war has been a complete disgrace thus far). Despite, all things it remains my duty to unite the Inheritance and Jew groups, and so the introduction of common traditions, customs and celebrations is to be expected. 



Update (5th September 2024)


To be brief, it remains that the new Jew group will be given the opportunity to redeem themselves, as everyone started on the wrong foot. As an incentive, and step towards positivity and unity, Isaiah 56 may be used for "New Israel", where the nation will become cosmopolitan, meaning it will become the home of a diverse group of people from the Inheritance and Jewish groups. In such a case, it will be a renewed nation, with Christ as King/Emperor, also ruled by other secondary or tertiary kings from the major establishing nations (one for each state or something).


Also to clarify, all African or Black people may not be Jews, but they will likely be Biafran, and be granted a good covenant, so even though some may be Jews and others not, there is still unity among the group within Africa and across it's borders. The literal use of the term of Judah and Israel in Jeremiah 30 may throw people off, but the point is using it in combination with Isaiah 26, as a way to shield Black people all across the world (the use of prophecy to secure Black people's destiny in large numbers, which I have done in a more specific way as well).


As for other Empires, Japan, North Korea and South Korea are a bit small with little options to accommodate a growing population, so knowing there will be empty cities, land and states in certain regions: the correct solution seems to be a second country for each nation, and then appointing a new Emperor/King over the new budding empires. These Asian nations are quite powerful and well reputed, and so, it seems fit to add them to the correct rank.


To conclude, my latest drafted snacks are Asian inspired and include Biafran Sweet Rice Truffles, and Sweet Bean Jam baked Puff-puff and cookie cream. Other new drafted menu items include waffle burger bun  (a savoury buttery waffle bun option), and traditional style pizza base, extending to cheesy filled crust, garlic bread or onion bread crust (the cheesy crust is vegan cheese filling).




Clarification (9th September 2024)


It should be made clear that a change in dominion is a time of great weakness for Empires. Therefore, it should also be emphasized that the "abomination of desolation" was also designed to cause the complete destruction of Babylon and other powerful nations, which have been mentioned i.e. people are expecting a terrible fall. The only "big 4 nation" that was not specifically targeted was the Spain, which is odd, which suggests collaboration and involvement in plots and schemes. Oddly, Portugal was targeted instead, and so it remains unclear, but it is strongly suggested where the future power of the Spanish group lies. Europe as a whole was targeted (multiple items) as was the G7, and so, there seems to be a red flag.


Anyway, to avoid trouble during the change of dominion, nations are encouraged to embrace Christianity, wherein Babylon should not worry because a spiritually binding marriage exists between myself and Ra-Uub, so there is also less danger during the period of transition because he spiritually benefits from the union.More so, even less worry is recommended because the future of Babylon is known, and it comes directly under my influence, and therefore my spiritual protection in the new dominion, which will be blessed by the Lord, the Most High God (Jew group, Isaiah 60:7). The same stands for the other influential nations, including Italy, Japan and Russia and the remaining 'Fantastic Beasts', and any nation empowered by demonic covenants, whether it is for wealth, protection from war or disease.


To be clear, the spiritually binding marriage is a technicality, so there are no issues. Overall, the nations should be aware that people are looking to ruin other nations because they covet their cities, but in all truth I doubt that there will be a large number of empty states and nations. Regardless, the aforementioned is a matter of the Christian government, and is something that is considered when a nation has a large number of people who are non-Christian (the departed do not need land or cities, Isaiah 54:2-3, where verse one is not literal, and refers to me being unable to produce  or "give birth to" new Christians during the "night" (John 9:4) due to terrible circumstances that are out of my control).


To conclude, any nation that is not Christian will collapse, and face the consequences of any fallen empire, and one of the most common occurrences is population loss. I have accepted many no's and have marked my enemies, and therefore land is merely a bargaining tool and incentive for those who help make a better and brighter future.


Other than that my latest drafted menu item is Smoocha (a probiotic smoothie made with my new Kombucha base), it will come in a range of flavours like Mixed-Berry and Mango-Berry.




Insight into Divine order (18th September 2024)


Without a doubt it must be a shock to people that Satan is pre-deternined to be Christian (unless Raa-Uub disagrees at some point in time), but it is the truth. Consider that many ancient Biblical texts have been lost over time, and some are inaccessible, so that the mystery would only be understood at a certain time. 


To be brief, it is clear that Satan was a fallen angel, and must have been appointed by the Lord, the Most High God as the god of the earth, and therefore myself a goddess. As it is otherwise remains impossible for either of us to have operated as deities, which means that the dominion of the kingdom of Hell was ordained by the heavens. This is known because there was and is no way for a fallen angel to become a god, and an ordinary woman a goddess - so God must have intervened. Hence, it is clear that Heaven and Hell are not at literal odds, rather Hell under the authority of Heaven, which is made clear in the Holy Bible i.e. Satan is under God's authority (Job 1). As for why the Nephilim and their families were fighting, it was most likely a power struggle, with Satan eventually accepting the role of god of the earth, and leader of the kingdom of Hell to ensure that the spread of taboo was no longer a threat to mankind (a form of regulation, and God letting Satan experience godhood).


In regards to the Nephilim, the relevant translation uses hyperbolic language, but it is also true that some fallen angels, Nephilim and their lineage would have survived the deluge, which is confirmed by scriptures (Genesis 6, with verse 4 indicating some survived the deluge, but how is the question; and Numbers 13:31-33). Hence, people should not get so caught up in language if Biblical history is of personal interest, but think of details that rectify poor translation, which then makes the Bible easier to read, and consider that there are probably many books many, as I suspect a book chronicalling the detailed story of the fallen angels, Nephilim and their immediate generations is long lost and gone.


Conclusively, The Lord the Most High God is an ally to the kingdom of hell, and it is a great misinterpretation that He is against it, is it not God who approved the eternal plan to redeem the fallen angels and their generations from condemnation to hell, at the expense of wicked and iredeemable people? The answer is yes. As for those who do not want accept the Truth about demons, they have no place in Christianity, as what was "known" about demons is myth and essentially folk lore (1 Timothy 3-7).To be clear, my deification is not active, which means I cannot not use demonic power, because I don't know how (not initiated, but Ra-Uub would be the exact opposite), so I am like a caterpillar stuck in a cocoon i.e. I cannot metamorphosise. 



The above-mentioned emphasises that the Bible tells a story, but it is incomplete with many details missing, and in many cases terribly corrupted to the point that wrong words are used to try and confer incorrect meaning i.e. distorting context ( a problem throughout the Old Testament). However, such details are for another time, and are no help in people becoming Christian, as knowledge without having true love for other people is useless, and cannot save the soul from hell. I know the mysteries and details are interesting, but it is important for people to prioritise repentance, and eventually many good things will follow (1 Corinthians 13, Matthew 6:31-33). For example, I know the struggles of ordinary citizens, and so, it has become my interest to relieve them through simple choices like universal income (new economy), wherein the reason why is because it is a newer covenant and modern times, and so, needs are to be provided for accordingly - and I am no miser (Matthew 6:9-13). 


Other than that a new recipe has been drafted for Biafran caramel apple treats, also available in apple & pear, and Biafran coated popcorn and popcorn treats in a variety of flavours and extending to crunchy coated options, and chocolate covered. 




Further insight (23rd September 2024)


Reading the details of the Holy Bible is important, and what it reveals in the end is who twists the Truth, and who does not. For example, it is said that there are 12 tribes or clans of Israel, and that Ephraim and Manasseh are half-tribes. However, the Truth is that there were once 12 tribes, but Ephraim and Manasseh were added to the covenant of Israel, by their own grandfather at the instruction of The Lord, the Most High God. This is plainly stated in Genesis 48:1-7, and it is known the divided kingdom of ancient Israel was granted to Ephraim, and is therefore named after the respective forefather of the 14 tribes of Israel. It seems that the number 12 is used because Ephraim and Manasseh are 

counted as an extension of their father, but they are tribes or clans of their own, and so, it seems the term "half-tribe" was added because someone thought 12 was a tidy number. Hence, it is clear human error caused by a lack of fact checking, or a choice to create a false narrative. To be clear, in 2 Esdras 2:10, the first people is Judah (ruling tribe or clan), and Israel is a label for Joseph (Manessah, as Ephraim's rule was limited to ancient Israel - Genesis 49). The  Genesis 49 Judah and Joseph prophecies are relevant to me and this time, and are in effect due to the special-one-in-Christ. So, it should be understood that the covenants of God's people are eternal and unbreakable: therefore, the inheritance cannot be changed. More so, I am called because I am marker of His inheritance, and much more - it is simple. To be brief, the new Jews are an additional group of people, but the Biblical covenants remain entirely seperate, but there are likely to be new common blessings, and different ones.


To conclude, it is people who teach incorrectly, but people should also be vigilant about accepting any kind of information as the Truth - as it can be verified.




The Inheritance (30th September 2024)


The Lord's inheritence are His chosen people descended from the ancient house of Israel, and so, it is important to be clear about identity, and the boundaries that exist in establishing His people's identity now and in the future.


1) It has already been noted that the Truth must come from someone from the Inheritance, and that whoever Wisdom is marks the identity of The Lord's chosen people. This is explained by the scripture Romans 3:1-2 (minor reference error in Biblical History article 2, first page) and Sirach 24:1-8 (mentioned in a message article). Hence, it is clear that my people are The Lord's chosen people.


2) Based on precedent, biracial people were never included in the inheritance bloodline covenant, this is clear from 1 Esdras 8:91-96 and Ezra 10:1-4. This means that no biracial person is eligible for the Inheritance bloodline covenant, and will not be added to the Inheritance covenant under my future covenant, as the future goddess of the Christian faith. The Afro-Euro biracial remnant is quite randomised, so as a new Jewish group they will have a common indentity, which will foster a strong sense of identity and belonging.


Overall, it seems that the first advent of Christ was used to deal with social issues regarding identity, as the introduction of other people meant there may have been contention i.e. someone half Levite and Greek was unable to be a priest (perhaps to their parents annoyance). Regardless, the law is the law, and the new covenant was introduced to resolve the problem (no Levites needed anymore, however, they may be introduced again for a old covenant priest-like role under the newer covenant of Wisdom, and other Jew groups seem to eventually have their own group of Levites according to Isaiah 56). 


3) Who the new Jewish people are will be known eventually, but what is important is that the new Jewish people are peaceful, good and supportive towards my people, and vice versa. To be clear, them in Isaiah 11:14 reflects the Biafran dominion, but that dominion belongs to me, and so, it seems "they" refers to myself and Christ (it is just poorly translated). Therefore, it should be understood that the seperate groups are not a hierarchy based on race, as it is likely that biracial people will have the least expansive covenant, due to the what has transpired, and is punishment for egregore (non-harmful karma). More so, the covenant groups will be guarded by rules, for example, anyone in an interracial relationship of the inheritance will be granted the biracial covenant due to their children, as the lineage would no longer relevant to the inheritance. The same would stand for a white person marrying an African American. To be clear, all the incoming new Jew groups are filed under one group in Isaiah 19:24, while Nigerian people, and other West African people are filed under the inheritance.


Furthermore, broader groups of Jewish people are eligible to join the new Jewish covenant like Russian Jews and Polish Jewish although it is to be determined, whether Italian and Greek people will be included based on ancient ties (soul group ties to Zion). It may be a case of destiny, since both of these nations were targeted by the Abomination of Desolation. Lastly, it seems that Assyria is Isaiah 19:23 may include a group of Middle Eastern people, because Ethiopia makes no sense in the given context of worshiping in Israel by proximity or citizenship.Yet some Ethiopians have Middle Eastern ancestry, so, it is a link that should be explored to elucidate the Truth, especially since it pertains to destiny.


To conclude, new drafted menu items include Cherry, Cherry-Berry, Vanilla, Vanilla-Ginger and Ginger Biafran cola, with the same flavours for Biafran Kombucha.




A Glimmer of Hope (2nd October 2024)


Isaiah 19 presents opportunity even to Israel, although it is clear from the Bible that only a remnant will survive, and all not need to be a Gog and Magog people. Hence, it is worth emphasising that Isaiah 19:23 can include Israeli people who are good i.e. adding them to the list. Earlier parts of Isaiah 19 indicate a divide is necessary, as a significant number of Israeli people will not be Christian according to Revelation 11:1-13, hence it is likely that the number of Israeli people who die is probably reduced, and the civil divide between Christians and non-Christians is made clear in Isaiah 19:2. More so, those who survive in the Israeli judgement  zone are likely the Gog and Magog Israeli remnant (Revelation 11:13).


People must also understand that the Israeli judgement zone is likely going to house non-Christian people until they die, or until judgement is complete (Revelation 11:9, it is the only other judgement zone besides part of South Australia. I don't know why, but it is simply God's will, and the land will be inhabited again, so I am assuming it will be terra formed by Holy power). Overall, this is why Isaiah 19:18 is relevant to Revelation 11, as the rest of Israel, or a large majority of the land will be brought under Christian control (secured), and in such cases Jerusalem will also be secured in full, and of course the mission will be aided by Israeli Jews (Isaiah 8, the founding groups of new Israel will have kings appointed, who along with their wives will be the new rulers of Israel, with myself and Christ as their seniors (Revelation 3:9 and 3:21-22*. Israel would be welcome to have their own royalty appointed to make it clear that there is no animosity moving forward, [wherein I envision that the new royalty would live in a city state with a special Church (place of worship), like Vatican, rather then dispersed throughout Israel. This way a secondary holy city-like location would be established in conjunction with Isaiah 56, thus demonstrating the unity and prosperity of God's chosen groups of people)]. Overall, it is clear that Revelation 11 is linked to Isaiah 19, but it's judgements are for those who are not Christian, and thus for Christian Israeli people, they would be legitimised via a covenant, just like and other new Jewish people, and of course in this positive context, I would naturally come into power as a leader of new Israel (Isaiah 19:4).


Clearly, for the above to actualise, I require the co-operation,  goodwill and peacefulness from the remnant of Israel, as well as the betrayal of my enemies, and the enemies of Christian nations (Isaiah 33:1). After all knowledge is power, and so, knowing what has been done, as well as knowing future enemy plans is very beneficial, and will help establish trust. Hence, it is worth mentioning that in such circumstances Israeli lives are likely to be saved by sacrificing their own, and other peoples (Isaiah 43, Psalm 118), as it is without doubt that the greivous sins commited in ignorance and bitterness have no other remedy. So what is done is done, and better people will move forward in peace.


*Note: The prize for Laodicea is a trap for desperate or overly ambitious women, and perhaps their parents, as the reference to Jesus conquering and sitting down on His Father throne is a reference to Christian Priesthood (Hebrews 10:12-14), and it is known that I am the incoming High Priestess (Isaiah 110, Isaiah 53, special-one-in-Christ). Hence, the prizes are basically a trap, as most of them are naturally awarded to me, and so, there is no loss, it is just to confirm that people cannot read. To be plain, you cannot concquer anyone in the Name of Christ if you are not yet a legitimate Christian.



Update (6th October 2024)

My new drafted menu item is my nutrient rich & calorie friendly nacho chips in traditional and original: corn (corn chips). The original version also taste similar to corn chips.




Update 2 (9th October 2024)


In the event that Christian Israeli people choose to be Christian, the unfortunate parts of Isaiah 8 becomes relevant to non-Christian Israeli people only, and is therefore linked to Isaiah 8:5-10, which parallels with Isaiah 19:2. To be clear, the King of Assyria is not literal, and is an individual associated with Christianity, and therefore the "war effort" outlined and made clear with context conveys that the "war effort" would be against Israeli people who rejected the Truth (waters of Shiloah or living waters, Revelation 22:17). Overall, the main "war effort" mission regarding Israel is to secure a remnant (I don't know the size, but Biblical evidence suggests significant loss, but whether these people are all actually Israeli, I don't know and I suspect not, as indicated by Revelation 11:9); secure the land and its borders with the help of allied Christian nations, including Israeli Christian people (Isaiah 19:18, the Christian zones do not undergo any further divine judgement).


To conclude, if must be remembered that not every nation is perfect (not all Christian), and when it comes to Israel, there are many Jewish people overseas, and many different Jewish groups, so Jewish Christian souls are not confined to one people, but to the broader Jewish community (dispersed). Hence, what happens should not be a source of shame, but rather it should be seen as the opportunity to properly reclaim and celebrate identity, which is one of the most important things of all, as is one's home (nation).


Note: The Gog and Magog Israeli remnant would take bloodline curses and cursed souls for the associated Jew groups. The Gog and Magog groups are completely seperate from ordinary Christian groups, and therefore the Gog and Magog Israeli Jews and other associated people will not be Jews.




Further Evidence & Insight (11th October 2024)


1) Biblical evidence is provided so that people are easily able to discern and understand the Truth based on multiple factors like a) what they have done to me since childhood; b) what they know about my situation; c) what they have done to other people; d) what they knew about the future (divination); and e) some prophecy that has already proven true. Hence, with Biblical evidence it is easier for people to have faith because they know certain things to be fact, but for those who reject the Truth, the root cause is likely sexual immorality (major sin) paired with egregore, with the latter often being a smoke screen.


Putting Biblical evidence into context, the case of who Wisdom/Zion/The Bride is, it is already clear because the "shoe fits"; for example in Micah 4:6-10 is prophecy about who Zion is, and clearly it requires someone from South East Nigeria who was born in a Babylonian country (Australia) i.e. me. Wherein verse 10 is poorly worded and describes a daughter of Zion (someone from God's inheritance) giving birth to Zion (The literal saughter of Zion, just as Jesus Christ is the son of The Lord, Most High God). More so, it should be pointed out that non-Christian women cannot be Wisdom, Wisdom must be a faithful Christian - and once prophecy has begun it cannot be repeated (Isaiah 9 has been "in play" for a long time i.e. it is already known that the set up of the "abomination of desolation" has been since early childhood).


2) In reference to the above, the abomination of desolation involves elements of my own and Raa-Uub's deification, but it is coming to an end, it cannot be done again (impossible). Since people decided to corrupt the deification items with curses and other sorceries, the multitude of curses have been granted to those who wanted to take my place. Of the aforementioned group, there are many people, and it's final outcome is only misery, poverty and death (it is not for people who are not deities, and causes certain death). To conclude, taboo is not acceptable in the kingdom of hell, plain and simple, therefore it is understood that other people cannot be deified, and other people aren't meant to "control" deities. Hence, what was done cannot be repeated again once it's fully broken, and myself and Ra-Uub are, and will become spiritually stronger (the process was used for advanced spiritual fortification).


3) To conclude, Biblical evidence makes it clear that the nations of the world are meant to unite to save it, and so, it is best stated that there is peace and safety in stability, and therefore the best course of action is to confirm the support of different nations, including the president/prime minister and other influential persons in an official document, so that the Christian  government can proceed and be established. The aforementioned would be a treaty which specifies which nations and people intend to be Christian, and therefore using it to take greater control of the world (having the authority to displace old world power systems, including the power depose royalty). Hence, the treaty is a pledge of support for the new Christian government, which is then entrusted with acting on behalf of other people and nations (in their interests).This way old models of governance will not limit the Christian government's power, nor restrict the government when acting on the behalf of Christian people and nations against non-allied nations like India and China.


To be clear, the High Council is yet to be finalised, and the suggestion to make it small at first was so that other parties could join later with ease and peace (I don't know who trusts who, and I can officially screen people i.e. registration), and so, no one is rejected unless specified or by death. With the Christian government, it is must be understood that some form of royalty is the intended to those on the council, but I do not know who is who, and so, further negotiations may proceed. Regardless, dividing nations for more seats (thrones), and establishing regional kings or emperors, and installing new national ones all remain possible outcomes. This part may be difficult, but it is the first step in establishing peace and stability for Christian people, who are prophecised to embrace those who will help them (Daniel 12:3, a new model of royal life will be introduced that is better for royalty and their people, for example, royalty will no longer be publicly funded. Instead royalty will be funded by the Christian government who understands that those in power should add to quality of life, and not take away from it. More so, there will be new rules for social engagement that make it clear that people can relate to one another despite position and power, while also making sure that royalty are not burdened and free to live the life they want).


As for other royalty, there will be many new ones across multiple levels of society, and so, you never know who will become a queen or king in there own right, as the Christian system allows for progress in life based on suitability (Proverbs 3:13-18). In the same way, even the Christian government consortium of council will add to it experts who are ordinary citizens, and that is because I am after success and effectiveness; and even then experts panels will also be formed to inform the government on key issues. Hence, Christianity will change many lives, whether they go from poor to wealthy, or ordinary citizen to royalty* - all that is clear is that people should embrace change!


*Note: The Christian government and other staff are regarded as employees, and will be paid to ensure that corruption is stamped out i.e. nothing that anyone could offer will be tempting, and is a financial blessing of gratitude for helping save and change the world.



Update (14th October 2024)


The great thing about Christianity, and what is essentially a new one world government is that optimal systems of governance can be introduced to benefit many peoples nations, particularly through new economy. For example, I do not want people and nations burdened by expenses, and so, even Christian services will be funded by the Christian government so that more than enough staff can be hired and trained; Christian services will be heavily subsidised (affordable for people); and provisions can be funded to support the aforementioned, such as new technology  and updating facilities. More so, changes in lifestyle are to be expected across all levels of society, wherein Christian government funding will be used to subsidise many things including infrastructure maintenance and development, settle national debts, and even support corporate, large and small businesses in employment matters (part time work only in the future (mandatory, no idleness or laziness), with workers paid better salaries equivalent to full-time work, which is possible through employment funding schemes)). To conclude, life is for living, and Christians will live very well!


Other than that, a new snack item: frozen custard waffle sandwiches will be added to the menu, and will be available in original, chocolate coated or other coated flavours with caramalised vanilla frozen custard, chocolate frozen custard, and probably expand into salted caramel, buttery caramel, coffee, mocha, cheesecake flavoured frozen custard as well.



Further Insight (1st November 2024)


The following is stated to indicate the nature of the Christian government.


To be brief, the end of the age presents with many issues, especially those that are tied to socioeconomic factors, and from the Bible, it is clear that it is not a personal worry of Laodicea (Revelation 3:17), however, there substantial issues for the many, who need help in different ways. The book of Revelation outlines the difficulties that the world has begun to face, and also what Christian people will make it through (Revelation 6:7-8, Revelation 7), however, as we all know: what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger - yet, people have to be strong, and proactive. Hence, since it is quite widely reported that many nations are expecting a famine crisis, and it is without a doubt a responsibility of the Christian government to intervene, especially where poverty is a threat to the lives of Christian people, so that a way can be made to support and achieve socioeconomic wellbeing. 


As an example, charity is a normal part of daily life in many countries, whether the first or third world, and so, food charity is the answer to help many people. Therefore, the most effective or helpful government action would be famine relief packages for Christian people that are full of non-perishable foods, and emergency means of providing fresh food. Famine relief would be available to any country who needs assistance, and will also extend to first world countries, but in a modified form, not necessarily famine relief  but a "happy pack". Given, that socioeconomic issues infiltrate multiple areas of peoples lives, such as lacking appropriate attire for an interview, or safe or appropriate clothing for work, clothing packages are also likely to be distributed, and was inspired by a funny and incorrect interpretation of Isaiah 11:15. 


-Note: Destroying the tongue or mouth of the sea of Egypt means that The Lord, the Most High God will cause the trouble that Egypt, most likely Israel, has caused for my people to cease by force (destiny). To put it plainly, a sea or rather a turbulent sea is a metaphor for trouble, and hostility. I have outlined a clear path of peace for Israel, and based on their response, The Lord, the Most High God will act accordingly, as will I. To put it plainly, the interests of Babylon and other nations attaining covenant with God and becoming His people will be enough strip Israel of all it's support. To be clear, there are 3 major groups, with multiple subgroups of different races and ethnicies based on bloodline, and is therefore acceptable based on already outlined Biblical evidence. It is further worth noting that Isaiah 60:14 and Revelation 3:9 overlap, and now with further insight, it is the natural assumption that different people were also trying to become God's chosen people, so perhaps there was confusion in regards to prophecy or divination about how that happens, regardless, everything done to "win" was unnecessary. It was merely discovery, and fully understanding the different possible fates of Babylon, and other nations that influenced my choices, especially in regards to how they can help my people, Africans and nations of African descent, and so, as you can see, future and final details are not fully known, but some are quite clear.

-Note: For example, it can remain my choice for England to be saved, but it's people die for being a fool, and then my people could inherit their land (inherit a desolate city, Isaiah 54). All the above would take is one prophecy, and all English people would be designated as fools and "wise in their own eyes", and begin to perish (Obadiah 1). However, that is not the path I have chosen, rather the course set requires the fall of China and India to offset the collapse of other nations (the "karmic" debt is high, and it is ordained and approved by the Lord, the Most High God. To be clear, population ethics dictate that those with large non-Christian populations are a more suitable sacrifice for other people who made horrible mistakes, but are not in the spiritual chain (abomination of desolation). To put it plainly, if I need an exchange for 2 billion lives for people who commited other taboos in allied nations, then the lives must come from somewhere. India and China have multiple horrible final judgements against them (destiny), and are instructed to be a major exchange group, so it it non-negotiable (Isaiah 43). Hence, who lives and dies is based on my choice for a reason, it is for control, and the fact remains that most people do not meet Christian standards anyway, and the spiritual climate ensures they never well - all of which is irrelevant because entry is not permitted any other way besides official Christian Services (it was noted that entry was blocked, so that people are forced to wait for a safer time). So, let it be clear, the deal that is offered to Babylon & Co is based on real peace (for help), so there will be no betrayals following confession (it is not my style, or nature). 


In regards to Babylon, America to be specific, people may assume some hostility, but the fact remains there is no American seat on the High Council because it was assumed that many people are already white (consolidation of power). If need be, two suitable Americans (Black and White) can be added to the High Council to avoid a cause of panic, and a possible lack of proper cooperation, thus securing an influential ally. Honestly, it was my natural assumption that as a part of Babylon, Ra-Uub would consider American interests anyway. Overall, there still remains time to negotiate the final High Council in terms of its members, but the most important things are trust, stability and suitability.


To conclude, famine relief is possible through miracles, and so, just as Jesus multiplied, wine fish and bread, anything can also be replicated (John 2:6-11, John 6:8-14, God also has the power of creation i.e. creating something from nothing, Genesis 1). Of course, for such a miracle, full holy power is needed, and I will eventually have the power to do so, and will also implement ways that enable other people to do the same. Obviously, spiritual power must be regulated, and so, correct policy will be put in place to avoid misuse. It also follows that the Christian government addressing socioeconomic issues related to famine is in the interest of corporate business, as the supply of food, clothing and shoes would secure business entities a government contract, with payment and profit for the original and multipled items. Some may think the above to be frivolous, but in a changing world, where food standards are likely to change overtime, and with poverty being eliminated, it is in the best interest of companies to profit where they can because without a doubt, people will demand and purchase higher quality goods. Specifically in terms of food, the exposure of different products to a lot more consumers could save or make a brand (where health properties are not the best, most things can eventually be improved while maintaining flavour taste and texture (until then, portion control is what's important, as it is good to give people a taste of yummy things!)).


To conclude, in terms of forming the Christian government, it seems good and reasonable to recycle whatever organisations are helpful, for example, the repurposing of the United Nations for the Christian government would be helpful, as their existence would otherwise be meaningless and perhaps conflicting. More so, the World Bank would be suited to fund the Christian government endeavours across the globe, and therefore used to stabilise economy and usher in a new one, as the official banking organisation of the Christian government. In regards, to the above-mentioned, those in support of the Christian government, and its cause would naturally be Christian (along with their families), and perhaps some of its influential members involved in assisting the installation of the new Christian government would also eventually take a seat on a relevant council, and therefore become royalty (any helpful deeds done will be taken into account, when it's time to reward those who would help me, many other people, and the world). Overall, the above is stated to provide a clear path for those who are good natured, courageous and strong-willed, and will without a doubt, do what needs to be done.



Update (5th November 2024)


In brief, stability in changing times is very important, and certain choices are made in the interest of certain people, so that they know angels are watching over them. As it was previously mentioned, Europe was targeted by "the abomination of desolation", so it means that as a group of people, there is likely greater Christian potential (Spain is the only outlier out of the big 4 from Europe, so as a nation, it is to be treated with caution until the full Truth is revealed).


To return to the main point, the above should be no surprise since Europeans were converted to Christianity during the first advent of Christ, and even more were saved after His departure, wherein His disciples and Apostles converted European populations in large numbers. Hence, it should be understood that Christian ancestors are a blessing to future generations, and so, it is important to be thankful, have faith and believe in a good and great future (you never know if you were Christian before, and history often repeats itself). Conclusively, as I am endeavouring to secure the future for African people, I also believe it the duty of others to also help their people, and for this very reason it is decided that Ra-Uub will be the Emperor of Europe (it is known to me that Satan, Ra-Uub's father spirit, also cares greatly for His people, so it should be understood that backing proud people into a corner and difficult situation is the best way to catch them. Hence, the Lord, the Most High God, and the gods (who are Christian), know the nature of people, and make use of their nature within the course of freewill to push them in the right direction. Although, some lessons are tough, the Lord, the Most High God (and the gods) know their people can make it through, and therefore by people knowing the challenges or stresses of life, they can then appreciate what matters most (the true key to happiness). Therefore, it should be clear that a stable and bright future lies ahead for those who may not have expected it, as war and turmoil will eventually cease (Isaiah 2:2-4, the chapter will be "in play").


-Note: A new menu item has been drafted: Candy-coated Ice cream bars, which will come in a range of flavours (Chocolate, Mocha, Vanilla, Coconut, or Espresso coating, in original or crunchy. The ice cream bars are easily made, so many flavour combinations will be available, which extends to mix-ins).




Further Insight 16th November 2024


It is important to understand that the work global organisations, and charities undertake are of great value, and even moving forward the necessity of certain roles will continue. 


In brief, there are many issues that this world faces such as refugee crises and illegal immigration, yet they are matters to be dealt with by the Christian government, which I intend to be assisted by those already dedicated to supporting the disenfranchised and impoverished. In relation to refugee crises as and illegal immigration, it is intended the UN organisations, probably with the help of new workers process refugees, and organise their safe passage back home, yet before that there is an observable need to address living conditions, and with the ability to duplicate anything in the future, it means that refugee camps can be transformed into livable communities, where people are treated and nurtured before their homecoming (housing solution initiatives for the poor will also be introduced). In the same way, illegal immigration must be declared, and if deportation is determined, people will not return home to nothing or with, they will be economically supported, employment and housing will also be organised via government initiatives and programs. It may seem unfair or people, but it illegal is illegal, and the problems it causes needs to be addressed, such as low quality of life, or rather lack thereof. It may be of concern that charitable endeavours to the poor come to an end, but it remains that restructuring can take place, new roles provided, and last but not least the emerging non-Christian nations (Gog and Magog's) are likely to need a Christian body governing them in the future, and, thus part of the United nations seems like a good fit. To be clear, Isaiah 65 is "in play", and so, it is clear the non-Christian people are seperate from Christian nations, but subject to it's governance.


Conclusively, it is to be made clear, that the types of laws made reflect the nature of a government, and so, where any government has or intends introduce laws to approve child marriage (under 18), or significantly oppress women, it will be standard practice to replace the leadership with someone else. For example, in the case of Iraq or Afghanistan, it is likely that supporters of sexual immorality and gender inequality will not be registered, and the leader of another Islamic country will be put in charge, to make sure that positive social change and progress is made. As a result, the emergence of multiple Middle Eastern Emperors is likely, so the positive changes that many Middle Eastern people hope for, finally comes to actualisation. For example, it seems culturally appropriate for women to be trained as Instructors and Pastoral Care workers, so that they can educate other women, and youth (these roles are government jobs, and very well paid, as it is an incentive not to work for money, but to nourish the mind and soul). Notably, gender issues linked with employment competition between Middle Eastern men and women is minimised, as the newly emerging roles add to the work pool, thus harmonising the advancement of female education and employment, without infringing on current roles that are male dominated: it is a win-win situation. Overall, it is clear, that Christianity will bring Islamic nations the happiness, change, prosperity that some may have never thought possible.


To conclude, for a happy and wonderful future to happen, people must also embrace change, and all the possibilities that encompass it, which also includes how a government exerts power or control over a population. With the above-mentioned stated, most people are peaceful, and so, strict measures of control aren't always necessary, rather it's meeting peoples needs that facilities societal stability, and in such cases, erring by being oppressive is a recipe for loss of power, or revolution in these times: it is a globalised world, and people want the rights and privileges of the first world. Could I help people if I was an Afgani women, or any Middle Eastern Women? The answer is no, so the importance of human rights and equality is evident becuase it is what has, and will help me save many lives.



Update (17th November 2024)


It should be noted that time and new information changes perspective, and new perspective comes new possibilities. For example, I presented a peace deal with Israel, and now I endeavour to extend it because the judgement based on Biblical evidence is daunting, even though hopeful (for some). Therefore, it should be considered that there will be uninhabited nations or large areas of land once final divine judgement is complete (Isaiah 54), which means that if the number of Israeli people who are Christian is large, then populations can be moved and settled in another location to make room for the New Israel. Hence, people should not fear the worst when there is faith becuase there are innumerable possibilities. To conclude, this path would result in the expansion of Israel as a nation, wherein the number of Israeli people saved would be based on a simple agreement (registration percentage).




Update Clarification (20th November 2024)


It is worth clarifying that the drunkenness or confusion curse from the Lord, the Most High God (Isaiah 19:3) placed upon Israel likely has a dual purpose, and is in the likeness of King Saul's curse from the Lord, the Most High God, 1 Samuel 19:9-10) . Firstly, if more Israeli people are repentant, then the drunkenness (opposition) and the poor choices that result, actually offset guilt, and acts as a protective mechanism in regards to divine judgement and public opinion (because it comes from the Lord, the Most High God and is unbreakable i.e. autopilot enemy). Alternatively, if Israeli people are not repentant than it is condemnation by the Lord, the Most High God, therefore resulting loss of life in larger numbers (being automatically  eliminated or being devoted to destruction based on early judgement i.e. having no favour). To be clear, this final peace offer to Israel is to save those who would have died, but can be saved via registration (psalm 87). In the case, where the destiny of Israeli people is lawfully changed, it just means that other people must pay for additional lives in accordance with Isaiah 43 (unlikely to agree, therefore rejecting covenants, meaning a sacrifice or exchange is needed according to divine law to save from condemnation to hell (Psalm 118:27, Isaiah 43:3)). Hence, if people who were going die live, there is no great issue with a new home because they wouldn't exist, and therefore, it is clear that there are things worse than death and hell, but clearly mercy is priceless. To conclude, it is worth mentioning that the new Israeli nation would not be isolated, and instant travel will likely be implemented in the future, with myself pursuing to have the first version active during my term as the head of the Christian government (Jesus can appear and disappear at will, therefore it is likely that gateways can be set up to allow instant travel at ease, which is helpful for the Christian government or moving large numbers of people, Luke 24:15, 31, 37). So, people must realise, the world really will change, and one of the most interesting changes is the intersection between Holy power, technology and many other facets of life.


Overall, it is a good feeling to be on good terms with the Lord, the Most High God, and so, the above is a message of love and peace (if the correct choices are made, where it is of note that Ethiopian Jews were not covered in this way, and so, it may be that Israel has great favour, but was in dire need of humbling, as I am sure my words put what's important into perspective).




Elaboration (26th November 2024)


It is clear that stability is tied to societal law and order, and the foundation is legislation, and so, the key to ensuring stability in a changing world is facilitating it. In regards to the legdl issue of he clash between church and state when it comes to the law, what is needed is new law that maintains societal order, but enables action. This could be achieved through a Suspended Legislation Act (SLA), which specifies that the Christian Government is able to temporarily overrule existing legislation, and implement an executive order of legislation instead, thus enabling all societies to continue progressively while change occurs. Hence, it is a symbiotic system of rule that is helpful and respectful to different people and nations, as they progress into a new system of governance, organisation, structure.


The SLA is a clause that should be agree upon by Christian nations, and is immediately necessary to rectify the clash between the secular and religious governance of nations, as the new government is obviously Christian. Overall, this approach to legal barriers and issues gives people and nations adequate time to organise themselves, and so, nothing needs to be rushed, and nothing needs to go wrong.



Update (30th November 2024)


In brief, it helps to clarify that it helps to make good choices, especially when other options are tabled. For example, Ra-Uub and his Father spirit Satan could still go to hell, as the interpretation of 'The Apocalypse of Abraham' meaning of "following after the man" (non-verbatim) could mean spiritual submission due to a change in dominion, where he has no choice but to accept a) death and rebirth until he is cast into hell, or b) torture in hell until the end, and a swift return to eternal torture - it does not need to be positive because he also has to follow orders that are consistent with destiny, by God's command and my own. In this context, scriptures like Revelation 16:12-16 involves Ra-Uub remaining an anti-Christ, and assisting non-Christian people, however if/as he is a Christian person, then he is just leading people to their demise as according to Christian prophecy, but clearly one path is better than the other. Therefore, Raa-Uub and all people should consider that mercy is wonderful, but it does not need to be granted, so any kindness should not be taken as weakness, submission or control to those who people, and perhaps those I see as my natural enemies (racial contention is not helpful, but it should clear that I have not planned outright vengeance for every racial issue caused by white people, as there are those who are noted as worse). Hence, it should be clear that egregore does not and has never worked on me, but it is still to be considered to that the final peace deal has not been established, but some things have been thought about, for example, Ra-Uub, will also be a king of Israel, via the occupation of an English seat (suitable for the Emperor of Babylon, and he is likely to be the second highest king of the earth). At the same time, it is worth mentioning that the UK is seen as a package deal in terms of "Jewdom" because of the reclassification of Babylon according to prophecy that factors in equivalent exchange for divine judgement (South Australia is the only major site of divine judgement besides Israel - as choices are finalised the final prophetic details are recorded, therefore, the controlled chaos method of destiny and fate is a main driver of these times, and my intention and prophecy keeps it steady, but people must also make a move for the hope of peace and a better future).


Overall, it should be made clear that Ra-Uub holds no influence over me, and his promotion through Christianity is linked to atonement for the bloodline curses that I have inherited from familial involvement in his problem. Hence, I understood that nothing in life would succeed until the wrongs done to him, were made right. He is also in the same position as me, but for him his atonement begins with helping me achieve my goal for the sake of many people who are also in need. Overall, it should be understood that attacking a deity is taboo, and many bloodlines are cursed, and so, for those who do not want to ruin their lineage's future, providing a helping hand and being genuinely repentant is the begging of a smooth path. Conclusively it seems that Ra-Uub's future was known, but misunderstood, and those involved must consider the severity of how they spread misinformation or plain lies, as based on 'the abomination of desolation', certain fates or destinies were blocked,/delayed, and aspects were and are consistent with trying to create an anti-Christ. Therefore, people must be reminded to treat prophecy and divination with care, as he is destined to be a king of Israel, not THE King of Israel (he is not Jesus Christ, but the situation is salvageable, as an anti-Christ problem is only possible when the Truth is rejected, and lies are accepted. Therefore having provided the Truth even anti-Christs can be saved, wherein his father spirit ensured that he is savable). 


While on the topic of Israel, it is without doubt there is curiousity surrounding Isaiah 19:18, which foretells the rededication of Israeli land to the Lord, the Most High God, so that His presence fills Israel once again, and is protected by Him, as if Israeli's are his people. In context, it is the beginning of what can be described as the new Jewish Federation making a covenant with the Lord, the Most High God, and renaming the area as agreed upon (not a literal translation, and clearly a mistake, as city of destruction is a terrible name). Therefore, as threats are required, it stands that there will be Jew groups with less fruitful covenants due to their transgressions, and Israel will join them in the less expansive covenant if they do not coperate fully and properly, especially in support of Biafra and other new Jewish peoples. I have long since prayed for the divine breaking of Israeli drunkenness and confusion, but it may be that the answer lies with Israeli people: pray to the Lord, the Most High God to also try and break it, for it is written the righteous shall live by faith (Romans 1:17-18,  Hebrews 10:35-39).


Note: A new recipe has been drafted for Biafran Cheesecake and Apple Pie Cookies in a variety of flavours, and will likely extend to Peach Cobbler and Banana Pudding flavours as well, which will all be available in crumble or crumble and cream options.



Further insight about control (1st December 2024)


It remains that alternative options remain for Gog and Magog selection, but thus far the four are China, India, Australia and Israel. Obviously, in such cases there would be a non-cursed Christian remnant of varying population size. It must be made clear that in terms of options, the greivances caused by Indigenous Australian people during these times has led to the consideration of them as the Gog and Magog group for the entirety of Australia, whether, light skin, mixed or dark skin, but only mainland ones, with the Torres Strait Islanders and those who are Christian in the group being exempted. There remains the option for Israel's exemption, but it seems the uncooperative are deserving of it, but then again I must also consider the esteem of Israel. Therefore, like Israel, Australia must also cooperate to secure a better future for themselves, so that Babylon is also not shamed. Conclusively, reflection and experience drives changes in perspective, which is why I do not formally set things in stone unless necessary, regardless covenants, which includes binding prophecy is also breakable under the Isaiah 33 provison because very important choices must be made while I had to learn to "read", so that I am satisfied with my choices and avoid making mistakes.


Other than that, new recipes have been drafted for Biafran kebabs (specially marinated meat and grilled vegetables in a new way and style), as well as waffle fries.



Clarification (2nd December 2024)


It is worth noting an incorrect categorisation stated in an earlier article, on 2nd September 2024: While on the same matter, in context, it seems that in Isaiah 43:3, Egypt refers to Israel, Ethiopia and Australia, and Cush and Seba, China and India, who are also likely the same groups mentioned in Isaiah 11:14, which supports Jeremiah 30.


The final and correct categories are Ethiopia (Cush), and China and India (Seba), as it is clear that Ethiopia is not classified as an Egypt group, and the same reclassification may stand for Australia, with guilty South Australians and people paying the price for other people (There are different possibilites, hence my choice of language). Hence, it should be clear that Ethiopian people are not under the same negative spiritual conditions as Israel, and so, there is no necessary address: their dead must perish, so their people are not given the cold shoulder forever, and the covenant will extend to other Ethiopian bloodlines, in the event that many Ethiopian Jews do not make it (the price for fighting against other Black people is high i.e. I also have my greivances, and so, it is worth stating that it is clear who caused their own problems).


​​​​​In regards to my last article, the possible provisional Gog and Magog people or nations utilises the duel identity of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people from mainland Australia, thus making up four nations with India and China. However, the fourth people or nation may have another option. Therefore, if is worth emphasising that those who are repentant and helpful truly can make the most of a peace deal.


As a final note, it is understood that people are used to societal groups like the Freemasons, so it seems best to let people know that societal groups can be converted to Christian Orders, and reorganised to suit modern purposes while still somewhat maintaining its original identity, as some groups seem tied to culture and tradition, which I do not want to erase - and moreso an important part of some people's identity.


Note: A recipe for pretzel fries has been drafted (soft and fluffy potato in a fun pretzel shape and crunchy coating).



Insight (7th December 2024)


The Spirit of Error is evident when people stray from the core of the Truth, and this usually stems from desire and the hope that The Lord, the Most High God will answer prayer outside of His will, but it is futile. Hence, this is written to try and sober up those who have fruitless ambitions, dreams and delusions.


The link between Gospel of Thomas 30 and Isaiah 11: 2 is evident in the sense that Heavenly divinity rests in one person, and is not for multiple people, especially not another woman (polygamy is banned under the New Covenant, and will never be allowed, that is why people are being paired off, and the polygamous are being sent to hell, but it is obviously not their only sin (this is made clear by Isaiah 3-4, and it is worth noting that the Gospel of Thomas is poorly translated). Anyway, to be brief, Isaiah 11:2 indicates that whoever has Wisdom also has the remaining 6 spirits of God as well, thus reaffirming the deification of someone, who is me. Wisdom is clearly a woman, and therefore the wife of the Father, who is the Mother, and therefore the Zion, the Bride of God: and so, there is no other spouse, if you think so, then it is non-Christian delusion and desperation.


To be clear, The Spirit of the Lord, is a spirit, and the rest are Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord (Revelation 4:5), and therefore, it should be reaffirmed that as Christ atoned for this sins of mankind, I must as well, but as Wisdom/Zion/Bride which is the Truth and no lie. More so, it must be stated that an anti-Christ cannot produce the Truth because they cannot "read", which is why I keep spreading it. In the same manner, those who are not Christian deny my identity, compete for it, try to equal it, and try to replace me. Overall, the point is for hetereosexual women to not let jealousy consume them, as the Truth remains that it is unlikely that in my absence that you would be His wife - and so, it is helpfully stated that everyone has a soulmate (who they are meant to be we with, and for most women that is not Jesus).


Hence, there is no competition for Wisdom/Zion/Bride (Shulamite), as God made it clear who His wife is so that the correct people in power listen, and so, that in the event that new Christians make a mistake, which happened (Isaiah 50:1, the fake seperation/divorce means The Lord, the Most High God and myself were/are married (spiritual holy matrimony), then the opportunity to atone for their sins arises, which is needed to ascend to Goddess status via trial, and so, as Jesus had to be crucified, I have to endure through suffering, also meaning that God's help is circumstantially limited (1 Peter 4:12-14, Revelation 12:3-6, where it is noted that I am still under God's care, and Revelation 3:10-13). Conveniently, there is no other opportunity for an ascension trial, and so, there is no other Goddess, and therefore as previously mentione,  there is only a Father-Mother dyad (monotheism loophole), where all feminine aspects besides Wisdom don't seem to have any significant power, and is therefore a title that distinguishes me as a Goddess or seperate from Christ (though we are connected), but I am not officially a goddess until the future, but that future is already in motion (maintaining and restoring youth is a power of Wisdom, not Apostles).


NOTE: In regards, to Isaiah 11:6, the little child is me, it is just a young leader. Hence, I will oversee the the Biafran exodus myself, and so, in relation to judgement where it concerns my people and their leaders, the context is always non-Christian people, as my choice for salvation remains at saving 90% of Igbo and related people, and therefore the same total figure for Nigeria as well. More so, African/Black countries/people have my favour, and it is my dream to see Africa and Africans thrive, especially in our homeland, so the future will be bright, but those who caused their own problem must bear it. Overall, no population is perfect, and 85% rather than 90% may be more realistic, regardless the odds are good!


 To conclude, South America has barely been addressed but menus, and a seat on the High Council makes clear my good intentions, more so, it is clear that Christianity is of benefit to its people, especially the poor, wherein I have already begun to think of initiatives to help ensure the thriving of its poorest people, and offer peace and a better future to those in power (who are known to be the whitest). Overall, the task for South America is to deal with and overcome racial issues, as it is seen as a huge barrier to inclusion, especially when it comes to being included as a new Jewish ethnicity: why welcome those who would not even offer me a seat at the table? At least I know Babylon will...



Note: A recipe for stuffed pretzel fries has been drafted, and includes filling like Salmon Salad (Salmon, cheese, caramelised onion and spinach, Burger (minced beef, cheese, caramelised onion) and fully vegan options. Studded pretzel fries are large, and suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner.




Update (14th December 2024)


The address to South America extends to other people as well, whether Asia, the Pacific Islands and even Antarctica

 (Inuits), and that is because the core value of Christian people is love, which is consistent with respecting and valuing other people despite differences, especially when when egregore related factors are typically a cheat code or convenience in life to those who can benefit from it. Therefore, just consider not being able to benefit from your own nature, or disadvantaged because of it, and therefore all the possibilities that you would never attain, or goals you would never achieve, just because someone else deems you inferior and not good enough, or rather someone else better for whatever reason... all while knowing the reason is invalid.


In all truth, it is a common issue that even relates to ethnicity, for example, in Nigeria my people have more difficulties acquiring entry into university despite obvious inclination in competitive academic pathways, as other ethnic groups like the Haisa-Fulani are favoured. In such a case, it is clear that test scores mean nothing, and that ethnicity means more, and in the end it leads to more Hausa-Fulani in positions of power and influence, and therefore control. Yet, if given the same opportunity would my people make better use of the positions of power for a better society? The answer is possibly, but with ethnicity based discrimination (egregore), no one would ever know. Hence, egregore is not good, and it's absence could be the catalyst of a nation, and that is because you would never no how great someone could be unless they were given the opportunity.


In reference to the last article, triune Wisdom is indicated by Revelation 3:12, where the "name of my God" is consistent with deification as Wisdom, and "the name of the city of my God" is consistent with Zion (Jerusalem). Zion is noted as the Mother and Holy City in 2 Esdras 10:7, 25-27, and the Bride is paired with Jesus Christ, and is known to provide living waters, which is known to help people become Christian (teachings, and who else would the Bride be, clearly it is someone more righteous than anyone else, Revelation 19:7-8 (Psalm 45 fills in the details), as it is only because of my work and effort that people will be saved, and therefore, I am a pillar of Christianity, as without me everything fails - if you are not inside, than you have no opportunity to leave, or be reconciled with the Lord, the Most High God after a period of Christian related troubles, and not self-inflicted problems... (Revelation 3:12, Isaiah 54:5-8). More so, the Morning Star is Jesus Christ, therefore only I am eligible to win the Morning Star prize (Revelation 3:25-28, Revelation 22:16), which is consistent with dominion and becoming the Goddess of Heaven and Earth (Micah 4:8, "the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem is the Kingdom of Zion or Heaven). Hence, the information is clear as day, and those who deny the Truth are not Christian, and those want an alternative should deal with jealousy issues, and entitlement (as it's not like everyone can marry an angel, their soulmates are from the inheritance too).


Lastly, it is worth noting that Gold Standard Christian services are deemed as the sufficient level of pastoral care and Christian education because it is considered necessary, and helpful for the well-being of Christian people (it's will also be subsidised). It is also necessary because it is a part of atonement, and my compensation for the willful and organised wrongs against me (Matthew 5:23-25). In short, it's best to demonstrate atonement by righting a wrong when it is within your power to do so, which is evidence to God of genuine repentance and goodwill (and avoids death, Job 20). Furthermore, it is noted that all the people who altered my work or published lies will incur additional judgements equivalent with Babylon's final judgement (Revelation 22:19-20). Hence, the national curse is also relevant to my publications, and not just the book of Revelations. Overall, many Biblical tamperings are old, and it is likely that a nation becoming Christian offsets guilt, and thus, the best way forward is accepting a set curriculum, where educational needs can be further tailored, and at the level of relevance, correctness and clarity that comes from a mature or senior Christian.


To conclude, it is worth mentioning that new economy will likely only be a modified economy that provides extra funds (source of money), with the introduction of some rules and regulations to account for extra money in circulation, and therefore, it is not a difficult task or headache, and will remain compatible with the current economic system.


Note: It should be noted that the prophecy regarding the Revelation 12 woman, me, mirrors Joseph's second dream (Genesis 37:9), which was not about that lifetime, but at the end of the age, thus, reaffirming reincarnation, and why Mannesah and Ephraim were made the 13th and 14th Tribes of Israel - favour from the Lord, the Most High God, Himself, and clearly myself, as a matriarch of the ancient house of Israel, and the daughter of Zion (it is based on identity, and there is no competition - so how sad for those who felt the need to compete for a man, is that love? The answer is no, it is only desperation and delusion...)


Overall, it is not clear, why Mannesah and Ephraim are always filed under Joseph, but Joseph's dream indicates Christ's reign or exaltation over all His brothers (and their lineage), and therefore the 12 stars on the crown indicating my reign over all the ancient house of Israel, therefore matching His status.




Further Insight (16th December 2024)


To be clear, overcoming egregore (hatred or prejudice) is essential to Christianity, and that is because the Christian concept of love, is the very opposite of hatred. Therefore, the absence of hatred in mindset and attitude forms the foundation of effortlessly becoming Christian. Hence, Christian education and pastoral care is focused on people adopting a Christian attitude to life (Romans 13:8-10), therefore helping people easily unlearn existing prejudices that influence hateful though patterns and behaviours. It may be nerve racking to people to admit guilt in relation to such a topic, but it is entirely necessary, and is addressed in the appropriate way (which is of course is done in an engaging and relaxed manner during Christian education i.e. fun). Overall, the first step, is simply letting go of any intent to be hateful - it is really just that simple: anyone can be Christian...and that is because all that's needed is good intentions or goodwill towards other people. This does not mean that you neglect yourself, it just means that when you makes choices, that you take other people into consideration, but within 

reason, which is self determined (Phillipians 2:1-4, it is poorly worded, but the basic concept is explained, so that no one pressures or exploits Christian people).


Finally, it is to be remembered that reproval or constructive criticism is not to be taken negatively, it is simply information or advice worth reflecting on, and trying to improve in the emphasised areas, as that is the nature of repentance. More so, my advice is helpful to Christian people (Proverbs 9:8-9 and Proverbs 19:25). So, though constructive criticism may be tough to hear and accept, the advice is provided to help you make better choices, which means you are becoming a better person, and so, the discomfort of feeling like "not the best person" will pass in time. Afterall, I would know, it was much the same for me... yet people must be prepared to accept advice, as it is also the nature of pastoral care, which is designed to make sure that people's wellbeing is optimised and maintained. Hence, any issues brought up are to "catch" people, when there is no outright rejection (no favour), as the result must follow the Biblical algorithm or code that results in people becoming Christian. Overall, I assume that it is kinder to believe that people are wise, rather than a wicked idiot... and luckily my belief is powerful.


Note: Recipes for my new Biafran Golden Custard Tart, and Biafran Custard Tart Cookies have been drafted, and will be available in original, plus a range of yummy flavours.





































































All Scripture quotations are true and faithful copies taken from the ‘Holy Bible: World English Bible Version (Public Domain). Clearly, this is only relevant to canonised Scriptures, and not my publications.


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