NOTE (13th December 2021, updated 20th September 2022): The word  “neighbour” shouldn’t be taken literally, it means “other people” – and the concept of “loving your neighbor as yourself” is also not strictly literal or absolute: only the wicked deal in absolutes because they want to exploit and control Christian people according to Scriptures or commandments they (1) do not understand because they chose to reject the Truth, and (2) completely disregard, which means they will never be part of the Christian faith i.e. The Lord, the Most High God hates hypocrites who frame injustice by statute (Psalm 94) – For example, I am not transgressing the law of partiality by not wanting to associate or even talk to with people who are obviously trained occultists like my actual neighbours (they register extra high on the “feral radar”* i.e. spiritual discernment and their consistent choice of actions that are obviously hostile and inappropriate).  Based on the non-absoluteness of Scriptures it means that I am not obliged to grant the ‘Blessing of Righteousness’ based on the concept of “loving my neighbour as myself”. Such people died (spiritual death i.e. sleeping a perpetual sleep) for their own sins, and it is also at my sole discretion who the ‘Blessing of Righteousness’ is granted to, but the problem is that the narcissistic effects of one of “the four horses of the apocalypse” has plunged so many people into delusion i.e. believing that they are the sole exception to living a Christian lifestyle because somehow The Lord, the Most High God, or I, myself must love them SO MUCH that I would choose to save them – but the Truth is that I would not, especially when those known to me have only contributed evil to my life and that of my family’s.

  • *NOTE: In contrast, some people are ‘dead’, but they don’t have the same discernable “feral vibe, energy or aura”, which means they are ‘dead’, but have Christian potential i.e. people who actually regret their earlier choices and want to live instead of dying and being condemned to hell (choosing to change or do the right thing a bit too late  by committing grievous sins, when they would have had multiple opportunities to stop sinning, especially if they already knew the sin was wrong).  The “feral vibe” is given off by people who died ('zombies', 'the forsaken', 'lost'), but obviously have (1) no regret, (2) have not stopped sinning, (3) don’t want to stop sinning, (4) pretend they have repented (falsehood), and (5) have no issue with what has gone on throughout the “end of the age” based on the evil they willingly contributed to, whether it’s by Christian persecution, trying to suppress the Truth, and choosing to remain silent or inactive while so many people need help (including me and my biological immediate family) – everyone knows what “the world” did was evil/bad/wrong, so if all have participated in shameful events, then it’s less shameful or not typically as shameful because everyone with TMOTB is made equal  (the occult is known for depravity, it just not openly talked about – so I don’t understand presenting a false image: most people are not saints yet… i.e. the false pretense of goodness, gentleness and the holier-than-thou attitude among “the world”, who are litterally described as the "Apostate Generation i.e the "baddest kids of Christianity", with its "Kings" being descibred as "cruel and having no mercy" (Jeremiah 51:41-42*), is embarrassing and annoying at this point: If you don’t confess your sins/admit fault, stop sinning, and begin to live a Christian lifestyle then you won’t be forgiven... that is Christianity 101. Hence, Biblical evidence, reality and discernment make it clear that most people need help to  the extent that I need to use Biblical prophecy to override complete moral failure and accelerate understanding so people can actually make it ‘inside’. So, even if becoming Christian comes through a blessing, it’s not shame – it is grace. Also, the ‘Blessing of Righteousness” is more important for “kings” because they influence society so strongly i.e. if you President is wicked then they would support Christian persecution, not develop the nation (infrastructure); providing no social security or healthcare or more subsidised healthcare (especially for the poor, middle and working-class, the latter are expected to pay for everything, so even though they earn more than other social groups it’s lost to tax and paying for things like bills, transport and education that they can luckily afford based on income, or rather loans they can afford based on their income, but it leaves them with little to spend on lifestyle luxuries that they should naturally be able to enjoy more often); poor education systems; poor water quality (water source contamination); poor food and drug quality standards, which feeds into poor population health;; employment opportunities (there is no point in an education if a graduate has nowhere to work... or if umployment is systematically denied based on hatred i.e. racial discrimination or accent/origin discimination i.e. being "too country"); allowing high rates of poverty and homelessness; allowing high rates of crime (organised or not); allowing the occult to oppress them to the detriment of their own selves and citizens; have terrible laws i.e. banning abortions without exceptions, such as health, age, and if a woman is raped, then they should have the right to an abortion because for the sake of their own wellbeing (peace that is brought about by not being constantly reminded of an unwilling and traumatic experience - not everyone is able to accept an unwanted child), and avoiding the increased likelihood of their child being a rapist like their daddy – however, abortion shouldn’t be used as birth control (for multiple reasons), as only an immoral woman would have no issue repeatedly killing their child because they chose to be careless with their body PLUS sexual immorality is a NO in Christianity, so abortions shouldn’t be a common issue anyway – but a “King” with the ‘Blessing of Righteousness” would be likely to do the opposite i.e. being a responsible President or Governor by properly considering the moral and social benefits of maintaining a supportive and progressive society that is physically, emotionally and spiritually safe for its citizens. Therefore, it should be understood that the ‘Blessing of Righteousness’ is designed to grant “Kings” a particular set of righteous traits, which would naturally take effect as a “Kings” participates in Christian education and Pastoral Care i.e. it stops the desire to sin, and therefore increases their ability to be, and affinity towards righteousness. Hence, for “Kings” what sins have been done need to be set aside, so that they can actually believe that change, and therefore life is possible for themselves and their families.  The IPT/APT may be considered for certain “Kings” based on the broader range of considerations they need to address in their professions, in this case it would be an equivalent basic education to The IPT/APT but no further Instructorship of Pastorship specialisation would occur.

    • NOTE: There is no point taking offense at Jeremiah 51:41-42 because (1) you are Christian converts i.e. new to the Christian lifestyle, so in these times lacking mercy is a basic expectation (also climbing to a high place in this type of world would obviously require a certain type of toughness that enables someone to achieve such an ambition despite what it may take, and of course many would regret the cost), and, (2) an aspect of mercilessness is needed when people need to make hard decisions, especially when your enemies are wickedly authoritarian and Nazi-like. This statement is based on persecution experience, observation and Biblical evidence, and it appears that the occult structure in these times sets up the anti-Christ as a supreme Emperor or Fuhrer, with the Satanic Council ("whales" or "Big Kings" holding the next position of power (Revelation 17:12-14) – so it must be said: if you take away an commanders generals, then he is useless or rendered powerless because they are the ones who are more likely to interact or be closer with the other "Kings", which therefore skews loyalty and power to the occult majority who choose to dump the liars known as the Anti-Christ and Jezebel, and join the Christian faith instead which guarantees a future, a hope and a better life overall (genuine wellbeing).  Hence, the Lord, the Most High God is using "Kings" talents in mercilessness or rather "inner steel" for a good cause, as it takes a certain quality of inner strength to defend yourself and people against other wicked people. This "inner steel" can be described as being able to put aside sentiment when facing your enemies, yet remaining good towards Christian people, and so, there is no shame in cruelty or mercilessness in the specific context of dealing with people who aim to destroy the heart of the Christian cause, and therefore, the salvation of “Kings”, their families and their people.

      • Clarification: “Sounding like the roaring of the sea and riding on horses” in Jeremiah 51:42 metaphorically describes "Kings" from the northern hemisphere who choose to join and support the Christian cause as formidable and dauntless when they choose to act, so it’s kind of a compliment.

      • Clarification 2 ('Mini-Message 7.2: Truth bomb: Here is some more hail', published on 4th July 2021: The Truth of The Trap: Matthew 5:38-42 was fulfilled by all your efforts against me (tolerating persecution was a metaphorical “turning of the cheek” – after all you can’t physically beat me, [ yet my foes caused harm via spiritual means, which is a form of violence). [Therefore, the Scripture is now rendered entirely irrelevant, which is obvious because it is a time of Divine Judgment (which you caused by your own wickedness). Hence, it is without a doubt that Matthew 5:38-42 was used as a trap for my enemies who are stupid enough to think that God supports, encourages or would ever justify such things (Isaiah 28). No Christian person would do what you have done and continue to do for money, enjoyment of persecution, or out of wickedness (pretending that you are anointed servants of the Lord i.e. that’s my role, which you [try to] obstruct). Hence, I put in far too much time and effort towards trying to save Australian people (and other people) who were already ‘dead’, and have no Christian potential (Isaiah 49:4). FYI you keep trying to charge (sue) me because you are dumb enough to believe I don’t understand the law and Scriptures of my own faith (Romans 8:33), but it’s my foes who have been charged as GUILTY. So to anyone, all you can do is “borrow” what I allow to be borrowed i.e. downloaded [for personal learning use] (but I still own it all i.e. IP theft is still stealing [and against the law]). Therefore, to all that you ask/beg for [like being hired], the answer is NO! [For the delusional, a non-sensical question like "Can I not, not use your work?" is just plain stupid, especially when the person you are asking doesn't even respond to your delusions. More so, the "charge" is not literal, it is the act of accusing me of breaking the commandments, which I have not. The wicked only accuse me  because they try to justify their persecution against me (which is harming their neighbour) i.e. it's not my fault the wicked do not understand Christianity it's literally their own fault (Daniel 12:10, Isaiah 28, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). Overall, the proxy or spiritual title fulfillment of Matthew 5:38-42 means that Christians able to more forcefully exert their will against their enemies i.e. non-Christian people. So there is no need or point in tolerating or handling non-Christian people with “kid’s gloves”.]

NOTE (13th Devember 2021, updates 20th September 2022): The BCPC unit of The IPT/APT focuses on developing an understanding of correct or “upright” moral reasoning based on Biblical evidence, which then enables Instructors and Pastors to provide proper Christian teachings or lifestyle advice that does not lead to the condemnation of the soul for either party due to moral and/or logical (commonsense) errors in reasoning that makes the wicked actually believe they can justify the most grievous of sins AND still be forgiven – in these times the unrepentant are not forgiven and will be condemned to hell (this has been clearly and repeatedly stated since last year).


For further learning purposes this statement has been included: Obviously, lying about being affiliated with me or Independent Christian Counsel, receiving the Holy Spirit*, or claiming to have been trained or anointed by me is condemnable sin, and therefore not a “soft lie” – as the person would only do so to make money off ignorant students or pastorees, which means their sins include immoral lies; greed; mercilessness i.e. i.e. how their persecution, lies, fraud and IP theft affects me (they are basically the “dead flies”, which equals dead sinners (‘zombies’) that are messing up my work and effort to help save people i.e. making my perfume, which is equated to my legitimate Christian teachings, name and brands, stinky with their feral behaviour and actions that are done to try and make me look bad; hence Biblical evidence confirms that my foes are the true source of the stink and feral mess, and so, they are not allowed 'inside' (Psalm 18:42, Revelation 22:15) ~ Ecclesiastes 10:1) AND potentially (most likely) condemning their “customer’s” souls to hell with bad advice if they chose to accept obviously non-Christian teachings like sexual immorality (LGBTPB, intersex people have unique circumstances, so they aren't included until they receive proper Pastoral Care to check their mindset, but gender fluidity and whatever other letters have been added to LGBT are a firm no because they are all forms of homosexuality/lesbianism that people try and illogically justify), and the “deep things of Satan” (Proverbs 9:13-18)); pride (ego) i.e. wanting to feel and be important; and probably in many cases murder i.e. being complicit in trying to kill me and my family to try and “takeover” like my sister’s partner and his family, who are half English/Colombian, and 100% wicked OR the members of the Igbo Community of South Australia, which includes my actual cousin – but blood means nothing when someone is wicked… What do I need people like that in my life for?  The answer is that I do not, and the reason is because they bring nothing but trouble.

  • Only registration or the ‘Blessing of Righteousness’ can fix spiritual death (Psalm 87, Isaiah 26:19, 2 Esdras 2:16). Neither registration or the granting of the ‘Blessing of Righteousness’ will take place until “Kings” cooperate properly, which means the global regulation of Christianity according to my terms and conditions. Cooperation begins with fixing my personal circumstances, which are finances, employment, a change location (peace and more spiritual power, which is beneficial to Christian people), granting me worldly influence (President of The High Christian Council), and genuinely ceasing hostility (peace and progress) – if there is infighting and sabotage, it will not end well for “Kings”, their families or nations. I will not be registering any Australian people at this time or likely for a long time, and that is because their spiritual state is a reflection of their wickedness, and therefore it is simply divine retribution. So even if  I eventaully deal with all nations, it remains my sole choice as to how. Hence, English and Australian "Kings"  and "Princes" in particular should tread very carefully at this point in time.


Therefore, it should also be clear that frauds would not be able to explain anything beyond what I publicly publish, nor would they be able to elaborate on any of my work, and the reason is because (1) they do not understand (no developed comprehension of Christian concepts or ideas), and (2) my complete materials and educational resources are not in their possession, which is why Australian people of all varieties continually persecute me to this day (13th December 2021, now 20th September 2022) i.e. literally trying to take the kingdom by force in a way that makes no sense, as Jesus would still ban them from coming ‘inside’ His House… Hence, it should be understood that forsaking normal morals is ANTI-CHRISTIAN…. It is simple commonsense that persecuting people by any form of harassment, stalking, fraud, psychological abuse, torture and harm via spiritual warfare (witchcraft/juju or sorcery), is non-Christian, and they are simple actions that can be stopped immediately, so Australian people should not be surprised that literally most of their people are ‘lost’ (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). As repeatedly stated, I will not be granting the ‘Blessing of Righteousness’ to Australian people of any ethnicity, which I have repeatedly and openly stated multiple times (the delusion is strong in this area, but I pray the Lord, the Most High God breaks it…).  Therefore, I ask international bodies and leaders for help because Australia is no place for righteous and innocent people – and it has not been for years... Hence, my situation cannot be managed because I cannot attain "meaningful balance" in a place filled with evil and wicked people, and so the only solution is to leave, or rather be removed from my location. This would be the likely and eventual reality for other Christian people, and that is because a decaying society is a decaying society (spiritually, morally and psychologically), but the living should not perish or suffer with them, especially when they have something to offer or contribute to the benefit of another society and nation i.e. employment, renouncing Australian citizenship, and gaining new citizenship is a simple solution to my problem, and all Christian people’s problems, and that is because more meaningful change can begin to happen, which helps people gain more faith.

  • Extract from the ‘Services’ Page (and at the bottom of this page): Therefore, it must be understood that Independent Christian Counsel, which is owned and operated by me, Chinasom, is the only licensing agent of my materials and educational resources. No other licensing agents exist (past or present), and therefore anyone claiming affiliation with me or Independent Christian Counsel is a fraud.  As stated in the cookie pop-up text and site information page, any affiliates would be openly stated on my website, and a direct link to them would be provided (this obviously excludes links related to verifying my claim to my intellectual property rights).  Hence, if you cannot access a website through my site then it is not affiliated with me in any way shape or form, even if they say so (such people are obviously delusional because they have been ‘lost’, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).


  • *NOTE: Lying about receiving the Holy Spirit is counted as blasphemy, and is written down as an unforgiveable sin. This means that false workers who made this claim would have been ‘lost’  as the lying thought became words and were spoken (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). If delusional people believe themselves to be legitimate Christian Instructors or Pastors then they should have known better, and I shouldn’t have had to explain it…
    • Matthew 12:31-32: Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age, or in that which is to come.

      • NOTE 1: “Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven” refers to people that stop their sins and make better lifestyle choices i.e. repentance, and not people who keep sinning and blaspheming (Rule of Righteousness 7). Hence, salvation is for those who make the choice to do better in life i.e. committing to being a genuinely good person, which is beneficial to their own wellbeing, and that of other peoples.

      • NOTE 2: Lying about receiving the Holy Spirit is blasphemy because the guilty party is saying that the Lord the Most High God is a liar i.e. He saves unrepentant sinners who steal, are sexually immoral, racist (hatred), witches and murderers which is an abomination and disgrace to the Christian faith – which is why such people cannot enter, they have no issue with evil. Hence, such people lay permanently exiled from salvation (cannot receive the Holy Spirit), and are condemned to hell (Wisdom of Solomon 17:1-3). I would have to test if I could fix this spiritually fatal error, but it is highly likely given my position within the Body of Christ. However, it is only likely to be reserved for the clergy, and the reason is because blaspheme against the Holy Spirit would be understandable in their cirumstance (embarrassment and pride).  If those close to "Kings" have erred, then they must present the person's case for my consideration - yet I find it hard to justify.

Instructorship and Pastorship Training (Professional Development)

The Instructorship and Pastorship Training (IPT) Program is designed to provide a robust and developed foundation in Biblical Context for Personal Circumstance (BCPC) and Core Christian Background Knowledge (CCBK), while simultaneously walking those who undergo its training through a  formal and official process of repentance. As a form of professional development, the intended and best possible outcome of the IPT is receiving the Holy Spirit, and the anointing to teach and/or pastor other people within a legitimate church assembly, whether a church organisation or community organisation. Alternatively, the IPT can be used to train those who may have already received the Holy Spirit, given that they also have a suitable and required background in the Christian faith through formal education, experience and/or profession, such as church staff.  This is necessary because the IPT is designed to correct and build upon already established knowledge, and is therefore not suited to those with only newly established knowledge that may have been gained through The VMFCP (the main target audience for the IPT is not lay Christian people).


The IPT course features 2 units, which are organised into 10 sub-modules that are taught in the format of workshops. The IPT course is basically the same for Instructors and Pastors, but with streaming occurring for Instructors and Pastors in sub-modules 1.1, 1.2 and 2.7 (please inquire for further details). Alternatively, there is the option for dual specialisation, which is training in the area of both Instructorship and Pastorship. This confers the position of a Pastoral Instructor, and is therefore best suited to church leadership. Notably,  there is no other way to secure a legitimate authoritative position within the Body of Christ. For example, The VMFCP is for "general salvation" purposes only, which means that there is no teaching or pastoral anointing associated with it at all. Hence, The VMFCP confers no authority to those who use it, as only a Scribe (Chinasom), can determine positions of authority within the Body of Christ, and The IPT was created for this very purpose.  The option of selecting to undergo certain IPT units is possible for churches where already established management and organisational structures exist, and this is because an equivalent training program can be organised to suit a church’s needs. For example, an Instructor, Instructor or Pastor may further specialise in a specific Discipline  or Portfolio such as 'Cleansing', 'Pastoral Care', Health Management', 'Parenting - Appropriateness & Discipline' and 'Christian Education' (for Instructors and Instructor assistants), which is based on mandatory or optional TPRT that is suited to all levels of church staff, and is therefore undertaken based on specific cultural, sub-cultural and organisational needs. For the relevant parties, The IPT also includes  the consideration for the expansion of a Church assembly to host and organise once-off and ongoing social events, or hobby/skill workshops that cater to a range of interests for the purpose of promoting healthy socialisation and community support among Christian people.


The IPT workshops are suitable for groups of up to 8 people at a time within one church organisation or community, however, requests can be made for the individual training of a church leader on behalf of its assembly. The IPT must occur in-person for the purpose of confirming Christian prospect and suitability (the likelihood of success is high), as well as baptism (if not already self-baptised), official anointing and registration processes, more so, through in-person workshops the Body Of Christs leadership is able to be built up in trust, orderliness, strength, peace, professionalism and community. The full IPT can be completed in 4-5 weeks when undertaken as an intensive course, which is the perceivably recommended timeframe deemed suitable for developed learning, proper reflection and genuine change to occur. If someone has received the Holy Spirit (or already lives a Christian lifestyle) prior to undertaking the IPT, then the full IPT can be completed in 2-3 weeks, as the focus becomes learning only.


The small workshop size of the IPT permits a teacher-tutor style format of education, which enables each learner to be provided with a more personalised form of education because of the ability of the teacher to provide each learner with more direct attention. Hence, the IPT workshop format is based on the professional educational knowledge that smaller class sizes can help improve student educational outcomes, as well as their engagement in the learning process.  Therefore, because Instructors, Instructors, and Pastors are very important figures within the Body of Christ it means that their education must be of a high quality standard because it ensures that those who they Instruct or Pastor in the future are left in the care of good and well-educated hands. Once a baseline threshold of church leadership and staff has been saved, trained and observed to meet performance standards, the church assembly is able to train their own staff according to established and proper organisational protocol (optional licensed use of the IPT and TPRT).



Please send in an email inquiry if your Church or Christian Education Institution  is interested in the IPT/APT


If your inquiry or Christian Service Request does not fall neatly within the categories of: The Creation of Christian Teachings About Any Topic; The Creation of Culturally Sensitive Christian Doctrine; Training or Advice based on topics from ‘The VMFCP’ publications; and IPT (Professional Development), then you are able to inquire about specific projects that encompass Chinasom’s skills and expertise such as Christian teaching resources, relevant training and licensing (pre-designed by Chinasom, and the scripted Presentation Series, 'Complications'  & ' The Words of Wisdom Bakery' (The WOW Bakery) which is suitable for children, teenage or adult Christian education),  or other complex Christian matters  i.e. the removal and/or destruction of problematic idolatrous items or cleansing of locations or items. Please submit an inquiry or Christian Service Request form  for "Specific Project" if multiple services are required such as a complete church denomination reform.


NOTE: Independent Christian Counsel’s services are not for individual person(s). Hence, Independent Christian Counsel’s Services are primarily for Religious Organisations and Religious Communities, but other official organisations including government bodies or corporations may also inquire with Independent Christian Counsel, but its services are NOT "currently" available to English and Australian organisations or communities (the reasons why are made clear in Chinasom's Biblical Revelations articles). For any other inquiries please use the general contact form, which can be used to organise a video-conference with Chinasom before confirming further continuation with an inquiry or Christian Service request. .

All educational resources in any format are created under 'The Visionary Method For Christian Practice' & The VMFCP Press (phrase & logo), which are registered trademarks of the author, creator and owner of all the content, Chinasom Uzodimma Elekwachi.  Therefore, Independent Christian Counsel’s 'in-house' educational resources, which are developed by Chinasom Uzodimma Elekwachi, are strictly for licensed use by genuine and legitimate written contract only. This means that Independent Christian Counsel only functions as a licensing agent, but it does not own any 'The Visionary Method For Christian Practice' and The VMFCP Press® materials or educational resources, which are the personal property of Chinasom Uzodimma Elekwachi.


Therefore, it must be understood that Independent Christian Counsel, which is owned and operated by me, Chinasom, is the only licensing agent of my materials and educational resources. No other licensing agents exist (past or present), and therefore anyone claiming affiliation with me or Independent Christian Counsel is a fraud.  As stated in the cookie pop-up text and site information page, any affiliates would be openly stated on my website, and a direct link to them would be provided (this obviously excludes links related to verifying my claim to my intellectual property rights i.e. no affliation with IP Australia or the Australian Government).  Hence, if you cannot access a website through my site then it is not affiliated with me in any way shape or form, even if someone says so (such people are obviously delusional because they have been ‘lost’, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).