As previously stated, one of the main aims of Independent Christian Counsel is to establish a formal Regulatory Christian Government body. This means that the Christian government’s structure must be discussed and agreed upon by its highest ranked constituents. As the founding member of the legitimate Christian government, I have selected a very basic structure, which is encompassed by a 2-part governing body: The High Christian Council and The International Christian Council (the council names are only provisional descriptors). Below a general outline and description of the 2-part government body has been provided, as well as some important contextual information that provides more insight:
(1) The High Christian Council should include parties outlined in the ‘Reprove 3’ article (links also below), but now also includes the Canadian President, Justin Trudeau (G20), and other influential individuals of similar standing that are willing to become Christian. More so, Presidential replacements for UK G20 representation like Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales is also fine. However, the exclusion of the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, and Indian Prime Minister, Narenda Modi, should remain in place at this point in time. In the same manner, anyone who is against the Christian cause should just naturally be left out. Either way, it should be clear that the best way to minimise risk is for very high-ranking former Satanic occultists to form this council. The reason why high-ranking and extremely influential “Kings” must form and be part of The High Christian Council is because it is the best mode of establishing basic security, which is needed when faith is lacking i.e. believing in God to protect you. Using this top-down approach means that everyone who falls under their command can technically be “managed” to some significant degree.
(2) As the most senior Christian (Scribe and Apostle); the one who proposed global Christian governance; and the one who holds the spiritual titles of Wisdom, Zion (also known as the daughter of Zion); and Servant (proxy) for the Lord Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53:10-12, Revelation 17:14, Isaiah 45:14, Gospel of Thomas Gospel of Thomas 30), it means that the Presidential Chair of The High Christian Council is my right as ordained by the Lord, the Most High God ( 1 Corinthians 12:28*, Revelation 12, Isaiah 32:1, Isaiah 11:1-5, Isaiah 52:2, Micah 4:8-10 (Babylon sometimes refers to its daughter nations as well i.e. Psalm 87. This means that my invitation to the council is necessary for (1) anything to become legitimate in Christianity; (2) the salvation of “Kings”, especially the “The Big 10” (and their families) who are part of ‘The Church in Laodicea’ (Revelation 3:15-19, Isaiah 49:22-23); and (3) improving my wellbeing: the truth is that no matter how strong someone is mentally or spiritually, an unhealthy environment is still unhealthy for multiple reasons like the problematic spiritual state of my personal residence (location) and anti-social environemnt. Therefore, this is a remeinder to "Kings":
Therefore, it must be understood that I am replacing the Anti-Christ, except that the “new office” will become Christian and Holy, which makes it clear that the Anti-Christ (Revelation 13:11-13, Revelation 19:20) must renounce his place as the head of the nations, so that I can rightfully begin my reign as the new holder of the “Morningstar”, which denotes dominion (Revelation 2:26-28, Psalm 109, Psalm 18:43-50, Isaiah 11:1-5, Gospel of Thomas 81 – it is obvious that I will become wealthy through my own innovation and hard work). Furthermore, Jezebel is also being replaced by me, as some of her children will become Christian (Proverbs 30:23). I am the one who did all the work to support the Christian cause without anything in return for years, which is akin to slavery. Even my persecutors try to claim that I am an occult slave that has to work for them (as stated Isaiah 50:1 is not literal), even though I have never had any association with them AND have ignored and dismissed them for years (in general daily life, and in publicly available content). So in their twisted minds, or what is left of it, Australians tried to justify intellectual property theft by literal “hidden” slavery, even though both are unlawful under the New Covenant (1 Timothy 1:10, Isaiah 47:6, where “aged” actually reads as “Christian elders”). Therefore, it must be understood that Australian’s are not considered sick (Matthew 9:12) - they are simply depraved (Isaiah 28, Isaiah 47, Daniel 12:9, Wisdom of Solomon 17, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).
(3a) I made it very clear a long time ago that this “race” is a series of “karmic-traps” designed to weed out the worst people on earth (Jeremiah 51:12). So it must be reaffirmed that (1) I was ordained to win by the Lord, the Most High God (ancient spiritual ties exist along with a loyalty that can never be broken, Revelation 21:7. The logic behind “son” has already been explained, but is reaffirmed in the next note); (2) I am an actual long-term Christian who does not struggle to follow basic commandments, or what some may call more complex commandments i.e. properly considering personal circumstance, (3) no one who plays dirty can ever win, therefore, theft, harmful lies (not “soft lies”), witchcraft and murder attempts only ensure condemnation to hell, (4) my collection of work makes it clear that there is no competition, and (5) I am a Scribe, which is the highest rank of Apostle, so it automatically means that I was granted the authority to establish and lead Christianity during “the end of the age” (Matthew 13:52, Revelation 19:8). Therefore, any acts against my authority is counted as insubordination, and results in excommunication from the Body of Christ. The penalty is strict in these times because “the world” already knew that I was the incoming High Priestess of the Christian faith (Revelation 21:7, Revelation 19:6-9, Psalm 45). Hence, it must be understood that sometimes what you want or don’t want is irrelevant when it has already been ordained by The Lord, the Most High God” i.e. praying to replace me is like cursing yourself and lineage (Proverbs 20:20).
NOTE*: As previously mentioned, members of the Christian Government will undertake The Instructorship and Pastorship Training (IPT) because the content is suited to their level of appointment/profession, furthermore, the rank that it confers also respects normal social and organisational order. Here is an example of a general ranking system that is considerate towards the esteem of “Kings” and “Princes”, as well as “Queens” and “Princesses” (male and female equivalents for persons of standing are interchangeable when interpreting many Scriptures i.e. “King”, “son”, “he” or “him” can also refer to a woman based on context i.e. male dominant translation occurs throughout the Holy Bible, but the interpretation is often gender neutral):
A normal instructor at a local Church may be a level 10 instructor/Pastor; a Church leader of a major Church denomination that sits on The High Christian Counsel would be a rank 1a Instructor/Pastor, with the additional ranks of helps/government that automatically ranks them higher than someone who is just an instructor; senior Church members of a major Church denomination such as The Roman Curia of The Vatican, may be a level 2a Instructor/Pastor (also triple rank). In the same manner, a President, Prime Minister or delegate, who is a member of the International Christian Council, would naturally hold a rank higher than a normal Instructor i.e. Rank 1b (also triple rank).
(3b) The matter of new rankings must be discussed, planned and agreed upon by the Christian government, which highlights the necessity of convening an inaugural meeting as soon as possible. Obviously, there would naturally be additional specialised government bodies formed that focus on (1) a specific area of expertise, and (2) regional issues in order to streamline necessary changes for the security and the preservation of land heritage i.e. African nations. Therefore, as a matter of policy, Christian registration (Psalm 87) must preferentially favour natural citizens of each nation in order to maintain cultural heritage, identity and land rights. To put it more plainly, a quota system is necessary to prevent racial discrimination, especially in populations with African people. To be clear, it is the worst case of racism to discriminate against people in their own homeland, especially when the perpetrators, whether Indian, Middle Eastern or Chinese, would have also experienced colourism or racism from white people. Hence, victims of racism who choose to be a perpetrator of it, are actually the worst type of racists, and that is because they know the psychological, social and economic effects that it can cause, and therefore, bear more guilt.
The above was stated to highlight and clarify (a) my natural understanding of good “law, order, and policy”, which is an indication of my natural leadership and governance potential (emerging “Ram”, or “King/Queen”), (b) my understanding of the intricacies of moral judgement, and (c) my long-held choice to dismiss and reject colourism and racism, which is a form of archaic hatred. In all truth, new Christians must renounce colourism and racism in order to “be born again”, otherwise there is no hope, and so, the preservation of the white, and non-African coloured world depends on (1) organised Christian government, and (2) Christian regulation, otherwise your people would be outperformed and cease to exist (which many may feel rightly deserved). The normal rational assumption is that white and people of colour would try to save themselves at the expense of African people, or people of African descent, but understand that it is your people who need saving (Luke 35:2, Mark 2:17). Therefore, as a pre-emptive move on my part, this same quota system would also be used to avoid the marginalisation of different ethnicities like African American and Native American people by its largely white majority, who are known to treat them unfairly while claiming to uphold the pretence of equality. For this same reason, Biracial people will have a separate quota category. This method naturally allows for the preservation of Black, white, non-Black people, by excluding the grievous error of human sacrifice based on false and anti-social racial hierarchies.
The American example is provided for one reason: blood and spiritual ties exist between Americans and Biafrans due to slavery, so it must be understood that although the American majority are white people, the truth remains that the white population is likely to have an abundance of souls belonging to The Kingdom of Heaven, simply because they have more recent African-American admixture (Amos 9:12). Obviously, African Americans naturally have a higher level of Biafran ancestry, so they are also considered in the same way, its just that their soul and racial appearance is considered consistent. Hence, America’s spiritual-racial category may be “Edom-Babylonian”, but many of their souls are not, and therefore as a nation they do not really belong to the Kingdom of Hell (“The Left”): America belongs to The Kingdom of Heaven (Zion), and therefore, “The Right” (The Apocalypse of Abraham).
(1) The International Christian Council is made up of national leaders or delegates who represents their people’s interests. At this point in time excluded nations and uncooperative leaders should not form part of this Christian Government body because there is a direct conflict of interest i.e. Australia (Isaiah 47:1); England (Babylon, Revelation 18); China (Asia, 2 Esdras 15:42-63) and India (Syria, 2 Esdras 16:1, Job 18). The Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari, should also be barred unless he cooperates with the establishment of Biafra, which includes ceasing to murder Biafran civilians and recalling “killer herdsmen”. The Bible instructs that England (Babylon) must be dealt with last (Jeremiah 50:12), so its leaders must remember that it is an easy task to put aside an extremely small or more generous quota of Babylonian lives. However, how many Babylonian lives ae saved depends on the choices that its leaders make hereafter, or rather the choices of those who replace them. To be clear, the price of trying to restrict open Christian communication and assembly is the timely death of Jezebel (Revelation 2:22); the death of evil “Kings”; and the removal of The Anti-Christ via Psalm 110, wherein “the head” in verse 6 is the correct word, and refers to the unrepentant Satanic leadership who try to oppress other “Kings”, peoples and nations.
(2a) China has long been identified as ‘Asia’ due to their neo-colonialist practices that seems to have arisen out of their disturbing idolisation of white people and their (1) colonial history, and (2) thirst for being considered racially superior. Chinese Neo-colonialism is not only unique to Africa, and occurs in different way across the globe. For example, the specific way they have approached international relations with nations like Australia, America and Canada is actually done to “set up & take over” via the sadistic use of wealth/development/immigration as a snare. Therefore, given China’s communist nature, I doubt the involved masses or “kings” are unaware of the intention, because it looks like a plan designed to exploit the world’s love of money, particularly the West’s , who fell into China’s long-planned trap of: (a) economic dependence (extremely cheap and accessible manufacturing); (b) large foreign land ownership; (c) large population strongholds, and (d) key societal positions, which has enabled them to influence foreign society to a greater degree via international relations i.e. a slow silent takeover.
Given Biblical evidence, my gifts of discernment and knowledge, factual information and real-life experience, it must be pointed out that Chinese people are: (1) historically non-Christian (lacking natural primary affinity); (2) are not known to practice Abrahamic religions like Judaism and Islam, which overlaps with Christianity (lacking natural secondary affinity), (3) have an extremely large population (an excess of 1.2 billion people), (4) are known to be racist, and (5) are recorded not to be trusted in the Holy Bible i.e. “wretch”. Therefore, there is little to no natural prospect among China’s many people, as it appears that the Chinese race is a large deposit of demonic souls i.e. naturally non-Christian people. The same general situation is relevant to India, and with mixed English heritage the situation is not helped, as it appears that Babylonian souls are of Satan’s stock (Satan’s seed). Overall, this means that only grace can save some Chinese and Indian people, yet saving the majority of their people means that the survival of other races will be threatened, so I have no choice but to put other nations first. Of course, “China” excludes a limited number of possible remnants from oppressed regions like Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Xinjiang (Uygur) that have the option of joining Christianity, and can therefore be represented on The International Christian Council, which will hear and support the cause of emerging Christian nations. To make things plain to the leaders of China: the survival of Shanghai, Beijing, and other beloved Chinese regions, depends on terms and conditions like the forfeit/return or sale of foreign land and assets to its people; assisting in the security and retrieval of Christian assets in non-Christian Chinese territory; and letting oppressed Chinese nations/regions go. As for India, its small natural Christian population will have first preference for salvation, therefore, the Indian region(s) with significant Christian numbers should be considered an Indian remnant in the likeness of Taiwan. The emerging Chinese and Indian nation(s) would be able to have representation on The International Christian Council, with future consideration for the High Christian Council due to China and India’s G20 membership.
(2b) The ‘Asia’ Scriptures will be further outlined because the context of 2 Esdras 15:42-63 must be explained in order to minimise confusion. Yet people must remember that anything that happens in the Bible is from a Christian-perspective, and is therefore based on: (1) divine judgement, (2) the Christian system of righteous morality, and (3) the interests of Christian people according to the proper consideration of personal circumstances. The Scripture, 2 Esdras 15:42-63, appears to be a future “special military operation” designed to secure Christian assets within non-Christian Chinese territory. In proper context, the “children” being “carried away” in 2 Esdras 15:63 are “children of China”, which is a general term for adults (the same applies to Isaiah 47:9). Therefore, despite poor translation, being “carried away” is obviously Christian in nature, and appears to be members of “The Christian Armed Forces” extracting essential personnel related to Christian-owned assets. For example, the abovementioned Scripture could describe the planned rescue of a leading Chinese electrical engineer employed in a factory for (a) their own wellbeing i.e. it is not good being stuck with non-Christian people, and (b) the protection of Christian business interests i.e. ensuring the correct and efficient continuation of electronics production at a new Christian location, which the engineer is required for. Therefore, it must be understood that those carried away “captive” are blessed because they will live and become Christian, which makes it clear that essential knowledge, professions and skills are important in these times, as it could be the one reason between rejection and acceptance for registration (Psalm 87).
NOTE: The same context applies to Isaiah 13, where the context of verse 16 is not done by Christian people, it is done by non-Christian Babylonians, however, when children are laid to rest “without mercy” in verse 18, it is because they are not being adopted. The reality is that Christian people will be busy with their own salvation, families and finding a new work-life-repentance balance i.e. having no pity or mercy because forgone children should not become anyone else’s problem. Yet another kind of mercy exists by ending their suffering because it is not good for children to be surrounded by cold-blooded murderers and rapists who enjoy torturing people. The truth is that the consequence of using demonic powers is that it corrupts the soul, and as a result minors can become psychologically damaged, spiritually damaged AND deeply possessed (increase in LGBTQ in minors is one obvious sign of a corrupted soul). The above occurs because children (and non-Christian adults) lack a developed will (spirit) and give in to “the flesh”. Therefore , “feral” or “filthy” is the only way to describe their disposition, as spiritual corruption translates into very poor lifestyle choices. Yet “spiritual death” only happens to those who choose to embrace the worst sins i.e. sexual immorality, hatred and acting on jealousies.Overall, the blame for a child’s loss of life falls upon the parents who willingly exposed their children to demonic forces, and encouraged lawlessness while their kids were under their care. For many years, parents have had the option of beginning to make Christian lifestyle changes, which would have protected their children spiritually and physically via sanctification, (Calling Special Edition, pg. 42, adopted minors are also sanctified).
Overall, the lesson is that for any action a Christian takes there is always a properly justified context that is taken into account – so one must understand the Christianity only appears inconsistent to (1) non-Christian people, and (2) people who lack critical thinking skills associated with morality (this type of moral thinking can be developed through formal Christian education, training and Pastoral Care i.e. this is one major focus throughout The entire IPT).
(3) Israel should also be initially excluded from The International Christian Council for obvious reasons: they are not the people of God’s heritage, and they need to sit out until they accept this Truth (even Americans have a better claim, yet they are still Babylonian). Despite this precaution which needs to be taken for the sake of governmental stability, many of their people will still live and be saved despite what is recorded in 2 Esdras 15:1-19, and that is because the separation or succession of “New Israel” is recorded as Biblical prophecy (Egypt, Revelation 3:9), as explained on page 4 of The JBEP Biblical History article, ‘Inheritance: blood, culture and land heritage’: “Revelation chapter 11, verses 11:1-2, reveals that a church (synagogue or temple, whether a building, buildings or an entire zone, of which there could be many) will be a refuge for Jewish worshippers of the Lord, the Most High God (Elohim), who live in Jerusalem during the final times of divine judgement.”. This same condition is now also relevant to the daughters of Babylon that have not been excluded from immediate inquiry or Christian participation, wherein the following conditions are outlined in the next section.
(4a) A daughter of Babylon, namely Canada, MUST leave their old ways behind, and sacrifice a portion of their English/Indigenous land for destruction, which is where it’s unsaved populace will live until their end. This is necessary because unrepentant people are terrorists who infringe upon the human rights of innocent and harmless Christian people, whether faithful or repentant. Therefore, the expectation is for the leader(s) of Canada to mark out the worst portion of land for their unrepentant to dwell, while the good and large portion of land that would house the possible Christian majority would then become “New Canada” (until it can take its old name back). The strategy of designating a penal territory will relieve new Christians of fear, stress and anxiety because occultic terrorists are removed from the equation i.e. the literal geographical excommunication of “weeds” (Gospel of Thomas 57, Matthew 13:24-29, 37-43). This strategy would require a heavy military/police presence at the borders, wherein fencing would also be helpful, as well as a strong naval presence along coastlines to ensure no illegal access or infiltration by terrorists. The only other option for Canada is complete destruction (Revelation 17:9-12), with the exception of French Canada (unless they are also unrepentant). Choosing the path of destruction means that Canada would face the troubles linked to divine judgment that are described in the Bible in the Book of Revelations. These troubles have already begun and are prophecised to get worse for the wicked (unrepentant), but not for the righteous, who are classified as “my children” (Isaiah 4:2-6, 2 Esdras 2:29). So, these may be trying times, but Christian people will make it through the time of tribulation**, as it is clear that circumstances will improve when the Christian government is able to intervene (Isaiah 32).
**NOTE: It must be explained that people’s poor choices have thrown many nations into tribulation, which can be described as climate change (extreme damaging weather), agricultural and economic struggles – yet tribulation is not permanent for Christian people and nations (Revelation 2:20-23, Revelation 7:13-14). To reiterate, “tribulation” is the backfire effect of the ‘Four Horses of The Apocalypse’ (Revelation 6), which means that people are choosing to use demonic power (witchcraft), despite warnings. The backfire effect occurs more obviously because divine judgement has already begun, which means that people are causing problems and suffering for themselves, other people and their countries (it is common knowledge that witchcraft has a price, whereas Christian gifts do not because they are Holy).
The reality of this situation is made clear by the Scripture, Revelation 2:20-23, where sexual immorality/adultery is a metaphor for idolatry, which indicates the use of Satanic or demonic teachings, rituals and witchcraft to try and influence the times (Daniel 7:25); the Christian law, which is unchangeable because it comes from Heaven (Daniel 7:25); personal wealth or other people’s wealth; their fate by trying to “kill” Christians who are literally non-hostile people (causing intentional harm to preserve the self is one of the greatest forms of wickedness, Revelation 2:23, Wisdom of Solomon 17:14-21). Furthermore, people must be reminded that attempting to change fate naturally incurs the heaviest price (Isaiah 65:11-12) because it is one of the ultimate taboos. This means that “the world” must accept that: God’s people are God’s people (Native Biafrans); God’s wife is His one and only wife (Song of Solomon 7:6-7, Gospel of Thomas 81, Revelation 19:6-9); I am the ordained leader of the Christian government; Italy is Tyre (Isaiah 23); “The 3 Beasts” have a choice, and that is because there must be something that God sees in them, despite obvious moral shortcomings linked to racism, oppression and avarice. Personally, what I see from afar is vibrant cultures; innovation across many industries; beautiful landscape preservation and cultivation, as well as architectural wonder (in my mind, how a location is preserved and developed, when funds are available, is a reflection of a creative richness within the soul that reflects the liveliness of its people); and I am allowed to adopt the daughters of Babylon, as for how many ‘tents’ of “New Babylon” exist in the future, it is uncertain i.e. Kedar is also Chaldea or Babylon (Psalm 120, Isaiah 60:7, Psalm 87).
Therefore, the daughters of Babylon must realise that their fate rests in their own hands, and in their own choice, wherein it must be mentioned that from what I have elucidated in regards to undoing the ‘abomination of desolation’ (Isaiah 52:2), it is clear that: particular aspects were done to prevent certain powerful nations choosing Christianity (Isaiah 47:9-11). To put it plainly: “the Whore of Babylon” (England) and her ugly daughter (Australia) tried to destroy the other Babylonian daughters and European nations who were meant to be their allies. So, as I was “pre-targeted” for being Christian and naturally leading its cause, the Babylonian daughters and other nations were “pre-targeted” in multiple ways, with “pre-war” exposure to Jezebelian and Anti-Christian propaganda making things worse. Based on experience, it appears that compulsion abilities are not absolute, and can only take effect if it is the will of the individual to agree. I know this to be true because I have a very strong Christian will, so compulsion of any kind cannot affect me. Hence, the strategic use of propaganda was done to (1) influence/control people (spiritually), and (2) poison “the worlds” mind towards The Lord, the Most High God, The Christian faith, and of course me, His Servant (Revelation 18:3, Jeremiah 51:7, Gospel of Thomas 28, where appearing in the flesh or in person must refer to me being His proxy i.e. Isaiah 45:14). However, the good thing is that the Holy Spirit, also known as ‘living waters’ from legitimate Christian teachings can spiritually override compulsion because it (a) strengthens the will, and (b) causes a disagreement that renders demonic compulsion ineffective.
Overall, the above demonstrates the destructive outcomes of The Anti-Christ’s and Jezebel’s teachings: death, suffering, self-inflicted destruction, and condemnation to hell. Therefore, it must be understood that the Scripture, Wisdom of Solomon 17, is most relevant to (1) Australians who carried out the “abomination of desolation” and try to maintain its effects (Isaiah 47) – had they not chosen to act against me and Christian people in a pre-meditated manner, then none of this would even have happened, and (2) everyone else in the occult who has been dragged into this mess via spiritual connection to Satan/demons. This means that the unrepentant all across the world are Babylon’s collateral because they were only condemned to hell due to Babylon triggering divine judgement (Jeremiah 51:49).
(4b) “The 3 Beasts”, who are the French Empire , Germanic Empire and Spanish Empire (Daniel 7:1-12, Daniel 2:36-44), were identified based on their colonial history, and continued oppressive and exploitative dominance over other people and nations. However, Daniel 2:43 makes it clear that the French choose independence from Babylon, but this is no surprise since the English consider other Europeans as “lesser white people”. Therefore, foreseeing the lies, manipulation, and injustice used against other Europeans by Babylon, Jeremiah 50 and 51 were chosen because the spiritual title loopholes enables me to spare “The 3 Beasts” from destruction (Jeremiah 50:33,41-46 Jeremiah 51:27-28). Therefore, people must understand that the future is set, although it looks like there are many different paths, or what the deluded may call “alternate realities”. The Truth is that no one can change the law and the times: the possibility was always a big fat lie designed to snare evil souls: prophecy is set prophecy, and it can be confirmed by cross-checking, which always reveals the true and only path that exists. Hence, Biblical prophecy simultaneously outlines our choices, while also somewhat reinforcing them based on our experiences and realisations, which enables people to recognise the Truth. For example, Isaiah 47 was triggered by the choices made by Australian people, and I merely identified it’s fulfilment by making the direct correlation to my circumstances. Therefore, it must be understood that Isaiah 47 functions to ensure natural justice for their pre-meditated actions against me and the entire Christian world.
To conclude, avoiding complete destruction is possible for “The 3 Beasts” if they choose to abandon evil-Babylon, the anti-Christ and Jezebel, and join the Christian cause (the context of Daniel 7:12 will be elaborated upon in person when the Christian government convenes). Lastly, “The 3 Beasts” will be held to conditions similar to those provided in the Canada example, however, a more complex historical-geographical situation exists, and therefore the final solution must be investigated, discussed and agreed upon because it has multiple factors.
(5) People who become Christian are excluded from unfavourable outcomes, and so, it is important for new Christian people to consider Scriptures in the context of repentant vs. unrepentant, otherwise depression and anxiety caused by long-festering guilt, the fear of death, and the fear of failure may unnecessarily overwhelm some people – so it is my prayer that The Lord, The Most High God helps maintain people’s emotional wellbeing until more can be done. This means that is important for people to pray for a healthy mindset, where Isaiah 26:3-4 and Philippians 4:6-7 are helpful. Therefore, despite the damage done in, and to many people and nations due to Satanic propaganda and false teachings, it is recorded that the Christian ‘dead’ can, and will live again in Isaiah 26:19 and 2 Esdras 2:16; where ‘dust’ and ‘tombs’ is the result of spiritual death caused by repeatedly choosing to engage in sins of the worst kinds and intentional insubordination. This means that knowing part of the Truth beforehand was the equivalent of The Anti-Christ and Jezebel handing their “friends” a bomb, and expecting them to survive the explosion – so obviously, they wanted their “friends” to implode, perish and burn right alongside them…
My ability to “raise the dead” highlights the importance of my former “Ram” and “sheep” enemies choosing to cooperate with me, and accept the Truth (Psalm 127:3-5). Furthermore, it highlights the reason why The Lord, the Most High God purposefully granted me certain spiritual titles that confers greater Holy power: it is for the sake of those who He foresaw would die spiritually, but that He still desires to save because in the absence of (a) Satanic propaganda, and (b) ‘the abomination of desolation’ “the world’s” reaction to real Christianity would not have been so terrible (for so long). This also insinuates that those who are condemned to hell would make the same choice anyway…
The above means that it is the task of “dead Christians” to hope in the Lord, the Most High God by believing that He can, and will keep you safe if they (1) truly believe in Him (Hebrews 11:6, Romans 5:1), (2) accept the Truth, (3) keep themselves from sin as much as possible, and (4) will fully repent when given a final chance. In such a case, there should be no fear of failure due to Biblical prophecy influencing or “controlling” the outcome (Psalm 87, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 32:3-4), as the Pastoral Care and Christian Education that I have designed are the necessary practical measures needed to ensure mass positive outcomes (Isaiah 53:11-12). Hence, there is a prophetic fail-safe (algorithm-map) guarding the lives and fate of Christian people all across the world, whether they spiritually died or are still alive. It is prophecised that most people’s journey or walk into the Body of Christ/Zion must include legitimate Christian services otherwise they won’t make it for a variety of reasons i.e. only the first few steps of the journey have been taken, but there is still a mile ahead (Isaiah 35:8-10). The above concept was stated in the article, ‘Reprove 1’:
"Matthew 25:1-13 means that the foolish or unwise who choose to not pay for proper and legitimate Christian services will be shut out of The Kingdom of Heaven due to their own complacency.”
NOTE: To elaborate on context, the ‘oil’ in the wise virgins’ lamps is the knowledge and guidance provided through legitimate Christian services i.e. they are enabled to “see” more clearly, and therefore become successful at becoming Christian (receiving the Holy Spirit). This means that the virgins who were smart enough to (a) not steal my intellectual property, and try to kill me (false workers are literally delusional, by their own choices they killed those who sought their services, so condemnation to hell is what they deserve for all their evil, which would also include blatant lies. So it must be understood that these people are forgone, and cannot even make it ‘inside’ The Body of Christ i.e. their help is worthless (Isaiah 32:6, Proverbs 9:18, Isaiah 26:14) (b) not create or use fake teachings, (c) pay for legitimate Christian services, and (d) acknowledge that they need more help putting Christian information into practice, so they can make better lifestyle choices, are those who will be saved. Hence, the real problem is that most people’s ability to make Christian lifestyle choices is so poor that entering The Body of Christ by themselves is actually impossible (fear and job insecurity makes it even worse) i.e. no matter how many free teachings I provided, it will make no significant difference. Therefore, the best ‘oil’ cannot be provided for free because it is a complete waste of time and effort (Isaiah 49:4); unfair to me; and anyone who begins official Christian service in the future – no Christian will work for free, and rank must be respected.
Overall, this means that salvation is simply a matter of accepting, and therefore respecting the help that God sent, which was already stated in the third Biblical Revelations article, “accepting or rejecting an Apostle is an easy influencer of fate (Luke 10:16)” (page 18, The Signs of The Times 3: A Revelation, and a reproving of the wicked and the wise). Therefore, non-Christian people, especially false workers, who are in a state of delusion must understand that they literally have no say in, or any power over Christianity, which is why they are dismissed and ignored – the “feral” are permanently kept ‘outside’ for a reason (Revelation 22:14-15).
(1) Based on past and current events, it is clear that an organised Christian government is (a) normal based on Biblical evidence, and (b) required for the good of the “little fish” who are unable to be saved without proper structures being put in place due to: lacking righteousness; lacking unbiased self-reflective capabilities; poor lifestyle choices that may limit their freedom; financial compromise (mammon); succumbing to the fear of the occult i.e. worried about safety for themselves and their family (Revelation 21:8); prioritising material comfort over immediate salvation of the soul (income and job security); and fearing social ostracization. The issue of fear among the many people of this world is rooted in the chaos caused by unchecked occult activity, and so, because the problem is large and complex, the solution has purposefully been left for the leaders of this world to resolve. Therefore, these times can be considered compulsory professional development for leaders, as the truth is that the leaders of this world need to learn how to (1) be righteous, (2) significantly improve international relations (Christian nations), and/or (3) improve their own societies or contributions to society. Hence, it should be remembered that it is the natural duty of leaders to take action when their people cannot, and that is because the freedom of a “King” is always the greatest even when they are also in chains/prison (Isaiah 45:14, Isaiah 49:9).
More so, people are to be reminded that leaders (“Kings”), are also human beings with feelings, and therefore also need support and help for any variety of reasons. For example, if I had the network, resources, facilities, finances, and socially and emotionally secure circumstances to form my own council, then I would have a long time ago. However, the reality is that I do not, so instead I have asked for help in the belief that “Kings” would eventually find the strength, courage and righteousness that The Lord, the Most High God sees in them, and that I have seen in them. To many people’s surprise, it should be known that European leaders actually show Christian potential, which was discerned via watching the news i.e. the gift of discernment is necessary in these times. Hence, the reason for me exercising patience by waiting on “Kings” to act, and (2) insisting on my rightful leadership position is not just for my own sake, but for the sake of people who are powerless, scared, unable to help themselves to a significant degree, and those who require legitimate Christian direction and guidance to navigate through these times.
(2) Aiming to stand as a unified Christian government is a method of forcing the non-Christian opposition into submission or surrender, which then helps facilitate the progress of the Christian cause across a larger scale. For example, a large group of “Whales” and other “Big Fish” like Presidents (Rams”, “Kings” or “Princes” depending on context), are very intimidating and forceful because they naturally dominate “the ecosystem” due to their high level of influence. Therefore, it makes sense for “Rams” to stick together to help the multitude of “sheep” or “little fish” (ordinary people), and that is because they are (1) naturally courageous compared to other people (an in-born trait of “Kings”); (2) the strength of their people (shields, Psalm 47:9); and (3) those who determine how this world works. Therefore, “Kings” are integral in determining how things can work best for Christian people, especially when faith, righteousness and courage is not yet developed. So, it stands that a unified Christian Government is needed to implement the best strategies to establish practical security measures that will help alleviate the fear associated with imprisonment, persecution or death due to wanting to leave the occult. Furthermore, “Kings” taking action means that multiple essential problems can be addressed like enabling people to speak openly about the Truth; the provision of legitimate Christian services (“Kings” have the most secure data storage capacity i.e. meeting confidentiality needs); basic living needs (food, water, sanitation); infection control***; and job security (legal income).
(3) The establishment of the 2-part Christian government body is a special opportunity to drive the liberation of oppressed peoples like Taiwan (a remnant of China); the nation of my own national heritage, Biafra, and it’s western Nigerian counterpart, Oduduwa Republic; or any nation looking to save it’s people from the unrepentant among them. It is to be remembered that the Christian government is not a traditional parliamentary structure with opposing parties, rather it is a friendly convening of global world powers for the purpose of finding solutions to a wide range of problems. This means that the Christian government is one party that engages in progressive discussions to resolve issues and improve circumstances. The unique nature of the Christian government means that it is possible for an individual to sit on both councils, but delegation is also fine. Either way, the delegate would still be under the instruction from their senior that sits on the High Christian Council. Of course, government jurisdiction that balances national sovereignty is still required, but all this means is that the Christian government has a lot to discuss and work out for their own sake, and for their people’s sake i.e. economic reset to avoid complete socioeconomic collapse and new trade agreements. Therefore, collaboration is the best use of time, and would result in more effective outcomes for most people, which is a good and noble cause (Isaiah 32:8). Hence, “Kings” are naturally the driving force for change in these times, as ordained by the Lord, Himself (Gospel of Thomas 8, as previously mentioned, the “fine large fish”, is a collective of “Big Fish”/”Whales” i.e. one group, which is the Christian government).
(1) It should be the role of the Christian Government to discuss and plan the resolution of contemporary societal problems through collaborative processes that encourage innovative thinking, which will lead to the creation of a better world. Within the scope of a complex and troubled time, it should be understood that change is not always dramatic to the point of impossibility, as the simple solution is to be effective, and that comes with the practical application and implementation of methods, strategies and new ideas. This means that what is currently helpful can remain, and what can be improved upon is changed for the good of all people, whether rich, poor, famous, middle-class or wealthy. For this positive change to happen, it requires the right set of people: a diverse group of individuals who hold valuable knowledge, education, experience, talents, skills and influence which validates their contribution to Christian governance. This approach should make most people more comfortable with the prospect of change, because it remains similar to normal societal models of order and governance. Therefore, it must also be remembered that change is not always fully uncharted territory, rather it can be new, different and the same all at once. Henc
(2) To conclude, the leaders of this world should think to themselves: if I could make the world a better place for myself; my family (including my future generations who I will live to know and see); my friends; my people; my country; the human race and my God (The Lord, Jesus Christ), what could I do? One part of the answer to this question requires the contemplation of this following animal scenario:
A single “Ram” can stand its ground against many foes, but it would need more help to escape and defeat them, so it can help the “sheep” (little fish) and the other “Rams”(“Big Fish” and “Whales”) who need a different kind of help. So the single “Ram” chose to call on other “Rams”, so that they can become a mob (the term for a group of rams) in order to work out how to defeat their foes; help themselves and the “sheep” enter into the new farmhouse, while also securing the farmland that surrounds it, which enables the “Rams” and “Sheep” to live in peace (Proverbs 20:18, Proverbs 24:5-6, Jeremiah 51:30, Revelation 12:17, Revelation 17:16-18).
(3) Although The Lord, the Most High God exists and helps in multiple ways (Psalm 18 is happening over time and in non-obvious ways), it still remains an innate function of people to help one another, and the reason is because humans are meant to be social creatures (Genesis 3:20). Therefore, the actions taking after reading this text are a test for the positive development of a pro-social attitude, Christian loyalty, and the acceptance of instruction/correction/discipline among “Kings” (Proverbs 9-12, Revelation 3:19). For example, Isaiah 45:13 is a poorly worded translation that says, he or those who hold the spiritual title of ‘Cyrus’ willingly choose to assist in the creation of the Biafran nation, and that he/they choose to set me (and my family*) free due to growing in righteousness (courage, aspects of love, and improved moral character i.e. understanding that it is right to remove persecuted non-criminal persons from a hostile location. Hence, it will be the actions taken by the emerging upstanding man/men of “the world”, who expose, shame and destroy the anti-Christian campaign of wicked “kings” and people , who want to uphold Satanic lies and their system of depraved evil (Isaiah 45:1, Revelation 19:18-21).
When this article was written past offers made to England were already rejected, and there was insufficient Biblical evidence to suggest that England was permitted to be offered a normal partition of its nation, which is why an offer was not published – I did not want to offer false hope, and more so, it was a genuine threat (Isaiah 30:17). More so, outright rejection that utilised deceit and harm against other peoples through their chosen methods of war would have naturally excluded all of England’s normal options (Revelation 17:1-14). Regardless, I continued searching to see if there was sufficient Biblical evidence to provide another God permitted option for England, and after careful consideration I was able to find one, and as a result I have outlined the only alternative solution that I was able to elucidate from Biblical texts available to me.
In brief, the cross-examination of other Scriptures supports that England can become a Christian nation (“New England” - provisional title), but the solution requires them to became an emirate of Biafra, meaning the end of Great Britain, its dominance over its daughter nations, and likely what are to be former nations of its commonwealth. Overall, this means literally ending the British Empire’s dominion without literally destroying England entirely (Obadiah 1:21, Isaiah 26:15, Isaiah 60:7, Jeremiah 51:20, Daniel 2:44 i.e. in possible context “end” does not mean literal destruction, rather it’s the end of the former systematic power structure). Since, the transgressions of the 3 major Empires are judged as lesser, they have no need to be punished or humbled to the same degree as Babylon.
For this possibility to occur, it means that as per Biblical instruction (Obadiah 1:1-2, Daniel 7:26-27), England’s Prime Minister cannot have a place in the High Christian Council, and “New England’s” leader must submit it’s membership petition to the International Christian Council for consideration pending complete collective confession from English “whales, big fish and little fish”. Whether the leader of “New England” is its current royalty, other royalty or someone else depends upon their acceptance or rejection of this final and only alternative option. Rejection and refusing to surrender means the death of “Kings” to make room for new “Kings” who will accept the offer (Psalm 109, Psalm 110:5). Subsequently, if the new batch of “Kings” also reject the offer, then it that means that England does not make it through the “End of The Age” i.e. it would not be included as “a tent of Kedar” because it would not exist (Isaiah 60:7). Lastly, England must forfeit London (Babylon), which must undergo divine judgement according to Revelation 18 (there would be multiple reasons why), and realistically, the area “devoted to destruction” would also likely include other surrounding or nearby areas, which is where the unsaved English population will likely reside after zoning has occurred between Christian and non-Christian people. Hence, as previously stated, Isaiah 13 appears to be a military operation designed to forcibly secure assets and remove anything of value to the benefit of English Christians, or other Christians with assets in these areas.
Australia faces a similar issue to England but a normal national partition can be offered because it is obvious that England “rules over them”. However, Australia chose to embrace evil to the fullest, so nothing is able to stop the consequences of the repeated Isaiah 47 offences. More so, looking back through photo evidence it appears that England was also targeted by the Abomination of Desolation, with their own person apparently seeking their destruction i.e. cursed item(s) related to England that was easily confirmed to have been planted by my sister’s current partner (Isaiah 33:1). To be clear, the Isaiah 47 Scripture indicates that Australian people (of all ethnicities) who chose to persecute me and my family must pay for their sins because it is the origin of the “Abomination of Desolation” (Isaiah 47:91-12), with the entire site possibly being destroyed by explosives because there is no telling what influence it is designed to hold over other people and nations. Hence, to be clear, Jeremiah 50:3 may be about the organised destruction of the geographical locus of the “Abomination of Desolation” i.e. destroying things is the only practical way of disrupting so many negative cursed objects or cursed marks effects.
To confirm, the Jeremiah 50 Babylon is obviously Australia, or part of it, because the Scripture talks about its “mother being shamed”, which is England (Jeremiah 50:11-12). Which further confirms, wherever I have experienced persecution and witnessed the decree of destruction is lost (Isaiah 28:22, Isaiah 24~). As previously mentioned the decree has been observed across South Australia (location of residence), Melbourne (quick stay with my sister for her make-up modelling work), Sydney (travelled through and very quick stay), Brisbane (travelled through) and Townsville (extended stay with my older sister when I launched The VMFCP website while her current partner was away for employment training in Victoria). Overall, if the Australian government is repentant then it this means they should focus on utilising Tasmania, Western Australia, Northern Territory, as the home for Australia’s remnant. Similarly, this means that Australia’s Prime Minister has no place on the High Christian Council, and “New Australia’s” leader must submit its membership petition to the International Christian Council for consideration pending complete collective confession from “whales, big fish and little fish” (Isaiah 47:1-3 i.e. exposing yourselves via confession). This is important because full confession by the guilty Australian masses is the only way to increase the numbers of its remnant i.e. saving some of it’s ‘zombies’. Once again, rejection and refusing to surrender means the death of “Kings” to make room for new “Kings” who will accept the offer (Psalm 109, Psalm 110:5). Subsequently, if the new batch of “Kings” also reject the offer, then it means that Australia does not make it through the “End of The Age” i.e. it would not be included as “a tent of Kedar” because it would not exist (Isaiah 60:7).
This new information highlights the importance of the International Christian Council, as the global recognition and support of emerging countries is what helps in the processes of formal nation establishment that typically managed and supported by institutions like The United Nations and The National Treaty Organisation (The UN and NATO), who are able to legitimately certify and/or support nations. For example, it is my plan to present Biafra’s cause before the International Christian Council in order to begin the process of formalising its identity as a nation once again, which will bring awareness to the plight of national separation for the sake of people’s peace and security (this is a very important issue for African nations because it is central to the decolonisation process). Hence, the support of The UN and NATO are important and remain relevant as these institutions can also help in matters concerning new government stability, aiding in due process like referendums and providing security. Hence, should England accept the outlined final offer, then NATO would be suited to help defend and secure Biafra, as England would be joined to its territory as an emirate i.e. Biafra would become an ally member by proxy.
Hence, the abovementioned supports that these matters are best discussed among the Christian government, so that the public can then be informed of set plans, which would put many minds at ease. Furthermore, I haven’t filled in details of many Biblical prophecies from Isaiah/Jeremiah because I think it best to let some things happen naturally (identifying what has been fulfilled by people, or confirming the correct path*; with government authorised planning and prophesying only coming in to force certain paths to: (1) the benefit of Christian people by use of specific context (the government discussing and mapping out parts of the future based on known and available Scriptures i.e. a democratic function of the High Christian Council designed to help me make final decisions within my jurisdiction), and (2) deciding how to help non-Christian people using specific context, so they can literally be saved by grace i.e. English people and it’s nation, and possibly some Australian people and it’s nation. The above encompasses the meaning of “I haven’t decided yet” in regards to many and most matters, as I prefer making informed decisions. Regardless, my choice to spare America, Canada, New Zealand, and the three Empires remains unchanged, but still their salvation hinges on honesty (confession) i.e. it is part of the process of salvation.
*whether the chosen context is the chicken or the egg is unknown, for example, the Extended Conference/Wellness Centre (Christian Retreat) idea was thought of by me before I actually read Isaiah 49 i.e. I only realised its relevance and alignment afterwards.
~Note: It appears that Isaiah 28 is localised to Australian locations because the full sign was not witnessed by me in America or Indonesia despite covert persecution (half-sign in an American location and no sign in Indonesia). Hence, it seems that I have to hear and see the sign for the curse to take effect, or rather that the Isaiah 28 curse is lifted by repentance i.e. it is only decreed when the population is literally non-Christian in the future (Isaiah 28:22). For example, when I was in Maryland (America) in 2019, I saw the same sign twice: a crow perched on a building, but when it turned and flew off it changed its appearance to an Eagle, and did not make a sound at all. If I didn’t see the sign twice then I would have just brushed it off, but no other sign was seen or heard anywhere else, whether New York, Philadelphia, Connecticut, or Washington DC, which I visited in 2018 and 2019. In contrast, the full crow sign basically appears everywhere I have been in Australia, and it was basically the first thing I saw and heard when I stepped outside the Townsville Airport in 2020 (I did not know what the sign meant at the time).
Overall, the Isaiah 28 curse highlights the eventual need for separating Christian and non-Christian people, with the latter contributing to environmental and infrastructure damage and loss caused by their very poor lifestyle choices, which as previously stated results in “divine judgement weather” i.e. tribulation. Wondering how severe environmental disturbances happens in one nearby area, but does not damage another, is simply divine intervention that is likely reserved for confirmed Christian only populations and zones, as per Isaiah 4:5-6 - just like in the days of Moses when God finally judged ancient Egypt for murdering and oppressing His people (Exodus 9:1-4). Overall, this means that nations do not have to worry about their whole country being destroyed by their people’s poor choices – as troublesome circumstances can be corrected through proper cooperation and the respect of legitimate Christian governance and processes.
"By warning people, they can more fully exert free will when making choices, thus overriding any negative spiritual interference, and avoiding potential disasters"
As aforementioned I have had to undo the “abomination of desolation” myself, which included struggling through months of arduous physical labour and suffering the bio-spiritual ramifications of dealing with a demonically infested property while not fully spiritually fortified – and sadly, my freedom has yet to come of all my effort. Therefore, since no action has been taken to remove me from Australia so far, it can be assumed that (1) “Kings” believe or have faith, but they are not genuine (non-cooperative); (2) there were still spiritual restrictions in place (bonds mentioned in Book of Enoch); or (3) both.
I believe (3) to be the correct answer, so this is stated plainly: I have understood that a key aspect of the “abomination of desolation” is spiritually binding me to the property, land, house and contents. This means that certain items produce a negative spiritual effect based on its features, regardless I have done my best to turn the outcomes in Christian peoples favour, which is possible because what I describe as “Satanic programming or coding” (anti-prophecy) has major flaws in its system. One major flaw of the system is based on this idea: if you pull the correct string(s), a tangled ball of yarn will unravel, meaning that the major restrictive blocks/restrictions can be broken by removing and destroying the most important item – and I believe I found the correct string a few days ago.
Therefore, since “Kings” have yet to formally respond by inquiry or by an Christian Service request, here is a brief explanation of what I believe to be the “correct string”. As my understanding of how the layout of the property is linked to my spiritual-physiology has grown, I decided to teste a new hypothesis, and as a result I started digging in a particular location. Deep in the ground I found a large red and white item that had another item surrounding it, which coincidently had the number 10 written on it (it took 3 different attempts to remove it). My first thought was that this item was a spiritual restriction or negative interference linked to the “10 Kings”(whales/rams), who are suspected to be Babylonian (Revelation 17:12-14), and therefore English, or of English heritage due to the flag colour reference to England. The flag colour spiritual restriction or negative interference is likely because many red, white and green items have been found buried in stylized locations, which suggests sorcery linked to negatively influencing Italy (Tyre). Hence, the red and white item could alternatively be linked to The Vatican/Catholic Church, as red and white are also their colours (Isaiah 23:17-18). The Vatican alternative is suggested because multiples of the same item that referenced “hardening the heart of the Pope” were found and removed a while ago (I have photographic evidence). At first, one may think it’s coincidence, but when things repeat or “match” on such a consistent scale, and are planted in a certain manner it is clearly done with specific intention – which is apparently essential to witchcraft.
Hence, the modus operandi of the residential aspect of the “abomination of desolation” is the use of sorcery to spiritually bind objects to me to produce a negative effect on the target, with the aim of having them reject me (the one person they need to accept besides Jesus), Christianity (Jesus Christ); and therefore forfeiting the salvation of their souls (death and condemnation to hell, Psalm 109, Psalm 110, and Revelation 6:8). It appears that the “abomination of desolation” sorcery is maintained by other people based on proximity, which appears to be achieved by natural close range, or binding sorcery performed when on the property, so people must know what they are doing to a certain extent, and whose fate/destiny they are aiming to try and destroy… Hence, the importance of me finding the “cursed items”, destroying or neutralizing them. However, my residence is not my house, so it is a constant battle to try and prevent what or who comes in and how it effects other people, which is a huge issue for myself, “Kings”, “Queens”, “Princes” and Princesses”, as well as everyday people (and their nations) because clearly Australians already knew that our destinies were bound. For example, spiritual restrictions and intererence for Germany, France, Japan, Russia, and Spain have also been found. Overall, this means that by interfering with my destiny, Australians are interfering with the fate/destiny of other people, which is “a taboo, of the taboo, of the taboo”, especially because it appears they double crossed their own heritage, kindred and “allies” to try and save themselves (Isaiah 47:7-8); are partly responsible for the destruction of other nations infrastructure, agricultural land and landscapes; the death of other nations people; and the slowness to repent properly and take action, blindness and deafness of “Kings” because of their willing interference. Hence, God’s foreseen lack of mercy towards them for their mercilessness (Wisdom of Solomon 17, Isaiah 47).
To conclude, the key to limiting the influence of the “abomination of desolation” is removing the “key”, which is me – to be clear distance would allow me to spiritually expel items, land and structures on the property (and likely surrounding items and property or area) which would help nullify the effect i.e. I do not have enough Holy power to “push everything out” while I reside at the property (especially when people keep trying to recreate the effect in different ways). Another issue is that I do not know exactly what could be afflicting me nearby, or from the past, as I cannot remember every single detail from childhood, and so, The Lord, the Most High God has to break it Himself, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to heal (Isaiah 29:5-8, like previously stated, He is unlikely to appear in South Australia – as that would quench their thirst to be relevant, and it states that their thirst cannot, and will not be quenched i.e. trying to block my freedom to try and force God to appear here…).Therefore, it is obvious that keeping me in this cursed property and with nowhere else to go is part of the “Australian plan” to try and force their own relevance and salvation i.e. no employment, means no income, and therefore leading me to be stuck in a “prison house”– but it is not my prison is alone, it is technically the spiritual prison of the entire Earth. In regards to employment, it must be understood that if those who employ most people become Christian, then most people do not have to fear job loss, becoming destitute leading to homelessness or being stuck in a psychologically and spiritually abusive environment, or suffering persecution in silence without due recourse; which clearly highlights the importance of government, conglomerate and major enterprise as key figures in the Christian cause (Revelation 13:17-18). Hence, the loophole is this: if key people become Christian (“Kings”), then ordinary Christian people, who are most people, can begin to live and work in peace because the “top-down” effect naturally stabilises what is under its influence. With the abovementioned, 74.99% of people being saved is not actually accurate, which I explained before, but I will do so again to ensure that it is clearer.
Coincidently, there is Biblical evidence that confirms what I had already planned for in my “Draft Action Plan” even before reading and understanding the relevant Scripture. In brief, the 74.99% refers to adult individuals all across the world, however, a spouse can also be saved by sanctification (proxy) even if they never receive the official Holy Spirit, with the children of the marriage also being saved by proxy. Obviously, the spouse would have to commit no “sin that leads to death” to make it through these times i.e. being a decent person. In such cases, the spiritual protection from the Holy Spirit is granted through a marital soul tie and other practical factors (Mark 10:2-9, 1 Corinthians 7:14, 1 Corinthians 7:16). In these times, the quasi-salvation and protection of a non-official Christian spouse is possible because blessed food, drink, healthcare and skin care would undo spiritual corruption, protect them from being spiritually corrupted by demonic forces, and is also able to protect them from any harm by people with the mark of the beast (TMOTB) i.e. a harm restraint blessing can be placed on Holy oil and Holy water against people with TMOTB (people filled with “the spirit of the power of the air” (Satan, Ephesians 2:2)). This would be done to provide more practical reassurance of safety, as not everyone has the faith to believe that the Lord, the Most High God can protect them from all types of harm from heaven. For example, I only believed in God’s protection when I didn’t understand the situation because I had already experienced 3 major life saving miracles prior to my troubles.
Overall, the obvious outcome is that the non-official Christian spouse would receive the Holy Spirit when the “end of the age” is over. For those who question why God would put a “cap” on salvation, the answer is that the condition was likely set in place by the Lord, the Most High God to force people to find their “soul mate”. Hence, there is no real number cap – it was a trap i.e. those willing to screw over and kill other people and nations to save themselves shot themselves in the foot i.e. Australia. As for the Scriptural evidence of more than 74.99% of people being saved, it comes from ‘The Book of Enoch’:
The Book of Enoch Chapter XC. 28-37, Section 4 (IV), pg. 215 (R.H Charles, 1912): “34. And I saw till they laid down that sword, which had been given to the sheep, and they brought it back into the house, and it was sealed before the presence of the Lord, and all the sheep were invited into that house, but it held them not. 35. And the eyes of them all were opened, and they saw the good, and there was not one among them that did not see. 36. And I saw that that house was large and broad and very full.”
The main point is that “it held them not” and “very full” means 74.99% is exceeded based on the spiritual loopholes of engagement and marriage. Hence, once again supporting that the Bible and its prophecy is not as rigid as it appears, rather it is more complex. The above emphasises that if I have access to “hidden Biblical texts” (I need to assess them or legitimacy), it would make things better for other people because I can alleviate worry, anxiety and fear by providing an answer or options, which helps facilitate peace of mind. Clearly, my intention is to help whether the Truth is “nice” or “scary”, and that is because knowing things allows people to make informed choices, which can be lifesaving in these times. So, this knowledge regarding the 74.99% should give Christian people more hope and confidence in these times.
To make things easier for Christian nations, it is my intention that majority of the population would be secured to make it easy for the government and government institutions to maintain peace and order, and also for businesses to continue to flourish (economic reasons) – which also makes the socially and psychologically environment healthier for people because they would know who they can trust, what brands are reliable, and would not and could not be intimidated by the non-Christian minority. Hence, at least 70-80% is ideal for national security reasons, yet the terms and conditions of Christian population numbers are multi-factorial and will be allocated strategically, and not necessarily based on compassion. Yet, it is clear that cooperation and helpfulness are the easiest way to secure the highest population numbers and best options in terms of the salvation of people and nations. For example, for the Babylonian nations* (excluding Australia) and the “3 fantastic beasts”, who are facing partial destruction for their own poor choices, there is a new option besides sacrificing a small area of your own land, that would still fulfill the “destruction” criteria while mitigating damage by 100%. To be clear, this option was only considered because I found evidence of negative spiritual interference, and so, it is possible that your poor choices would not have been made in the absence of the “abomination of desolation”, therefore supporting the mitigation of due penalty out of mercy and compassion, but I too require mercy and compassion i.e. immediate and permanent relocation from Australia before Christmas - for my good, and for yours (genuine receiprocation of help is basic pro-social behaviour). I also require my immediate biological family (no one else) to be relocated ASAP for their wellbeing, and also because their testimony would be valuable when the Truth can be forced out of them. To be clear, they are “spiritually dead” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12), which is why their separation from me is necessary: they are a cause of distress (Isaiah 29:2, Psalm 41:9-10, Psalm 27:10). To be clear, I would not train/teach my family first based on how things have happened and progressed, so it remains that any inquiry would exclude them from Christian service until an alternative role not associated with Christian governance or Independent Christian Counsel/myself can be organised – the point is to remove them from a bad situation, and get a more comprehensive testimony about what has happened.
All of this is mentioned now because Christmas time is around the corner, and from experience it is a very dangerous spiritual time – and these people are known to make wicked plans (Psalm 140). More so, as previously stated I do not control who comes into this residence, with the latest visitors launching consecutive spiritual attacks aimed to block my freedom, and trying to make “Kings” not listen (trying to dull their spiritual affinity to Christianity and the Truth). The aforementioned highlights the importance of getting me out of Australia as soon as possible, because a new series of attacks could be detrimental to “Kings” (or “Queens”) if it successfully dulls their Christian spiritual senses at such a late time (Psalm 109, Psalm 110). To conclude, getting me out of “prison/arrest” (not literal) is what helps everyone else, not just myself, yet I care enough about myself to advocate for my own wellbeing, especially because my relocation would also act as a sanctuary after years of Christian persecution. To be clear, my distresses can be alleviated through no longer being surrounded by non-Christian people, as I am able to manage myself perfectly fine i.e. I worked out how to overcome Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) a long time ago (I have a pastoral method for it (psychological aspect), and I can heal the biological and bio-spiritual aspects**). However, I do not want any regression caused by stress or depressing personal circumstances, so removing me from an unhealthy environment is very important, more so working and being around Christian people (even if they are new converts), would also be very healthy for me, and vice versa.
**Not all my pastoral care knowledge is based on real-life experience, or example, things like pedophilia and LGBT are novel renewal processes based on what I have elucidated through thought, study and practicability based on a combination of my understanding of psychological principles, the human condition (requires natural empathy) and spiritual concepts from the Holy Bible.
"By informing people of their options, they can choose to make better choices, and even where will may be lacking due to troublesome spiritual circumstances, the Lord, the Most High God can intervene to help people make the right choices, especially when they would, if they could"
(1) Final Solution: The Salvation Of England
In brief, I found and removed an important restrictive item of sorcery buried and hidden in strategic locations, and as a result I believe it to be the perfect timing to deliver some good news (I typically only change my offer if it’s better, or for a certain reason like the aforementioned). Having checked chapter Revelation 18, it remains possible that England has the option of strategically dividing London, which is designated as the “Bad-Babylon” that is devoted to destruction (destroyed by an act of divine judgement as payment for grievous sins i.e. being the origin other nations errors, and of course Christian persecution that probably pre-dating my own troubles, as there are recorded to have been saints that died (Revelation 18:24, Revelation 6:9-11, Revelation 13:10). Subsequently, the salvation of England requires the use of what would be considered a “scary” scripture, for example, Jeremiah 51 is necessary because by its authority that I can “break nations in pieces” (Jeremiah 51:20). Hence, in my mind Jeremiah 51 is supposed to be used as a form of divine intervention to (1) spare cities or nations so that the people can remain in their homes, or home nation, and (2) create new nations to free people from oppression and colonisation. Hence, when Jeremiah 51:20 and Revelation 18:11-17 are considered in relation to England, the following becomes clear:
The Scripture is concerned with a port or shipping area in London, England, and so, the possibility of dividing London (and the rest of England) is the last and best strategic decision. Based on a quick perusal of London’s map, the division should be around the port area on the outskirts of London (after the London City Airport). The designated area would be north or south of the Thames, or both depending on how much space is needed for the sacrificial landmass that would house non-Christian English people, and possibly other deportees, therefore functioning as a regional prison and divine judgement zone (Revelation 18:8, 18:21-23). This solution and interpretation is supported by Revelation 18’s odd focus on shipping merchants (Revelation 18:11-17), which naturally stands out because London has much more to offer then shipping and ports. So, the question is why are ports and shipping the focus? What is the Scripture trying to convey? The answer is that the region in Revelation 18 is the result of the division of London and the rest of England from its “judgement zone” (Bad-Babylon). This option, which appears to be prophetical, would take planning and labour to disconnect and reroute vital infrastructure to ensure no disruptions to London and the rest of “New England” before final judgement occurs – more so, the wise would need to redirect their shipping routes another English port to avoid trouble.
Taking this path means the “scary” parts of Jeremiah 51 are diverted the “lost territory” (Bad-Babylon), with the English Christians, who would be allied with other Christian nations obviously winning “the war” (Jeremiah 51:3, Jeremiah 5:14). This means that whatever “war efforts”, or lack thereof taken by other nations to defeat Babylon are simply a progressive choice of actions leading to the defeat (surrender) of Babylon, that comes by their conversion to Christianity, therefore, representing the fall of Bad-Babylon (Revelation 51:49). Coincidently, I initially thought Jeremiah 50 to be about England at first, and so, if attempts were made to force England into surrender as instructed, it is fine because it fulfills the necessary criteria for Jeremiah 51 anyway. Subsequently, my latest re-reading of Jeremiah 50, which identified the Babylon as Australia makes it very clear why such a path would be taken, and as for the rest of it, I also understand why, and it is a reason of significant interest to all the parties involved. To the curious, the “sword” mentioned in The Book of Enoch passage represents a war effort, so some conflict is prophecised to be unavoidable, but the intentions of the “Christian war effort” are noble, justified and done for the peace, safety, protection and prosperity of Christian people and nations, whom Australia chose to war against and betray.
(2) England’s inclusion in Christian governance
Based on context, “New England” “Kings” are exempted from the Jeremiah 51:26 non-governance condition based on the fact that (1) the verse would be redirected to “Bad-Babylon”, and (2) the “Kings” would technically be considered Biafran, which provides further exemption from Obadiah 1 restrictions. This means that English “Kings” may sit on the High Christian Council, with the English Prime minister being rightfully relegated to the International Christian Council. The reason being that there are clearly other people “ranked” more highly then him, like actual English royalty; plus the Anglican Church would no longer be banned on the condition of its full support of the Christian cause in England and across the world, meaning that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is able to sit on the High Christian Council (from recent photos he is discerned to now hold Christian potential).
(3) The Connection Between Biafra and England
To the skeptical, the Biblical evidence-based validity of Obadiah 1 is supported by the Scripture Amos 9:12, where “possessing Edom” (Esau) would also naturally extend to “New England”. The concept the literal “gentle-conquering of England” could be likened to a cross between the United Arab Emirates (minus the elective monarchy) and the United Kingdom, with “New England” basically remaining an autonomous region, but of course there would be things in common, but that is left to future planning which requires more insight, discussion and collaboration.
The Scripture Amos 9:12, also means that most Babylonian daughters* are also welcome to become part of the future ‘United Kingdom of Biafra’ (UKB, provisional title), as they are too a remnant of Edom. As a possibility, or rather what seems like prophecy, it seems very important and correct for African-Americans, as we have shared heritage, and also for white or other Americans with souls from the Kingdom of Heaven (same soul community or family). This is proposed so that any potential anger or jealousy from other Babylonian nations directed towards “New England” is avoided, where it remains that the Babylonian nations would join as “sisters”, and not as “mother” and “daughter(s)”, therefore, ending the long-standing power system based on English dominance. This is a necessary condition based on the Obadiah 1 criteria, which requires the “humbling” of England”, and rightfully maintains the proposed republican model of autonomous nations that become part of the UKB. To be clear, one benefit of being future nations of UKB, is that I would naturally be more generous with population numbers i.e. aiming to secure at least 90% of the population, as your people would technically become Biafran.
*NOTE: To be plain, I do not want to include Australia or the possible “New Australia” in the UKB because (1) the penalty of their part in this mess, (2) the trouble they caused Babylonian nations and other nations (Isaiah 33:1, Isaiah 24:20, 24:16 i.e. luckily the multiple counts of betrayal, naturally spares nations from destruction by prophecy – I just had to work out how), and (3) I don’t want to, and I don’t have to (whether Australia exist or not in the future, I can fill in the details accordingly). Hence, as a matter put before Babylonian nations, this condition is non-negotiable. More so, I have no interest or intention of using Isaiah 19, which is the penalty for Israel (Isaiah 30:1-7) and Ethiopian Jews lack of honesty about heritage. So, it must be understood that joining UKB is not being offered, so there is no point praying the Scripture because no one can override my will, or God’s, which are intertwined.
Overall, the main point seems to be the reconciliation between the main and chosen descending branches of Esau (Edom) and Jacob (Israel descended from the ancient house of Israel) i.e. the honouring of shared ancient ancestry. Hence, the message is that unity is important even after centuries of discord that started between two brothers – yet even Jacob and Esau reconciled with one another, and so, it seems that we are meant to follow their example. So, although Babylon made a huge mistake (or rather mistakes), the Lord, the Most High God has made it turn out for good: reconciling the generations of Esau to the Kingdom of heaven (and much more).
(4) The Nations, Biafra and Future Possibilities
From my perspective, it seems dramatic to make the entire Earth one literal Kingdom, and so my intended interpretation for the rest of Amos 9:14 is simply nations in common membership in a global Christian organisation, which is more than enough to bring about many good things like new trade and development deals, as well as an improved global economy. I don’t see a need to be one literal Kingdom, because is it (1) not necessary, or (2) of interest by me, or perceivably by other people or nations. Whether this happens in the future is not known, but it is not my intention or goal in these times. Hence, in my mind Isaiah 26:15 is intended for (1) saving England, (2) offering ethical inclusion to the Babylonian daughters, (3) the reclamation of the original Biafran land, where it seems that southern, northward, and westward expansion is in order (the South-South; Middlebelt region, in whole or part; and Edo state, in whole or part). Coincidently, England would have all the historical documents to confirm the matter of original Biafran borders - so it seems more and more likely that their survival was always ordained by the Lord, the Most High God; and (4) the possibility of other parts of Nigeria joining Biafra, since blood ties are strong due to intermarriage. To be clear, this approach does not follow the pattern of Zechariah 9, so Italy (Tyre), does not need to worry about such matters.
(5) Addressing The Issues of All Nations.
If Revelation 22:18-19 is a problem for many nations, which I presume it to be since it is prophecised in the Book of Enoch, the good news is that there is a solution that redirects the “Babylon Curse”, plus I can restore names to the ‘Book of Life’ through registration processes (Psalm 87). Hence, the lesson is: do not tamper with or disrespect religious texts, and that is because spirts are known to be vengeful when their sacred words are ruined by human interference. To be clear, “the book” probably refers to the whole Bible, including my published work… So, false work needs to stop, whether it is an intended poor translation of the Bible to try and control prophecy, or false workers simply trying to present my work as their own by editing it. Due to the selfishness of their evil choices that cannot be a mistake, it is my counsel that they are barred from registration, and left to perish for (1) condemning people’s souls to hell, and (2) cursing their own nations i.e. getting shot or stabbed is merely divine judgement (Job 20). Hence, it is in people’s interest to report who killed their soul, so they can be identified and excluded from registration in the future, which improves the odds of one’s own survival. Conveniently, this choice makes it easier to choose who save once registration processes begin - for example, who would you save: a general doctor who broke their Hippocratic oath and harmed people to keep their job (harmful immunisation), or a literal criminal who condemned people’s souls to hell for money and the hope of fame? I would choose the doctor despite what has been stated, and that is because their potential for positive contributions to society by the simple means of medical specialisation would likely outweigh the potential of the false worker, and that is because medical specialists are still foreseeably required for confirming health states or medical processes like childbirth.
If false work is a problem among non-clergy “Kings” and their relatives the truth is that pardons are possible, but I need a good reason like emotional impact. In such cases, fasting, prayer and asking for forgiveness and protection while committing to genuinely supporting the Christian cause is necessary for the “King” and the guilty relative(s). This same mercy could be extended to the many, but the crime of false work seems a good reason to use to save the innocent i.e. an easy determining factor. If the false work situation is worse than I can comprehend then other factors would need to be considered to avoid condemning a large number of a Christian country’s population. Overall, this means that securing population numbers is based on these factors besides people’s own choices (1) God’s grace, (2) my decisions, and (3) the order in which nations are saved (timing). Therefore, it must be reiterated that there is a reason why I mentioned the overpopulation of China and India: both nations naturally have a large number of non-Christian people, which simply represents a threat to everyone else’s survival. As a result, it is completely unethical for me to consider save Indian or Chinese people first, rather they would be put close to last i.e. before Australia. Clearly, this reality would be “sour” to India and China, which is why I have not included them in the High Christian Council – I do not want, nor need and fresh hostilities, which seems inevitable if they are included. So, it must be understood that for nations like India and China, contract numbers are unlikely to go beyond 65%, with both nations having to rely heavily on sanctification (proxy) to save more of their people, which still presents with decent outcomes. This reality is what would (and probably already) redirects ‘Death’ to protect other people from dying even if they are ‘zombies’ – they are being kept alive by the Lord, the Most High God until they are registered, which makes population control possible. Therefore, it is a simple matter of grace that uses Scriptural conditions (Matthew 25:1-11) to force the organised salvation of people and nations (Psalm 87). Overall, this means that contracts for population numbers would become binding prophecy when officially agreed upon.
NOTE: Anger caused by England “ending the age” can be alleviated and calmed by "Kings" choosing to do the right thing, and that is simply done by (a) being honest, and (b) helping the world, which starts by helping me. Once again, the best option is based on my immediate removal from Australia before Christmas – and there are only 3 days left. So "Kings" must remember that people are always happy to be helped, more so, it is the help offered in crucial moments that people are most thankful for i.e. the type of help that is never forgotten. Whoever the “10 Kings” are, your choice to act would win you the gratitude of so many people, it would not bring resentment or hatred; especially not from me (Daniel 12:3). With this news it is my hope that Christian people enjoy the holidays, of course abstaining from any non-Christian practices as much as possible. Therefore, as previously mentioned in a banner post:
New elaborations are underlined (added 29th Decemebr 2022)
Independent Christian Counsel Services will resume following inquiry or Christian Service request most likely by an alternative party of the same demographic. Independent Christian Counsel Services will resume following inquiry or Christian Service request most likely by an alternative party of the same demographic (this may consist of a regrouping to spare some "Kings" who aren't at fault and actually have some limitation, but not helping out of fear or wickedness is not an excuse at this point i.e. the "Kings of the earth" are the ones not wanting to help, and are only pretending). At this point in time all intentions remain the same, and the location for the future Christian government i.e. cancelling Isaiah 23. I invite an alternative party of same demographic to organise themselves in a manner consistent with instruction.
If Isaiah 14 takes by divine intervention from the Lord, the Most High God, then I have filled in the details to spare my own people: Igbo and perhaps Nigerians i.e. they are technically sojourners/foreigners because they are also Australian, but slave is not literal, and is defined as an ordinary citizen in my re-reading (Isaiah 14:1-2). Therefore, it is not other Australian peoples who are referenced in verses 21-22 (Babylonian).
As for whether the tombs of “Kings” is literal… More so, Assyrian is misused and does not refers to Ethiopians or Ethiopian Jews in Isaiah 14:25, rather it most likely refers to “killer herdsmen” who are invading the South-East and South-West of Nigeria. Hence, in other scriptures, 'Assyrian' is unlikely to refer to the same people, and so, it must be understood just how poorly the Bible has been translated by Europeans and Jewish peoples (Middle-Eastern/European people or Ethiopians). For example, “Cush” is clearly Ethiopian Jews is Isaiah 45:14, where Sabeans is probably another name for British Babylonians who destroyed or looted my people’s artifacts in the past (merchandise). These artifacts are important because it is a clear and direct link to my people’s connection with their ancient history, and should therefore be returned because we have significant blood ties to the ancient house of Israel, whereas the others do not i.e. they are literally gentiles posing as God's people (Revelation 3:9). I call it the "1/4 of a drop rule", but such rules are not valid, and only a blatant racist, narcissist and liar would claim it so (it also takes a strong sense of delusion to ignore plain facts).
To be clear, other people and nations have a better claim then Ethiopian Jews and Israeli Jews, yet they were still not chosen (Haiti or Ambazonia). Hence, Isaiah 19 is only a pity option to spare them embarrassment, but the shame is well deserved: so I will not act on it – it’s that simple. So, on the list of claims, Israel and Ethiopia almost last. To emphasise their wickedness consider this fact: by purposefully trying to deny the Igbo/Biafran claim they are also insulting African-Americans and other Americans who have greater blood and spiritual ties to my people…I don’t know how they tricked Americans into denying part of their heritage and siding with them (but part of my guess is sorcery, Revelation 2:9).
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