This is presented in case any omissions of the truth have been made.
1) The main theory
A key element of the “abomination of desolation” is binding me to the land and property, and so, the question becomes why? The likely answer becomes clearer based on what is on the land or below it. As stated, I removed many items from deep within the soil that shouldn’t be there, wherein sorcery was detected, or rather the evil spirit that gives the sorcery it’s power was detected (people have no power on their own, it all comes from a spirit). However, since I can remove the items of sorcery, the next question is this: would a key item be something that I can remove? The obvious answer is no. Coincidently, I believe that I have identified this key item, and I will explain how I believe it to be affecting the choices of other people.
A few years ago, the Australian government introduced and installed the National Broadband Network (NBN) for improving internet connection speed (5G). Naturally, this required the roadside installation of the NBN hardware and constituents that enables connectivity. The typical installation of these NBN “cubis” boxes are on the public footpath, or off the footpath near the roadside (public). However, they installed an NBN “cubis” box on the lawn just outside the gate of my residence. Just by walking down the street and around the suburb, I can see that the other NBN “cubis” boxes are installed on the footpath, or towards the roadside. Hence, the natural conclusion is that the lawn installation is atypical, and is a fact that can be confirmed via satellite image, or Google Maps (I have footage and pictures anyway). More so, being able to sense sorcery, the NBN “cubis” box is being used for witchcraft, or rather whatever lies within it, beneath it, and whatever else it’s connected to.
Since they bound the land to me, it can be concluded that that I have an NBN “cubis” box bound to me. I have tried to push it out, but it is very large, and I don’t know what’s inside, beneath it, and I know it’s connected to an extensive cable network... So it is not easy to overcome in my circumstance - given the fact that the NBN “cubis” boxes are installed all around Australia, it then suggests that they have a “stack effect”, which means that the number of boxes is what grants it great unholy power when used by people for sorcery (Isaiah 47:9). In brief, I believe the “NBN” cubis box is used to form an unholy spiritual link to other people, from which they are able to impart negative spiritual effects. I assume that the spiritual mechanism of this power comes from Satan (the spirit/prince of the power of the air, Ephesians 2:2), which every person is linked to, as demons or deities are technically under his dominion (1 John 5:19). In theory, the major issue presented is that random Australians can negatively influence other people using Satanic magic, apparently, no matter how far away they are, which is problematic, especially when it can influence people in positions of power... As for how it works, I believe it to be a form of sorcery that manipulates energy and the will (intent and decision) in multiple ways, which are outlined below:
1) The NBN “cubis” boxes rely on an electrical connection to function, and since electricity is found in the brain, it suggests that people can manipulate brain activity by using them in sorcery. Brain activity can be linked to behavioural responses or thought processes, wherein bio-spiritual manipulation could cause confusion or spark anger where it is inappropriate. Hence, I believe that the NBN “cubis” boxes are designed as a tool (evil device) for bio-spiritual compulsion in regards to people’s reaction to the Truth.
1a) Making the effort to bind the NBN “cubis” box to me, suggests that it is also used to gain “unholy spiritual access” to the spirit (will). Overall, this would suggest that the NBN “cubis” boxes are a sort of spiritual gateway, which would be how they would influence the will (intent and decision) of other people. In this case, I would be influenced directly, and other people would be influenced via connection to the Satan’s spirit, which I believe they put in me a long time ago, along with who I identified as La Sirene/Mummy Water/Chinawezi, Terra/Gaia, Lilith, Ishtar, the 12 Olympians and many more. It is hypothesised that these demons would have also been negatively influencing people through the unholy spiritual link i.e. a negative spiritual feed. Hence, I believe that Satan/the anti-Christ must have granted Australians a secret power that they mediate through his spirit which enables them to influence other people.
NOTE: To be clear, another aim of demonic oppression would be supressing my identity, intellect, natural talents and spiritual gifts, so it is clear that they always knew the Truth… It is also the reason why demonic possession does not work on me, I have natural spiritual resistance that has been developed throughout my childhood. So I am not, and have never been a scary possessed person like the man from Luke 8:26-33 , instead I present as completely normal functional person, so in my case I am unwillingly spiritually occupied, and I am trying to get enough Holy power to remove all the demons from me – a task which is almost done.''
2) It is possible that the NBN “cubis” boxes are laid out in an occultic symbol, or series of interconnected occultic symbols that are designed to amplify their unholy spiritual power, therefore allowing them to affect people from great distances. Other possibilities include that the NBN “cubis” boxes:
2a) Siphons or harness my holy power i.e. stealing my power to fuel their sorcery, therefore making it more powerful.
2b) Harnesses energy from the land to make their sorcery more powerful (reason for possessing me with Terra or Gaia).
2c) Congregates the power of witches, which makes their magic more powerful.
2d) Supressing my Holy power.
Conclusively, it must be understood that the yoke is VERY HEAVY (Isaiah 47:6).
2) The consequences (of the main theory)
To put it plainly, whatever deal Australian’s made with Satan/ the-anti-Christ is not the same as everyone else’s, unfortunately, the “deal” they made is impossible to fulfill - and the god’s do not take into account human contract law. In brief, there is one obvious reason why Australian’s are unable to fulfill the conditions of their Satanic covenant: I cannot die, therefore, I cannot be sacrificed in their place (that is how precious and expensive righteous my life is). Overall, this means that the “deal” was an obvious trap, and as a result the following is clear: souls are owed to hell; lives are owed (death); the destruction of a nation is owed (it seems to be a condition of trying to spare their own country); the terrible spiritual conditions have corrupted the souls of many; and their evil triggered a terrible generation curse, which would likely be never ending in their case. There is Biblical evidence to support this statement: as non-Christians they are judged under the ‘Law of Moses’, which repays the curse for idolatry unto the next generations (Exodus 20:5). Hence, since I believe Australian’s took an oath to serve the devil or demons forever (Psalm 10), and willingly sacrificed the souls of their children to stay alive longer by binding them to the same unholy demonic soul-contract (unholy covenant) - they bound their soul lineage to hell (Jeremiah 50:45, Revelation 20:7 – the four corners are not necessarily literal). I know tweens and teenagers use the “deep things” of Satan because I have sensed it while running errands, and I experienced the effects during my university teaching placements (2018 and 2019) i.e. “targeted behaviours”.
To be clear, the history of Australia supports that their soul quality has always been low – as the plain truth is that they were a penal colony, and therefore, the less righteous portion of the United Kingdom. This highlights that their bloodline is full of unrighteousness by nature, as literal criminals were breeding with one another since the country’s inception. Hence, the problem they face today, they never fully cleaned themselves up, rather they simply presented themselves as decent people (sociopathic trait). Even the Scripture, Wisdom of Solomon 8:19-20, explains that better souls are born into better bodies (bloodlines), and not so good souls are born into not-so good bodies (bloodlines). Therefore, life and destiny are somewhat personal…
In direct contrast, in the Igbo culture it was and remains normal to do background checks to see if there was any deviancy in a family, wherein marriage is discouraged if things like stealing are found. This is done to avoid certain traits entering a gene pool because certain behaviours are seen as undesirable. In a comparable manner, this means that mixing the Australian population with Biafrans would result in heavily cursed souls entering our lineage, which is completely undesirable, as it would unholy, the holy nation (I believe it’s why certain Scriptures are included in the Bible, it’s warning me to never accept them). This same problem would be faced by people who accept and procreate with Australians, they face the dilemma of having cursed souls enter their bloodlines, therefore permanently tainting a lineage. So, the Torres Strait Islander people might consider looking into becoming an independent nation, if they don’t want to accept Australians either; and if so, Australians can go live in a uninhabited area of Antarctica or inhabit their country’s ruins. Thus, keeping their generational curse to themselves, instead of troubling other people in the future. Therefore, it must be understood that the Lord, the Most High God would not go to the effort to trap Australians for nothing… it has always been clear that they are viewed as not worth helping or “fixing” (Isaiah 14:20-21) – rather it’s like they are paying a heavy karmic debt, such as the treatment of, and genocide of Indigenous Australians, where it’s clear that they have never actually felt “sorry” for their wickedness; and triggering the “end of the age” through pre-meditated acts of wickedness.
3) My Response (to the main theory)
Obviously, I prayed “return to sender” for their curse – so it is what it is, and my plans to help other nations out of their tribulation accounts for this, and that is because other people should not have to pay for Australia’s crimes. Hence, I deem it wrong to spare the lives that Australians that tried to sacrifice everyone else to save themselves by weaponising their nation against everyone else (Jeremiah 50:23. Hence, because this theory presents with many issues, it seems that the easiest option is for “Kings” is to destroy whatever Australia has done, because who knows who is influencing other people. With the above explained, and classism being an obvious issue among “Kings”, I am sure the very thought of this theory disgusts your souls beyond comprehension: random Australians have likely been influencing your mind through an unholy spiritual link. Personally, I am just disgusted at the thought of being spiritually connected to other people in an unholy manner because it is unnatural - and these people are probably doing who knows what, with who knows what, to impart negative spiritual effects…. So, you should now see this importance of me leaving Australia, and “Kings” destroying whatever has been done. I don’t know if there are any other spiritual links from the past, but I do know that they would keep doing using this sorcery if granted the opportunity, so it’s best to eliminate it as an option.
4) The Recommended Response of “Kings”
Part 1: It is in the best interest of “Kings” to immediately organise my immediate relocation; by removing me from Australia, the following would occur:
1) I would gain significant Holy power: I am meant to be on par with Jesus Christ in terms of holy spiritual ability. For example, Jesus Christ was able to restore a man’s ear (Luke 22:50-51). This this not surprising since the Lord, the Most High God has the power of creation, and therefore regeneration.
2) If I am more powerful, then everyone is more safe... especially since the weather is stabilised wherever I am (no major climate events); I cannot be bombed, shot or runover. So, the best place to be is wherever I am – I am literally a human shield in every sense.
3) The “abomination of desolation” is likely to lose significant power, and therefore what was meant to be my prison, and everyone else’s, is rightfully turned into Australia’s own prison (Isaiah 24).
Part 2: By destroying the NBN “cubis” box sorcery, “Kings” could ensure that “ferals” are not negatively influencing them, or their people. More so, it is dangerous to keep people who know the ins-and-outs of this sorcery alive because their souls are inherently evil…if they moved somewhere else, the likelihood of them trying to do the same thing is quite high. Hence, the overall conclusion is that taboo is taboo for a reason, as from what I can perceive, the only way out of the moral depravity of this taboo is the “blessing of righteousness” which would correct the degeneracy of the soul that leads people to choose such actions. Hence, the reason why the theme of destroying Australia and Australian people seems be so prominent– they have only contributed evil to these times, and will only do the same in the future.
As for lessening the influence of the “abomination of desolation” while I am still in Australia; people just need to agree with me (which is based on God’s will), which his opposite the will of “ferals” and Satan. This simple choice drives people’s own will (intention and decision), therefore, nullifying any compulsion effects. Hence, the importance of following instructions in these crucial times, and so, the overall implication is that my work is needed to fill people with “living waters” to help nullify the spirit of Satan; to reduce the influence of Australian people's sorcery; and enable free-will to kick in (the ‘living waters’ should help also i.e. the chicken or the egg (1 chronicles 12:16-18). The fact that so much ‘living waters’ has been required is a testament to the magnitude of the negative spiritual influence that people are dealing with. I hope this is the last cup of water for Christians to become “sober” (Revelation 21:6, Gospel of Thomas 28)… To be clear, Independent Christian Counsel’s services is for beautifying Jesus’ sheep and rams i.e. cleaning them up (clean and fluffy wool), fixing and improving what’s on the inside (therapy, positive character building, faith-building, and improving thinking skills), rather than only drinking more ‘living waters’.
3rd January 2023
I was raised and baptized as Catholic, and I remember key childhood events linked to spiritual affliction (sorcery) that occurred in church, and I was hoping that there may be evidence of ordered persecution held in The Vatican records (I am suspecting the Pope Francis' last two predecessors)– so, there is much more to my story, and that is because it spans a lifetime. Overall, this means that I am probably just Zion and didn't know it (not a spiritual title), but I am quite sure that I am not Wisdom (at least I don't think so) - regardless people clearly knew more than me a long time ago. Furthermore, I was christened with the name, Adelaide (the city I was born in, and have always resided near), so I was also hoping that it could be removed from official records or changed, since I already renounced it personally. Hence, the abovementioned are the other reasons why I selected the Vatican as the initial location for Christian government, but if it has too many forgone people in power or in the vicinity, then it is not a good choice (there are also many Italians in Australia, and specifically where I live, so I don’t know what may have been planned based on personal connections i.e. there could be too many moles). Furthermore, a more detailed explanation of Isaiah 14 will be added soon, either way the clock is ticking for “Kings” if they want to keep their “thrones” and not end up in “a tomb” (do not forget context, so be afraid, but not that afraid if you chose to be Christian and follow instructions).
Therefore, it must be understood that my intentions are genuine towards the nations and good-Babylon (America, Canada, England and New Zealand), and not a trap, rather they are plans to provide “a hope, and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). However, I literally cannot help Babylon or any nation, if I am not helped to leave Australia once and for all, and that’s because it’s an unhealthy, problematic and very limiting environment, whether at my unhomely “home” or anywhere else. For example, a certain sibling’s spouse who can only be described as a “beyond feral zombie” still had the nerve to show his face on New Year’s day, and do the same sorcery that he always does– but luckily I am more spiritually fortified and have more holy power, and was able to undo what he had done more quickly. So to be clear, it is no insult to send in a Christian Service request for catering, and that is because it would be for 1) healing purposes, and 2) to spiritually fortify the mind, heart, body, soul and spirit, which is necessary for “Kings”, especially those who would make up the inaugural High Christian Council. More so, it would solve the issue of Australians purposefully trying to ruin the progress of the Christian cause (they act in a planned and coordinated manner) – so understand that leaving me with my “zombie” family or in the “zombie nation” is no help to anyone at all…
5th January 2023
1) Triple Intention
To be clear, Isaiah 14 is a threat, peace offering and final warning to “Kings”. It also serves as the final judgement against Australia, and Philistia, which in this context seems to be a third-world nation (or nations) with serious classism issues, and probably a very large non-Christian population (or populations), and in such a case, there is only so much help that can be provided. I don't want to speculate the nation(s) so early, but the answer seems clear already.
As previously stated, Isaiah 14:9 and 18 refers to “Kings” (leaders) that have chosen to reject Christianity and the Truth, and have likely chosen not to help those under their duty of care (wicked shepherds). Hence, such “Kings” have no hope because they can’t meet the basic standards of their appointed or elected position, and are therefore defined as “Kings” or leaders of the earth, or rather “the world”. This means that when read in proper context, Isaiah 14 does not address “Kings” (or “Queens”) belonging to the Body of Christ now or in the future (Matthew 3:10). The “Kings of the world” have no other options, and so, they are likely to die and be replaced by someone who is willing to be decent, helpful and responsible (Psalm 109 and 110), alternatively, some non-Christian “Kings” will live until the second coming of Jesus Christ, but then perish (Revelation 19:17-21). Therefore, “Kings” must make a definitive choice to accept or reject the Truth, and support the Christian cause, which is a necessity for most people given the dire circumstances caused by blatant lies (Luke 6:39, Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:10). The false prophet mentioned in Revelation 19 and 20 is THE Anti-Christ, the son of Satan, who is also the “King of Babylon” a.k.a. the “Day Star, son of Dawn” (Isaiah 14:12, pg.3-4, Mystery of the Cross 3: The Corruption of Christianity).
2) The King of Babylon = The Anti-Christ
The term, the son of Satan, refers to the Anti-Christ being Satan’s human/humanoid-looking form, in the same way that Jesus Christ is the human/humanoid-looking form of The Lord, the Most High God*. The Anti-Christ’s similar title to Jesus Christ is a reflection of him always trying to be like the Lord, the Most High God, who is also known as the “Bright Morning Star” (Isaiah 14:14, Revelation 22:16). Therefore, Isaiah 14:12-18 describes Anti-Christ’s eventual public reveal (shaming) by Christian people, which will happen so that the Truth is revealed in plain sight to everyone. More so, I am curious to see what the Anti-Christ looks like because I experienced a spiritual attack from Satan/the Anti-Christ, which happened when certain people left cursed wedding items at my parent’s residence for no apparent reason except the obvious. Anyway, due to the spiritual attack, I know the anti-Christ’s voice (or one of them) and in all truth, he sounded like a whiny man-child. Therefore, I am surprised at those who followed him or confused him with Jesus Christ because there is absolutely nothing dependable, trustworthy or holy about him or his presence. The above incident is the reason why I offered “Kings” Apostleship via the IPT, it is simply to protect themselves, as they may become a target for demons wanting a “prime vessel” (Luke 9:1). It is also my assumption and expectation that “Kings” are not afraid of demons or uncomfortable with the topic of demonology, so that they have enough faith to believe in the holy power granted to them through Apostleship.
To conclude, the “King of Babylon” is not literally the King of England, or the President or Prime Minister of the Babylonian nations. Circumstances waived the last conditional offer as a significant and very large item buried in the ground was destroyed and removed, along with items found buried deep near the inside edge of the fence, and directly opposite the NBN “cubis” box that indicated obvious sorcery. So hopefully, the removal of the items should help improve “Kings” response to Christianity. Despite, the above, each to their own choice - whether it is life or death.
3) Isaiah 14:3 Explanation – I tried to serve, but Australia rejected me (Psalm 118:22)
My publication history makes it clear that my environmental conditions are terrible, and that is because I live in a non-Christian nation, and I am surrounded by non-Christian people (Isaiah 14:3). The conditions are so bad that my service cannot go beyond the work that I have published, and that is because of their a) evil intentions (information theft and use of sorcery); b) no societal support (it is unlikely that other people could withstand the persecution – so anything is pointless); c) no financial capability to provide any further services; and d) I have to follow instructions: the Scripture Isaiah 14:20-22 confirms Australia’s exclusion from good-Babylon due to their choices, which is reiterated by the phrase that they “ lay in exile from eternal providence” (Wisdom of Solomon 17:2). This means that Australia was always excluded from Isaiah 60:7, and not just because of what they did to me, but because they lied to and betrayed their own kin and other nations (Isaiah 24:16). To be clear, Isaiah 53 is only for Christian transgressors, and not for non-Christian people… so the expectation of forgiveness was a clear trap, which is no surprise at this point (Isaiah 24:17-18). I plainly explained the traps in the message articles, and they still refused to listen… but that is once again no surprise since it is recorded in Isaiah 28.
In all honesty, I was able to recognise Wisdom of Solomon 17 as relevant because it resonates with what I have been experiencing in regards to the “abomination of desolation”, or rather what they do to try and exacerbate it**. What I believe to be the main aspect of the “abomination of desolation”, which triggered the “end of the age”, occurred on Walpurgisnacht in 2018 – so clearly, it was no accident. I can still clearly describe what happened that night, and it is likely something I will never forget, and not because of the trauma from its violence, but because I did not expect it at all. Clearly, the Scripture, Wisdom of Solomon 17, states that the consequence of planning and executing such grievous evil is suffering the same condition – whether in life, or during part of their eternal torture in hell, I do not know (Psalm 28 i.e. “back to sender” is Christian). Either way, it is Australian’s who fulfilled the Wisdom of Solomon 17 prophecy, and I am merely delivering the message.
4) Conclusion
The overall lesson is don’t repeat Australia’s error by continually lying (falsehood), and using more evil to try and cover their planned misdeeds. Rather Christian people need to learn that it is okay to admit their sins, whether it is racism, ageism#, sexism or sorcery, and that is because admitting things is the first step to working out how to fix them; beginning to overcome sins; and to lessen any stigma associated with the aforementioned. To be clear, what makes the Lord, the Most High God angry is not admitting the truth, and so, naturally He hates liars; people who pretend they don’t sin (God knows everything); and people who specifically try to deflect from their sins by fasting and tithing (Acts 19:11-20, Luke 18:9-14). In all truth, my attitude towards lies, falsehood and false-piety are much the same, and so, this means that I would be more favourable and forgiving to those who are willing to tell the truth, and that is because it is a clear indication of a positive change in character, which signifies a soul worth saving. Therefore, “Kings” should remember that I established Independent Christian Counsel to help, and not to condemn. However, to help souls in need, I also need to be helped, and that starts with a simple email of employment or an offer of sanctuary that allows me to leave this Godforsaken place***.
5) Notes
# Alternative motive: if the other reason was for me to take ‘the fall” for the anti-Christ – it is impossible because he is not me (a woman), and I am not him (Revelation 12:7-9, Daniel 7:25). The "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26) Scripture should not be taken so litterally and applied to everything, especailly when somethings are already set by Biblical propephecy, like the destiny of Australia...
6) Elaboration (9th January 2023)
Isaiah 61 was cancelled due to my families transgression, and will not be reinstated to their benefit because they do not deserve it no have they done anything to earn it, and once again it is best that I am immediately removed from their presence (permanently) i.e. their choices brought them what they are owed from my labours – nothing. According to Scriptural accuracy, Isaiah 61 is to be re-enacted for myself, and eventually the Lord, the Most High God (the only true ministers or ambassadors of the Christian faith). This is made clear because it parallels with the Song of Solomon (and other Scriptural prophecy):
Overall, this means that certain people-driven events trigger changes in Scriptural fulfillment or selection (divine intervention), and that is how the Scriptures align in one clear final path or story. This means that a) Some prophecy is a prophecy within a prophecy i.e. Isaiah 14, Isaiah 24 and Wisdom of Solomon 17 providing context or details for Isaiah 60 regarding Kedar/Babylon (Australia being excluded); and other prophecies being cancelled due to peoples own poor choices, which then leads to the “correct path”, a perfect example is my family scenario (Psalm 41 and Psalm 27, Revelation 11-12 (they are outside and cannot be described as a pillar, a pillar is someone integral to Christianity, and only I fit that criteria)). This concept can be described as “Scriptural Inception”. Hence, Scriptural prophecy is more complex then it appears, but then once it is understood, it also becomes easier to understand – and the key is considering variations, motives and reasons why something might happen, which then reveals why a certain path is taken, or why things happen a certain way. Using this approach I worked out how the details of how a prophecy can be harmless to the “3 Fantastic Beasts” even when it appears that their near total destruction is described. I would be impressed if other people guess the correct answer, but in all truth the answer is provided by the Biblical Scriptures i.e. it’s all about critical thinking (for me, this skill was developed through scientific research, which requires analytical skills, and the ability to understand and make use information).
7) Elaboration 2 (13th January 2023)
To be clear, the sparing of Babylon’s and other nations destruction requires the total abandonment of Australia, which is necessary to “redirect” undesirable curses like destruction. This approach is taken because it is a doomed people and nation anyway i.e. “a wasted city” (Isaiah 24). Given Australia’s betrayal of Babylon(s) and other nations, I doubt this would be an issue. The aforementioned is stated because I recently found a “needle in a haystack” red and white item in a very strategic location, as well as a “stone heart” (hardening the heart) and an item referencing “gold”*, so understand that whatever was placed in this property was done with the full intention of Australian’s saving themselves at the expense of others. I have removed so much from the garden already, but the truth is that the key to their power is me, so remove me, and they lose most of their power** (it would also end my suffering, and fulfill ‘The Apocalypse of Abraham’ scripture about me being removed from the “heathen” i.e. non-Christians). Hence, when I talk about sparing nations from destruction, I am not talking about Australia at all…
More so, it must be reiterated to “Kings” that they do not know what my family has done, but I do, and I have picture and video evidence that strongly implicates their desire for “Kings” to reject me (and Christianity) and that is because they have their own motives, which seem to be allied with Australia in whatever mess they have made, and are trying to cover up. So, “Kings” MUST understand that my situation is so terrible that a few weeks ago I pulled a King David (1 Samuel 21:10-15), but instead of pretending to be crazy, I pretended to give up Christianity and my faith just in the hope of acquiring employment oversees (“soft lies” on a resume/cover letter). My only aim was trying to quickly get a visa and a one-way plane ticket out of here (I was never planning on working unless the employer was Christian, or willing to be converted) . Regardless, I had technical difficulties and could not complete my interview, so, “Kings” must also understand that is how much faith they have inspired in me… basically none, which is why I did the above to try and escape!
*NOTE:These items were neutralised and destroyed, and it remains possible that these items were spiritually influencing me also – so, it must be understood that I do not have issues with good-Babylon (Americans didn’t have feral vibes, so it was enjoyable despite all things), but I have an issue with bad-Babylon (Australia) for obvious reasons. I have collected picture and photo evidence of what I have found, so it is not like I can't back up my statements.
**NOTE: It must also be understood that the Lord, the Most High God probably granted me such power because I don’t really want spiritual gifts or powers ( I would rather be ordinary, so I am unlikely to abuse power i.e. lacking power-hungriness), and I am naturally responsible and reasonable (suited to a leadership position). Therefore, “Kings” shouldn’t worry about my reaction to their sins, as it is highly unlikely that I would curse people, or choose to destroy part of a nation based on what is confessed or disclosed (I prefer honest people, and dislike blatant liars), and that is because a) I have already made plans, b) it is my intention is to help, and c) I don’t enjoy destroying things, or human suffering – all these things are divine judgement, and therefore above my pay-grade (I am not a lamb yet, which is why I simply follow instructions and work within the scope granted to me).
To conclude, my plan to spare Bablyon(s) from destruction, yet fulfilling the necessary criteria, is the result of my developed understanding of God’s “trap, which has happened over time. In all truth, I now understand Revelation 17 more clearly, wherein my interpretation is not wrong, it is just that the context has changed, yet the way it happens makes perfect sense. Therefore, it must be made clear that I have a final solution that spares London’s port (and its city area), but I will only explain in person, which forces “Kings” to get me out of here. So, since England has no other options, I suggest that the relevant parties agree and get me out of here immediately, and that is because our peace of mind is gained by helping one another (the same for Germany, France and Spain). The rest of Babylon, (excluding Australia), is in the same boat, so I suggest that good-Babylon(s) acts with haste (setting any issues aside and making peace with one another). It is important for Babylon to come together because it is likely that Christian services will start in your nations since you all speak English, the language in which all my work is written in. Also, do not forget English is my first language, so I am probably ordained to be Babylonian “Kings”, “Queens”, “Princes” and “Princesses” pastor/instructor… Overall, it seems like this whole war was based on a big fat lie – it really was a mystery (Revelation 17:5-7, Revelation 10:7).
Final Note: The 10 “Kings” should consider 2 women (“Queens”) for the inaugural 12 of ‘The High Christian Council’, but they must also be suitable – if not then all men is fine. So, to be clear, when I use the word “Kings”, I mean women as well i.e. a woman “King” is a “Queen”, but I just use “King” to be concise.
Suitable can be defined as being a) influential (resources and connections); b) able to form their own opinion and express it (strength of character and of mind); c) able to be around groups of men without being "messy" i.e. is not looking for a relationship during “work time”; d) is not inclined to jealousy towards other women (or men); e) understands and is not uncomfortable with spiritual matters (Apostle criteria); and f) is willing to help; and g) wants to become Christian, whether for eternal youth, yummy but healthy food, wanting to live (not dying and healing from health conditions), or simply wanting to become a better person and/or a happier person. The same basic criteria stands for men as well.
8) Elaboration 3 (15th January 2023)
Here are two hints to the obvious answer that spares nations from their own mess: the annexing land and “equivalent exchange”. Regardless, I am required to authorise this outcome because I am the only one who can permit it’s Scriptural fulfilment due to my “special-one-in-Christ” (doing so without me will result in the same undesirable consequences despite all efforts i.e. Christians must follow instructions). So, to the wicked, I am not crazy or insane; to the not so bright, maybe you should ask yourself why you couldn’t work it out; and to the wicked who don’t understand, stupidity is your own curse i.e. there is no real excuse for “spiritual death” (‘zombie’ or ‘shade’, Isaiah 26:14**) except willful ignorance that comes from being an evil soul.
Therefore, to “Kings” who have died spiritually, it must also be understood that I do not have to spare your families or nations from destruction or partial destruction (especially when it is technically owed), and so, the longer I wait to be relocated,I will dedicate time to begin writing an undesirable prophetic outcome, which “Kings” would have to accept anyway (do you really have a choice when I can veto everything? The truth is that I just happen to appreciate aspects of democracy, and I wanted to reward those who choose to help by strategically mitigating the damage that they contributed to). Hence, the truth is this: “Kings” are all at my mercy, and it happens that at this point in time I am at “Kings” mercy - but “Kings” cannot determine my destiny, but I can determine theirs. For example, it is in my hands to prophecy which “Kings” I want replaced, or in a more practical manner, I can just simply reject certain “Kings” registration… then they will learn what it’s like for someone to deny them peace and quality of life, when it remains in their power to positively influence these things. Alternatively, Psalm 110 and Isaiah 14 will strike those who are deserving of it, and the reason is because not even God can stand the thought of helping wicked, selfish and ungrateful people, whether they are a “King” or not – and as it stands, nor can I.
So, this is my counsel: get me out of Australia immediately, in peace and in comfort, and the Lord, the Most High God will appear and fix what I cannot fix. This kind choice is also an opportunity to witness His appearance, which confirms His existence for yourselves i.e. a priceless and miraculous experience that money cannot buy (Isaiah 29:6-7). In simple terms, if I am a fraud then nothing will happen, and then “Kings” would be free to kill me, but if I am legitimate then God will appear. More so, to confirm my legitimacy all “Kings” would have to do is bring me someone in need of healing, and ask me to perform a miracle (just because I don’t want spiritual gifts doesn’t mean I don’t want to heal people – to be clear, I don’t find it fun sensing demons, sorcery and “feral-ness” all the time). Hence, I would like to perform a miracle when a) my spiritual gifts and Holy power are not limited (I also need to believe for my Holy power to work***, just like a Jedi has to believe in the Force to use their powers, and 2) when I am in the presence of people who won’t lie about it..
*Note: Despite what my enemies know they have done, and continue to do, they are too stupid to consider that the power of the Holy Spirit actually dampens the effects of their sorcery AND that there must obviously remain continuous divine intervention from the Lord, the Most High God, in the form of additional spiritual protection. This means that I do not suffer the full extent of whatever the ‘abomination of desolation’ is – but those who did it will (Wisdom of Solomon 17:7). More so, if their sorcery was actually effective then a) I wouldn’t have lasted so long, b) I wouldn't have been able to study (attaining my master’s degree), teach (2 placements), create and develop my work, travel, or live daily life, which includes working in the garden to try and help myself and other people. Hence. it must be understood that Australian ‘zombies’ are completely delusional about how their sorcery affects me – to emphasise my point, no one repeatedly commits acts of major sorcery unless it’s not working as expected (failing), so the natural conclusion is that they know the truth, but they don’t want to admit it (cowards) i.e. they are just “gone”.
In brief, only wicked fools believe that demonic power is absolute or the most powerful, and that is because they truly do not believe in the Lord, the Most High God (non-Christian), and/or they are so desperate that they cling to a false belief that their power is greater because they cannot reconcile with what they willingly chose to do, and the natural consequences of such evil (they are so deranged that they want to believe their own lies, despite all clarity of the Truth provided, and then have the nerve to want me to indulge their delusions (Isaiah 30:9-10). Hence, what I have witnessed is a people destroyed psychologically by their own evil and fear, which proves that wickedness and cowardice is the worst character trait combination (Revelation 21:8, Wisdom 17:11). In contrast, a wicked person with courage has Christian potential because they would eventually tell the truth, and so, despite all evils, a path of repentance lays before them, and therefore salvation. So, for many, if not all “Kings”, the aforementioned is your hope. To be clear, many ordinary people are no better or actually worse (I know from experience), and so my consolation is this: if they were in your shoes, the situation would probably be worse – so my choice is simple: choosing and pitying the “circumstantially better” people, who also happen to be the most powerful and well resourced. To be clear, social climbing has never been my thing i.e. my intentions are genuine.
**Note: It must be understood that the path to saving England is literally coincides with “the end” of Australia, which seems a fair price. Personally, I prefer England to Australia, so I have no issues with this path since it also benefits more people who are deserving of life and mercy after what has transpired. Hence, the countless Scriptures clearly stating that Australians don’t make it, and the reason is because they clearly aren’t Christian – it is divine judgement based on a rightfully deserved "inescapable sentence" (Wisdom of Solomon 17:17).
***Note: The spiritual/psychological target of the ‘abomination of desolation” is to break faith, or make faith non-existent or desolate (turning away from God). Hence, it remains possible that a crisis of faith may be hindering my power – and that is because it has been a long time; I am alone (being surrounded by people does not guarantee emotional fulfillment or comfort, especially in my circumstance); I feel betrayed and abandoned by my God (though I know He is with me); and I know how “heavy” the sorcery is – so it’s difficult, but I have done the best I can in my situation, and in all truth, most people wouldn’t last a week in my shoes. Hence, the importance of my freedom is also related to fully restoring my faith, as well as my skewed perception of people besides anything but evil, selfish and cruel (it is the Achilles of my experience, and in unlikely to be rectified unless I meet genuinely kind people).
Final Note: Despite my tiredness, I found another “needle in the haystack” item buried near a landmark, a miniature red and white figurine of what looks like a small old-style milk bottle, and an information card with the numbers 18,46,24 and 45 referenced, which I believe to be related to the Psalm and Isaiah prophecies. Hence, it is clear these people always knew the truth, and chose to work against it (non-Christian). Coincidently, it further confirms that Christian governance is the correct path to resolving the problems of these time, and so, it is likely that the targeted nations are important to the Christian cause. This means that it is best that they come together in unity and good faith towards one another: Italy (The Vatican i.e. holding great influence in Christianity); Japan (likely important as an influential and respected Asian nation); Russia (likely a Christian majority and perhaps a counter balance to western/Babylonian bias), America, Canada, England, Germany, France and Spain (the last six are dominant and influential nations that can help countries still under their influence, therefore making change easier). As for targeting New Zealand, it was likely collateral damage, a sacrificial or selfish act i.e. having their people die in their place, or trying to hold onto an “ally” for various reasons i.e. relocation options).
Minor elaboration (29th January 2023): Upon review, it appears that Saudi Arabia was also targeted, but most likely by collateral, whether intentional or not it isn’t clear. Coincidently, Saudi Arabia is suspected to be among the “camels” in Isaiah 60:6, which seem to be Islamic nations from the two major Islamic regions, the Middle East and Central Asia. While on this topic, it is probably worth mentioning that Middle Eastern and Central Asian populations, where Islam is the widespread religion, are believed to be the descendants of Ishmael, the first son of Abraham (Genesis 16-17, 25:12-18). This would explain why there is overlap between the true Christian faith and Islam.
Minor Elaboration (5th February 2023): Arabic people should not take offense at Genesis 16:11-1, in regards to the phrase “wild donkey”, as it is known that racism plays a huge issue with poor translation, in which I believe those who did it had foreknowledge of people’s identity i.e. “camels” where Middle Eastern people are referenced (camels should just be “sheep” and could be any region of my choosing (I am likely to secure the rest Africa and nations with people of African descent with Midian or Ephah). In terms of the “wild donkey”, God blessed Ishmael despite Abraham and Sarah’s poor treatment of him, and so, from what I can tell the correct interpretation based on the context of Ishmael’s story is this: He was forced to grow up in the “wilderness” or desert landscape, and so, in time he was well in tune or adapted to the land. As a result, he could said to be in harmony with it, and therefore because he lived, thrived and survived in such conditions he was blessed as a “man of the land” , rather than a “wild donkey” (Genesis 20:20-21). In my eyes, the way Arabic people have created such beautiful and thriving cities in the midst of deserts regions is very admirable, and therefore, clearly a blessing passed on throughout Ishmael’s generations. In comparison, Australia has not done anything noteworthy or praiseworthy with its desert landscapes, thus highlighting the absence of God’s blessings among its people (Aboriginal Australian hands a not clean in this mess). Overall, the Ishmael scripture emphasises that racists are 1) bad translators of sensitive material like historical documents, and (2) and cannot “read” the Bible correctly.
The identity of Nebiaoth is not known, but if it is a direct reference to the people of the descendants of Ishamel, then it is likely a Middle Eastern nation with many “kings” (rams), which coincidently fits with the United Arab Emirates. In this case “Kedar” it remains a reference to Bablyon, its correct identity was discerned via Psalm 120 based on Australia’s firm non-Christian stance, therefore, confirming the eventual prophecised thriving and survival of the remaining Bablyonian in these times, which is consistent with additional Scriptures.
Minor Elaboration (2nd February 2023): To help Islamic nations, “Sheba” can be designated an entire region, which may encompass North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. The other mentioned nations are to be identified in the future, as there would be a specific reason for mentioning them, which I do not currently know (but they are likely to have accepted Christianity by freewill). Counting the 3 regions as one group would be classified as divine intervention, and would be done to ensure the thriving and survival of Islamic people and nations in large numbers i.e. prophecy. To be clear, prophesying an unfavourable outcome was a threat to try and scare “Kings” (Psalm 18:44-45), and so, it does not necessarily indicate my intentions, but it is still possible. For example, when I am at full Holy power (Psalm 110), it is in my hand to protect entire nations, or leave them to their consequences until all their Christians become legitimized, wherein it is clear what choice of action is more desirable. Subsequently, here’s another example: I have considered banning the direct lineage of “failed” “Kings” from registration according to the recommendation of Psalm 37; and in such cases, exemption being possible, but unlikely. Hence, I am naturally nice and considerate, but it is others being uncooperative and unrighteous that forces me to be more stern and “mean”, which is done to prompt action based on personal interest i.e. nation, people, survival (and other reasons). Therefore, it must be understood that my “threats” and sternness are linked to my circumstances, which are unfavourable to my wellbeing, and dangerous to “Kings”, so I repeat: I do not control my current residential environment and I am having computer issues*, so before something may happen to make “Kings” say no, or delay too long, which could lead them to dying (and going to hell); it is best that I am swiftly removed and relocated.
*NOTE: I do not want a repeat where I am unable do anything for a long period of time, for example, my phone broke around September last year, and I couldn’t log into my website account to update or post anything for 3 whole weeks because it requires 2-factor authentication to access it i.e. that's how long it took for me to replace a $200 phone by saving money from household chores. To be clear, I have been having keyboard issues, so typing has not been smooth at all, but by literal grace it is manageable when I need to update or post something. For example, I need to type my password in to log in to my laptop and online accounts, as well as type out information, and so, it is very frustrating and very unideal. Replacing a laptop may seem non-issue to “Kings”, but it is not for people with financial limitations, and so, if I am “cut off” from communication, “Kings” will probably be cut off” too, but literally (as in death) i.e. the natural penalty for taking too long to help me.
Minor Elaboration (5th February 2023): My passport expires on the 28th February this year, and so, “kings” need to act with haste, as I cannot afford to replace it, nor can I travel without one. To be clear, the peace of the “others” and every other Christian begins when my troubles end (there was recent troubles, so I suspect a few “Kings” to have had their fate sealed in an undesirable manner). To confirm any doubts about “tribulation weather”, as the Lord’s proxy (special-one-in-Christ), I am afforded greater spiritual gifts, but weather control is typical of Jesus Christ, so I will be granted that power (Luke 8:24, even more so, if it is demonically influenced weather troubles, as I will have authority over all demons). As stated before, it is the “reader” who can distinguish what God does, and what I will do on His behalf – and so, I naturally understood that Isaiah 4 would be the result of me being granted full Holy power. Hence, it is in the interests of most if not all people if I am removed from Australia, and that is because I will have more Holy power, and with more Holy power I can do more to help, for example, I would be able to multiply food and purify water (and multiply it), so food and water shortages wouldn’t exist among Christian people (Matthew 15:32-38). However, for this to happen, I need to be freed from captivity so that God can finally break the “abomination of desolation” (He will never appear in the sight of non-Christian people, as it is clearly an act designed to grant future Christian’s more faith or “proof” of His existence outside of what I can do).
Furthermore, a blue and white item was recently found and destroyed, whether it was for Greece or Israel it is not known, granted each has its own church, orthodox and “Christian-ish”, so either or both nations being a spiritual target is not surprising. In all truth, many other nations like Nigeria and Mexico were targeted, but clearly some nations more than others. More so, since flag colours overlap many nations would have been natural collateral, which is obviously intentional because I have proof of the root structural item of sorcery that mentions colours to be “cursed". The aforementioned is something that I cannot remove and struggle to “spiritually unbind” or “push out” because it is very large, but I have done my best to mitigate it by prayer (divine intervention) and also by neutralising the specific problematic aspect. The undisclosed aspect is a key an tricky part of the “abomination of desolation”, and is likely to be directly linked to the “deep things of Satan”. Overall, I would have to review all my evidence in detail to provide information on specifics, but the mentioned nations are the ones that stood out the most because their targeting was most frequent.
Minor Elaboration (5th February 2023): Warning to “Kings” - Do not attempt any form of compulsion, soul/spirit attachment or transference on me (or anyone else) – I blessed my body a long time to destroy the complete entity of any person who attempts it, which is simply self-defence on my part (plus divine intervention, God would never allow it to succeed, but he puprosefully made me aware of it). In all truth, many have been partially destroyed due to this, which is the price of war amongst those who did not consider the high risk of damaging/splitting their soul using the “deep things of Satan”*. This is one reason why Australian’s need to go or be confined, they are trying to cheat death by transferring and binding their souls/spirits to objects or other people, as if ‘Altered Carbon’ or ‘Full Metal Alchemist’ is applicable to real life (they may have take ‘The VMFCP’ too literally… what idiot would be so careless with their soul?). Clearly, the price of such disgusting, abominable and unnatural acts is becoming a “zombie”, which leads to condemnation to hell. The lesson is this: if you play stupid games, then you win stupid prizes i.e. only God can fix the result of such a terrble decsion.
*NOTE: The soul is complex, and has multiple parts. The part that belongs to the mind, and the soul or spiritual form, which is the spiritual form of the human body. The “abomination of desolation” mainly targeted my soul from, as it aims to harm/kill someone they cannot physically hurt. This is what was meant when it was said that they damaged my soul (my fourth Biblical Wisdom article was pointing out their problem because they were clearly misguided in what spirits they deal with). It seems that Australians seemed to have damaged both parts of their soul by their own choices, while God and myself merely disposed of the “rubbish” that they tried to “transfer”. Hence, their death is inevitable because they are incomplete humans i.e. ‘zombies’.
It is not possible for a person to assume another person’s “vessel” and the reason is because there is always a natural order to things, which means that the mind, heart, body, soul and spirit are a package deal, and therefore, another person cannot “takeover” – it’s impossible, and is therefore a delusion of degenerates, especially those who still have the nerve to be racist (why try and be someone who you deem inferior?) Hence, many have failed to understand that jealousy is a root cause of their hatred i.e. a superiority complex that is used to mask feelings of inferiority. This means that racists need to learn how to deal with their feelings instead of practicing hatefulness as a lifestyle, and that’s because it’s 1) indicative of low emotional intelligence, and 2) embarrassing, which is why everyone knows white and other people hate being called racist, and that is because they know it’s shameful and wrong. Hence, the natural conclusion is that racism is not admirable or good, and so, those who die because of it will not be missed or mourned i.e. racists are scum in my eyes. However, a reformed racist will be granted their reward if they are repentant (I know this may annoy many victims of racism, but it is the God ordained the path to peace). To be plain, attempting to save powerful nations is also related to strategy, and not solely great or abounding love for Europeans (I have some natural basic love, but it’s not an idolisation), and so, my choices are made for multiple reasons i.e. I am not a sell-out; and it should have crossed many minds that I prayed for all racist people to die, so everyone else can finally live in peace. Regardless, I must also follow instructions, and that instruction is to reform some racists (colourist and classists, and basically any and every from of hatred, but where it is very culturally entrenched not much can be done for some people i.e. the Indian people(s) of South East Asia have a big issue).
**NOTE: To be clear, if a nation is offered 50% of it’s population to be registered then it means there is the potential to save 100%, even if it is not the reality. For example, if 40% of the population is married then 80% (40% secured i.e. registered and eventually receiving the Holy Spirit, and 40% saved by proxy/sanctification) + the remaining 10% would be saved. = 90% of a population saved (all it would take is for me to write it down as a condition, which I have already done i.e. it is specified in the registration forms (psalm 87, which once again mentions Babylon, so they are not and weren't meant to die, with the exception of Australians)). [Extra or left over registration quotas (where 100% is exceeded with proxy) can be used for expats. Either way, a nation can just choose to save their stable/normal population; as the choice to favour natural populations is most relevant to countries where racial or ethnic discrimination may be an issue, and to avoid exploitation by foreign peoples. For example, if a ‘zombie’ Australian person chooses to leave Australia and live in Nigeria in the hope of escaping judgement, when the time comes they would be denied registration in the favour of the natural population, a retuning expat (whether a ‘zombie’ or not), or a non-returning expat overseas i.e. the general population registration process includes a detailed background check for a reason, and would be conducted in collaboration with the police and intelligence agencies]. The above example is just a general guide, and that is because there still remains free will, which means that physical death remains the consequences of sin i.e. planning terrible things like murder or God foreseeing that someone would never repent of racism, colourism, classism (forms of hatred), sexual immorality like paedophilia, or unnecessary and disturbing dietary choices like cannibalism (with all my new foods there is no need to eat people i.e. healthy and tasty dietary substitution and distraction to help people overcome a terrible dietary choice). Hence, if a spouse or anyone is not willing to be a decent person, then they would perish as nothing can be done in such cases. To clarify, if better circumstances would cause a person to make better lifestyle choices that is when they are spared by God, and others given over to death in their place i.e. timing. To conclude, the above outlines why I wanted to secure at least 65-80% of Christian populations, it is to ensure that 1) governments and ordinary citizens have enough social support to avoid trouble (stability), and 2) so that most people can be saved based the conditions outlined in the Holy Bible. Hence, can does not mean everyone will make it, but the Bible specifies more than 74.99% will make it. Australian people are the perfect example of the former, as they destroyed themselves by freewill, which is not surprising since they tried to destroy every other people and nation in the attempt to survive…
Elaboration 4 - Latest update and a contemplation for Kings (10th February 2023)
Elaboration 5 - Latest update (16th February 2023)
More notable items were found, and seem to be the last, with the most important items being directly linked to Greece (blue and white item with Greek letters) and what I clearly believe to be the “infinity item” i.e. the unbreakable aspect of the covenant with Death* (so, I think it is fully annulled now, and should backfire on them terribly). To be clear, I prayed for all the items to be gathered in a particular area, and I also commanded the evil spirits attached to the items to appear (or be sent to hell i.e. an ultimatum for those under my command, meaning that being freed I can command Satan and the anti-Christ i.e. guaranteed safety). The above resulted in the miraculous ability to find what is essentially impossible, which is an example of divine intervention. I don’t know how much Holy power I have, so I keep trying to command Satan and the Anti-Christ to let “kings” be free and step aside i.e. the one who has power renouncing it (surrendering) - so hopefully it works soon. If not, then everyone has to wait for the Lord, the Most High God to remove the anti-Christ and bad “Kings”, if “Kings” won’t “rouse from their couches” more swiftly (it was my hope that faith was stronger, but if not, then it is clear that “King’s” need to witness the Lord’s appearance (Isaiah 29), and that I need to leave (Isaiah 52 references leaving after a long time and being redeemed without money i.e. I will be rescued when I am poor - and just in case it was missed, the flight is not literal, so until I can appear where I want at will, booking me a flight is necessary (Luke 24:28-43)).
*NOTE: I believe the Anti-Christ told Australian’s that their curse/covenant with Death (Isaiah 28) was unbreakable, and that is because the odds of discovering how it works and finding all the items would be like 10 Billion to 1 (basically impossible). However, I beat the odds with the help of the Lord, the Most High God i.e. I am “lucky” even when it does not appear so!
[To be clear, this was for items where I could not dig due to inaccessibility, and for things I would be unlikely to find, other times it as an educated guess based on physiology matches (I have video and photos outlining and showing where some things were found). In all honesty, based on where certain items were found, the main suspects are obvious, thus making it clear that "Kings" need to help me immediately i.e. I am leaving/travelling solo, it is non-negotiable (there is a lot I have not said, and want the opportunity to disclose in a more suitable manner). More items of sorcery were found, the most notable being a black boot shaped item, this is the third variant of its kind (whether it's a target for Italy I do not know), as well as another blue and white, and red and white item. Overall, I really do think this was the last few items. I do not know whether finding certain things is due to having more Holy power, or prayer, and that is because nothing was sensed in certain areas before, even when the land was undisturbed. This means that The Lord, the Most High God, was likely revealing things in His own time to spare “kings” i.e. who would technically not be at fault if there was a long-term spiritual issue greatly affecting them (there are likely and were items linked to Egregore, which is terrible). The natural presumption is that the “abomination of desolation” was designed to direct hatred towards to my person: young (ageism), darker skinned (coloursim); African (racism); a woman (sexism); and there was a particular structural items linked to keeping me in a lower socioeconomic class (classism). Clearly, the hope of Australia was always grounded in hatred – if Christians hate one another then how can we succeed? It is clear, that our failure to come together is Australia’s only hope, and so, it is an order for “Kings” to utterly destroy such an evil cause. Hence, the normal expectation is for Christians to reject hatred mindsets, and that is because salvation is otherwise impossible. Conclusively, what this situation exemplifies is that racial, phenotypical, and gender superiority is a lie, and only those who cannot maintain self-esteem would choose hatred as a mindset and lifestyle (Pastoral Care will help people find a pure way to be happy about themselves). For example, everyone knows Australia is the dregs of it’s kindred, and so, their racism has always been extra because they try to overcompensate for knowingly being the UK’s trash self-esteem. To emphasise this point, if I am not good enough then why put the biggest obstacle known to mankind in my way? Why persecute me in racially targeted ways? The answer is that:
I also have more Holy power now, and I pushed out the “cubis box”, and I also blessed my body to expel all that it is attached to, but it has been a long time so I don’t know how extensively “connected” I am, what else is down there, or what I am connected to. To be clear, I had to repeatedly unbind and expel items from places I visit in my surrounding area like the grocery store, and they stupidly keep repeating their sorcery every time (they make use of some very disgusting things, and so, I am blessed to be able to keep it all in spiritual form, but it still makes me feel unwell). So, for my Australian enemies, I may have sent every gross thing straight back in self-defense… which is the case for one particular person who deserved it. To conclude, I have done the best in my circumstance, but I need to leave so god can break the “abomination of desolation” in full, and that is because the damage is too significant for me to fix without accurate information and full Holy power. Hence, I was likely dying before I became Christian, which is one reason why God let it happen, therefore, besides exposing Australia and kindly trapping Babylon and other nations into salvation (only Australia has the bad trap i.e. divine judgement)– it seems clear that too much suffering and sadness in the world also led to the “end of the Age”. Thus, it seems like this “mess” was designed to help people find peace and happiness again, and so, even though things may be tough now, the future will be better (Isaiah 35). To conclude, this situation is like the nursey rhyme “going on a bear hunt”: we can’t go over it, we can’t go under it, we have to go through it”.
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